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Old 11-07-2010, 12:33 PM
wakatipu wakatipu is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

What a loooong, looong cock story. Cock and bull story la. And written over such a long period, almost like the long and stretch soap like "Love" that is still going on Sat and Sun evening.

Here is my proposal for the ending. Both the Indian guards got heart attack, one could not make it to the hospital, gone in the ambulance. The other ended up paralysed after a massive stroke. As for Alan, the ghost of the other bugger kept haunting him. And one evening, under heavy rain, his motorbike skidded and rammed into a lamp-post. He got both legs amputated. Well, sort of some kind of retribution with immediate effect.

As for Susan, she went the path of Annabel Chong aka Grace Quek, albeit less famous and less successful. Her husband divorced her, citing deep differences in compatibility.
Old 11-07-2010, 09:37 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Originally Posted by wakatipu View Post
What a loooong, looong cock story. Cock and bull story la. And written over such a long period, almost like the long and stretch soap like "Love" that is still going on Sat and Sun evening.

*grimaces - Final Fantasy is a Fantasy and it was meant to be Final. Its so Final that it's now in it's 13th iteration and there's no sign of stopping.

We can apply your *Cock and Bull* analogy to almost any other sci-fi franchise or more out of this world movie. When's the last time you bought a house in which letters arrived in the mailbox from the future etc? Ref - the Glass House. Hey, it made money and it was a good movie even so
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Old 12-07-2010, 01:56 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

It's great to have TS back!
Old 12-07-2010, 04:02 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Bro jcboy,

welcome back, we thot u had abandoned us or kena thrown into prison for letting your wife kena gangbang. Haha.........

We enjoy your story, please continue writing despite what others said, they not interested can don't come here and read!!! If they come here and read then say rubbish, they really are hypocrite!

Keep up the good work bro and don't some stop writing. And really WElCOME back thot we don't know what had happened to you unless of course you are willing to tell us.

Old 12-07-2010, 06:44 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

New job + new house...that should explain my absence. But will try to write more often now that things have settled down
Old 12-07-2010, 11:18 AM
cool.dan cool.dan is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

I just read from page 1 to latest post. Took me 2 solid hours. AWESOME story!!
Old 12-07-2010, 02:23 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Susan lay panting on her marital bed. She kept her legs open, feeling the copious amount of warm semen deposited into her warm pussy flowing down to her asshole, where it mingled with the semen flowing from her ass and dripped onto the bedsheets.

Her nipples were sore from the sucking and biting of the rough construction workers. Her thighs ached from being forced wide open so the men could have uninstructed access to her tender pussy. She was slick with sweat, both hers and that of the construction workers as they pressed their sweaty, dirty bodies against her soft body. The room was rank with the stench of sweat and semen, and the aftertaste of many men's semen lingered in her mouth. Susan had never felt so used and abused. 9 men at once! what would her family and friends think? But even in her shame, she still felt intensely horny, her pussy empty and aching to be filled by cock, and the filthier the cock and the more she was abused, the more aroused she was.
Old 12-07-2010, 03:15 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Susan's thoughts drifted to the day John informed her of his overseas trip and how she finally mustered up the courage to ask Ganesh for help in fulfilling her depraved fantasy. She was frightened, not knowing how Ganesh would react. Frightened and horny, actually. Her g-string was soaked through by the time she explained what she wanted to Ganesh. To her relief, Ganesh agreed readily. To her delight, she was punished by the 3 security guards afterward, who made her bend over and took turns spanking her before fucking her tight pussy and asshole repeatedly with their large cocks.

Ganesh had assured her that the selected men would go for a health check first, both for her sake and theirs. Susan had also, in order to make the robbery and 'rape' more realistic, tried to push all thoughts of the arrangement out of her mind. She had infactgone about her day as normal, except she was dressed in a sexy nightgown instead of her usual t shirt and shorts.
So successful was her self psychosis that she almost screamed when the foreign workers burst into her house. She was actually scared when the workers blindfolded her, fearing that something might go wrong. Only when she heard Ganesh telling the men to go ahead and felt their hands pawing at her and ripping off her clothes that her horniness took over and she allowed them to fuck her relentlessly.

Susan had already realized that, despite her willingness to be fucked roughly by the brutes, the sensation was enhanced when she felt she was beint forced into the situation, much like the first and second encounter. Hence, she always made it a point to psycho herself before each encounter and also to be very vocal about her 'unwillingness' during the fuck session. John's unexpected arrival only enhanced this current encounter. As the 3 guards approached Susan again with their erect cocks, susan looked at John and moaned 'i am so sorry Lao gong, they forced me to suck and fuck them all...I'm sorry I'm so horny...
Old 12-07-2010, 04:16 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Bro, welcome back! i see someone zap u? I'll up soon for your good work. keep it cumming. We want to hear more from susan
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Old 12-07-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

glad U back

sure enjoy yr story
Old 12-07-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

eagerly awaiting next episode
Old 12-07-2010, 10:58 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

What a fantasy!! Keep i going
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
what i like, may not be what u like
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Old 13-07-2010, 02:09 AM
fringe929 fringe929 is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

read everything from head to tail in one shot.. you sure are am a very good writer.. wondering how all these penned up frustrations are coming from
Old 13-07-2010, 05:07 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

miss your writing bro!!!
Old 13-07-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

bro finally u r bk! keep it up!
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