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Old 16-10-2011, 08:15 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

A practice which is perceived as unethical by the bar owners have become increasing popular among visitors. This is the practice of asking the BGs to come to the visitors hotel room after the BG finishes her shift thus depriving the bar of their share of the barfine. Many bars have started to implement a no handphones rule for the gals working in their bars...... meaning the gals will cop a fine or be dismissed if they are found carrying a handphone during working hours. They are also discouraged from exchanging numbers with the clientele. While efforts are currently directed at their own gals to discourage this practice, some owners have indicated they are for dishing out some "justice" to the johns who engage in this practice.

So bros who are in AC bear in mind you are there to enjoy, if you see someone you wanna take out, please pay the barfine. Do not for the sake of saving a few pesos get yourself or the gal into trouble.
Old 16-10-2011, 08:42 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
So bros who are in AC bear in mind you are there to enjoy, if you see someone you wanna take out, please pay the barfine. Do not for the sake of saving a few pesos get yourself or the gal into trouble.
This incident occurred when this guy went back to the bar to pick up a bargirl at closing time. He and his cousin Bennet had earlier visited the same bar, and while his cousin paid the barfine and they all left with his barfine, the deceased chose to return at closing time for his gal...... a decision which cost him his life.

Tourist Shot Dead In Angeles City

Street justice is a not uncommon occurrence in the Philippines. I hear most people promote it. Not just in the Philippines but in the states too. I don’t know how Filipino feel about it. My girlfriend has talked of street justice in a matter of fact way.

A few days ago, Jerry Melton who was 51 years old was shot dead in the early morning hours in Angeles City. It has left his family and friends seeking answers. I don’t know what happened but what I read in the paper, basically a drive by shooting, is the kind of thing that happens when families or gangs have a score to settle.

They will usually wear a helmet, there will usually be two of them on the bike and they will quickly vanish into the crowd. Its a highly effective way to strike and makes it hard to identify. Keep in mind there are more people on motor cycles than in cars.

I don’t know much about Angeles City. What I do know is that it is a place where expats go to party. The US Air Force had a base here but left in the early 90′s at the urging of the people of the Philippines.

It is a city of bars, disco’s an very pretty women. In some bars, girls working there are allowed to leave with the customers if they pay a fine to the bar. It is known as a “bar fine.”

Because of the nature of tourist business in Angeles City, I would suspect crime would be a higher than many places in the Philippines. Westerners can get themselves into trouble here because of the cultural changes. One good way to end up dead here is to not pay a bar fine, regardless of what the girl did when she left with a bar patron.

Another way to get into trouble here is to hit a woman. I must admit, I have less sympathy for men that do that and find themselves a part of vigilante justice.

Westerners are visitors in the Philippines and disrespecting a Filipino is grounds for deportation and blacklisted from ever entering the country again.

The killing of Mr. Melton does not sound like a robbery gone bad. It sound like he offended someone. I’ve read an article about how the family is hurting and is frustrated by the lack of information they are getting. My heart goes out to the family and I hope this article is helpful to them and not offensive.

The article is a warning. You are not in your home land, the culture is different. I don’t think it is right to judge it in a negative way. To judge, one needs to understand deeply. Filipino often become frustrated with the justice system here. There is a perception that if one has money, the accused can buy their way out of most situations. This may be a contributing factor to street justice.

Mr. Melton may not have offended anyone but he may have offended someone and never even knew it. It could be a misunderstanding and it could even be miss-identification.

This is the direction I would go if I were seeking answers on this situation. I would not rule out robbery but I’d say robbery is unlikely. I hope the family can find the answers they need. Mr. Melton reportedly had never been out of the state of Tennessee and was very excited about his trip here. Sadly the trip resulted in this tragic crime in Angeles City.

Joe Expat - journalist
Old 16-10-2011, 09:53 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Great piece of advice.

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
A practice which is perceived as unethical by the bar owners have become increasing popular among visitors. This is the practice of asking the BGs to come to the visitors hotel room after the BG finishes her shift thus depriving the bar of their share of the barfine. Many bars have started to implement a no handphones rule for the gals working in their bars...... meaning the gals will cop a fine or be dismissed if they are found carrying a handphone during working hours. They are also discouraged from exchanging numbers with the clientele. While efforts are currently directed at their own gals to discourage this practice, some owners have indicated they are for dishing out some "justice" to the johns who engage in this practice.

So bros who are in AC bear in mind you are there to enjoy, if you see someone you wanna take out, please pay the barfine. Do not for the sake of saving a few pesos get yourself or the gal into trouble
Old 16-10-2011, 09:59 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Real korean girls sir!

They were in a group of about 7.

Not sure wht they were doing.

Saw them walking past kokomos

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Korean girls as in pure Korean girls or girls trying to look like Korean to attracts the Korean. :P
Old 16-10-2011, 10:02 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

End of a long n tiring day.

Achy feet.

Sorry Ziebart could not join u on ur charity mission trip this afternoon.

BTW. Ziebart in the semi finals of the pool league.

Wish u well.

Taxi69, datou, ziebart n i did quite a bit of bar hopping
Old 16-10-2011, 11:03 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Yes Ziebart today is truly the know-all.

Just now he was buying bbq banana. The old lady quote 5p to ziebart to which he replied the price is actually 2p.

Later he introduced us to the Shanghai lumpia 8 for p20.

Piping hot!

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
1)Ziebart for AC today is what I use to be in the olden days when I was a younger man with only a part time job and a more free man and more visits to paradise. Now

Old 16-10-2011, 11:04 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Well any minimum require for the clothing ? Will try to take some shots to show you the condition before bringing them over. Else will be a waste effort and also to let you go up so happily then down after seeing them.
No need QC.If free, they already rushing for the gifts. Never a wasted effort. Reporting from OEW with their free wifi.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 16-10-2011, 11:13 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Yes Ziebart today is truly the know-all.

Just now he was buying bbq banana. The old lady quote 5p to ziebart to which he replied the price is actually 2p.

Later he introduced us to the Shanghai lumpia 8 for p20.

Piping hot!
We all enjoyed the seafood lumpia.... Thanks for the treat.

Btw, you don burst my head lah, always say things about me. You the man with the fastest hand in Nasty Duck, Her bra was down before I sat down.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 17-10-2011, 03:27 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Wah lau eh..... Got sea food ah!

Me allergic to seafood

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
We all enjoyed the seafood lumpia.... Thanks for the treat.

Btw, you don burst my head lah, always say things about me. You the man with the fastest hand in Nasty Duck, Her bra was down before I sat down.
Old 17-10-2011, 03:30 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Two hours ago there was a heavy downpour...

Just now the troika of datou, taxi69 n i completed our bondin session.

Thanks to taxi69 who go all the way at 130amplus to buy us aussie burgers
Old 17-10-2011, 05:40 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
Always best to clarify before taking them out....... it is not a standard 2 shots with every gal....... for some it is game over when you shoot but she will stay behind for the full 2 hours to tcss or massage you.

Dun become another Uncle Bill.

Yes, I like to reinforce this as I also stated in my previous post about Santos ST procedure. I said "most" (I believe its about 80% or so) but not all will usually give 2 rounds without a problem, so double the advice that it can't hurt to ask first.

And yes PT, I did manage to do it 3 times but only once within the allowed 3 hrs but it was "hard"--if you know what I mean Her BJ skills were so good that every time I thought it had died she somehow kept bringing it back to life. She knew exactly which part to flick her tongue at. Oh, gotta stop typing as it's getting "hard" again just thinking about her skills

Old 17-10-2011, 05:48 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Jobless at the moment or "USELESS".

But I have lived my life to the fullest with all my charity and a SYT lieing beside me now reading my posting this in bed. Waiting for me to put the laptop down.

Hey Ziebart,

U know that I also agree with all that U indeed one of AC finest.
Jobless??--no way as doing charity work is a job and a good and noble one.

Useless??--again no way as even I know that no SYT will ever lie next to a "useless" man and waiting for that man to put anything down to satisfy her.

Yes, U are indeed the man of the hour.

Ziebart street sounds good to me, much better than Kim Dong street.

Cheers and beers

Old 17-10-2011, 05:55 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Hey PT2, you like it or not you are the torch-bearer of AC.

It was you who introduced AC n its pleasures to us.

To me you are and will remain the sole TORCH BEARER of AC.

No one can match your expertise, experience and wisdom in cheonging AC.

As far as passing the baton is concerned, lets not do that. Cause we dun wanna offend anyone here.

Your still around. So you carry the baton/torch/flame of AC for as long as you can.

The day you really dun wanna do it anymore we will pass the baton/tradition to all the regular invaluable contributors.

You are NO1. There is never a NO2.

So true bro and well said.

The only thing I can say is perhaps the burden now is too great on an already great man. Like anything in life, it is so difficult to remain No 1, pressure is always greatest at the top but he has handled it well for over the longest time. I do agree with PT that it is good people like you who will carry on for us.
Don't forget to make sure the torch is not too heavy as I remember he has a bad back. Not sure if it was from his job or all the cheonging in AC


Old 17-10-2011, 10:08 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Thanks to Bros The Lord, Taxi69 n ZIEBART for bringing a firsttimer around AC.
They are just great people that r so warm n helpful.

Casa Del Roque is a nice hotel, quiet,clean spacious rm for 1300p w wifi, candrinks in fridge.
The cons is there is no safety box in rm but u can leave your valuables with the reception n you have to walk out from a dim lit alley ard 80m to the main rd.

Barhopping from Perimeter to Fields from 3pm till 9pm with ZIEBART staying for pool midway.
As I wanted to see more being first time there, really appreciate the patience of bros The Lord n Taxi69 of familarising me with the bars together with their gfs.

Finally EWR a 22yo from LaPasha named Joy a Runner for 1800p
No much GFE n a runner at midnight after a shot though agreed on LT till morning.
She was always smsing so i think she is meeting her boyfriend.
Think this is the downside of the EWR in AC n the girls r taking advantage to do a runner. And a complaint will end in deaf ears n maybe a free beer.

At least the sex was quite good. French, bbbbj, DATY finished in miss.
So you win some you lose some.
Luckily it was my first day n have 3 more nights to go.

Unable to sleep, wentover to The Lord's room together w Taxi69 and had a happy 2 hr chat plus supper, thks n no thks to Taxi69
Thks to him for going out at 2am to buy food for us n no thks to him as there goes my slimming plans.
But one thing for sure, he really can eat.

After filling up our stomach , we all went back our rms to rest.
Posting this in the morning.
Old 17-10-2011, 10:51 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

bro datou...finally u stayed at casa del roque...hehe. I think for the price that u paid is worth over there..clean and nice room. Glad that u enjoyed your first trip and hope is not the first and the last for u....hehe. Runners always everywhere even in batam and in thailand too..what to do, just proceed with the next better player ...hehe
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