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Old 19-09-2005, 11:27 AM
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Re: china gers looking for love

bro, this is a real life story...happen to one of my uncle...he go china & through relative, gotta know a MM...then after awhile get marriage in spore. a yr later, they have a baby & my aunty in law manage to get her PR...soon aftertat, she keep saying she want to bring the baby back to china, wan tthis, want uncle headache until no heart to work...have to even put the baby to another place so that this fukking mm wont just bring the baby back to china when my uncle go to work...then she started saying that no $$$ to spend so we arrange her to work with another relative, around $2000 per mth...she still complaint work very siong....then keep all her pay...somemore just take $$$ from my uncle to spend & pay bills...
im not trying to say that all MM are not good but even a MM that never come to singapore before can be so jialat already, what do you think of those who are over-sea dargon??? once the MM meet up & exchange idea...that the end of her innocence....they will become sukker....just want to suck us dry...believe or not is up to for me, i can fukk all the MM but if once they tell me all the stroy, be it real or not...i will still say bye bye with a wicked smile....i might be cool hearted in this way but that the best way to protect ourself from all those stories...if i want to help someone, want to do charity, i will go to those place to donate myself...atleast i can see on my own eyes...not just give them & transfer back to china & you never will know when your hard earn $$$ goes to....China sea is so deep, once inside, few can hardly survice...just be extra careful, bros....
Old 19-09-2005, 11:37 AM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
They are married in 1996, my cousin is smitted by her both of them have the same age and hobbies if I am not wrong. Just after marriage I think less than 6 months down the road she got her PR, then came the breaking news she has a kid 7 years old. Imagine the irony, kid 7 years old?????

Then 1 year 6 months later she requested all her family all to move into Singapore resulting in a SGD$100K settlement or bond for the family (yes paid for by my cousin). Luckily my cousin managed to strike big deals and sustain to all the demands, today the wife knows that there is nothing she can do liao so LL submit to my cousin completely...

I tell u the Hong Bao is so big it can cover all my Hong Bao (I mean $$ in the Hong Bao). The father is a business man worth over a few Billion (easily found in China), so you would have guess it super rich and not bad gal.

bro, sori but i dun get ur story leh...ur cousin married that PRC and found out later she got a 7 year kid...then paid for all her family to move into singapore?? including the 7 years old kid?? And that prc remained by ur cousin side??

Lastly, of course the rich prc is good lah...cos from rich family mah.
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Old 19-09-2005, 11:46 AM
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Re: china gers looking for love

no matter which country girl you talking about , where got all good and where got all bad one ?
Old 19-09-2005, 11:59 AM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Well, I guess we should never 一竹竿打翻全舟人, though I agreed that many unfortunate cases have happened in sg pertaining to marriage of local wif prc gals.

1 thing I observed during my stay in china in the 90s, dunno true or not, maybe bros here can comment. I observed that for those sg guys that stationed in china n married local gals there, it seems that most marriages worked out well as compared to those that staying in sg.

My idea is that, if they stay in china after their marriage, to the gals, notin much has changed except that she is married to a "capable husband" (as sg men in china sure earn much more than an average local guy), so she is contented n may in fact be proud to have such a husband who can provide her wif a better life than before. And sg men is still a "rare" species in china considering their large population, so, 物以稀为贵, n they usually will treasure the relationship. Of course, I do not rule out the fact that there r also true love in some cases.

As for those brought back to sg, there is a huge change in environment, new to them, n also many temptations ard, plus like 1 bro says, they may come across other prc glas here who may impart them the wrong ideas. Also, back in sg, her husband is juz another guy, notin special unless he is really 1 outstanding guy in terms of earning power, looks, characters, etc. So, the so called "magic" may diminished.

Then there is also 1 very important factor that another bro has brought up, that is, how u know the gal n what line she was in? For those stationed there, the gals r usually those 良家妇女, well, at least they got a decent job. So normally (not always), this sort of marriage work out ok esp. if they stay there after marriage as I mentioned.

Of course, if the gals has some history, or has been to sg before n engage in those lines like ktv, TN, etc, then it will be a different thing all together, cos they have been exposed n r seasoned KC trap setters.

In conclusion, marriage, be it wif prc or local, is still a gamble, u wanna play, prepared for the worst. But what bro can do, esp. if u intend to marry a prc gal is perhaps get to know her better 1st (for a period of time), n better still, if can find out sumthing abt her past, instead of juz marrying like that which may land u in a land of sorrow.

But of course, if u wanna marry, u always look at the bright side rite, hahahaha.
Old 19-09-2005, 12:14 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

PRC women = GOLD DIGGER. that's my final conclusion. if u hv deep pocket, why not? otherwise, play within ur own league. Dun dream special treatment from them once they got their PR status. look into mirror and check ur bank account regularly, ask urself a very simple question," do U hv big fat bank account n good look as Michael Douglas (who married Catherine Zeta Zone)?" if ur answer is NO, pls wake up n forget about PRC WOMEN.

i once hooked up with a PRC student. boy, my wallet kept burning and within 3 months, i dumped her. however, i did get her work OT every nite. did i say she has nice figure but dead fish?

the reality is always cruel. MONEY rule the world...!!! if u dun hv the MONEY, u should settle for less... GL is not a bad choice afterall

Old 19-09-2005, 12:17 PM
oakleyeug oakleyeug is offline
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by chickenzip
bro, sori but i dun get ur story leh...ur cousin married that PRC and found out later she got a 7 year kid...then paid for all her family to move into singapore?? including the 7 years old kid?? And that prc remained by ur cousin side??

The fact is my cousin is those very softhearted people., so she say he believe. Now no way is he doing that cause maybe god is on his side, he every monthly turnover sales from his company amounts to SGD$18K odd after everyting.

Why my cousin still refuse to divorce her is because after about 3 years then they got married and my cousin is that kind of guy that does not fall in love easily. Love is part of it and the rest is all faith.

That lady now is trying to keep him so that he will not run away, so imagine he calling the shots.

Old 19-09-2005, 12:35 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by tionggoklan

1 thing I observed during my stay in china in the 90s, dunno true or not, maybe bros here can comment. I observed that for those sg guys that stationed in china n married local gals there, it seems that most marriages worked out well as compared to those that staying in sg.
I think it is quite true provided you have chose the correct kind of women, if you are looking at KTV gals, massage palour and pro then maybe it is time to wake up and think properly. There are alot of MNC in China and many of the ladies I know in there make more than a normal guy in Singapore (SGD$2k to SGD$3k), so what makes you think that they will want the riches you offer (there are a few guys I know that is posted to China for a sum of SGD$1.4K to SGD$2.5K before CPF)?

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
My idea is that, if they stay in china after their marriage, to the gals, notin much has changed except that she is married to a "capable husband" (as sg men in china sure earn much more than an average local guy), so she is contented n may in fact be proud to have such a husband who can provide her wif a better life than before. And sg men is still a "rare" species in china considering their large population, so, 物以稀为贵, n they usually will treasure the relationship. Of course, I do not rule out the fact that there r also true love in some cases.
We are the least population in the world but our ecomy is strong that is y a lot of people have heard about us. The part about SG guys making a lot is true, I can survive on a SGD$500 every month if I control myself well (usually I spent on games, branded and outing to internal China). I tell myself that with my current pay I am more fortunate than 3 billion local China men and women.

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
Then there is also 1 very important factor that another bro has brought up, that is, how u know the gal n what line she was in? For those stationed there, the gals r usually those 良家妇女, well, at least they got a decent job. So normally (not always), this sort of marriage work out ok esp. if they stay there after marriage as I mentioned.
My boss have married a KTV hostess (Taiwanese), I tell you that is like hell man. The lady is DAMN CHIO and I really mean it, she now is in full control of my present company from home. My boss is like yucks man eat binlang and have a big stomach but the lady is damn CHIO... So imagine why she is doin it for? Most gals will want to bring out their family or ?? to work in their so call factory so she done a good job in doing it.

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
In conclusion, marriage, be it wif prc or local, is still a gamble, u wanna play, prepared for the worst. But what bro can do, esp. if u intend to marry a prc gal is perhaps get to know her better 1st (for a period of time), n better still, if can find out sumthing abt her past, instead of juz marrying like that which may land u in a land of sorrow.
Could not agree with you more, so do not judge people for who they are by the out look, you never know who u r dealing with. I went to the car exhibit in Shenzhen (China) yesterday, I saw a guy wearing a plain T-shirt, bermudes, and nothing to shout abt, he entered Porsche and told that guy I want the SUV and need 2 to be delievered to ...... (I behind him) but as I was dressed very well they let me in cause I might be one of the prospects. Never look d0own on these people...

Just my views hope that it helps to clear any doubts that anyone have
Old 19-09-2005, 01:00 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by jng1103
PRC women = GOLD DIGGER. that's my final conclusion.
Not all PRC women = gold digger. But most r gold digger esp WL/FL. There tend to be some good PRC ger. This I have to admit, cos I have a few good PRC friends in China. 1 even help me look after my apartment.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 19-09-2005, 01:01 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by lustyboi23
hj from her as a friend in my car in a deserted place. so dun man hehe.
Free HJ as a friend? This is something new.........
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Old 19-09-2005, 01:11 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug

Could not agree with you more, so do not judge people for who they are by the out look, you never know who u r dealing with.

Talk abt this, in SG my friend wanted to buy a car, at first he very keen in buying a merc so we went to C&C, Performance Motor and Lexus to view the car. We were wearing t-shirt, sandals n bermudas.

Viewing the merc, no sales person approached us although no customer. Pissed off we head to lexus

Viewing the Lexus, the salesman was very helpful, although my friend buying, he asked me to test drive too n offer us drinks n other stuff.

Viewing the BMW, the saleslady was so 'good', that she offered me to test drive, 318, 320, 520 although I not buying.....

End of the day, my friend bought the 320 on the spot.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 19-09-2005, 01:25 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

This is wat happen if u r good and attendtive, too many towkays I met is wearing this kind of outfit.

I met a lady in China before dressing is ok ok, carry nothing to shout abt. Once she asked me to view a apt togather with her cause she wanna buy it for her son who is getting married, she get her chauffer to drive a MPV and we arrived at Shenzhen most expensive estate (easily worth SGD$1.2 mil). No one give a shit abt her then came the bomb she is so freaking angry she took out her bag and inside is a cool 15 bundle of 100s (Now I know why she ask me along), then the service came.

Last time in SG I also encountered a sweeper (HDB sweeper), she came to work then have tea with a bunch of aunties in the void deck. Being the lazy me I always report to work as and when I woke up (that time I IT admin and biggest so noone can say me), I greeted her and also sat down with them to have tea. I realized the kueh all these was good stuff (Bengawa Solo), later I offered to drive her home but she decline. I walked to gather with her to the carpark and beep beep I realized she is driving a cool SLK 500 (very rare car) . I asked her why she working as a sweeper when she can afford to have such a good car??? Her reply is classical, " I only want to find someone to talk to her husband is working in Mac as a cook those ah pek kind, son is a Queen's consulator lawyer, daugther is a doctor in the US. So never look down on people.

Old 19-09-2005, 03:51 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by naemlo
Not all PRC women = gold digger. But most r gold digger esp WL/FL. There tend to be some good PRC ger. This I have to admit, cos I have a few good PRC friends in China. 1 even help me look after my apartment.
she look after ur apt and u look after her ?

just kidding hor...
Old 19-09-2005, 04:32 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

after dat disection of body case, still not scared of china women.. dun get it.
those liew yin jus want money. after they get wat they want, u r jus a piece of crap.
Old 19-09-2005, 04:53 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by jng1103
she look after ur apt and u look after her ?

just kidding hor...

Nope I can't take care of her cos her bf a Korean n a millionairs in term USD.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 19-09-2005, 05:26 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

There are alot of MNC in China and many of the ladies I know in there make more than a normal guy in Singapore (SGD$2k to SGD$3k), so what makes you think that they will want the riches you offer
Yup, I know the pay of prc local r catching up fast, esp. for those working wif foreign MNC, and have relatively good command of English.

(there are a few guys I know that is posted to China for a sum of SGD$1.4K to SGD$2.5K before CPF)?
Hmmmm...........this is sumthing new to me. During my time, those posted there r usually of more senior positions, hence salary much higher. Damn, in fact, among those I knew that time, I was the lowest paid cause my company was super cat. So now means even jnuior management positions r taken by expats? But I tot the trend is towards more localization for foreign corporations in china?
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