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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-01-2004, 12:16 AM
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Originally posted by lament
U-Turn but the drinks there quite over the hill and not much left overs..... the raid and new year took its toll on the viet populations and mind you bros, ur postings is not going to change anything .........

do u know how many av, immigration and police cheong pubs every other nite to do field research. If u were trapped in a joint during a raid, u will know. Like I said, gals once told me that the fellow who caught her go there once a while to drink too.

so u never know which idiot goes there and drink.......

if this goes on, guess the forum will just have to shut down.....
Agreed that our posting did not have much affect on the number of raids but.................... do bear in mind.......... if the FR is too "delicious", I am sure that "they" will activate men to investigate.............
Old 21-01-2004, 08:10 PM
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all thanks to these f***ing raids, i lost my foc chais...real f***up xia....girls keep calling mi from vietnam and kept crying saying they miss mi....sigh...anyway how many of u bros hav regulars in jazzy51 kanna caught? care to share all the sad stories? lastly how many of u actually fell in love wif them and actually tot of marrying them?
Old 21-01-2004, 08:45 PM
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Originally posted by Mutu
all thanks to these f***ing raids, i lost my foc chais...real f***up xia....girls keep calling mi from vietnam and kept crying saying they miss mi....sigh...anyway how many of u bros hav regulars in jazzy51 kanna caught? care to share all the sad stories? lastly how many of u actually fell in love wif them and actually tot of marrying them?
............. me will never ............. dun know how about the rest........
Old 21-01-2004, 09:28 PM
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Originally posted by Mutu
all thanks to these f***ing raids, i lost my foc chais...real f***up xia....girls keep calling mi from vietnam and kept crying saying they miss mi....sigh...anyway how many of u bros hav regulars in jazzy51 kanna caught? care to share all the sad stories? lastly how many of u actually fell in love wif them and actually tot of marrying them?
hhmmm... i dun think i am going to marry any sex workers whom i bonked at GL, HC, KTV, etc. Fall in love? Puppy love?
Old 21-01-2004, 09:41 PM
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Originally posted by schwing
hhmmm... i dun think i am going to marry any sex workers whom i bonked at GL, HC, KTV, etc. Fall in love? Puppy love?
.................. maybe................. fate will prove everything........
Old 21-01-2004, 10:33 PM
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yah ya never can come anywhere any time
Old 22-01-2004, 02:28 PM
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OBSESSION at Joo Chiat

ANy nice happenings there? Feel like popping in but not sure of place.
Old 23-01-2004, 01:27 AM
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Re: OBSESSION at Joo Chiat

Originally posted by Lifeguard
ANy nice happenings there? Feel like popping in but not sure of place.
Jus pop in a take a look............. no harm lah.........
Old 23-01-2004, 11:20 AM
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So any brudders wanna update us on JC ?
Old 23-01-2004, 11:27 AM
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Originally posted by blurfonz
So any brudders wanna update us on JC ?
There will always have "chai" even with the constant raid......... do give the place a visit...........
Old 23-01-2004, 01:00 PM
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Feeling bored on cny eve, when down to uturn w friend @ 11.30pm. Only 2-3 gals there, until @ 1.15am than a few more gals came but still guys more than gals, ratio @ 5:1 maybe 6:1 So sian. Even the place close at 4.00am, so what! limited stock and the demand exceed supply
Old 23-01-2004, 01:48 PM
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Yeah ! I am going down tonite

Any interested parties? Me will be in yellow shirt with black pants. FRirst at bar to survey the place.
Old 24-01-2004, 12:32 AM
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Re: Yeah ! I am going down tonite

Originally posted by Lifeguard
Any interested parties? Me will be in yellow shirt with black pants. FRirst at bar to survey the place.
Yo... so how is the FIELD REPORT??hehe.. me too thinking of drop by tonight at lagoon but due to many guest in my house till quite late, bo bian got to give it a miss...
Gstringgal Aka GS
Detour @ SG Viets Outpost

Previous Journey:
~ Tây Ninh 西宁省
~ Ho Chi Minh City 胡志明市
~ Đồng Tháp 同塔省 - Cao Lanh 高岭市
~ Tiền Giang 前江省 - Mỹ Tho 美湫市, Cai Lậy 該禮市社, Cái Bè 丐𦨭縣

Future Dream Journey ...
~ Mũi Né (美奈)
Old 27-01-2004, 02:32 PM
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gstringgal is a name known to allgstringgal is a name known to allgstringgal is a name known to allgstringgal is a name known to allgstringgal is a name known to allgstringgal is a name known to all
Yo... was there on sunday nite till abt 10pm, nothing much still , like ghost town around b. star & lagoon. Me end up went Baby Dolls for drinks rather than stay over there.
Gstringgal Aka GS
Detour @ SG Viets Outpost

Previous Journey:
~ Tây Ninh 西宁省
~ Ho Chi Minh City 胡志明市
~ Đồng Tháp 同塔省 - Cao Lanh 高岭市
~ Tiền Giang 前江省 - Mỹ Tho 美湫市, Cai Lậy 該禮市社, Cái Bè 丐𦨭縣

Future Dream Journey ...
~ Mũi Né (美奈)
Old 28-01-2004, 05:26 PM
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Was at B. Star on Monday night till 8.30pm because the gals start leaving for JC, only about 10 gals. SO SIAN
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