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Old 11-05-2014, 11:44 AM
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Re: I saw something in her whom I've not seen for the longest time in GL ...

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
I saw something in her whom I've not seen for the longest time in GL Commercial Sex Scene ...

WL Name - Money (Christened by OKT Pete to remind her to make more $$$ during her stint in GL)
Origin - Hunan, PRC
Age - 23 years young (She looks younger than her age)
Height - 1.57m (without heels)
Home Base - Club 5 (L18H05)
Misc Info - Debuted on Dec 2013

Looks - 8.0/10

She is gorgeous and definitely belong to the sweet kawaii category. She looks like a Japanese lass to me ... She has big sparkling double eyelid eyes with
Is Money the girl who was some rich guy mistress before caught by wife?
Old 11-05-2014, 12:57 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
There are a lot of clones around, but STPBOC is NOT one of them. Reason is because I have been receiving PM from him etc and we talk about anything under the sky; just like I have talked to Googlibong and Maxpriest.

Now, my own two cents worth, which isn't worth very much now that inflation is super high, I don't think Maxpriest and Slyer are clones of each other. Googlibong, I think you have a problem with Maxpriest because you think he is promoting WLs. But having said that if it is in his own capacity, then what does it hurt you? Just asking. Anyway, I will be quite honest, Maxpriest did write an FR about my ex darling a long time ago and he knows who it is etc. Without his FR, I would have never known my ex Darling. It did not end well, but at least he did "intro" to a sense. So seriously, what skin is off your back Googlibong? Just curious. I used to be like you championing every WL's cause but what do the WLs even remember? Bros here should work together, though that will never happen because we are damn selfish. Having said that, have you noticed WLs gang up against guys, while we poor guys have to take it sitting down?

Peace out.
Thanks again for clarifying the above ...

No point wasting your precious time explaining to this bragger + bull-shitter whom I consider a hopeless case ... I have observed him since day one when he tried in vain to flame me for accusing me of posting fake FRs ... To my amusement, instead of me being zapped, he was being zapped big time for his nonsensical action and trolls ... I am glad that all discerning samsters have eyes to see for themselves what kinda samster he is, and are rational ... To put it bluntly, he should go and consult an Image Consultant , speech therapist, and/or sign up for a grooming lesson on how to look & sound good infront of the WLs so that he could get similar if not better services than me ... If you are his "real online" bud, you should give him this advice and ask him to stop wasting time harbouring jealousy and sinister thoughts ... Not very healthy ...

He is one of those who tried in vain to assasinate my online persona - Max Priest ... It ain't easy because many snr samsters who know me well since the Delfi days and had tested my recommendations know very well that I am not bull-shitting ... For instance, one samster recently said he has had a lacklustre bonk with Lina @ 1431 but does he (Bong) aware that there are many punters out there have had a good time with Lina? I've penned exceptionally good FRs each on Yin Duo Duo, Mina, ViVi and Ferrari, etc. whom most punters also received fabulous services. I believe he is blinded by his desperate motive in seeking vengeance and to assasinate my online persona ... Very sinister indeed ... Fortunately, so far not successful at all.

Oh well, I wonder why I should entertain this troll for the past few days ... Sheer waste of my time ... Thats not me actually ... My primary objective here is to share and exchange intel with bone fide samsters and with my exclusive PM buds ...

Last but not least, thanks a heap to the Mod for his tedious hard work in cleaning up this piece of scum (i.e. Googlibong220) ...

There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:

Last edited by max_priest; 11-05-2014 at 01:26 PM.
Old 11-05-2014, 05:53 PM
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Re: I saw something in her whom I've not seen for the longest time in GL ...

Originally Posted by SunZhi View Post
Is Money the girl who was some rich guy mistress before caught by wife?
Money was what the rich man used to pay off his wife when he was caught in bed by his wife.
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Old 11-05-2014, 06:00 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
Well bro nato, u & me r definitely not clones of each other even if our tastes sometimes overlap, u may b quite sure stpboc isn't a clone of the fake fr writer but i & other bros r pretty sure he is, out of respect for yr opinion on this matter, i'll bk off this clone.
On an unrelated matter, i sincerely appreciate yr conscious effort to keep the peace with bro bg. Tho he has rubbed u & others wrong as arrogant, he is a genuine samster who has contributed significantly in real info, whose major flaw like u & me is we're too dam horny

Well, have a gd week ahead my friend, i've had a great week at work, then bonking a gem almost everyday & helping a troll to publicly humiliate himself roflmao!
STB is definitely not a clone. He was pretty much a noob previously but has turned into a charmer recently from what I gather PMing him etc. If you look back he was a walking disaster previously when it came to asking WLs out; but he has reported back that he is doing now ok. And that I will say two thumbs up to our noob brother STBPOC.

Anyway, with regards to BG, I won't say about him, even though like you said he rubs people the wrong way. He said he would not post here online etc, but I have left it as it is, when he has posts. As long as he doesn't step on my tail, I definitely won't go out of my way to make a fuss.
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Old 11-05-2014, 06:18 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
I was 1st irritated by the fake fr writer many yrs ago cos his frs just stank. C'mon, he must b blind & getting the physical descriptions wrong! I & many misled, disenchanted ex-samsters pointed this out & got gang zapped for exposing the honest truth which everyone now knows. No gd deed goes unpunished irl, nor on sbf apparently. Many wls & okts from different houses tell me the fake fr writer gets pd for his online promotions, whether in special svcs by the wls or in $ by the okts, so as to get a temporary increase in biz from special svc seekers. A frail, lonely old man with ed who really ought to practise what he preaches & get a life outside gl, the big time bull shitter brags of being the "famous internet writer" whose full-time occupation is managing an army of more than 10 confirmed & who knows how many unknown clones to support the promotion efforts, u'll b surprised to know. I'm not the only one to notice the similar language, the tone, the choice of the same peculiar words & unique phrases, but really, the dead giveaway is the dark, sinister character of the clone master. It is that huge online ego caused by a terrible inferiority complex coming from "the lowest levels of society" in his apt self-description that has helped to so spectacularly & successfully destroyed his online rep. Without his suicidal co-operation, there wouldn't b a week's worth of evidence on several hi profile threads of the stupid fella exposing himself, which is so freaking hilarious to the wider gl community. The clone master in his tgl persona has started so many clone wars which annoyed so many ppl into telling him to leave sbf but the trigger was when he attempted recently in vain to decrease gl biz with his false std rumours, specifically ap jia mei 2047, which was so shameful. U or i can suggest a list of perceived total pkg gems with different looks/gfe/svc to each other, we may not like some of them, heck we may not even like most of them, but surely, we will like at least 1 of them. We don't need a twisted & deranged mind for this. Most sbf conversation is now the schizophrenic clone master talking to himself, which is tragic. Why do u think the forum is so quiet? Genuine samsters get zapped by the clone master & find most ibfo fake, right when ex fl seekers r entering the legal gl arena as they don't trust online revuews anymore, hence the disparity btween the virtual & real gl scene.
I am not really convinced really about Max Priest being TGL. Like I said, I have a bone to pick with TGL! And seriously a lot of samsters know I have a bone to pick with TGL. Max Priest does occasionally PM me, though not as often as some others. Max Priest in my HUMBLE opinion seems ok. Like I said, I have seen some of his FRs and it is my own opinion that they seem to be ok.

Let me point out a few FRs that are quite accurate. Let's take a look at a few old APs. Eg. Retired Selina, Retired Happy, Retired Linda etc. The descriptions were quite accurate for sure. But again, how Max Priest views a gal may not be how you view a gal. That is now become a taste issue.

Now, if it is a taste issue, then I think there is nothing much to really argue about. I highly doubt that it is a taste issue, but somehow, WLs are saying that a certain person is Max Priest and sometimes we just go off on the deep end and try to verify it. Now, here is my question if you don't mind me asking. Is it possible that there are samsters going around impersonating him and saying he is Max Priest when he really is NOT? And could that be the crux of the matter?

Just my own two cents worth. Where is BRO Omnia and Joker! They would be better at explaining this.
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Old 12-05-2014, 05:39 PM
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Unhappy Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

NATO boy, you mentioned my name?

I am busy fighting batman lately lah.
Not much time for SBF.

Will try to post when I have more time.

is omnia also missing?
Old 13-05-2014, 04:16 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
NATO boy, you mentioned my name?

I am busy fighting batman lately lah.
Not much time for SBF.

Will try to post when I have more time.

is omnia also missing?
Yep, omnia gone MIA. Military MPs looking for Omnia for going MIA. Just kidding. I miss his FRs.

Anyway, you need to come back and sort out issues for SBF.
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Old 13-05-2014, 04:17 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
Well bro nato, didn't u notice clone master ranting & raving in the unmistakable maniacal voice of tgl recently like many others have? Be careful my friend, the real dark & sinister one has the nasty habit of trying to identify samsters irl thru pms by clones seeking personal info. I sicerely appreciate yr gd sense of humour + bros joker & unfit, i hope yr real-life identify doesn't get compromised by such scum. Tbh, i guess my main beef is actually with the narcissistic lunatic tgl persona the schizo main nick hid behind pretending to b a gd guy, while "warning" & "advising" others.

I'm prob lying lo to avoid getting gang-zapped, maybe i'll pop up if i c egregious injustice in an obvious clone acct of my own acquired from an ex-samster i met irl, prob not, posting here has been time-consuming enuf! Surprisingly so far, i've actually been upped by seniors who know i speak the truth but don't dare say so themselves. Evil is when gd men do nothing. We're not gd men by going gl, but i don't think we're bad men either. The legal gl branch has become swamped by fake frs from clones due to a certain someone, i believe u suspect that too, but r choosing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Take care my friend, u can still reach me by pm
I very politically neutral especially in SBF. Hahaha. Due to our training from the current G. Oh well.
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Old 13-05-2014, 04:30 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
STB is definitely not a clone. He was pretty much a noob previously but has turned into a charmer recently from what I gather PMing him etc. If you look back he was a walking disaster previously when it came to asking WLs out; but he has reported back that he is doing now ok. And that I will say two thumbs up to our noob brother STBPOC.

Anyway, with regards to BG, I won't say about him, even though like you said he rubs people the wrong way. He said he would not post here online etc, but I have left it as it is, when he has posts. As long as he doesn't step on my tail, I definitely won't go out of my way to make a fuss.
That's my thought too..Stpboc not clone...
Old 13-05-2014, 08:57 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
That's the sad thing about sbf now isn't it, u think hi probability someone's a clone, but can't b 100% sure! Eh bro saab, dun worry about me rtfing yr darling, i don't have a darling per se in sing right now, but i have a lotta regulars i like. Bro nato, otoh, i have no idea who yr darling, so if i try her, dam paiseh ah, not intentional is a free market not communist there is nothing to worry about..

my take is to treat every session as the last you never know when your fav/regular would be gone..i learnt this from one fella samster too..
Old 13-05-2014, 09:43 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
That's the sad thing about sbf now isn't it, u think hi probability someone's a clone, but can't b 100% sure! Eh bro saab, dun worry about me rtfing yr darling, i don't have a darling per se in sing right now, but i have a lotta regulars i like. Bro nato, otoh, i have no idea who yr darling, so if i try her, dam paiseh ah, not intentional
Nothing to be paiseh about. My ex darling if I had any choose the route herself. I just open minded to accept that she did not meet me before she choose the route lor. What to do.

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Old 13-05-2014, 09:44 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by saabking View Post is a free market not communist there is nothing to worry about..

my take is to treat every session as the last you never know when your fav/regular would be gone..i learnt this from one fella samster too..
Want to say you learned it from me say lor. Don't need to be shy lor.
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Old 13-05-2014, 09:51 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
Better this way, won't feel so sad if darling go home & carry on sex trade, like my exes did
Hahaha. Most of darlings did not lei. At least that is what I know lor. But then again what do I know.
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Old 13-05-2014, 10:38 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
Rtf zy today, noticed yr darling went out fishing, careful ah bro saab, these gals r professionals, oh unless u were the one she went shopping with of course!
yes she went out..not really shopping lar..more sightseeing..
Old 13-05-2014, 10:53 PM
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Re: Most Beautiful & Prettiest PRC Gals

Originally Posted by saabking View Post
yes she went out..not really shopping lar..more sightseeing..
Must be with you lor. Compliments of Saabking right?
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