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Old 06-09-2016, 11:03 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Old 06-09-2016, 01:17 PM
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Cool Re: My adventure in the office

Getting more intersting
Old 06-09-2016, 03:14 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Still waiting for updates.
Old 06-09-2016, 03:36 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Waiting too
Old 06-09-2016, 04:19 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

James : What ! but…. But…

Mr Liew : No buts…. No one asked her to sell us out… it’s her choice…. After she gets the blame, give her to Terry… sort the rest out on your own…. Ok. I got to go…

Mr Liew : James… one more thing… for M resort it’s an extension of the current one.… the meeting will be in Bali.

James : That is not a big job….. why did you take it… I think it’s not worth the man hours ….given the small contract sum it’s only a minor extension.

Mr Liew : Sometimes you don’t take projects for the money James…. you do it because of who the client is. …. Alright I really got to go… speak soon..

I got back into the office and my head was still trying to wrap around everything that had happened.

This is not good.


Kate : James .. where did you go ??

James : ermmm… I went out to make a call why ?

Kate : Come here quick…

I went over to Kate’s desk and she told me she just had a meeting with Terry.

Kate : What is this issue about Sandy joining our team at the end of the month ?

James : What ? Terry told you that ?

Kate nodded.

Kate : He told me she would be helping us with the bid with some of the jobs but by the end of the month, she would formerly cross over to our side.

James : I…. I’m not sure… I don’t know…

Kate looked a little suspicious but did not press me further.

What the fuck was Terry thinking telling Kate about this ?

I left office and made my way over to Sandy’s place.

There was this sick feeling of a lump in my throat as I walked towards her unit.

I hated that feeling.

I don’t know what I always get into that mood when I walk down that concrete path. In a mix of anger and frustration, I knocked on the door.

Sandy opened it in a black tube that exposed her waist and she wore a pair of grey cotton shorts that rode a little too high, exposing the base of the butt cheeks.

She smiled and opened the door for me, hugging onto me the moment I stepped in.

Sandy : Don’t be angry la…. I only want to help you…. It’s not exactly nice to be working for Terry I know…. And…. You have to report to that stupid fresh grad…. I’m only trying to make your life better… ok ??

Sandy kissed me, pressing her breast against my body.

She cooed and pleaded for me not to be angry with her before leading me by my hand to the table.

We had some take away sushi for dinner and some sake.


I took a shower and came out only in my towels. I could see Sandy had already lit the candles in her room, switched on the aircon and dimmed the lights.

It was clear she wanted to have sex and we did.

After both of us came, I forced myself to calm down and talk to her.

I explained patiently that she does not need to come over to my team and that I’m capable of handling Terry.

It did not take long for it to escalate to a minor tiff.

Sandy accused me of wanting to spend time alone with Kate.

Sandy : I know, she’s younger prettier…. That’s the main reason.

No matter what I say, she could not listen.

I left her place at 11.30pm without saying goodbye.

18th May 2012



The shit hit the roof that Friday morning and it all started at the pantry.

There was some loud commotion and I saw Hejun gesturing excitedly to his buddy Xiaoqiang to head over and check it out. I decided to follow them and even before getting close, I could hear Sandy screaming away.

I have been paying particular notice to Xiaoqiang lately, he smokes heavily and is only of this particular brand.

Double Happiness.

If you’ve been to the mainland, you would know this is a pretty common brand.

I knew he was smoking duty unpaid cigarettes because I’ve seen it lying on his desk a couple of times. He’s a pretty heavy smoker and I would see him disappear for 20 minutes at a time for his puff.

Not only did he take long smoke breaks, I know he has a stash of duty unpaid cigarettes in his drawer too. Not a long, probably 5-6 packets.

Now he pretty much kept to himself, mingling only with Hejun and aside from his stench of stale smoke on his unwashed clothes, he never really stepped on my toes.

I fell in step behind them and when the pantry came into view, I immediately ran over when I saw Sandy and Kate speaking loudly to each other.

Kate : What is your problem ?!!!?? it’s a spill…. You caused it…. Just clean it up … big deal is it ???

Sandy : Mind your own business la… the pantry auntie will clean it…

Kate : It’s not a big deal I know but what is so hard to clean up the coffee ??

Sandy : Who do you think you are ?? har?? Are you the pantry manager??? Is it ? Because base on your experience I think that is the only post you are suitable for.

I could see Belinda trying to separate them as Kate clenched her fist. I could see her grit her teeth.

I could almost feel she was about to bend down and reach for her high heels to clobber Sandy when I finally stepped in between the group.

James : Come on… knock it off…

Kate : Get out of my way James… she is being unreasonable…

Sandy pointed her finger at Kate and shouted at her.

Sandy : Watch what you’re saying !! what unreasonable… who are you to tell me I’m unreasonable. !!

The commotion got so bad that I could see Mr Liew throwing down the file he was reading and stepping out of his office.

James : Ok.. ok… enough… knock it off..

Sandy : Tell her !!... not me…. Tell your boss to go manage the pantry if she got so much to say about a coffee spill…

Kate : It’s basic courtesy, you spill it on the counter and the floor…..admit it… it’s just you and your attitude problem…

That was when the vulgarities started to fly.

Sandy : Fuck you !... go back to school la… you don’t even know what’s happening in this office.

Everyone gathered around started asking the girls to knock if off.

Belinda tried to pull Kate away while Alex and Uncle Tong started dragging Sandy, pulling them apart and increasing the distant between their bodies in case the situation goes further south.
Old 06-09-2016, 04:20 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

And right when I saw Mr Liew a few metres away shaking his head as he closed in on the gathering group, Kate blurted out something that made the whole office go silent.

Kate : Yah… you know everything… you know everything that’s going on in this office…. Including how much your boss is quoting for each project right !! so much so you are willing to share with the whole world..

The moment that came out, I turned and look at Kate who got a shock herself. It was clear she immediately regretted what she said.

Kate : I’m…. I’m sorry… i…

That apology did nothing, only to aggravate the matter further.

Sandy turned and glared at me, as if I was the one who told Kate about the information.

My eye caught Mr Liew’s eyes and I fucking swore he was smiling.

He was fucking laughing with his eyes if you know what I meant.

Walking right into the middle, with a low loud voice, he first dispersed the crowd.

Mr Liew : Everyone….Get back to your seat now !...

As the crowd started to clear, he pointed a finger towards Sandy and Kate.

Mr Liew : Sandy…. What did she mean by that ??

Sandy : I…. Mr Liew…. i… i….

He turned to Kate who looked a little flustered and lost and she started shaking her head.

Kate : I… sorry… I meant…

Mr Liew shouted at Sandy at the top of his voice, it was so loud that even I jumped and I mentally noted to tell him to tone down on his theatrics.

Mr Liew : How could you !!! what the fuck were you thinking Sandy ?? !!

I could see the shout really shook both the girls and Kate looked like she was about to cry.

Kate : I’m sorry… I .. I meant…

Mr Liew continued to rain his words down on Sandy.

Mr Liew : Have I been ill treating you !!!! …. Why are you helping them !!!! Is this fair to your team ??

Mr Liew pointed to Uncle Tong and Hakim who was staring in shock as the story unfolded.

Alex asked Sandy if it was true.

Alex : Is that true Sandy ??? You…. Are helping Terry ?

To add fuel to the raging fire, Terry pushed his way into the fold out of nowhere.

Terry : What is this !!..

Mr Liew took the chance to wack Terry .

Mr Liew : If you have what it takes… get your own projects… don’t get your girl to secretly spy for you !!... useless piece of shit.

Terry :What did you say ??? Who told you I was spying on you ??

Without breaking his momentum, Mr Liew pointed to Kate and shouted at her, asking her to repeat what she said.

Mr Liew : Say it… say it again… what did you say earlier.

Kate looked so lost and apologetic that she was speechless and Mr Liew finished it for her.

Mr Liew : go ahead, say it… you told the whole office Sandy gave your team the price quote right ??

Kate could only look down onto the floor as Terry glared at her.

Mr Liew : Terry,,, have you no shame ?? look at your fucking team… aside from James… the rest are pretty much a joke… you’re bleeding so much of your father’s money every month…he knew it and thank god he had the brains to split the company into 2.

Terry : What did you say ?? What the fuck did you just say ?? I am the director of this company !! including yours !...i could fucking.!!

Before he could finish Mr Liew laughed and taunted him further.

Mr Liew : You could what ? har ? fire me ?? har ?? hahhaa… How much is your overheads a month ?? har !

He pointed to Sharon who was busy gossiping in the background and he asked Sharon to tell the whole office how much is Terry’s office ‘billing’ his team each month just to cover his overheads.

He even did a imaginary inverted comma with his fingers in front of everyone.

Mr Liew : You’re a disgrace Terry… just leave and go enjoy your daddy’s money la…. Don’t come and disturb the office..

Mr Liew started shaking his head and the spoke in his normal voice to Sandy .

Mr Liew : Pack your things and leave… you’re fired ..

Sandy : No please.. i…

Kate looked up and she was shock, waving her hands as if she was about to explain but Terry was not about to back off as well.

Terry : I’ll hire you Sandy … come over… don’t work for people who treat you this way..

And within that same breath, Terry shouted at Kate, asking her to get lost.

I could see Kate was about to cry as she shook her head at Terry trying to explain.

Terry : Get the fuck out of my office…

Kate : Terry please… i..

James : Terry… it’s not her fault… it’s

Terry : Shut the fuck up James… if you want to leave just leave… no one will stop you.

James : Well fuck you too… I quit.

Kate immediately cut in and stopped me.

Kate : No. no no…. it’s ok… James.. I’ll leave …. I’ll leave….

She frowned at me as if trying to tell me I’m out of my mind for leaving.

Terry : Sandy, come over… don’t bother about them… Pack your things James… I had enough of your shit…. Just get out of my sight..

Kate raised her voice suddenly and took everyone by surprise.

Kate : James had nothing to do with this, leave him alone. !... I’ll leave right now… !!

I saw Mr Liew raised an eyebrow and looked at Kate who stormed off into the other wing.

Sandy glared at me, obviously angry that I was not siding with her and that I had threatened to quit together with Kate.

Mr Liew could sense that things were not exactly going to plan and I could see him thinking.

Mr Liew : You sure you want James to leave….? Hahah…. Good… then your team will be worse than shit.. haha…

Terry : I can hire anytime… don’t make James sound as if he is indispensable…. Take him back if you want… he’s like a dog… you know… dog ?? hahah… being kicked around …

Mr Liew kept quiet and just stared at Terry but I knew his mind was working as fast as it could while the analysed the whole situation. He needed me on his side to keep an eye on things from the inside. This wasn’t exactly turning out the way we want it to be.

Terry continued his taunts.

Terry : don’t make it sound as if your team is very good, all just a bunch of fucking rejects…

And after he was done, Terry turned and shouted for me to get lost.

Terry :Fuck off the office la James… no one wants you… go sleep on the road like a dog can ? hhaa…

Right at this moment, I saw Kate coming out of the office with a small recycle tote bag around her shoulder, she was not here long so there isn’t much to pack.

She looked really sad and I could see her trying hard not to cry.
Old 06-09-2016, 04:22 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Belinda went over and I could see them talking.

Suddenly Mr Liew made a comment that caught everyone by surprise again.

Mr Liew : Kate… come here….

He pointed to Sandy’s seat and asked Kate to take over Sandy’s role.

I looked at Mr Liew, half expecting him to hire me too but he did not.

He must have some other plans for me.

Terry :See… haha… what did I say…. Rejects….. collecting rejects… haha…

Mr Liew did not react to that taunt and just smiled.

Belinda spoke to Kate as if asking her to quickly accept the offer.

Terry : Awww James… so sad…. Nobody wants you…. Pack up and fuck off please… hahaha….

Right before Mr Liew turn away he replied to Terry’s taunt.

Mr Liew : I hire people who are not afraid to speak up….unlike you…

He turned away with a smirk before looking at Kate.

Mr Liew : So young lady …. Yes …. Or no…

I could see Belinda tugging Kate’s arm as she considered the offer.

Mr Liew : Your terms of employment remain unchanged… pay included.

Kate looked at me and I smiled at her, nodding my head as well, asking her to take it.

Sandy caught that smile and she stormed off while Terry went after her.

Mr Liew : Don’t waste time Kate… show me you are more decisive than this….

Kate took a deep breath, left Belinda’s side and came over to mine.

James : Hey… hey.. hey… what are….

Before I could finish, Kate pulled me towards Mr Liew and added as if it was a scene out of young and dangerous.

She pointed to her chest with her thumb and counter offered Mr Liew.

Kate : He’s with me….. you hire me… you hire us both….. take it or leave it…

I turned and look at Kate in shock as Mr Liew raised his eyebrow at Kate again.

James : Ermm… Kate… no need… I’m…

Kate hit me on my arm and asked me to keep quiet.

Kate : Don’t waste time Mr Liew… show me you are more decisive than this….

Mr Liew laughed, in a rare display of his amusement as he nodded his head.

Kate : So is that a yes ??

Mr Liew pointed to me and said he fired me before I was not performing.

Kate : well I’ve worked with James for a while and I simply cannot understand how you came to that conclusion…

She maintained a straight face as she looked at Mr Liew.

Mr Liew nodded and pointed at me, saying I have 3 months to prove my worth or I’m out.

Kate : One more thing…

Mr Liew : What now ??

Kate looked a little unsure, and you could tell she was pushing her luck. She must not have any experience negotiating for a deal before.

Kate : Erm… James… James… pay….will be… will be 2k…. 2k per month.

My jaws dropped and so did Mr Liew.

He sighed and waved Kate off.

Mr Liew : Whatever rocks your boat…

As he walked off, I could see Kate beaming brightly at me as she punched the air happily.

I was simply blown away by this girl.

Kate : 400 increment leh… treat me ah… haha…

I nodded, absolutely speechless.


It was drizzling that Friday evening.

I got down to the lobby and I saw Belinda waiting for the rain to get lighter.

I have a small umbrella and it was a good opportunity.

Right at the moment I removed it from my cover, I felt 2 hands on my shoulder.

Kate : Yoz!!

Kate saw the rain and pouted but it disappeared the moment she saw my umbrella.

She gestured for it while looking towards the sky.

James : It’s mine…

Kate : Come on… I got you a job and a increment…. Just an umbrella only what…

I grumbled and handed it over, a little unhappy that my walk in the rain with Belinda could not happen.

Kate opened the umbrella, put her arm around Belinda before turning to me.

Kate : Dinner ? James will treat.

Belinda smiled and nodded her head.

The girls laughed and stepped out after saying to meet at the same restaurant we went to.

I was about to run after them when I saw Mr Liew come out of the lift.

James : Why did you hire Kate ?

Mr Liew : Because she likes you James…

I laughed.

James : Don’t bullshit haha… she doesn’t …

Mr Liew : Just look at the way she look at you…. It’s so obvious….Only you can’t see it.. and I was still wondering why did Sandy betray us…. It was because she’s jealous of Kate…. Women… they can sense a threat…

Mr Liew : She treats you pretty well right ? haha

As I digested what Mr Liew said, images of Kate came flashing into my head, the things she did, the stuff she said.

James : That can’t be the only reason you hired her…

Mr Liew : Something big is happening James….and I need people like Kate…. Initially I thought Sandy would be perfect but well, Kate would do just fine.

James : What do you mean ?

Mr Liew : I needed someone who would do anything for you James…

James : I don’t like the sound of that… what are you talking about. ?

Mr Liew : Back in March…. Omar told me he wanted Sandy….

James : What ?? What do you mean ??

Mr Liew : You know perfectly what I mean James…

James : No… no …NO!... I’m not doing it… NO… no way…. !

Mr Liew : Don’t worry. Kate would do just fine..

He tapped me on my shoulder twice and opened his umbrella and walked out.

Old 06-09-2016, 04:34 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Very nice updates!!
Old 06-09-2016, 05:13 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Wah getting exciting that I have to come out of the shadow. 赞👍
Old 06-09-2016, 05:34 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Wa liew..... Mr liew is like a pimp. James is 姑爷仔。 lol
Old 06-09-2016, 07:31 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by skl8188 View Post
Wa liew..... Mr liew is like a pimp. James is 姑爷仔。 lol
I second that. But I like. The story is just crazy. Thanks bro ilock ^^
Old 06-09-2016, 07:34 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Bravo as usual splendid twist n turn..
Old 06-09-2016, 07:36 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
Belinda went over and I could see them talking.


He tapped me on my shoulder twice and opened his umbrella and walked out.

Put the productions of Channel 5, Channel 8, Suria and Vasantham together also not as entertaining as these 3 updates.
Old 06-09-2016, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by burzum View Post
Put the productions of Channel 5, Channel 8, Suria and Vasantham together also not as entertaining as these 3 updates.

Yes.without any doubts about it.
Old 06-09-2016, 09:22 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by burzum View Post
Put the productions of Channel 5, Channel 8, Suria and Vasantham together also not as entertaining as these 3 updates.
Their top priority is profit, not to entertain
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