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JB Delights - Great Action just across the Causeway [NEW] For those who don't like to do it in their own backyard but still want to be close to home.

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Old 25-03-2006, 05:16 PM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by CibLover
Bro sjb1994,

Great to hear of that!! Any genuine cheongster is always welcomed by the KL bros. Our SSH will attest that we welcome genuine bros here with open arms. KL bros are a bunch of funny, fun-loving characters. Lots of laughter during our frequent TCSS. Just PM us whenever you're in town.
Bro SJB1994,

TCSS with them ok. Go KTV enjoy NLs also ok. Cheonging definitely a-okay.

Just dun go paintball session with them (KL Bros). I just heard they still empty their bullets on you even though you "surrender"... LOL

And boy, they dun play with the standard 50 bullets wor. They buy bullets by cartons!!! Dangerous and crazee ppl... But FUN to be with.
Old 26-03-2006, 01:32 PM
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Re: JB Samsters' Gathering on Friday 24.3.06 @ 7.00 p.m. at Season's Cafe

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69
The 10 of us were waiting for you until 9.00 p.m. Since there was no sign of you and you didn't bother to call us to tell us that you will be late, we proceeded to another 3 places to cheong
Bro KTLover69, thanks for orgainising the JB gathering. It is really nice to cheong in JB after missing from the scene for so long. I am sure the attendance and turn up rate will increase if 2nd round cheong session is arranged after the gathering. I bet most are actually looking forward for the cheong than the meal. It also helps to build the bonding among the active bro

The first joint is really happening for a pub setting, the place got crowded by 9.30pm with customers started to flow in. I guess they must have more to offer than going under the table to tease you. A good choice for budget cheong if one dont mind Filipina and NL.

Too bad, you did not found anyone right on the 2nd joints. The service standard during bonking has improved much, or probably I was lucky. Choices of ladies are still limited, even they have arranged more ladies for us that night. Too bad that their biggest room is demolished, so the max they could handle is only about 8~10 guys.

THe 3rd around is not bad too, the girls are really getting younger. I almost got shocked when I saw the first one, wondering if she have all hair growed or not. Few others are also equally as young. Most of them speak Mandarin from Thai border with Myanmar. They still need to stock up more ladies. are still Their ground floor has just renovated and looks the most posh among all LSB with 41" Flat TV in our medium room. But their price got ridiculous for a LSB, the price is close to a KTV now. See the breakdown below.

Room Charge - RM68
Beer - RM68/jug X 2 = RM136
Fruits - RM20X4 = RM80 (after rejected 4 jellies and 2 nuts)
Nuts - RM10X2 = RM20
Service Charge = 10% > RM30
Tax = 5% > RM15
Ah Jieh Tips - RM20 (about 7 of them)
Total Bill = RM350+RM20

I would suggest not too be too revealing on these places yet, as the wind is still blowing and probably continue for another month before the dust settling down. Lots of preparation behind the scene is underway to reinstall its glory, JB night entertainment has been down for too long.

I should be back again on Sun night, still has one unhit target that got her too late when the group about leaving. She really looks yummy and delicious.
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Old 26-03-2006, 06:58 PM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

good man..should not reveal too much here...
looking forward for the next gathering to join...
Old 26-03-2006, 10:49 PM
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JB Samsters' Gathering on Friday 24.3.06 @ 7.00 p.m. at Season's Cafe

Originally Posted by halexbonk
good man..should not reveal too much here...
looking forward for the next gathering to join...
Hope to see you there !

Originally Posted by Tenrang

Just received a PM from Bro KENMACHINE. Brother, if you are reading this message, please come and join us this Friday and you will know where the place is. We are all meeting this Friday.

Read previous post and you will find out.

No sign of Bro KENMACHINE at the Gathering

Originally Posted by kenjiro199x
Hi fellow JB Cheongster,
As a new bird, can i join for this coming round of JB 'cheong' gathering
Originally Posted by benny88
where are u all going to gathering
tell me
please add me too......
Originally Posted by jetli188
Will joint the gathering this time , hope to meet up with you all on 24th.

Johor Jaya got plenty of good food
Bro kenjiro199x, Bro benny88 & Bro jetli188,

What happened to you ? Didn't see you at the Gathering

Bros KENMACHINE, kenjiro199x, benny88 & jetli188 are what we call " NATO " people.

NATO = No Action Talk Only
Old 27-03-2006, 01:56 AM
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Re: JB Samsters' Gathering on Friday 24.3.06 @ 7.00 p.m. at Season's Cafe

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Bros KENMACHINE, kenjiro199x, benny88 & jetli188 are what we call " NATO " people.

Bro KL69,Managed to be at season at 9.20pm as mentioned earliear,thousand apology .........We have not met up before therefore does have yr contact to inform you that I'm late.BTW I've PM u my contact .
Old 27-03-2006, 06:23 AM
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JB Samsters' Gathering on Friday 24.3.06 @ 7.00 p.m. at Season's Cafe

Originally Posted by jetli188
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Bros KENMACHINE, kenjiro199x, benny88 & jetli188 are what we call " NATO " people.

Bro KL69,Managed to be at season at 9.20pm as mentioned earliear,thousand apology .........We have not met up before therefore does have yr contact to inform you that I'm late.BTW I've PM u my contact .
Bro jetli188,

I have received your PM. Maybe we can meet one day for lunch/dinner or drink 'Kopi O'

Are you based in JB ?
Old 27-03-2006, 07:30 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by sjb1994
Hi, nice meeting you all. 6" boy, Katoeylover69, Thai Prince, MrDevil,
Shiok1968, jbguy and 3 more bros. Not as big group as KL and S'pore TCSS, but still an enjoyable outing. Cheers!!!
Nice meeting you too bro. As well as the rest of the JB bros.
Old 27-03-2006, 07:32 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by sjb1994
Bro CibLover, your SSH is a steady cheongster man. From the action he perform, got change must meet up you guys in KL.
Hey hey, my face all red already. However, as regards to going to KL and meet the rest of my bros there, all I can say is that you will never regret.
Old 27-03-2006, 07:43 AM
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Re: JB Samsters' Gathering on Friday 24.3.06 @ 7.00 p.m. at Season's Cafe

Originally Posted by MrDevil
.I would suggest not too be too revealing on these places yet, as the wind is still blowing and probably continue for another month before the dust settling down. Lots of preparation behind the scene is underway to reinstall its glory, JB night entertainment has been down for too long.
It was a pleasure meeting you again bro.First time cheong with you and your kakis.(KL not counted bcos I thought that you guys were abit too quiet). However this place is really your homeground. Really eye-opener. Sorry could not join you guys for the 3rd place but like they all say, there is always a next time. I have your contacts and you have mine. Just give me a ring or sms anytime.
Old 27-03-2006, 10:34 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Dear All JB Samster,
I am sorry for not able to attend the gathering due heavy work load now in S'pore. Next time kopi on me if we able to gather for next round.
Very Sorry ........
Rule1. My comment is my own judgment, you still need to verify your self.
Rule2. If you feel happy after reading, please up my point.
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"Q" as below
Old 27-03-2006, 11:36 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Alamak, Bro MrDevil already wrote a very well report, then I got nothing much to write anymore. Thank you Bro MrDevil.

Wah you all got cheong 2 more LSB. Really cheong like there is no tomorrow.

Better don't reveal too much in our FR because it is for you to find out yourself what we did on the gathering. When we say it, we do it.

It was a wonderful gathering and if you are new in this paradise, I would suggest that you join us next time because this is one of the way to share the cost among each other in term on drink, room charge and tips to OKT and mummy.

Here is the list of attendance that night :-

1. KTL69
2. MrDevil
3. Shiok1968 (guess of honour from KL)
4. JBguy
5. Thai prince
6. Zhivago
7. BigBoss
8. sjb1994
9. Nitekid
10. 6" boy

Next month we cheing again!!!

I will up all bro point who turn out that night. Those who I already upped before, sorry, no more power to up you anymore.
Old 27-03-2006, 12:59 PM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by 6" boy
Next month we cheing again!!!

I will up all bro point who turn out that night. Those who I already upped before, sorry, no more power to up you anymore.
Thanks for the points bro.I think I have up you before but not sure. Anyway you are on my list. As for the gathering next month, if I can make it, confirm will join you guys.
Old 27-03-2006, 01:35 PM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by 6" boy
Next month we cheing again!!!
So, now 27 March, another 5 days more is April, quickly put the date and place. I haven't examine why your nick 6".......
@#$%$#@ SJB1994 NOT MY VEHICLE NUMBER @#$%$#@
Life must have fun, so always take things easy.
Old 27-03-2006, 02:20 PM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

I am going on this coming SAT 1st of April ... I know it is april fool dayz, but I am not putting any prank here. So, anyone wishes to meet up on this coming SAT ?

pm me if you're interested ... I will be going around afternoon time ... venue is yet to be comfirmed ... I prefer to go to the private house for some massage and some fire mission ... but I have no clue yet on how to go there ... so anyone who wishes to tag along or do the lead, please pm me.

Cheers ...

Alvin ... horny chipmund ..
Old 27-03-2006, 03:27 PM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by shiok1968
Thanks for the points bro.I think I have up you before but not sure. Anyway you are on my list. As for the gathering next month, if I can make it, confirm will join you guys.
Bro Shiok you are welcome. You upped my point before already.

As to other brothers, please be patient, 1 day onli can up 1 people lah.

The next gathering date will be confirmed in due course.
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