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Old 28-11-2009, 08:18 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by wanatry19 View Post
usually like Angel 26 massage palour we take lotion massage already included full service le. How come ppl are saying we need to pay 1.5k for FJ?
Dont understand.
Not sure about other bros. But generally the prices are 400, 600, 800 for 1hr, 1.5hr, 2hrs. On top of that you have to pay 1000 for HJ, 1500 for FJ. You have a choice of oil or lotion I believe.

When you are there act like you have been there before, there is a salon on the right which you can ignore, on the left is like 3 chairs in a U shape, and in front is the desk. There is usual a yellow sheet with the prices on it, except for the "specials", and a book with the pictures for everyone.

If you want they can also let you look at the girls at the right of the counter. I think there is also a website for angel 26 you can go to check out the girls, but a few of them aren't there anymore
Old 28-11-2009, 11:32 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by wanatry19 View Post
hi fellow bros! confused about something just wish to clarify.
usually like Angel 26 massage palour we take lotion massage already included full service le. How come ppl are saying we need to pay 1.5k for FJ?

Dont understand.
Cos they ask you to pay the FJ money in advance together with the massage. Just think about it... where to get a massage that cost 1k+ in BKK? Normal rate only a couple of roi bht. So, by default, if it goes up above neng pang, then shd be all inclusive.
Old 15-12-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

I've been to Angels twice, once in 2008 and once last month and i must say that eversince they've gained popularity, their style of business has changed as well...

As mentioned by other brothers, rates for MP are HJ: THB500, BJ: THB1000 and FS:THB1500 ....and in Angel, the type of service you want can be negotiated with the gal in the room after your massage.

The mamasan will usually psycho u to take the THB400 oil massage which comes with a room with shower.... the room i had in 2008 was only a ti-lum kinda mattress which i dun like coz can't generate much force on the floor (no推动力) but now they got bed n frame, so abit better...

and dun be too appalled by the 'must' to take the oil massage together with the FS coz their business model is very 挂羊头卖狗肉 (dun noe how to explain in English)... so LL muz do the massage...

ok here comes the FR on my latest trip to Angel...
since i've been to BKK numerous times for shopping trips, i'm more accustomeed to taking train to safe money n time....took the skytrain and stopped at Phrom Phen BTS and headed to the side of Emporium and walked agaisnt the traffic flow... Soi 26 is easily missed and looks sleazy from one look. and Angel 26 is located all the way to the end...

once inside, you will and should be greeted 2 x Mamasan (1 is lao chio and 1 is fat but super attitude kind)... the photo album will be presented to you but since the sperm-dometer is buidling up, you wun be able to concentrate on fliipping through the album. So we asked to see them face to face. Then the mamasan will shout 'Masok Baris' in Thai or somethin to that effect and all the girls will yang tinggi ka-kannan and sit in the round sofa.. hahhaha... all of them will look at you and give u a seudctive smile so much so that i started to blush and my spermdometer already max.... being the boobs kinda guy, i chose this sweet looking but deep cleavage gal and she was quite surprised by my decision to choose her.. but anyhow, i paid in full (400 + 1500) and we went up to the 2nd floor...(ok, Angel has adopted a policy that the default service you want is FS.. but i guess u can nego with them if you wan somethng simpler).. i will touch on the benefits on paying in full later...

so up we went to the room.. gal left me in the room while she go and draw from arms squad the blank attachment and other accessories like tissue n lotion... the wait in the room was wat excited me the most as it was simply excruciating... heart beat until dunno like how.. keep pacing up n down in the room... stare at mirror n comb hair... rinse mouth... then knock knock... i sibei excited.. open door only see the cleaner aunite pass me towels.... haha.. soon the gal came back and both of us stripped and we took a long shower together... her boobs though saggy, are one of the nicer ones that i've held... the gal's only 22! but the soft tits really felt damn nice on my hands... after we cleaned up, i lied on the bed and we talked cock while she massage me... i tried to speak to her in watever thai i noe and it seemed to work... she was impress and then i decide to give her a massage instead... she was surprised but welcomed it... i found out that they have to hit an average of 4 customers in order to go home early and to make the job seem less mundane, massaging for her will be something new to them... .. then she took the CD, put in her mouth and used both mouth n tongue to help me puton the CD and bj at the same time... woooo shiok!... up down up down.. slurp slurp slurp... i buay tahan and slam her on the bed and start missionary... sucked the soft sagging tits at the same time!.... after that, changed to doggy and then with lying her flat on the bed, i pushed samore though trying hard to maintain my breathing... but now i think she squeezed too tight... my 2ic reluctantly gave the command to fire... haiz... 15min plus plus of action... n i sibei low...

Gave her a reluctanly look and tried my luck n asked if i can continue 2nd round.. she just said with a reluctant voice..."sir, another 1500 baht"... i was like 'mmmmmm... dun wan la... please?..' sai-nai sai-nai abit... then she helped me hj while i sucked her tits! FREE!!! hahahah.. the rapport builing in the first half was useful after all! woo hoo! exploded all over her body on the second time.. we cleaned up n had a shower together... talk cock samore then we went down where she gave me a cup of tea... did the wai (palm to palm) to thank me n she left to take another customer.. hahaha...

(oh.. the paying in full ensures that the gal knows that you wan a FS and she will be more willing to shower with you, b4 n after... i think this is impt to make ur $$$ worthwile...)

Damage: 1900 + 200 Tip
FJ: 6/10 quite accomodating but my 2ic never listen to instructions
BJ: 8/10 they make it look like they were born to do it
Massage: 5/10 hahaha so so only but not bad la
RTF: Yes, to the place... but diff gal.. i may wan to try Eden!!!! the 3some experience...
Old 15-12-2009, 03:07 PM
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Talking Re: Massage parlours in Bkk


Thanks for the report. Next time go to Tulip Massage for oil massage that's out of this world! Even though majority of the girls are not that good looking, their services are excellent (5 stars)! If you're into large firm natual breasts go to CCK Massage at Rachada!

2 more days!
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Old 15-12-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by norice View Post

Thanks for the report. Next time go to Tulip Massage for oil massage that's out of this world! Even though majority of the girls are not that good looking, their services are excellent (5 stars)! If you're into large firm natual breasts go to CCK Massage at Rachada!

2 more days!
Hi Norice,

It's good to hear from you again. Do remember to update us the latest development of the MPs you intend to visit for your coming trip. Cheers & have fun.
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Old 16-12-2009, 01:23 PM
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Sure, I'll provide insightful information regarding all the soapys and oil massage places! See you next year, I will be leaving for Bangkok, tomorrow!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Samsters!
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Old 16-12-2009, 01:39 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

hey norice,

thanks for the advice.. will try out tulip massage when i'm there in early jan...

enjoy yourself!!!!!
Old 17-12-2009, 08:22 PM
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Talking Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Currently, I'm at China Airline' Business Lounge in Taipei Airport drinking green tea! Getting ready to workout at the California WOW, daily spa treatment at Tharn Thong and visiting soapys, oil massage places and gogo bars in Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza.

Knowntender, a girl named Fai with a large firm natural tits wants to meet with you and give you a 2 hours of one of a kind erotic massage with happy ending!

Leave a message at Palazzo Hote, most likely I will be changing my cell number!

See you folks in Bangkok!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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BOYCOTT Arab owned bars in Soi Cowboy!
Old 18-12-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Bro Norice,
I'm sitting at a coffeeshop in Singapore drinking warm beer trying to catch the news on TV above the din How long u staying or this is a one way ticket?
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Old 18-12-2009, 01:32 AM
knowntender knowntender is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by norice View Post
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Currently, I'm at China Airline' Business Lounge in Taipei Airport drinking green tea! Getting ready to workout at the California WOW, daily spa treatment at Tharn Thong and visiting soapys, oil massage places and gogo bars in Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza.

Knowntender, a girl named Fai with a large firm natural tits wants to meet with you and give you a 2 hours of one of a kind erotic massage with happy ending!

Norice, it sounds like you were off to a good start of your vacation.

I shall head to Shanghai to sample a slightly different style of massage with PRC ladies before I can catch up with you somewhere in Rachada.

Old 18-12-2009, 01:34 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
Bro Norice,
I'm sitting at a coffeeshop in Singapore drinking warm beer trying to catch the news on TV above the din How long u staying or this is a one way ticket?

Bro, will you going to be in BKK at year end ?
Old 18-12-2009, 08:25 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by norice View Post
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Currently, I'm at China Airline' Business Lounge in Taipei Airport drinking green tea! Getting ready to workout at the California WOW, daily spa treatment at Tharn Thong and visiting soapys, oil massage places and gogo bars in Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Notice alots of wonderful pace in
California ,really wants to open my eyes to USA ,will be there on FEB ...
how about the chinatown between BKK ?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Old 18-12-2009, 06:46 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by khoon1 View Post
Notice alots of wonderful pace in
California ,really wants to open my eyes to USA ,will be there on FEB ...
how about the chinatown between BKK ?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Wow now you going to USA ??? Maybe you should start a thread on it. By the way can I come along ?
Redlord=khoon1=paraparasakura=generalsegal= rocketscientist=MarkNgSiongBoon anymore ???

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Old 19-12-2009, 01:28 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
.....I'm sitting at a coffeeshop in Singapore drinking warm beer trying to catch the news on TV above the din
so lonely... can I join you...........
Old 19-12-2009, 01:47 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by knowntender View Post
Bro, will you going to be in BKK at year end ?
Be there early next year
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