Agreed, LA i like the chicken chop and the shark fin soup. One 6, i like the lok lok style with the shark fin soup and the Penang prawn noodle.
Btw, upped you +162
Thx bro. Will up you back. Oh, LA got chicken chop? I thought their menu directly copied from One6.
Originally Posted by MichaelWongYW
Nana was still all my all time Aman favourite but Ellen was not far behind. Love her bee-stung lips and hour-glass figure. Yea, me too wondering there has this Mr Oppa gone? Anyone of you guys seen him in Aman lately?? Lol...
I missed Nana too... Heard that she is doing some e-commerce biz in CM don't think she will be back anytime soon.
Originally Posted by norigo77
LA spa looks like a good place to explore. Good. Think I should venture beyond NZ and Aman. I know One6 is the previous M spa but LA is a new spa? Mr Oppa? Probably baoed Nana back in Chiang Mai? Hahaha. Btw, 29 is back today. Her pink hair gone liao. So many girls now the sofa can hardly accommodate everyone.
Yea, 29 looks slightly more matured now after changing her hair colour for the umpteeth time. Haha. You should go try LA and One6, bro. Food confirm better than NZ or aman.
Originally Posted by MichaelWongYW
No shit. I hope Ellen is safe and well in Dubai. If AY is still in touch with her, please convey my well wishes.
When these girls first arrived, they were poor and malnourished. After they have arrived, they are well fed and leading a sedentary lifestyle most of the time if they are not engaged with customers. How not to get fat and grow horizontally?? Lol! I also see so many 水鱼 sponsoring their favourite girls boobs/nose/chin jobs + iPhones/LV bags/gold rings etc. Even the milfy 泰国老师 and 越南老师 have their loyal customers who patronize them 3 to 4 times per week! Lol
Cat has joined a stable while Cammy is still MIA. Eva is good friends with Mymy since their One6 days. I believe she must be the one who "betrayed" my presence at LA to you when I went to RTF Mymy?? Your spy network in JB is extensive. I scared. Lol!
Hahaha. So true, bro. In fact it is the same with other spas and joints too. Sinkie cheongsters are rich (but not me!) and 水鱼 are everywhere waiting to save their favourite damsel in distress.
Yes, Cat has joined 花满楼 which is a surprise for me as I thought she is quite ang pai in LA.
LA spa is brand new and under same boss as One 6, just opened on last year's Presidential Election Day. Tarma69 was there to cut ribbon. Lol.
No wonder Nana has not been back since Nov... But if she comes back also no place to sit on the sofa. Might as well just stay put in Chiangmai and enjoy her tai tai lifestyle.
Wah, bro tarma69 so on the ball. Skipped PE just to go LA! Like that I must also go to check it out liao.
Originally Posted by Naka_Timo
Yes LA is new and same boss with one six.
Noted bro. Must go explore soon...
Originally Posted by tarma69
I've heard horror stories too. One Thai FL told me her friend's nipple got bitten off by an Arabic customer! Geez. These guys are sadists...
Ya, AY told me sometimes she has to squeeze uncomfortably in a small corner of the smaller sofa. Moreover, most of the girls have put on weight ever since they started working in Aman. I've seen how some of their bodies have "blossomed" over time from bust to waist.
Yup. These middle eastern f**kers can be damn sadist and love BDSM. Takes a brave FL to survive there long enough to earn good money.
I noticed too... esp kampong 鸡! She has probably gone thru the biggest transformation among all the girls. Hahaha. Rihanna also looks very different now but sadly she decided to go SG instead.
Originally Posted by MichaelWongYW
No shit. I hope Ellen is safe and well in Dubai. If AY is still in touch with her, please convey my well wishes.
When these girls first arrived, they were poor and malnourished. After they have arrived, they are well fed and leading a sedentary lifestyle most of the time if they are not engaged with customers. How not to get fat and grow horizontally?? Lol! I also see so many 水鱼 sponsoring their favourite girls boobs/nose/chin jobs + iPhones/LV bags/gold rings etc. Even the milfy 泰国老师 and 越南老师 have their loyal customers who patronize them 3 to 4 times per week! Lol
That day when I was in Aman I saw that loyal customer of 越南老师 you are talking about. He was busy fidgeting on the phone and she looked so bored seating next to him.... Hahaha
Originally Posted by Harvest
Yea, 29 looks slightly more matured now after changing her hair colour for the umpteeth time. Haha. You should go try LA and One6, bro. Food confirm better than NZ or aman.
Hahaha. So true, bro. In fact it is the same with other spas and joints too. Sinkie cheongsters are rich (but not me!) and 水鱼 are everywhere waiting to save their favourite damsel in distress.
Sure bro, heard alot about the food. Let's arrange for a gathering again soon. I am not rich too. Just sit one corner see 水鱼 in action and talk cock.
I help a bit haha, Damage 268RM/1/45. No discounts on extra shots.
Thanks for helping to answer. Newbies may also like to take note that some girls can do waterbed services which is priced at rm308 for 60mins. Check with captain on which are the girls available.
Originally Posted by renoma3
Hi Bros, can’t find much information one One6 spa. Do they have telegram that we can view the girls?
Originally Posted by Harvest
I missed Nana too... Heard that she is doing some e-commerce biz in CM don't think she will be back anytime soon.
Yea, 29 looks slightly more matured now after changing her hair colour for the umpteeth time. Haha. You should go try LA and One6, bro. Food confirm better than NZ or aman.
Hahaha. So true, bro. In fact it is the same with other spas and joints too. Sinkie cheongsters are rich (but not me!) and 水鱼 are everywhere waiting to save their favourite damsel in distress.
Yes, Cat has joined 花满楼 which is a surprise for me as I thought she is quite ang pai in LA.
Alight, either way I am glad for Nana. She was the only Aman girl which I had so much fun with we ever spent 1.5hrs inside the room. Lol!
29 complained that customer volume has slowed down ever since her return. Perhaps it's due to her hair colour change?? I dunno. Lol
I think the girls can earn slightly more working for a stable. Moreover she has been with LA for almost 6 months+
Originally Posted by norigo77
Wah, bro tarma69 so on the ball. Skipped PE just to go LA! Like that I must also go to check it out liao.
Yup. These middle eastern f**kers can be damn sadist and love BDSM. Takes a brave FL to survive there long enough to earn good money.
I noticed too... esp kampong 鸡! She has probably gone thru the biggest transformation among all the girls. Hahaha. Rihanna also looks very different now but sadly she decided to go SG instead.
That day when I was in Aman I saw that loyal customer of 越南老师 you are talking about. He was busy fidgeting on the phone and she looked so bored seating next to him.... Hahaha
Tarma69 is the quintessential spa lover and you can count on him to recce any new spa in JB. Lol!
Rihanna is a different animal. Ever noticed that she is the 1 of only 2 girls whose pics are not displayed in the official channel? After getting a new updated image, her nego with lady boss fell thru so she took up her SG sponsor's offer for a SG stint. Must be making big bucks now. Good for her.
Getting bored with the customer is just something these girls have to get used to when social chemistry is clearly absent. Afterall, she will never know if he could be the next 水鱼 to sponsor her boobs job, buy her the latest iPhone or bao her for good. Lol. Side observation: This 越南老师's spec frames are super thick! Reminds me of former VIP 200 (pre covid days) and current VIP 88. Lol!!
Hi bros, first time visiting a JB spa. Few questions for the lapjiaos:
1) We have a friend with us going to NZ, is there normal clean massage there for him instead? He’s not looking for extras.
2) Is the pool there unisex where the girl can join you also if you selected?
I cannot remember if NZ have, but i think LA and One Six have those old Thai auntie massage.
"A FR is to give reader an idea of what to expect, the pics and style of writing are to spice things up, to give more space for imagination, most important thing is we share and we enjoy."
Bros with rep power are welcome to exchange 165 points daily
Thx bro. Will up you back. Oh, LA got chicken chop? I thought their menu directly copied from One6.
ang pai in LA.
Have, just ask the captain for it.
"A FR is to give reader an idea of what to expect, the pics and style of writing are to spice things up, to give more space for imagination, most important thing is we share and we enjoy."
Bros with rep power are welcome to exchange 165 points daily
No shit. I hope Ellen is safe and well in Dubai. If AY is still in touch with her, please convey my well wishes.
Cat has joined a stable while Cammy is still MIA. Eva is good friends with Mymy since their One6 days. I believe she must be the one who "betrayed" my presence at LA to you when I went to RTF Mymy?? Your spy network in JB is extensive. I scared. Lol!
Ok, will check with AY.
Eva dare betrayed you? She will use a phrase from my 师傅:警察先生,我是无辜的!
Originally Posted by Harvest
Hahaha. So true, bro. In fact it is the same with other spas and joints too. Sinkie cheongsters are rich (but not me!) and 水鱼 are everywhere waiting to save their favourite damsel in distress.
Yes, Cat has joined 花满楼 which is a surprise for me as I thought she is quite ang pai in LA.
Coolie me also poor like fuck. The most I can afford is to give the girl a small ang pow on her BD.
Speaking of the pioneer batch of LA girls, Commando Tiger is now at NZ. Commando lovers please fall in.
Originally Posted by norigo77
Wah, bro tarma69 so on the ball. Skipped PE just to go LA! Like that I must also go to check it out liao.
I noticed too... esp kampong 鸡! She has probably gone thru the biggest transformation among all the girls. Hahaha. Rihanna also looks very different now but sadly she decided to go SG instead.
Sure bro, heard alot about the food. Let's arrange for a gathering again soon. I am not rich too. Just sit one corner see 水鱼 in action and talk cock.
Well, I decided to go LA on its opening day to vote with my kkj.
Besides her upgraded image, kampong 鸡 has also learned a few tricks like hot/cold bbbj and (finally) speak some chinese. No more chicken and duck talk!
Sure or not, bro?? You are the richest one among us all liao. Your life is old uncle me's dream...
Originally Posted by MichaelWongYW
Alight, either way I am glad for Nana. She was the only Aman girl which I had so much fun with we ever spent 1.5hrs inside the room. Lol!
Tarma69 is the quintessential spa lover and you can count on him to recce any new spa in JB. Lol!
Rihanna is a different animal. Ever noticed that she is the 1 of only 2 girls whose pics are not displayed in the official channel? After getting a new updated image, her nego with lady boss fell thru so she took up her SG sponsor's offer for a SG stint. Must be making big bucks now. Good for her.
Getting bored with the customer is just something these girls have to get used to when social chemistry is clearly absent. Afterall, she will never know if he could be the next 水鱼 to sponsor her boobs job, buy her the latest iPhone or bao her for good. Lol. Side observation: This 越南老师's spec frames are super thick! Reminds me of former VIP 200 (pre covid days) and current VIP 88. Lol!!
Hmm... Tiagong the legendary Mr Oppa also used to spend 1.5hrs with Nana in the room de wor...what a coincidence.
Old uncle me is a shameless spa addict. Period.
Rihanna's temperament is not everyone's cup of tea. But she still has a fan base due to her SYT looks.
VIP 200 - yes. But I don't think 88's frames are that thick, more like 泰国老师 that kind of thickness. Sam told me that if 越南老师 removes her specs, she can barely see and has to feel her way around!
__________________ Mind & Body in SG, Heart & Soul in JB!
Rihanna is a different animal. Ever noticed that she is the 1 of only 2 girls whose pics are not displayed in the official channel? After getting a new updated image, her nego with lady boss fell thru so she took up her SG sponsor's offer for a SG stint. Must be making big bucks now. Good for her.
Oh. Besides Rihanna which other girl's pic is not displayed? new girl? Not surprising that their nego fell through as she was already quite difficult to manage in the first place.
Originally Posted by tarma69
Coolie me also poor like fuck. The most I can afford is to give the girl a small ang pow on her BD.
Speaking of the pioneer batch of LA girls, Commando Tiger is now at NZ. Commando lovers please fall in.
Ya right. I remembered that time you gave ex VIP Nina ang pow when she asked for an iPhone? Hahaha.
Oh, Tiger was from LA? She just arrived in NZ and is already quite an ang pai. Now I know why....
Hi bros, first time visiting a JB spa. Few questions for the lapjiaos:
1) We have a friend with us going to NZ, is there normal clean massage there for him instead? He’s not looking for extras.
2) Is the pool there unisex where the girl can join you also if you selected?
1) Yes, there is normal "semi-clean" massage as the ML will offer HJ but your friend can decline if he doesn't want that service.
2) Yes, but do take note not all girls do so. Check with the captain on which girls can offer this service.
Originally Posted by tarma69
Hmm... Tiagong the legendary Mr Oppa also used to spend 1.5hrs with Nana in the room de wor...what a coincidence.
Old uncle me is a shameless spa addict. Period.
Rihanna's temperament is not everyone's cup of tea. But she still has a fan base due to her SYT looks.
VIP 200 - yes. But I don't think 88's frames are that thick, more like 泰国老师 that kind of thickness. Sam told me that if 越南老师 removes her specs, she can barely see and has to feel her way around!
Well, tiagong this legendary Mr Oppa also has six packs and very popular with the girls de wor. So confirmed he is not me. Lol!
Nah, you're no shameless spa addict. Just another hardcore spa lover like me. Lol
Yea, now come t think of it... You are right. VIP 88's frames are not as thick as 越南老师. Btw, you didn't go back Vietnam with her that time?? Lol
Originally Posted by wankenstein201
Hello bros, new to cheong scene in JB. Was thinking of visiting very soon - anyone can direct me to LA and One 6 contact details / website?
Originally Posted by norigo77
Oh. Besides Rihanna which other girl's pic is not displayed? new girl? Not surprising that their nego fell through as she was already quite difficult to manage in the first place.
Ya right. I remembered that time you gave ex VIP Nina ang pow when she asked for an iPhone? Hahaha.
Oh, Tiger was from LA? She just arrived in NZ and is already quite an ang pai. Now I know why....
Tarma69's old flame AK is the other girl whose pic is not displayed (not because of Rihanna's reasons). She is not new and was around in Aman since the golden years during pre covid.
I seriously wonder how many ang pows Tarma69 has been giving away with his harum of tiraks in JB. Probably enough to buy a few dozens of iPhones with spare change leftover. Lol
Yes, Tiger was one of the first few Pu Yings to grace LA when it opened... IMHO she should be called Tigress to be politically correct. She makes you feel like a little lamb waiting to be devoured. Lol
Ya right. I remembered that time you gave ex VIP Nina ang pow when she asked for an iPhone? Hahaha.
Oh, Tiger was from LA? She just arrived in NZ and is already quite an ang pai. Now I know why....
Ya, she was hagging me every single day for the iPhone but too bad coolie me can only afford a small ang pow. After that, she boh hiu me liao.
Originally Posted by MichaelWongYW
Yea, now come t think of it... You are right. VIP 88's frames are not as thick as 越南老师. Btw, you didn't go back Vietnam with her that time?? Lol
I seriously wonder how many ang pows Tarma69 has been giving away with his harum of tiraks in JB. Probably enough to buy a few dozens of iPhones with spare change leftover. Lol
Yes, Tiger was one of the first few Pu Yings to grace LA when it opened... IMHO she should be called Tigress to be politically correct. She makes you feel like a little lamb waiting to be devoured. Lol
Huh? Go back Vietnam with her? Where got time sia?? Old uncle me don't even have enough time to go JB nowadays
Bo lah. The amount of ang pows I gave away probably not enough to even buy half an iPhone. Just enough for each girl to da bao chap cai png.
So when are you gonna tame that tigress in NZ?
__________________ Mind & Body in SG, Heart & Soul in JB!
2) Yes, but do take note not all girls do so. Check with the captain on which girls can offer this service.
For those interested, here are the current NZ girls who can spa with customers:
21, 28, 29, 88, 97, 98, 27, 66 and 13
Tarma69's old flame AK is the other girl whose pic is not displayed (not because of Rihanna's reasons). She is not new and was around in Aman since the golden years during pre covid.
I seriously wonder how many ang pows Tarma69 has been giving away with his harum of tiraks in JB. Probably enough to buy a few dozens of iPhones with spare change leftover. Lol
Yes, Tiger was one of the first few Pu Yings to grace LA when it opened... IMHO she should be called Tigress to be politically correct. She makes you feel like a little lamb waiting to be devoured. Lol
Ohh... I think I know who is AK liao. She is also a relative of lady boss rite?
This tigress doesn't spa with customer but she can do wash hair service. Make sure the lamb's hair is clean clean before devouring the lamb. Haha.
Originally Posted by tarma69
Ya, she was hagging me every single day for the iPhone but too bad coolie me can only afford a small ang pow. After that, she boh hiu me liao.
Huh? Go back Vietnam with her? Where got time sia?? Old uncle me don't even have enough time to go JB nowadays
Bo lah. The amount of ang pows I gave away probably not enough to even buy half an iPhone. Just enough for each girl to da bao chap cai png.
So when are you gonna tame that tigress in NZ?
Hahaha. It's ok, without a Nina you still have many other tiraks that will appreciate your chap cai png sponsorship. But neither do I believe you can't afford them an iPhone.
Why no time to go JB nowadays? I'm still think of spa-ing with you guys soon!