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Old 10-04-2010, 12:53 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Im having this same problem for many years.......suffering in silence. Where to seek help?
Old 10-04-2010, 12:56 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Originally Posted by Bangster View Post
Some of you people really have no manners leh....

People is a girl with a high sex drive and you are treating her like an object.

Please leh, dont throw the faces of MAN like this leh...

Got cock doesn't mean you superman, ok? In here, a lot of people got cock, and these people(basically called "Ta Bor", aka "Men") also know how to fuck. So it's not only you. Dont post such buay hiao bai things leh.

By the way, I won't zap you cos my points are for upping those who deserve it.

And lastly, if YOU still dont know who YOU ARE

I think you'd better go to another forum lah.
EXACTLY. I couldnt agree with you more.
What a disgrace.
Old 10-04-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Originally Posted by MitMit View Post
Im having this same problem for many years.......suffering in silence. Where to seek help?

Are you male or femaleeeeeeeeeeee
Old 10-04-2010, 01:01 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Originally Posted by devan69 View Post
hi miss 22 i have the same reaction the same as u .when i see them on streets coms or porns ,i really get turn on .im askin myself the same question too but they say try nt to eat too much oxyster all tat jus cant control it dun u ?
OYSTERS! isnt that a myth? teehee.
Old 10-04-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Originally Posted by noobie.swingers View Post
A high sex drive is a problem only IF it affects your capability to function in your daily life. If you are able to concentrate at work and lead a "normal" social life, then it really isn't a problem ... except that of finding a willing and able partner

Likewise, if you are happy with who you are ... highly sexed, wanting to indulge in "slut" role-plays, then there really isn't a problem (although this one is rather tricky as it is hard to seperate undue influence from your close ones). It is only a problem if you are unhappy with who you and/or have self esteem issues.

So If you find that it affects your ability to work/socialise normally, or if you have self-esteem issues, then you may want to seek help.

I've met quite a few high sex drive women in my life ...

One was my gf when I was serving NS. We would fuck like rabbits during the weekends but during the weekdays, when I couldn't bookout, she would be incredibly high-strung and sexually frustrated. Masturbation didn't fully satisfy her but she made do by scheming on what we would do on the weekends. It certainly made for rather explosive weekends

Another was a girl I knew in Uni, while in hostel. She had a bf but couldn't enough even thoughly they did it daily. She started trawling campus for guys to fuck and it all spiralled down from there. Her bf was not supportive, she could not reconcile her shame of sleeping around vs her desire to fuck. She ended up needing help and medication. It messed her up.

Bottom line, if you find the right people, in the right environment, you can be happy. If you find yourself doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons, IF ever you are unhappy with who you are or what you are doing, force yourself to take a step back and evaluate your position from a 3rd person's perspective. Don't be shy about getting professional help. They often give you a perspective that your friends usually don't. More info means better decisions.

Also, don't bother about what constitutes "normal" masturbation or sex preferences. We are all different. We prefer different positions ... different things excite us, motivate us, stimulate us.

Some of my gf's could multi-orgasm, some couldn't. First time I met one who couldn't, I kept stimulating her after she came, insisting that she come again. I got a shove, a slap and a scolding for that. Some of them like to use fingers while masturbating, some didn't. Some liked digital penetration, some prefered clitorial stimulation. As for what goes on in their mind, the variety of thoughts is stagerring.

You figure what works for you physically and mentally and leave it as that. Don't try to benchmark against other people.

BTW, sports ... I find that sports actually increases my sex drive! Other than the initial "aching-all-over" getting fit period, sports rarely leaves me so tired that I can't get it up. OTOH, the competitiveness makes me more driven, more alive and it carries over into the bedroom. Sports also de-stresses me, which leads to more mental inclination for naughty stuff. Sports also makes me fitter, which means more energy and stamina for *ahem* nocturnal sports. These days, I find that I am actually buzzing after my weeknight sports sessions ... to the extent that I actually have trouble sleeping unless I *ahem* release first. That's me anyway. YMMV

my 2c. Thanks for reading.

Uni girl case is seriously messed up. That's really quite something. I don't think ill ever be in that position. Dont even have thought about that. I wont do things to others if i will never want to be done to me.

Yes i do sports too like 5 times a week, swimming. Do or dont do, it doesnt affect the sexual side of me actually haha.

You are right about - Also, don't bother about what constitutes "normal" masturbation or sex preferences. We are all different. We prefer different positions ... different things excite us, motivate us, stimulate us. - I guess i am curious about whats going on with other people out there

Thanks for your conversation
Old 10-04-2010, 01:43 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

HSD are normal for every human regardless gender.
but it really depends on individual how to diverse their sex drive.
some may find it taboo but some may not,some even odd.

i'm a guy,for me i'll masturbate twice a week sometime even up to once every single day durin hormone "raging"

for guys,if they masturbate more they will have less wet dream which is true to me.
why? bcoz once i nvr masturbate almost 2-3 week, every morning wake up my
undie are damp wit wetness

i duno whether gal does experience these situation.
but for sure ur boyfren is da happiest guy in da world.
Old 11-04-2010, 02:03 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

personally I think there is nothing wrong with HSD, unless like what many has already mentioned, that it affects your daily operations.

getting a new hobby/passion can divert the attention (of coz if the new hobby allows meeting of attractive opposite sexes, then it probably will enhance it?)
Old 11-04-2010, 02:44 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Hey girl are you on pills ? I mean to regulate period like diane35, prolly decreases sex drive too.

Gonna share a brief story with you guys.. my gf used to be like you, pretty high sex drive. I tell you, shes horny till i sick of having sex with her sometimes.
Untill one day she started on this pill and ongoing for abt 4-5 mths shes kinda on low sex drive, even personally told me that too.
We guess its the side effect of the pill. Now ah I tried turning on her also difficult..she'll say things like "wait till i got mood ok..dunno why..sry dear"
well to be frank, we still got do maybe once every 1-2 mth.

haha well gonna DIY for myself, same goes to you but you aint so bad. Still got do once every 1-2 weeks
And dont have to worry your bf having affair since his sex drive is pretty a small one j/k ~
GL gal !
Old 11-04-2010, 05:42 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Originally Posted by guller View Post
HSD are normal for every human regardless gender.
but it really depends on individual how to diverse their sex drive.
some may find it taboo but some may not,some even odd.

i'm a guy,for me i'll masturbate twice a week sometime even up to once every single day durin hormone "raging"

for guys,if they masturbate more they will have less wet dream which is true to me.
why? bcoz once i nvr masturbate almost 2-3 week, every morning wake up my
undie are damp wit wetness

i duno whether gal does experience these situation.
but for sure ur boyfren is da happiest guy in da world.

haha its so lovable to see a standing cock in the morning next to me and damp underwear. haha.

girls too do experience this sort of thing. but not as significant as men.
Old 11-04-2010, 07:58 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

well, since a lot has already been said (and done)..

would just like to add that you're 22!

and you have a lot of time and imagination and energy now - so point is, you're experiencing sexual desires that are natural and part of our growing up process, and its great news that you are able to explore your sexuality and desires and understand yourself better.. what turns you on for eg, how you like to be touched for eg how to give and receive pleasure for eg..

many girls dont and physical intimacy and therefore quality of sexual life is lacking..

so dont be (if you are) too disturbed by it and start worrying..

we all know that your bf and future husband will love you for this phase of your life in future.

because if not now, then when?

like someone mentioned, as long as it doesnt adversely disrupt your daily activities..

Old 11-04-2010, 09:08 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Originally Posted by miss22 View Post
'And to the rest....: maybe, maybe, maybe. Whats the point of knowing?

'Dont worry, i am sure your pm box is full of guys who are more than willing to fuck u more than once a week. (Im not one of them).' - This is annoyingly insulting. What makes you think i am here for more men to fuck me more than once a week? Have you not digested the words - just a discussion? I couldn't care less if you are one of them or not?
*raises eyebrow. I post in that tone all the time. Refreshingly irreverent and bart simpson-like, i should think.

What exactly is there to discuss? You have a need, you either satisfy it, ignore it, or purge it from your brain. Or shall we start the age old drama-mama ""PREGNANT!!! HOW!!!" tat our tv keeps showing from time to time.

As we are each and every one of us unique and different from each other (until cloning arrives), any dicussion regarding human behaviour will result in a multitude of replies owing to that innate individuality we all have. Anyway here are my replies then to your 4 odd and self-answered questions :

Wondering how many days can your go without playing with yourself? : less than 7 hours

Do your think about fucking the girl in the video that you are viewing while wanking? - OF course we do, what else would we be thinking of ? Having a pint at the pub? If we think about something else when fucking, that's possible , but now we are WANKING while watching some porn.

Or do your think of no one at all in particular? - This is quite possible if the bloke in questions gets his rocks off by watching cars explode, for example

Do your think about your wives/ gfs or replay the sexy stuff since the last time your fucked your lover? - replay what sexy stuff? replay any clips/pictures we took, you mean? Again, this question is annoyingly vague, like i like to repeat now and again: We are each of us DIFFERENT. Some blokes never think about sex until asked, and some silly twats think about it all the time.

Missus, i wouldn't be one of the fellows right now clogging up your PM inbox, because i know precisely what any proper lady thinks of a fellow here. *WANKER. It's a damn sight hard to convince any lady here your intentions are prim and proper when you met in a goddamned SEX FORUM for chrissakes.

But in the end don't all relationships end up in SEX and procreation in the end so what's the point of all this ducking and diving and doublespeak anyway....
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Old 11-04-2010, 09:17 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Originally Posted by miss22 View Post
Keep that virginity of yours. do you know that alot of my girlfriends (and myself) always fantasize making out with a virgin boy?
*mumble mumble - Virginity is not the presence or absence of any silly membrane, or the non-occurance of ejaculation previously.

The definition of a Vrigin properly should be "having very little or no knowledge of sex and matters relating to sex"

Given that even 12 year olds nowadays knows all about sex and shite and wanks off regular, i'd say its a pretty hard task to find that fabled "Last Virgin Local Boy in Singapore" *mumble mumble - that's put a spanner in some plans then.

Of course, when being interrogated on matters sexual by our partner the proper and correct answer should be NO ONE ELSE unless you are at an age when it's a damn sight hard to pretend you've never been fucked.

I hear women seem to prefer untried, unsullied males. Or so i hear.
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Old 12-04-2010, 04:36 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Nah! I think its normal..
I mean well.. I have sex wth gf and my fb for almost everyday (after works) but I still wanking my self at least 3 times a day...

I even went to the gym to make my self busy but still...!
I feel that I just need to have my orgasm asap..
Old 12-04-2010, 11:01 AM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Frankly i have always not so sure about girls having HSD because I have not met any yet, or they have not told me.

So I was pleasantly surprised when a working FL told me that sometimes she couldn't sleep well at night when she was thinking/dreaming of the mighty DICKS!

Bare in mind, these words are from a working FL who has an average of having 3 or more fu<ks with different guys per day! She said if she didnt get a fu<k for 3 straight days she would go crazy!

Now i am looking out for a HSD gal
Old 12-04-2010, 01:09 PM
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)

Miss22, I think HSD is ok as long as you can still live a normal life.

As different people have different levels of sex drive, it is important to realise that a mismatch can occur, ie, you crave for more sex but your partner does not.

I too have HSD, and even though I have sex with my FBs for 1-3 times on a daily basis, I will still pcc once or twice a day. It used to be much more frequent. I have learnt to accept myself and live with it. My FBs have also accepted me as I am. For eg, they know I can't keep my eyes from looking, so my FB will point out a hot chick for me to oogle… Of course I had previous GFs and ex-FBs who could not accept me and it eventually didn’t work out.

Having HSD can be a blessing or a bane depending on what you do with it. If you try to restraint or curb it, you may just frustrate yourself. If you make good use of it, you keep yourself and your partner satisfied. While pcc is one solution, maybe you can share and discuss with your partner about your HSD issue, or just try seducing him more often….
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