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Old 06-02-2016, 09:45 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Originally Posted by freezetheDB View Post
it is said in Taoist sex mantra that mind body and spirit need to be one.

if the body is tired, dont fuck
if the mind is stressed or not turned on, dont fuck
if the lady is not keen, dont fuck

sometimes our minds are turned on but our body is tired. So we cannot perform well. Sometimes our body may be ready but the mind is not aligned. Performance also affected. Each time we underperform, it leaves a stain in our memory, and there is a chance we may subconsciously think about our past failure and history repeats.
Mind & Body in SG, Heart & Soul in JB!
Old 04-10-2022, 06:24 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
Here's some threads on the subject

Massage for Inner Thigh

Just some other methods I tried
Due to age, suffer from lack of desire, or cannot get hard and sustain

Was taking this tonic, Qianjin Tongkat ali with cordyceps. Bought also some tongat ali slices to drink. Very bitter. Not sure if helped. Some days wake up rock solid. Middle age for me, this is rare. Of course, basic is to keep the essense- sperm. Hence TCM method, Taoist methods of orgasm no ejaculating is useful. Google for this pdf. SECRETS OF SEXUAL ECSTASY. Tells you how to keep the sperm when you going to ejaculate.

Self Massage- Kegels and Lam pa massage has helped too. Ref (Qigong Empowerment Liang Shou Yu)
Others Massage- Juageng some say Jojo or San San is good. Ling Ling is not bad.

Here's a video of Impotence treatment from China

Sex Aids
If you want some other methods without hard work try Magic Tissue or Durex Performa.

Work in progress, aesthetics
Now exploring methods to lengthen the dick. Leech oil is one way I looking at+ Jelqing, another one is a mechanical penis pump
back to kegels and leech oil, tongkat ali.

seems to help somewhat
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 04-10-2022, 09:49 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Originally Posted by 101s View Post
This secret was shared with me by my friend who paid 1.2k to learn Qi Gong...n his result is damn good ...n the so-called Qi really exists

But so far he just teach how to harden your rod....method is as follow:

Contract your ball muscle whenever you r free...the feeling is just like you will give your dick muscle a shake when you r about to finish peeing...

y u should do this....

If u bend down n c your ball drooping like a guli bag or saggy then u have a problem on getting hard on or something wrong with your liver...

On the other hand if it looks like a baby ball...congrat u r damn healthy n strong in sex....

My personal experience after one month that it get thicker n steel hard.....this what I you can try it...but it cut down your lust for focus on quality n not abstract

But the Qi Gong master said the result will b visible after 3mths...

If hard dick was easy as just some kegel exercises, pharma industry won't be making billion $ profits from viagra, cialis, etc.

Hardness is a complex topic, includes many aspect such as psychology, general health, sexual partner/interaction, age, genetics, hormones (testosterone esp), and stress, over-masturbation (too much), etc.

After turning 40+, I can confirm that viagra and cialis is a great invention, but natural remedies like Maca, Pure Ginseng, Tongkat Ali, etc.. and my Mrs will even agree to sell her ring for my ginseng supplement if we got no money it is soooo effective! But, if you got nothing, then get cialis or viagra and can fckk all night it will still stay hard as rock in most guys.
Old 05-10-2022, 04:21 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Many marriages fell apart because the husband couldn’t perform. Great sharing to help our bros marikita. Majulah Singapura!
Save your bullets for a better catch
Old 05-10-2022, 05:30 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Originally Posted by 101s View Post
This secret was shared with me by my friend who paid 1.2k to learn Qi Gong...n his result is damn good ...n the so-called Qi really exists

But so far he just teach how to harden your rod....method is as follow:

Contract your ball muscle whenever you r free...the feeling is just like you will give your dick muscle a shake when you r about to finish peeing...

y u should do this....

If u bend down n c your ball drooping like a guli bag or saggy then u have a problem on getting hard on or something wrong with your liver...

On the other hand if it looks like a baby ball...congrat u r damn healthy n strong in sex....

My personal experience after one month that it get thicker n steel hard.....this what I you can try it...but it cut down your lust for focus on quality n not abstract

But the Qi Gong master said the result will b visible after 3mths...
yes kegels is one of the skills of qigong.

Can see more exercises in the video and the book by Liang Shou Yu, Qigong Empowerment

The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 06-10-2022, 11:09 AM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Originally Posted by Peacekeeping View Post
Many marriages fell apart because the husband couldn’t perform. Great sharing to help our bros marikita. Majulah Singapura!
husband can also be an excellent performer outside but at home he is limp.
Old 06-10-2022, 10:54 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

cialis .
Old 07-10-2022, 04:56 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Originally Posted by TheTrader2359 View Post
husband can also be an excellent performer outside but at home he is limp.
Old 08-10-2022, 11:23 AM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

1. no alcohol
2. gym, swim
3. oats, etc healthy oil

if needed cialis/viagra (Ddog knows 1 local chemist making pure grade)

Doggy last week pump gal 40mins and 3 times that night, gal say she about to split into half after many orgasms
up me up u
Ddog with long hard tail... luv chasing pussycats
Old 08-10-2022, 11:32 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Originally Posted by TheTrader2359 View Post
husband can also be an excellent performer outside but at home he is limp.
That means the problem is with the wife?
Old 09-10-2022, 08:35 AM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Personal experience

1. JG by one if the ML in SBF. Still active and serving. Has many JG service over the decades. Her JG is real athuthenic, mixture of pain, pleasure, pressing of accupture points and etc. She will explains what she was doing. Can make u hard and soft as she press (No sensational caressing during JG). Can choose to end with a pop if u want.

Pro: Stamina and hardness really impress for the next 1 week to 10 days.

Con: Location abit far. Groin area redness for that day. Cant have action as your gal will spot something fishy. Damage is $150.

2. Cailis. Fast recovery. Stamina normal. Hardness normal. See your GP for prescription. Nothing to shy about as GP are usually male as well.

Pro: Good for last min action or planned staycation. For healthy male like me, i took a full dosage.

Con: Side effects for me. Back ache leading to leg ache (Calf area). The ache usually last for 2 days. Seldom comsume this. Only as a back up just in case.

3. Viagra. Instant hard on. Stay semi hard even after action. GP i visited doesn't prescribe this for me. Didnt dare to request it as GP surely has his reason.

Pro: Most effective for pill/mouth consumption. Fast result. Didnt took full pill. Tried 2 times of half pill. Fantastic.

Con: Hard to get. As in hard to get from proper source. Can only ask from friends. Many online sellers but didnt dare to try.
Old 10-10-2022, 05:45 AM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Secret to is never secret but eat healthy and exercise healthy.
Old 11-10-2022, 09:05 AM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Want a harder dick? Not really a secret. You can try various stuff like exercise, eating food and so on but don't overlook a proven solution, especially when you are no longer in your prime.

Relieve your ED symptoms with Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. They have proven to be a real game-changer for many. But they can be quite costly.

Generics work just as well but cost a fraction of the price.

PM me for more info.
WE ONLY LIVE ONCE. Make the most of it.
Old 11-10-2022, 10:46 AM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

Cock ring
Old 12-10-2022, 03:52 PM
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Re: Secret to harder dick...

It's simple but not easy.

Cut out porn, masturbation, eat 3 healthy meals a day, exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week, have testosterone increasing supplements. It takes time and effort but you'll be hard as a fucking rock.

It doesn't have to cost a bomb either, you can buy weights and a bench from Carousell for $100+, go to the exercise corner or public gyms. Eat less junk and processed food.

And one bro shared his way of the Taoism ebook earlier in this thread. As a Christian I was like should I even read this... but I have other books on being a great sex partner that worked so I decided to keep an open mind and try it. Guess what, it worked amazingly! In just a few days following it, I had an opportunity to try it out and pleasured my partner endlessly without cumming for a long time. She also complimented me that day and I usually already give great sex before that. It was unfortunate though, when we switched from missionary to doggy I didn't have as much control and she kept going until I couldn't hold back and filled her deep with cum lol.

Just try the above, over time you will be so hard and cum so much you will wonder why you didn't start sooner lol. You literally have got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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