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Old 05-01-2013, 03:07 PM
Fanglee Fanglee is offline
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by simsim87 View Post
bro, going thai dish now ah, ok lol. i have been following that thread too
Haha. Tom Yum has been my favourite for a long time. So jus simply going back to my old fave.
Cant find any gd cat$80 prc also. Most increase to $100 also. So not so worth it in my opionion already. This inflation is as scary as our COE.
I still have cat$150 prc at times. So keeping my meals very diversified.
Old 05-01-2013, 06:01 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by Casten View Post
Sim sim can contribute a g77 FR?
bro casten, i didnt write a wholesome fr on her b4. but i did recommend her based on my one time exp 2 months ago. i got a gd vibe and chemistry wif her and her riding was quite gd. cute and young gal who can joke q well. kc lvl will not be as gd as g83 coz different style. but word of caution, she did mention to me chemistry is impt to her and some bros had negative impressions on her. so i wld say juz go try wif an open mind first bah...
Old 05-01-2013, 06:58 PM
Shaving_Ryan Shaving_Ryan is offline
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Re: L8 h66e

Tried G77 recently.

Went around 7pm+. Only 2 gals sitting, one G55 ( smiled seductively at me and another forgot the number ). While G55 actually looks not too bad, but gathered from some bros here that her service is pretty duh, so was intending to leave til G77 came out from behind the partition. Signal OKT for G77 and off we go.

Asked her whether she had taken dinner, and she told me she was in the midst of having her dinner - no wonder she appeared out from the partition upon hearing somebody entering, so pretty industrious for business. I suaku, even apologised to her for disrupting her dinner haha.

She is pretty ok to talk to, when she asked me whether I had my dinner, which I said no, she teased me that my stomach not hungry but my didi hungry already lolz.

In short, her services were pretty OK, her tongue services on my nipples is pretty good. However, it's abit rushed, coz mabbe she wanted to continue her dinner.

When come to FJ time, she 1st started out the cowgal. Btw, her cowgal style is those squatting type ( like those typical PRCs squatting by the road ), and vigoriously sliding in and out of my cock with very loud piak piak sound. While it might looked unappealing to some, the feeling is actually pretty good . I was actually so turned on that I wanted to slightly thrust up, but she sternly told me not to move!!

Cowgal sequence didn't last too long though, she then told me to switch over to missionary, which I would agree that her kind of cowgal style should be very tiring one haha.

Anyway, when I pull out my cock, it's already pretty wet with whitish juices along my condomed shaft.

Went on missionary, but as I mentioned in my previous posts, I'm not a fan of missionary and thus cock went limp not long after... haizzz...

Upon feeling it soft, she asked me to lay back again and started HJ me and attacking my nipples with her strong tongue. In no time, my little bro marikita back up again. I believed she kinda knew that I preferred her cowgal, so she slide my cock back into her pussy and continue her cowgal piaking.

In the midst of my enjoyment, I unwittingly hold on to her knees too heavily and she kinda "scolded" me not to pressed against her knees. So bros, pls dun hold on to her knees during her cowgal hor.

Anyway, managed to shoot off in this position. Later during clean up, she told me I'm too nervous liaoz, and need to relax more haha.

Maybe I catch her in a bad time ( during her dinner ), so GFE towards me is not that great, and slightly rushed. Nevertheless, overall, she's still a pretty hardworking WL, with strong tongue and powerful cowgal style.
Old 05-01-2013, 07:07 PM
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Smile Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by Shaving_Ryan View Post
Tried G77 recently.

Went on missionary, but as I mentioned in my previous posts, I'm not a fan of missionary and thus cock went limp not long after... haizzz...

Upon feeling it soft, she asked me to lay back again and started HJ me and attacking my nipples with her strong tongue. In no time, my little bro marikita back up again.
most probably, you are not use to bonking in the missionary position, try using missionary position for starting your next bonk. hope that my advise helps.
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:26 PM
Fanglee Fanglee is offline
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Re: L8 h66e

Bro Shaving Ryan,

Its all in the mind.
Many times its because we think too much. Thats why go limp midway. I experience this too at times especially with gers who r too mechanical.

I have friend who cannot even have sex with a condom. The thought of putting it on make him go limp. Sigh... Thats a bad mental block to have.

S, jus focus on the ger and the sex. Hopefully it work out better for you.
Old 05-01-2013, 10:15 PM
simsim87 simsim87 is offline
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by Shaving_Ryan View Post
Tried G77 recently.

Went around 7pm+. Only 2 gals sitting, one G55 ( smiled seductively at me and another forgot the number ). While G55 actually looks not too bad, but gathered from some bros here that her service is pretty duh, so was intending to leave til G77 came out from behind the partition. Signal OKT for G77 and off we go.

Asked her whether she had taken dinner, and she told me she was in the midst of having her dinner - no wonder she appeared out from the partition upon hearing somebody entering, so pretty industrious for business. I suaku, even apologised to her for disrupting her dinner haha.

She is pretty ok to talk to, when she asked me whether I had my dinner, which I said no, she teased me that my stomach not hungry but my didi hungry already lolz.
In short, her services were pretty OK, her tongue services on my nipples is pretty good. However, it's abit rushed, coz mabbe she wanted to continue her dinner.

When come to FJ time, she 1st started out the cowgal. Btw, her cowgal style is those squatting type ( like those typical PRCs squatting by the road ), and vigoriously sliding in and out of my cock with very loud piak piak sound. While it might looked unappealing to some, the feeling is actually pretty good . I was actually so turned on that I wanted to slightly thrust up, but she sternly told me not to move!!

Cowgal sequence didn't last too long though, she then told me to switch over to missionary, which I would agree that her kind of cowgal style should be very tiring one haha.

Anyway, when I pull out my cock, it's already pretty wet with whitish juices along my condomed shaft.

Went on missionary, but as I mentioned in my previous posts, I'm not a fan of missionary and thus cock went limp not long after... haizzz...

Upon feeling it soft, she asked me to lay back again and started HJ me and attacking my nipples with her strong tongue. In no time, my little bro marikita back up again. I believed she kinda knew that I preferred her cowgal, so she slide my cock back into her pussy and continue her cowgal piaking.

In the midst of my enjoyment, I unwittingly hold on to her knees too heavily and she kinda "scolded" me not to pressed against her knees. So bros, pls dun hold on to her knees during her cowgal hor.

Anyway, managed to shoot off in this position. Later during clean up, she told me I'm too nervous liaoz, and need to relax more haha.

Maybe I catch her in a bad time ( during her dinner ), so GFE towards me is not that great, and slightly rushed. Nevertheless, overall, she's still a pretty hardworking WL, with strong tongue and powerful cowgal style.
ya typical of her...lame jokes like this makes me feel at ease wif her
Old 06-01-2013, 01:21 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Thanks to all the bros on the advice.

I admit I'm still a greenhorn in the GL WL scene, in fact a greenhorn in real sex in general. All these years only been PCC for release, no gf, and also not those type that like to go KTV/pubs/discos to xian charbor.

Hate to admit, but my "defloration" is by a Cat150 syt WL, after I finally pick up the courage to try to experience what real sex is like.

Coz I dun wanna die a virgin when, nowadays, walking or driving with green light in ur favor, u might still get knock down by PRC bus or ferrari driver

Anyway, my total sexperience is now 3x Cat150 and 2x Cat80. All of these sxp, except for the one with commando Lisa 1654A, my poor didi always go limp at missionary. The exception with Lisa is because, as mentioned in the separate 1654A thread, I dun even had the chance to go missionary style when her commando foreplay + cowgal already made me cum liaoz.....

With almost 100% failures in missionary, it actually now made me more stress at missionary portion.... ( which seems to be the most preferred position for WL ).

I just cannot get sexcited enuff during pumping missionary phase. I guessed I'm the type that require more foreplay, coz there's one instance my didi goes soft during missionary, and the WL originally tried to HJ to bring it up, I told her to just lay back and I started my catbath on her, which actually will turn me back on again. She then commented that "Ahh... so u are those type that like to take control".

But poor me, after the hard-on, when go back to missionary, it went limp again soon...I'm pretty embarrassed by now... haizzz...
Old 06-01-2013, 08:51 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by simsim87 View Post
bro, have u tried g77? i tink shes not bad. i personally also feel g55 looks gd in the tank but not tried yet. wad abt g66 and g99, supposedly the better angpais according to other bros here.
Originally Posted by Fanglee View Post
Bro, have u tried g77?
Recommended by some brothers here. I havent try yet though.
Im changing house as i cant really go back this house at the moment.

I tried g77 before, found her cb looser n looser by the day. Guess too many bro queing to f. I dun like to cluster fuck, rather find some gal newer with a good grip feeling before it become loose.g77 joke is lame and too experience liao cos too much bonking, becoming a mchanical or rather plastic gal u buy from sx shop. She juz treat it as a job n if u .gd looking like movie stars, treatment diff. Guess all gal the same. Think go back to cat 150 cat. 66e bed and room is exactly same as cat50. Dun kn when bed will colapse, cleaniness n room size is also a concern.
Old 06-01-2013, 09:26 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by stayed View Post
I tried g77 before, found her cb looser n looser by the day. Guess too many bro queing to f. I dun like to cluster fuck, rather find some gal newer with a good grip feeling before it become loose.g77 joke is lame and too experience liao cos too much bonking, becoming a mchanical or rather plastic gal u buy from sx shop. She juz treat it as a job n if u .gd looking like movie stars, treatment diff. Guess all gal the same. Think go back to cat 150 cat. 66e bed and room is exactly same as cat50. Dun kn when bed will colapse, cleaniness n room size is also a concern.
Bro, a bit exaggerating la. CB looser and looser by the day. The way you say it, its very jialat lei. Then the cat $150 angpai CB will be damn loose liao. Hehe

Have to defend her a bit cos i do feel that while her jokes might be lame, but i guess there will always be people who appreciate it like bro simsim87.
End of the day, one man's meat is another man's poison. So yes, i do respect your views as well.
Old 06-01-2013, 09:29 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Oh by the way, there are cat$50 whose room and bed are big and good! Water bed, toilet as big as room. Easily better than cat$150. So do not jus think that cat $50 room sucks.
A lot of times it actually depends on the Okt desire to decorate the house.
Old 06-01-2013, 10:06 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by stayed View Post
I tried g77 before, found her cb looser n looser by the day. Guess too many bro queing to f. I dun like to cluster fuck, rather find some gal newer with a good grip feeling before it become loose.g77 joke is lame and too experience liao cos too much bonking, becoming a mchanical or rather plastic gal u buy from sx shop. She juz treat it as a job n if u .gd looking like movie stars, treatment diff. Guess all gal the same. Think go back to cat 150 cat. 66e bed and room is exactly same as cat50. Dun kn when bed will colapse, cleaniness n room size is also a concern. choice lah bro...cat80 gd ones not a lot too. i also on the lookout for better ones. unless someone can recommend gd cat80s. in fact, changing to cat100 as main dish now. this hse i plan to use g77 as a secondary option le.
Old 06-01-2013, 11:17 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Think we all need recommendation on good cat$80.
Hope other forummers share their Findings/fr soon.
Old 06-01-2013, 11:30 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Okt say feb got new gal arriging.
Old 06-01-2013, 12:24 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by stayed View Post
Okt say feb got new gal arriging.
Thks bro! Hope the new batch is good.
Old 06-01-2013, 02:28 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by Fanglee View Post
Thks bro! Hope the new batch is good.
based on the pics of gals arriving at the entrance, i dun tink so sia. but u nvr know. pics are quite deceiving....
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