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Old 18-01-2012, 01:53 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Yes you cant tell BGs that.....

You cant tell them... They would pretend not to understand....

But if its a normal Filipina (working professional) it would be ok.... They do get your point... If they dun.... Ask them on their it you want my money.... Then you will hear a load of crap like "I have a job" "i can pay myself" Yes they have a very big ego.... prick that.... and they will behave..... I usually dun do this unless things get out of control....

Another incident.... While we were having dinner .... a recep (from a hotel that i had stayed formerly) was with us...

We were discussing tips for the masseue.... And i told the guys .... that max tip of php 50 if no specials and so on....

And the recep was "Dun be like that "

I was like.... so what you want me to do? Tips for normal service is 10-15%... I told her why should i tip you php 200-300 for a massage that only cossts php 300... does it make any sense?

She din seem to understand but she shut up....

Later she followed me to the room.... We did our deed and then went bar hopping.... While she left i offered her money.... She refused to take.....

She is not pretty (looks like a village girl) to me

Hahaha..... not only the Pinays pretend not to understand, I sometimes do it too.

Like the Mamasan say "thank u for ur tip" when returning my change, I "tigong" act blurr n went to the toilet.

When a girl recently told me she in need of money n is seriously sicked. I act blurr avoid talkin about giving her money but agreed to ask my friend to bring her to the hospital.

So u see , sometimes we also pretend not to understand but we called it "Act Blurr"

As for expecting more tips,
Aiyah Don't be like that mah, they poor just want to make a little more, so just take it easy.
For me I just give watever I think fit n just walk off.
If they not happy n make noise, then it'll be their last business from me.
Not point talking, waste of breadth.

Walau, u freebie expert ah? village girl looks somemore.
But I feel unless it's a one off thing, else u pay one way or the other n usually more than a paid transaction. But the gfe usually will be better.
Old 18-01-2012, 02:00 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
Nice, very nice..... which hotel was that? Opps, I almost forgot the gal..... she's nice too

Hotel Casa del Roque near DM Residente.
Old 18-01-2012, 03:01 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
that's the problem w me, too kind n affectionate to girls i like.
thought she would just disappear after rejecting my offer of hospital treatment.
but she wants me next month, so m i lucky or trouble is lurking?
Lucky to be in trouble ? :P Well if you have better companions then forget about her.

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Good news. Go Singapore Go. Just checked and its 33.70p to the S$.
Philippines cel sms can be real screwed up. Best make a call to start chat and then sms after that.
So is that what happened back then in (Nov - Dec) when I only do sms and no phone call ?

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Bro Wet Devil has very good taste (honest one.. maybe same taste as me, but I go no patience to wait for the right one - always end up regretting that I already BF someone).. won't simply choose any girl to accompany him. So any girl the WD choose must consider themselves very lucky!
Bell also another pretty girl.. Got 1 very aggressive (in a good way) waitress.. Pretty but will probably eat me alive in bed! Wanted me to BF her, but Mamasan already warn me that she is only ST - eventhough shs says she will stay LT. Didn't trust the girl.. anyway I scared kena eaten alive!
Jennifer refused to sit with me on the first day I was there.. says she likes Korean guys.. and WD can easily pass off as a Korean himself! So WD succeeded where I failed.
Sorry to borrow your FR Bro Wet Devil... Very good FR and brings back good memories for me... 100% accurate (except for the typo about me BF a guy instead of a girl - hahaha) Now looking forward to Feb trip!
Lol Boat Collector at least you still have fun and enjoy the companion with the gals you BF. The way I BF are what most bros will be saying, "I am choosing a wife and missing all the fun in AC when I have no companion".

Well tks for the info about the ST from Jennifer. Since you be there in Feb unless really cant withstand the temptness, then go BF her as a last resort to see if she really do ST. :P
Sorry about the typo back then, just a honest mistake and not trying to mislead other bros.
Old 18-01-2012, 03:01 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
Want to be an actor? Grab the opportunity for those bros who are in AC now.

An American advertising company is making an ad about the life of Manny Pacquio and needs about 100 extras. So far 50 have signed up so there is vacancies for another 50 actors. The only critera is you must be above 30 yrs. Shape, size, race, colour, features or personality dun matter.

If you are interested kindly contact Bill Williams at the Blind Beggar bar. Last day for applications is on the 7th of January 2012.

Filming will be done on the 12th, 13th & 14th of January 2012 at the Clark @ Expo. You will also be compensated 3,000p per day of filming.

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
The Penthouse Hotel on Santos street (opposite Wild Orchid next to the Swiss Chalet) has run into cashflow problems in its construction. There are plans to raise money to complete the construction by offering mongers a chance to own a part of the hotel. This is a good opportunity for regular cheongsters to buy into the hotel and have a place to stay whenever you visit.

There is a presentation on the schemes available (something similar to timeshare) on the 14th of January 2012 at the construction site along Santos Street from 6-10pm. Do drop by if you happen to be in AC during that period.
Thanks for all the latest update of AC.
Old 18-01-2012, 03:04 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
This is a blind cut&paste

Hv not verified the percentages... Bro Ninja may come after me again?

Ethnic Groups for Angeles City
Christian Malay 91.5%, Muslim Malay 4%, Chinese 1.5%, other 3%

So they are all classified as Malay?

Looks like deep inside all of us love Malays??

Well never really try a malay gal before in Singapore but think they are as fun as malay gals.

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Guys who love to kiss BGs while bonking them....
You need to clean ur mouth well.
Now wht can i say to those who lick a BGs pussy?
Im not into it full stop...
I try to avoid deep kissing too...
I keep it very light n to the minimum...
Id suggest guys visit 7-11 or a drug store wen u land in the philippines n buy betadine oral 1%
yes taste sucks big time...
But it kills all germs in the mouth... Even wen germs in blood... Coz of the potent germ kilingiodine.
Dun swallow....
Gargle well for a couple of minutes...
Spit out n ur reasonably safe...
U can alo use it to wash ur dick and surrounding areas after the fuck...
Or u can use betadine 10%....
dilute with water n clean all ateas around ur dick including pubic hair
Cheong safely bros
Hmmm what about listrine ? Also not as powerful as the betadineoral 1% ? And whats the cost for this ?

Originally Posted by datou View Post
The fact is that i go for normal looking girls n u go for popular pretty girls n w some luck on my side, that's all.
demand n supply logic mah.
so no more misleading pls, else people thought i know black magic.
Well if you really know black magic, then I sure want to learn some magic from you. :P
Old 18-01-2012, 03:13 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by freezone View Post
Yes, I can confirm this. Bros, Before you get yourself into trouble or feel cheated by a Cherry girl, ALWAYS ask her what she is willing to do before you BF her. I have heard stories in the past where guys were forcing themselves on the Cherries (either vaginally or orally) and that is consider rape.
The upside to asking all the questions is sometimes you will be surprised by their answers.
Since I have the time, I will now post a pleasant past experience on this matter.
This occur in AC about 3 years ago.
If I remember correctly, the bar was Cambodia on Fields.
Saw this cute little thing trying to dance on the stage. Very awkward moves which was why she caught my attention in the 1st place. She was always looking at the other girls and trying to do what they did but with very little success. She even fell down once. I couldn't help it anymore as I didn't know if I should laugh or cry (feeling sorry for her), so I ask the waitress to bring her to me. She immediately told me she was a Cherry. I said I didn't care as I had to get her off the stage before I die laughing.


Still turned out to be a super fun experience as she was a trooper and never gave up trying (it was me who finally quit and not her even as she was feeling the pain). She tried to make it up to me all night by being the best GF experience I can remember. All the cuddles, kissing, massages, even gave me a total body cat bath.
Conclusion: Sometimes when you get lucky, a Cherry girl can be a much better experience than one that offers Full Service.
To this day, I still remember her more than I remember all the others girls I ever had in AC.
Well I will doing the same what you have done to buy her a drink and to BF as she attracts lots of attention up there. Reminds me of BF-ing a waitress during my last trip(Nov - Dec 2011) in Gecko. She was in code-red but still BF-ed her as she was sticking close to me once I stepped into the bar ... can read more about this if interested in the FR I written back then(Think I posted the FR around Dec - Jan period).

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Ladt night d gang partied hard till 2am.
Yesterday was my craziest night....
First off.... I screwed the receptionist who voluntered to meet me. She was from an earlier hotel where i had stayed last time.
At 2am the group was partying hard wen inhad to return to my room to screw the masseue who had massaged me the previous night....
I was expecting an OL for an early morning screw....
Did i screw?
Guess its all in the mind?
Or iz it that my lil boy needs a new cat for every mission?
No viagra/cialis/tongkat ali..
Yes all natural screw
And all natural cum...
Well nice one. Still in my list to do tarma in AC as I have failed back then in my last trip. As for 3 gals in 12 hrs will be kind of tough for me. Think most will be 2 unless I get 3 ST gals. Actually there are a few gals working in the hotel I stayed I wanted to have in my room in the hotel. So maybe got to find a new hotel to stay to have the chance to meet and maybe bring them back to the hotel.

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post long overdue fr. First, my thanks to Bro Ziebart for showing us the perimeter. And boy, can this brother play pool! I couldn't even manage a game of him!
Anyway, he showed us where to get donuts, the best grilled chicken, the best pork burger (yummy!!!) and Leny's money changer. Of course, went to his favorite Niftys, Honeykos and a few others. Actually saw a cutie in the very first bar, but did not take her due to some misunderstanding abt her needs
Anyway, that nite ended up in Atlantis, barfined a non-memorable gal. SOP So, nothing good to write here.

Day 2, went to Tropix and got a pretty nice gal. Left around 9 as i was a little tipsy and tired from the long day before. The gal's name was Marilou(there are 4 gals by the same name there!) and was going to be a runner as i could tell early from the sms she was getting and sending when in room. Her service is very good though... but when she said she had to go collect her "commission" at ard 11pm, i juz let her go.

Left ard 130am and tot of retiring...but my fren was still alone and decided to go to Forbidden City. Not many gals there left, but one gal caught my eye. Called her down and she waved "NO" to tot that's that. After dancing a while, she suddenly popped up at our table. So decided to EWR for my second round.
Surprisingly, her GFE is one of the best around. Sticks to u in bed like a leech! Was trying to push her away but she always comes back naturally. Very accomodating too but i was too tired to go all the way.
Day 3: Next morning, I asked her for breakfast, she said No. So i went back to sleep. After about 30 minutes, my frens rang. She asked if i was going down for breakfast with my frens, I replied YES. She just jumped up and started to get ready! I was like ... huh? I tot u were tired? No... wanna accompany u.. OK...
Repeated with my gal. This time, the GFE is through the roof. She practically threw all inhibitions away and we had a good session. Too bad we were leaving in the morning. She stayed till i boarded my cab to airport.
Cheers and happy bonking!
Tks for stating out another runner in AC.

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Arrived back home to S'pore yest evening after 4 excellent nites at A.C
Next stop, LA BAMBA. Had ball of a time here. Was not crowded as only one other table when we came it. Sat at the bar and flirted with the bartender who looks kinda yummy. Asked me, 'u want to take out me?' I replied, 'it would be unfair to myself if i took out someone this early in the day' and which she replied, 'OK, how abt I come to where u are when I'm done with work'. Exchanged contacts and she promised to call later on.
Actually like the previous bartender(April 2011) of this bar. She's either frm Africa or some country near there. Purely dark but have nice body shape with a nice rack.
More cust started coming in and bartender was busy doing her stuff so asked one dancer to come down, Judith. Ice breaking session was good. So decided to test market 1st. She said OK for me to BF her.. BUT she could only stay 1 hr as she has check-up the next day morning.. WTF? It was only 6pm and can only stay 1 hr? Haha.. In fact, if i did wanted to BF her, i wanted to come bck later for her once im done bar-hopping other places (and if i dont find other suitable candidates to BF). If i had BF her and didnt ask b4hand, im sure i would have encountered a runner.
seems like more gals are heading towards ST.
Finished our session and took a trike down to RIO at Perimeter as there was a gerl he was aiming for from the 1st trip. Reached there but she wasn't arnd, probably alrdy gotten BF. Went in next door NIFTY, left only 3 gerls but all CMI. We did not have much luck at next door SWEETY too. They were preparing to close alrdy and realised it was almost 12am by then.
chances to get the gal that is chio will be low at the time you reach there as it operates frm 2pm.
But ZIEBART was left fuming with the waitress as she seems to have overcharged us on the number of pool games played. \
hope is not the bar ZIEBART always frequent to play pool.
Started to get very tipsy again at that time (3-4am) so thought we go back to our room 1st, and then i would call the bartender from LA BAMBA and my fren, the gerl from ONE EYED WENCH. Lied down, closed eyes and by the time eyes open, was 8am alrdy .. Check hp and saw couple of missed calls and smses from the bartender. Likewise for my fren. WTH! Don't brood over the past, look forward to the future. We washed up, had b'fast at lobby and started day 2 arnd 1030am.
[b]Even though no gal beside you, but I am sure you have a wonderful time. The process is always the one that makes one enjoy most.
Returned back and thought of massage so went to FIL-TOUCH MASSAGE after BODY BLISS. 350php for 1hr and 450php 1.5 hr. Excellent and recommended!
got into VALHALLA which closes at 0800hrs.
Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Wow, you may be drunk but you are a sucker for details. Well done, faster post your next few days FRs.

Anyway since Sneakout is getting common, can I add that I pay 4-500p for short time/1 shot or 5-800p/LT/? shots. If LT is opted for, then do practice security on your valuables in a discreet manner. When making payment to the girl before she leaves, try to slip the money payment into the bag or pants of the girl and not make it like you paying a prostitute. She will appreciate the respect shown.
Well seems like I am not the only one doing detail FR. Keep it up and tks for all the nice FR.

Hmmm as for the tips, I always hand to them by shaking hand to them to bid them farewell.
Hope its not a gesture of disrespect as I want to make sure they know I have tipped them rather then thinking the other way.

Originally Posted by datou View Post
how u manage to recall all the incidents in detail? even who buy which girl ld also can remember w so many bros in so many bars.
hv to admit i old already, i only can remember wat happens in my room clearly.
Well I am not sure how the bros above recalled them, but for me is I "killed lots of tree" to remember them. In the beginning I jotted them down in details, but as time goes I just pen down the stuff that needed to be jotted down. Then back in Singapore I tried my best to link them and picture them together to fill the as detail FR as possible.

Tks to all bros for sharing their FR.
Old 18-01-2012, 03:16 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Singkieu View Post
Forgot to add:

Moral of the story/lessons learnt = 1. Interview or not, all BFs continue to be a gamble with regards to her being a runner or not. Therefore, why bother with the interview? 2. If staying in a hotel with an in-room tray of goodies for sale, remember to remove and stow away out of sight.
Well interview will reduce some of the risk as its not 100% confirm she be doing what she agree. And think everything in life is all about gambling.
That's what I worried about goodies in the hotel. But lucky Natalia and Condotel 950 dont have those. Else need to find place to hide them. :P

Originally Posted by unclelimk View Post
Well, I just feel that there's no hard true or false here. Just do the way you are most comfortable with.
In actual fact, I'm been reading in this thread for weeks hoping to get the most value bonk.
Even though alot of bros mentioned that perimeter is dangerous, I'm still very curious to at least spend half a day (in the afternoon) exploring the bars and hopefully manage to get some nice wl. Well, in the event I hit a runner, I just pop over the bars at fields to hunt for more.
Most important is all bros who are here, coming here do enjoy the stay here.
Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
No problem uncle lim

Walk down slowly...
Dress down n remain alert.
U shd be safe.
Where u plan to stay?
Well its not so dangerous during day time. Night time then you have to beware of the danger out there in Perimeter.
Old 18-01-2012, 03:21 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Alamak! I book that hotel for my Feb visit.. nevermind I will post hotel FR after my visit. Although they did remind me that there will still be some renovations from the 3 floor onwards during the day... If no good can check out the next day and find a new hotel! hahaha
Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Sold! you've convinced me to stay... hahahaha,,, just joking.. I'm game to give it a go and check it our for myself. Will let bros here know how it is..
The biggest thing with me is a clean toilet! so I figured, being new, toilet SHOULD be clean right?? That's the logic anyway!!
Well should be clean as it's a new hotel.
If its not clean maybe you can book the room you stayed back in Nov. :P
Hotels I stayed are mostly a no no for the toilet cleaniness:
Natalia: ~ 5%
Condotel 950: ~ 40%

Hope it's good.
And it seems like I am shifting my stay further and further away frm Field Ave. From Natalia to Condotel 950 and maybe next time will be the Devara hotel. :P
Old 18-01-2012, 03:22 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Singkieu View Post
Just concluded a 3D2N quick trip to AC, only my 4th or 5th visit there since 2006.

Beware of Runner and Thief named 'Yumi' from Dollhouse Bar.

Real name on Entertainer ID - read it but unfortunately cant recall. Claimed to be 23 and from Manila. Spinner, small saggy tits which you won't see under her bikini. PHP 3000 BF category. Showed me a picture of a baby son, fathered by a Korean customer from the Puerto Galera/Sabang gogo bars on a ONS where she claimed to have worked in the past. Son is being taken care of by her mother in Manila. Also claimed to have done one tour in KL but was refused entry and turned back on her second visit. Claimed to have permanent travel ban to Malaysia stamped in passport. Subsequently came to work in AC.
Promised to stay LT during interview and was convincing enough even to a cynical old guy like me. Back in room however, put on her clothes after 1st shot. Also stole candy from hotel room (Royal Amsterdam has a tray of candy and toiletries for sale, placed on top of fridge) amounting to around PHP 400. Money is not the issue but a matter of principle. Taking without asking in this case is tantamount to theft. I did not find out until check out, so it was a not-so-nice parting gift for me from AC.
Had a total of 3 BFs brought to room. The remaining two - one was already falling down drunk when BF'd and did not carry a handbag, the other was known to one in our group - a senior bro on this thread, and his friend. Therefore, the one I describe above is the likely candidate.
Tks for the update of another runner in AC.
Old 18-01-2012, 05:58 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Nope. It was not request for any deposit. Maybe my travel dates is not the peak.

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Did u need to deposit to secure a room at Central Park?

All the better.. .
Old 18-01-2012, 07:08 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
I know its shameful for The Lord to admit it....

But id rather be honest right bro?

Her name is Apple from bar eruptions...

Her claim was that her her friends baby died and tht she was d godma of the friends baby....


No shame in admitting taking a runner as honesty is the best policy. The shame goes to all who DON'T admit to taking a runner and letting the rest of us know in advance and we end up getting scam by the same girl.

Thought I heard all the excuses but yours is a new one. Have to add that one to my list

Peace for being honest.

Old 18-01-2012, 07:21 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Singkieu View Post
Forgot to add:

Moral of the story/lessons learnt = 1. Interview or not, all BFs continue to be a gamble with regards to her being a runner or not. Therefore, why bother with the interview?

Although u are correct that the interviews we use and all the silly questions we go thru will never weed out all the runners, but NOT asking all those questions will almost guarantee that you will end up with MORE runners.

Old 18-01-2012, 07:32 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Club atlantis /doll house /crystal palace/golden nile etc have php 3000 quality too...

Some r not bad
Just beware that the higher prices for spotlight girls do not always equal a better looking girl or better performer. It's just that it cost more to take them out. Also don't be surprised that some of these are also more demanding (more tips , more this and that).
Just from my own experiences.

Old 18-01-2012, 07:41 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
. I find that it is often easier to think when one do not have his hand on his dick but since this may not be possible


Ha ha, bro PT seems to know exactly what I'm doing at the moment, must also be a mind reader.
Yes, much easier to think with a clear head with more blood going upstairs rather than down.

Old 18-01-2012, 08:48 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by unclelimk View Post
Even though alot of bros mentioned that perimeter is dangerous, I'm still very curious to at least spend half a day (in the afternoon) exploring the ....
Bars in Perimeter are cheap .. the danger comes when the sun goes down .. too many isolated spots and too many hit and runs/holdups - and most don't make it to the news or police .. simply because they are ashamed ..

Hence the warning ..

Of course, the better talent is in Fields, if you are looking for "Talent"
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Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
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