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Old 19-10-2007, 04:24 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by bochapsing View Post
In the order of preference: Felicia Chin.. Felicia Chin.. Felicia Chin...
Yeah yeah, Felicia is hot, sweet and perfect!
Ups list: ???
Old 19-10-2007, 04:27 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by hubber27 View Post
Yeah yeah, Felicia is hot, sweet and perfect!
YES! I found another fellow Felica lover! The one and only I wanna bonk from mediacrop!
I Am Number Four!!
Old 19-10-2007, 04:38 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by beck7777 View Post
YES! I found another fellow Felica lover! The one and only I wanna bonk from mediacrop!
Brother... I have read in Petain forum that one of the WL there resembles Felica Chin!!

You can go check it out to half-fulfill your fantasy. : )
Old 19-10-2007, 08:20 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Are you talking about Jac, the petite Queen of Petain, that cost you $50 for 15 mins bonk?

I dont think she look like Felicia , she look more like Wong Lilin.

The room in Petain is very small, and there is no shower room.

It is better to go to GL where the place is bigger and the CAT 150 gals bathe you, clean you.... BBBJ, AR..
Old 19-10-2007, 09:09 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

i think Glenn is really here cos I got zapped!! haha.....
Old 19-10-2007, 09:13 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
I dont think she look like Felicia , she look more like Wong Lilin.

The room in Petain is very small, and there is no shower room.

It is better to go to GL where the place is bigger and the CAT 150 gals bathe you, clean you.... BBBJ, AR..
wah! wong lilin look alike? Gosh, I think i better go take a look liao!
Old 19-10-2007, 09:34 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by best123 View Post
i think Glenn is really here cos I got zapped!! haha.....
Looks like that's more than 1 Glenn out there because I got it too.
Old 20-10-2007, 09:14 AM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by STK01 View Post
Brother... I have read in Petain forum that one of the WL there resembles Felica Chin!!

You can go check it out to half-fulfill your fantasy. : )
Yup I heard about that before! Still no chance to go try it out!
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Old 20-10-2007, 12:18 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by beck7777 View Post
Yup I heard about that before! Still no chance to go try it out!
I used to chiong Petain many years back during my NS days...

Now no more, but looking at the long thread in Petain discussion, seems this WL really chio as described. Probably one day, I may go down there to check it out! hehe
Old 20-10-2007, 12:26 PM
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Talking Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Fantasy FR involving three Mediacorp actresses who are being casted in drama depicting the lifes of Geylang WLs..

Receiving email from Baby Champ (aka Xiangping), she told me that she has booked chalet and invited me to come to location for a 2 day 1 nigt stay. She told me she had invited two of her fellow actresses involved in prostitution drama..

I email back 'who are the artistes involved'.. No reply from her. Oh never mind!

I want to the location on the specifed date.

Press the bell, and Baby Champ open the door, and lead me to the room..

Two actresses come out , so it was Big Boob Xie and Cute Chin , two of the so called Qi Gong Zhu (7 Princesses). I also enquired about Jeanz,JoPeh and Bubbly Ruien, and Dawn. Was told JoPeh was against being casted as prostitute.Bubbly Ruien and Jeanz were busy in another drama, Dawn was studying for NUS examinations.

Baby Champ told them I was the one who teach her how system in brothel work as well as how prostitutes provided services to customers..

There was Q and A session between me and 3 actresses.. (2 hours dialogue..)

One to one session between me and Big Boob Xie , with Baby Champ and Cute Chin as observers.

I told Big Boob Xie to undress me and she did so and I told her to look at me with CFM look..

Then she undress in our presence.. Cute Chin feel embarrassed when she saw my cock growing and growing.. until it reach 90 degrees.

Then I ask Big Boob Xie to hand her bra and panties to me.. I examine the tag..

I tell her to take me to shower room where she bath me , I ask her to bath me throughly..

I then tell her to pull back my cock foreskin to expose my cock head and wash throughly...

Then ask her to put soap on her breasts and dance on my chest, look at me with CFM look, and I also direct her hand to caress my cock as she do breast soapy massage...

Then I ask her to scrub my back ..( I am facing Cute Chin and Baby Champ who are observing the ritual of bathing customer. Cute Chin feel embrassed when I said ''use your hand to clean my backside''..)

Big Boob Xie feel disgusted when she rimmed my ass with her hand..

Later, I ask her to slide her hand in between her legs to caress my cock from behind, while I was staring at Baby Champ and Cute Chin. (Cute Chin feel embarrassed and disgusted ..) I exclaimed' good."

Then I ask Big Boob Xie to come in front , I turn sideway so that obervers can see.. I ask Big Boob xie to squat down and rinse her mouth and give me BBBJ... (she is quite pro as she had done it before to others..)

Later, I ask her to rinse her mouth again and wash our bodies clean..

I walk towards the obervers and grabbed Cute Chin hand to place it on my cock..Cute Chin squrmished..

Big Boob Xie and I going to bed for main session.. She was taught detailed catbath, frenching and she learnt that art of prostitution is more detailed than just blowing and bonking.. She must learn how to arouse customer, not just be a dead fish...

I then go on all four and ask her to give me AR.. Big Boob Xie and Cute Chin protest in disgust.. I told them it is a must do during sex service . and their look alikes have done it.. I even told them about Coco , CAT 150 WL who look like Cute Chin and another one Ada, look like their colleagues nicknamed Swee Char Bor..

Big Boob Xie then close her eyes in disgusted, much to the exasperation of Cute Chin..and give me short AR, then she puked... I told her to give longer and she is to do it professionally and dedicatedly..

After a while, she cough and wipe her mouth and tongue in disgust..

Next , BBBJ session.. She know the process, but she had to use her hands to play with my nipples and caress my body as she BBBJ.. Then I ask her to lift my legs up and give me AR.. She exclaimed in disgust, "again ???!!!??"

I told her yah, that is how those legal prostitutes are in demand despite competitions from other areas.

She then AR and BBBJ and AR...

Then I told her to put on condom using her mouth.. She fumbled at first but succeeded later , and I ask her to BJ ..

She ask me to on top..

I told her to do me in cowgal (I wanted to see how she performed..)

She then inserted my cock into her pussy.

She then moan , rock.... As she do me, I turn to look at Baby Champ and Cute Chin.. I then beckoned Baby Champ to come over and give me frenching..

I ask Baby Champ to cup Big Boob Xie breasts as latter bonking and moaning..

Baby Champ then cupped Big Boob Xie in envy.. while Cute Chin look in disgust..

Next , Big Boob Xie lied down and I bonk her.... she goes .. urgh..urgh ...urgh. loudly..

I tried to resist cumming because I want to do her in doggie.. Too bad...I feel like exploding.. Then I stop.. Tell her to remove my condom and open her mouth at the end of my cock head.. I release into her mouth.. Can see my cum oozling out of her mouth is the sexistifying sight.. (Cute Chin nearly puked..)

Then I ask her to take me to bath... and she bath me thoroughly and then wash herself and her pussy..

Then I wear my short and walk towards Baby Champ and Cute Chin...

I grabbed Cute Chin breasts... and ask about her size.. She replied shyly.. "32B'' I told her next session will her turn.. I will purchase army uniform for her to wear... I ask her whether she have matching white bra and panties set.. She reply yes, I ask 'can i see?'

She take me to her bag and open and take out one set.. I examine the cups, fabrics and stroke her panties.. I shook head , 'nah, not sexy enough ...I will purschase a sexy set for you..'

Next session , roleplay training between me and sexy Capt Cute Chin...
Old 20-10-2007, 01:45 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

yesterday went wif frens to jln besar eat tim sum saw erica lee..... fwah piangz really damn chio.... laz time din really like her becos of her rabbit teeth.... but hor yesterday first time see her real life in body-hugging light blue singlet and shorter than short shorts.... piangz.... nose bleed.....

as i was standing outside smoking, i stand 1 corner behind pillar and bio her then see her cross leg then can see a little gap btw her sexy thighs and her shorts.... a gleam of white lacy linen....THE HOLY SEXY WHITE PANTY ZAO GENG ....FWAH BTH..... she has jus entered into my list of celeb to bonk....

mai kong liao... wait bth go and pcc again.... IX Shen, you lucky SOB.....
I choose to be uncommon, it is my right to be uncommon if I want to.....
Old 20-10-2007, 02:16 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
Are you talking about Jac, the petite Queen of Petain, that cost you $50 for 15 mins bonk?

I dont think she look like Felicia , she look more like Wong Lilin.

The room in Petain is very small, and there is no shower room.

It is better to go to GL where the place is bigger and the CAT 150 gals bathe you, clean you.... BBBJ, AR..

Agree with u bro...petain is small n no shower. I also stopped going there yrs back liao.
Old 20-10-2007, 02:29 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
Fantasy FR involving three Mediacorp actresses who are being casted in drama depicting the lifes of Geylang WLs..
Brother ang076, your imagination is FABULOUS! Anyway, nice one!
Old 20-10-2007, 03:27 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by jontay View Post
yesterday went wif frens to jln besar eat tim sum saw erica lee..... fwah piangz really damn chio.... laz time din really like her becos of her rabbit teeth.... but hor yesterday first time see her real life in body-hugging light blue singlet and shorter than short shorts.... piangz.... nose bleed.....

as i was standing outside smoking, i stand 1 corner behind pillar and bio her then see her cross leg then can see a little gap btw her sexy thighs and her shorts.... a gleam of white lacy linen....THE HOLY SEXY WHITE PANTY ZAO GENG ....FWAH BTH..... she has jus entered into my list of celeb to bonk....

mai kong liao... wait bth go and pcc again.... IX Shen, you lucky SOB.....
Erica lee used to go tea dance during the 90s, always mixed with those lousy ah bengs.Now grown up still mix with lousy actor who is going nowhere after so many yrs in TCS...haizz...
Old 20-10-2007, 05:17 PM
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Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk

Originally Posted by soundworks View Post
Erica lee used to go tea dance during the 90s, always mixed with those lousy ah bengs.Now grown up still mix with lousy actor who is going nowhere after so many yrs in TCS...haizz...
hmmm, FIRE come straight to my mind once i saw tea dance in 90s. true bro?
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