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Old 15-10-2005, 03:56 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by FIFO
Hi Samsters,
Hi there,and u are??
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 15-10-2005, 05:58 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Hi Samsters,

Sorry just now tried to post my FR, failed. This is my 4th attempt.

I have read and benefited from the advice in this forum. I think it is time for me to contribute back.

Sorry first time post, may be quite raw.

Actually went BKK last month, come back very busy, now then have time to post.

Day 1
I stay in Palazzo Hotel, so SOP go to Mirage at 4pm and have a look first. IMO the girls standard has gone down. And the OKT quote me B2k for the WL in fishtank. Walk out after that.
Then walk to Colongze 2, behind Robinson. Though there are not too many girls, about 7-8 of them, actually I saw one which is quite sweet and fair. So ask OKT for nuru nuru, but OKT say only 2 WL in the tank can nuru nuru, and keep saying one of them good. Actually based on what I read about nuru nuru, I was more or less wanting to try nuru, so on lah, even the WL is not that pretty. BTW, the girl there is 1.9k, but nuru nuru +500B, so 2.4k. OK lah for the experience of it.
Go into room, standard built rapport with WL, order drinks and watch TV. Drinks for me and WL cost 160B+20B tips.
The bathing was normal, after that going to the bed and apply nuru nuru gel. To me, it is not like gel, it is transparent, then mix with water. It was like soap with bubble. The WL start to apply gel on my boby, and lick it. This part was the best. But it was abit cold for me, so cannot steam. She also use her body to rubble me. After about half hour (I guess) of fun, then proceed to wash away the gel. I didn't really enjoy the nuru nuru that much, may be bcos it cold. IMO it was not that fantastic (may be expectation too high or the WL was not skilled enough). SO I won't try again.
Proceed to FJ, it was so so. WL do 50% of the work and I do 50% till I cum. Not as good as what I normally have (may the girl not my type). So no tips given for this type of attitude.
Walk not very statisfy, but ok it was a new exp.

Proceed to traditioanl thai massage at Chaophaya Park Hotel (actually inside the hotel compound, but opp building 3 level). The thai massage there was probaly the best place that I know of.

Day 2
I heard about Catherine in this tread. I am for the service type. So ask taxi to bring me to Rama9 road. Go straight for quite a while saw La defense. Proceed straight some more, but still can't see Catherine. Finally I saw Colongze. So ask taxi driver to stop there (scare can't find catherine, end up go back empty handed).
OKT intro me the models, can't remember the price, think 2.8k for 1.5hr.
Then sit down and have a look at the fish tank. there are 2 cat. 1.9k and 2.2k. Then OKT try to push a WL in fish to me, but I dont like that type, so I sat for quite a while (relax mah), OKT cannot tahan me, walk away. After 5 mins made up my mind, saw a cat 2.2K one quite cute, another OKT walk over and help me.
I think no. 488, she is small in size, but very cute and sweet. Her figure is also very good.
Again standard build rapport, order drinks and watch TV. Drinks also cost 160B + 20B tips.
Proceed to bath, WL bath me gently and well. Bcos this girl is my type, so finger her during the bath, she didn't resist at all, but smile at me. So I continue to enjoy myself and it was very steam.
After the bath, proceed to bed. She lick me for a while, which was heavenly, but too short. After that she proceed to FJ. As she was my type, I really cant tahan and quickly eager to take over control. We play a few positions and finally I cum.
After she clean me up and wash herself, then sit by my side nude (this type of atitude is what I like). So I continue to enjoy her beautiful body by sucking and licking and fingering. I was wonderful.
After some playing, I want another round. She happily took out another rubber. But my brother still not recover due to my age or my poor state of health. So can only play outside. We play until 2 hr is up, then wash, change and go down. Ah I forgot to give her tips, after coming out of the lift, she say never mind dont have to give. I open my wallet only 3x100B note and 1k notes. So I give her 300B.

After that proceed to traditional massage.

Day 3
Don't want to go too far, walk to Mirage, still not happy with the standard of WL in the fishtank. Process to Colongze 2 to see if I can find the girl I saw in day 1. But can't find her, so just a WL that looks ok.
Cut the story short for standard stuff.
This WL bath me normal, finger her dont resist, but dont smile back.
Proceed to bed, lick abit and proceed to FJ, then said she was tire, so I have to do the work (sien half already). After pumping for sometimes then cum. The lady ask me to clean up myself and she clean herself. After that she wrap herself up and took out lotion and power, to apply on her body for very long time. After she finish, I ask for another round, she said can, but she said times almost up. Dont want to argue wear my cloth and go. No tips for bad service.

Day 4 (last day)
After trying so many MP, wanna try something new. So go to Sukumvit soi 33, there is a Massage place call Teen Massage (read from thread, but need to go quite in). Go there at about 1:30pm, the recept show a photo album, after some view, I point to the one I like, but the recept say not around. So ask who is around, she tried explain to me the colour tag, but no interest for me, so she ask all the WL out and stand in front of me to choose. A farang came in, was impressed, so he quickly choose one (luckily not my type), not long after I choose mine. Pay 720B for oil massage (there are quite some type of massge, balls massage, etc.), seems there is 10% discount, Iread from tread it was 800B.
Again built rapport, but no need to order drink or watch TV (no TV).
The room is of poor standard. It is small with a shower, no bath tub. The air con is noisy and bed is small and has some smell.
The girl name is Apple. Average looking with cute teeth. Boobs dont look big.
She ask me to bath first (bath myself). After bathing, I came out, the WL already wrap in tower, but with underwear. So I straight away tell her what I want and ask how much, she said 1.5k, reasonable according to the tread so accept. I ask her to massge my brother first, she gladly do so.
She was really pro in massging brother. Very fast I steam, I try to finger, there was obsticle (underwear), she very automatic, she take them out.
Her boobs though not big, but were beautiful with nice nipples.
She massge my brother for half an hour or may one hour, really steam and very heavenly. Until I cant tahan anymore, I want to f her. so proceed with FJ. We do quite some position. Surprisingly, after massage my brother can last longer. After a long session fun, I finally cum, I hv to rest and let her massage other part of my body.
After a while of resting, I ask for another round, but I tell her my brother might not stand. She said let her try. She massage my brother again, slowly it is from soft to hard again (surprisingly). I thought I can play some more, but seems that time was up. So no choice, have to bath, change and leave with my brother so hard. Even so I am really satisfy with the service provided, and joy I gain was unforgotten. I will return for more in my next trip.

I hope my FR helps samsters going to BKK for more enjoyable fun.

Old 16-10-2005, 04:44 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Hi Bro
Catherine is just further in, when you reached La Defense, further in is Royal Pacific Hotel and further in is Catherine liao.
Old 16-10-2005, 05:29 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by handsome2000
Hi Bro
Catherine is just further in, when you reached La Defense, further in is Royal Pacific Hotel and further in is Catherine liao.
Thanks Handsome2000.

Wah liao, I thought Rama 9 Road is ulu, still need to go in to that small lane some more, scare people will find it like that.
Anyway, going again soon, I'll make sure I test the fish there.

Thanks again Handsome2000!
Old 16-10-2005, 06:29 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by FIFO

Proceed to traditioanl thai massage at Chaophaya Park Hotel (actually inside the hotel compound, but opp building 3 level). The thai massage there was probaly the best place that I know of.

thanks for sharing your experience. Will never failed to go there on all my trips to bangkok. Take note only open at 12pm(local time) as many people might be expecting most traditonal massage to start operate at 10am

From craving springs grief,
From craving springs fear,
One's who is wholly free from craving,
There is no grief, much less fear
Old 17-10-2005, 02:21 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by Hasa Sas
thanks for sharing your experience. Will never failed to go there on all my trips to bangkok. Take note only open at 12pm(local time) as many people might be expecting most traditonal massage to start operate at 10am
Thanks Hasa Sas for the reminder.

You are absolutely right. 12pm is the official time.

However, I often sneak in earlier like 11am (sometime need to catch a flight back). If you have a regular massage lady that know you well enough, or you tips her well enough, they may be willing to come early, may be as early as 10am. Just dare to ask.
As for the shop, it is not open till 12pm, but the doors are opened (I think 10am). Thais are very flexible, they will allow you come in and enjoy your session earlier with no questions ask.

Have a nice Massage...
Old 19-10-2005, 04:31 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Yo Fellow Samsters, this is my first FR ever. I didnt have the time and energy to write a proper FR ever since i got back from BBK. Anyway, i couldnt sleep and thought it would be good to contribute my experience. Alright, i shall cut the cock and bull story. Please pardon me if i didnt do a good job of FR. Inexperienced mah... Pardon Pardon hor.

Here it goes:

My friend and I departed from Sillyapore on the infamous Tiger plane. Got a cheap deal for $160 return flight. Let's call my friend A. We took the earliest flight on saturday morning 8.30am if i don't remember wrongly, reaching BBK around 10.50am. Upon reaching LOS, we were all *SMILES*. Avoiding all the touting taxi drivers, we exited the airport and walked towards a taxi stand. Got on one and told him to bring us to our hotel. "Sol Twin Towers". At first, he's a bit lost where the hotel is located. Luckily, we brought the address of our hotel and he flashed us a smile. That's a very important thing to bring along when you can barely speak Thai and your hotel is located in some ulu location. We asked him for the price and he quickly muttered some figures. I didnt caught it but just heck care. Anyway, he took the tollway and it's 25 minutes to reach our hotel. Upon reaching, he demanded for 180 THB inclusive of the toll fee which is "60" (He charged us 70). I tried to bargain but to no avail. Lesson 2: Always fix a price before boarding the taxi. Later on we realized that the toll fee was fixed at 60 THB actually if he passed two toll stations. He cheated by pointing to us that it shows 10, 20 bahts on the ticket and on one station we saw him passing 40 baht. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Just take note, it's 60 bahts for passing two stations on the tollway.

I would say though Sol Twin Tower is not exactly in a good location but it's indeed value for money. We had an early check-in upon reaching the place. The reception was well-trained, versed in English and Japanese (cos i saw this cute jap girl at the counter speaking jap). It's rated 4 stars. We paid $185 for 3 nights of stay. A and I shared a standard room. Very budget. In fact, the trip breaks down to $250 per person for 4D3N.

The room is pretty standard, two super single beds. Pretty Spacious, bathtub, etc. Just one comment, the corridor was quite long and looks quite eerie if you are walking toward your room alone. We stayed on the 14th floor.

After taking a bath, we jumped into action. First place that we headed for is Chatukcha. I shall skip that since that should not arouse much interest. The first evening came faster than we thought. After our shopping spree, we went back to hotel, took a bath, dropped our stuff and headed toward Soi Cowboy. We took a cab from our hotel based on meter, it costs around 60THB. In fact, the taxi took us for a spin, passed by Cupidy Massage at Plaza Entertainment. He coaxed us to take a look, however learning from the website, we know that they would levy a comm, so we insist on going to Cowboy.

10 mins later, we reached Soi Cowboy. Wow! The whole street was cluttered with farangs, some chinese and a lot of Ah-gogo girls pulling men off the street. We thought it was quite happening. (first time to chiong in BKK) We walked from one end to the another, getting pulled along the way. We didnt relent and walked firm. After scouting several joints, we decided to walk into this Ah-gogo bar called Spice Girls. It's a small joint but i spotted a girl that i took a fancy standing outside.

Although it's small, it had 2 levels. We went to the top floor. It had a pool table and lotsa of poles with girls of cos. The one that i took fancy came and sit on my lap while another girl came over to sit with A. We ordered two drinks and drinks for the ladies. The usual teasing goes on and dancing. In one corner of my eye, i spotted a drunk girl sitting in one corner. An ang moh went over and sit with her. He started frenching her, then everything happen so fast. Soon, he was fingering her right in the bar. The rest of the girls seem so frantic about that and try to stop the ang moh. Apparently, he's getting free "tofu" (take girl's advantage). Alright, we got along well with our ladies. Then came the crucial moment, to pop our questions "Will you follow me back to the hotel?" We learnt from an indian brother also in the same bar that standard rates were 1k-1.5k and do not offer anything more than that. We asked and were offered 2k for overnight plus bar fine of 500THB. We refused and offered 1k. They discussed for a while in Thai and nodded their head together. They went on to ask where do we stay and how many rooms? We told them Twin Towers, they had no idea. 1 room? Yes, we shared the same room. They were a bit skeptical at the idea but didnt reject us. So they told us to come back at 2am when they knocked off so that we dont have to pay bar fine.

We had another 1.5 hours, we scouted around other bars. We noted something: their business model is really ingenious. They would get the girls to get you to buy them many ladies drink (small cup) which cost the same as your own drink (big cup) so that maximum profit is made. Once they have finished their "quota" with you, they will go dancing again. We went another bar, took 1 drink each but bought 3 ladies drink each. A waste of money if u dont like her and she just come along. Being a newbie, we were too polite to reject.

At 2am sharp, we were back at the bar entrance. They were pretty delighted to see us "keeping our words" and gave us a hug each. We wanted to bring them for supper since we didnt took our dinner either. Using our chicken and duck language, we asked if they want to eat. They said ok and guess what? They brought us to 7-eleven across the road and started picking cup noodles. We gestured to them that the noodles are no good and we better eat something hot. Dont ask me how we did it but they managed to understand us. We adjourned to a small seafood shop along the road. 4 persons ordered one fish, one tom yam soup, one veg. Total cost 470 THB (19SGD). Very cheap imho.

After food, of cos came the exciting part. Sampling of goods. However, i guess i didnt do enough homework and encounter something unpleasant. We were stopped by security guard at the life lobby and they expect us to pay a joiner fee of 700THB for each WL. Of course, we were dismayed. We argued with them for a long time, all the bullshit and kicked a big fuss, to no avail. They insist that we can "chat" in the cafe lobby. There is no need to bring our guests up the room. In short, they want money. We were very fed up and paced around the entire lobby, hoping to irritate them. The WLs upon seeing me do that, they asked A what happened? A passed them the "Joiner Fee Form", they understood and told A not to worry, just pay the 700 THB. They are willing to accept whatever amount we give them later on. Meaning they intend to factor this cost into their 1k THB fee. Don't know to believe or not but no pt pacing around, we paid 1400 THB. With a sulky face, we adjourned back to our hotel. A pair of us took the bathroom while another pair were doing what they like to do outside. I bet there was ultimate noise pollution 3.30am in the morning. We had 2 rounds each. One in the bathroom and one on bed respectively. Exhausted, we fell asleep.

Next day, we woke up at 12noon and found that we missed the free american buffet. Heck it, too pissed anyway. We went to the roadside hawkers together with the WLs and took our brunch (Breakfast + lunch). Beef Brisket Noodle. Fantastic Food @ 220 for all 4 of us inclusive of drinks. A and I offered to pay them 600 THB each. We are not so stingy to give them 300 THB for their service, though 600 THB aint much. Surprisingly, they took it willingly and did not have any qualms at all. They asked where we are heading to. We mentioned that we are heading to a temple, they offered to join us and said that they didnt have to work till 6pm so they could accompany us till then. We didnt like the idea of having girls following us around as we might want to do a few other things. Having said that, we sent them on their cab back.
Old 19-10-2005, 04:32 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

A and I took a tuk-tuk and asked him to take us to Wat Erawana. He said ok and quoted us 20 THB with T&C. Why? He asked if we could help him to get free petrol voucher by patronizing two jewellery factories. Just look see look see for 10 mins will do. Out of goodwill, we agreed. Went to the first one. Nothing much. Went to the second one. We went a pair of taiwanese girls who were "bluffed" there by tuk tuk. They were speaking chinese and being buayas, i started a conversation with one of them. They were so happy to hear someone who can speak their native language "Hokkien" and asked if we were Taiwanese. After that, we walked around the factory together and spent around 30 mins idling and chatting. They were very fair-skinned pair. Buaya mode on, we asked for their number and whether they had any program on tonight. They mentioned "No" and so we jio them to dinner and drinking. They heartily agreed. I dont understand why but when we were in Bangkok, we felt so confident of ourselves. We could open our golden mouth and flirt any fucking girls on the street, shopping mall etc but in Singapore, we just cant do it. Weird. Anyway, after the jewellery factory, we agreed to meet 8pm at their hotel lobby. We spilt ways and went to our temple followed by Chaktukchak. Chio bus were everywhere.

Similiarly, after ChaktukChak, we freshened up at hotel, dropped our baggage and adjourned to their hotel loddy. Exactly at 8pm, the pair of sisters appeared. Wow, exciting? Having Taiwanese in Thailand. We were thinking how are the sisters are gonna fuck with each of us in the same room. Anyway, we got a solution later on.

We went to a posh looking restaurant for dinner (wanting to impress them), we ordered the usual fare, noodle and dishes. Total bill came up to 890THB, which were still quite reasonable for a posh restaurant. After that, we adjourned to one of the Discos at RCA. I believe a lot of brothers know there are a lot of discos and bars along that stretch. It's near Phkram 9 if i'm not wrong. Sorry, not very versed with Thai Street Name. Anyway, we had a few drinks and started playing cards. It was very comfortable as we could communicate very well. After getting real high, we suggested to go back hotel and "take a rest". I suddenly suggested that if they might feel bored tonight sleeping alone, they could join us @ our hotel. I think they were on the high side and they said ok! Of cos, we were thrilled but were high as well. We took a cab back to our hotel and of cos, there was the joiner fee as well. We forgot about that in midst of our happiness. Damn spoilsport, we wanted to pay that but one of the girls stopped us. She told us to "try their room" instead. If i dont remember wrongly, they were staying at one of the expensive hotel in central. That part was pretty vague as i was high and partially drunk. I remembered we took a cab to their hotel and went up to their room without any trouble. They were staying in a suite. It's nicely furnished and had two queens size bed. I thought "Perfect!". Upon eaching the room, one of the sisters just fell flat onto the bed while the other one said she wanted more drink. I accompany the other sister down to the convenience shop and got a few more beer while A is up there, i dont know what he did.

When we reached back, the room was dark. I cant really see and she tripped over something, we both fell onto the nearest bed which happens to be the vacant one. Smelling her beer breath and her body on me, it's really close. I don't know who moves first and we started kissing. The rest as they say is history. I was the first to wake up in the morning, followed by A. Those two girls were really as dead as a log. Probably feeling a bit guilty and with a mild hangover, we made our way out of the room. Seems like a hit n run case. I asked him what happened? He mentioned when we left the room, he was sitting on the bed watching TV when the other sister suddenly wake up and lie on him, so he ON his auto mode and the rest is history.

Probably didnt know how to call our mobile, the sisters did not contact us after that. We had their mobile number till today, hoping to meet them when we visit Taiwan.

Anyway, it aint that long. It's only one month since our trip.

Third day goes very fast. We went back to our hotel and slept due to our hangover. When we woke up, it's 7pm. Chionging time. This time, we went to Patpong. Famed to have some stretch of kinky bars. We went to Patpong Soi 2 and started walking down the street. Nothing interesting, the usual ah-gogo bars and the super pussy etc. They had people touting tourists all over. We went into one and one ang moh was huffing out of the place shoutting "cheat". Asked why? He told us the menu indicated 100 THB for the drink and they bill him 600 THB. He refused to pay and thus left the place.

We were very skeptical and left as well, with the touting ppl stalking after us.
Then we chanced upon a massage centre (family style). I saw two potential targets. We went in and asked if i could select my girl. I chose one of my target. A petite and chinese looking girl. Together we took the cheapest package 1 hour massage 200 THB. Went up to the 3rd floor. Changed into their massage clothes and lied down. The girls washed our feet and wipe it dry. The room were commonly shared with a thin partition. Then my girl started massaging my leg and all the while i have been flashing a smile to her, to which she returned most of the time, probably out of manners. Anyway, when she reached my thigh portion, i started having a slight erection cos she brushed my groin.

As the massage clothes were made of thin material like pyajamas. A tentage was formed and seen by the several massage girls there. They started giggling and asked my massage girl "what did she do to make me have that reaction" and " i got a cheeky smile" (all understand from her later on). She started speaking in Thai, then i spoke to A in chinese. To my surprise, she interrupt with chinese as well. Then we start to strike a conversation. Haha.. So seeing my tentage, she asked if i need to go to the toilet or something. I laughed and said no need. Then suddenly it turns to the topic of aromatic oil massage, she mentioned that it was in a private room by ourselves (me and the massage girl) so i told her whether i can upgrade my package to that. She said sure and giggled. All the rest of the girls were giggling and it was so embrassing to walk around with a hardon. I followed her up 6th storey. While in the lift, i suddenly hugged her and she did not reject so i started my auto roaming service. She asked me if i liked her, i told her yes. Then she giggled again. We went into the "private room". KNN. It's only a individual partition, so much for a "private room". Anyway, i stripped to my birthday suit in no time and she was still giggling away, asked if i'm pai seh. Lying on the bed like a patient, she started to apply oil to my thigh and start her massage. My di di grow and grow. So i grab her hand and guide them to my didi, she obliged and start to massage my di-di up and down. That feeling is very good.

Then i auto-roam and proceed to unhook her bra to which she resist and said that this is not a good place so i asked her "my hotel?" She said ok if i paid her tip. I asked how much. Guess? She said she never did this before with any client. I thought, ya cock and bull. She told me 500 THB. My jaws droppped but i didnt show it. I thought what a great deal and fixed it at 11pm after she knocked off.

At 11:15pm, i was waiting at the massage lobby while she changed. We went for a light dinner. 240 THB. for two of us. After that, straight to my hotel. Surprisingly, there were many tourists who just arrived and i guess it's my luck. We sneaked past the security and went up without paying the joiner fee.

12 midnight, we were on the bed. Some facts to share. She really dont do this at all i believe but her blowjob was fantastic. I would give her a 9/10 for BBBJ. Best among all i had. She told me she is a divorcee with a 5 yo daughter. She had never did blowjob for her husband even. She did not do paid sex before and i'm the first. I took it with a pinch of salt. Anyway, came FJ. HEr pussy was god damn tight maybe cos she's petite but it feels like a virgin and i had to take it real slow. She's damn wet like she did not had sex for a really long time. After which, she revealed she is divorced for 5 years. Maybe after shotgun marriage i guess. We had sex for a while but stopped cos she couldnt take the pain and often to suck me dry. With her amazing skills, i CIM. We lie down a while, then she asked if i want more. I told her ok, she started sucking again. Her sucking is really superb, my didi rose to attention within 3 seconds. This time, i shot on her face. Haha.. all my porn did to me. Anyway, we left the hotel around 2am. I sent her home, she stayed opposite my hotel, in a very run down house. She told me to call her when i'm in BKK again. Definitely for a 500 THB amazing BBBJ. I will definitely call her.

I guess end of FR. Nothing much interesting. My friend didnt have a girl for the last night. He came back around 2.30am and we went back to sleep, preparing to pack back to sillyapore in the morning.

Hope you enjoyed my FR. Please do ask any questions. If you do not like any part of my FR, please do not flame. Thanks.
Old 19-10-2005, 09:19 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by noiser
A and I offered to pay them 600 THB each. We are not so stingy to give them 300 THB for their service, though 600 THB aint much.
Thanks for the laugh. P.R.I.C.E.L.E.S.S
Old 19-10-2005, 10:23 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Hi Bros,

I am staying in Swissotel Le Concorde now, there are so many places to go nearby, but I have only 1 nite....anyone can tell me which 1 I should try most that is not too expensive on the wallet and any recommendation of the ladies there?

Thanks for your advise!!!
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Old 19-10-2005, 10:31 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by noiser
Ah-gogo bar called Spice Girls. It's a small joint but i spotted a girl that i took a fancy standing outside.

We learnt from an indian brother also in the same bar that standard rates were 1k-1.5k and do not offer anything more than that. We asked and were offered 2k for overnight plus bar fine of 500THB. We refused and offered 1k. .

Good FR bro....Dun know which gal from spice gal did that 1000THB for LT cool if don't mind just let me know their name or Number...gonna try it out tonite hehehe Hope u can remember their Number Thank!!
Old 19-10-2005, 10:45 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by vfv_slr

Thanks for your advise!!!
U can start walking from Nataree to Poseidon.
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Old 19-10-2005, 10:52 AM
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Talking Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

My friend's one is Kai. My one is Beer or something. Weird name. Usually they are on second floor. Hey bros, i'm relating truth. It's ok if you dont believe though :P
Old 19-10-2005, 10:55 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by brent
Thanks for the laugh. P.R.I.C.E.L.E.S.S
Hehe... it's indeed a very good exp. Maybe beginner's luck. We did asked in other joints and was quoted 2.5k - 4k. Haha this kinda of price is really a steal.
Old 19-10-2005, 11:08 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by noiser
My friend's one is Kai. My one is Beer or something. Weird name. Usually they are on second floor. Hey bros, i'm relating truth. It's ok if you dont believe though :P

Shall follow u all to go next time... see whethere can get this kind of lobang or not
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