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Old 17-08-2017, 10:10 PM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

I'm staying P Burgos area. Easy to change money? Seldom go philli so don't want to change to much and end up didn't use.
Old 17-08-2017, 10:23 PM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by kenny_boy View Post
I'm staying P Burgos area. Easy to change money? Seldom go philli so don't want to change to much and end up didn't use.
I avoid changing money in open areas. P Burgos, walk up to A Venue mall, there's money changer there.. Safe.
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Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 18-08-2017, 12:10 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Hi all. I Will be travelling to Manila next week. Any bros can intro girls for short or long time fun? Thanks in advance.
Old 20-08-2017, 10:40 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Mall girls are Not FL

Some of them want to supplement their low income.

But like any normal girl, if you have time nothing lost trying..

If you are handsome good chance for date.

Normal rules apply.. Not all dates end up in success

Caveat Emptor
yes correct maybe the way i say it was wrong
Old 20-08-2017, 10:49 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Mall girls are Not FL

Some of them want to supplement their low income.

But like any normal girl, if you have time nothing lost trying..

If you are handsome good chance for date.

Normal rules apply.. Not all dates end up in success

Caveat Emptor

Fact, you dun even need to be handsome. Have a good personality, be fun and engaging, and spend a little $ on her and that is enough.

Yes, mall girls are not FL, but mall girls are still girls, and girls always looking money. Just some require money ST, LT, or big money for XLT. Fact.
Old 20-08-2017, 11:06 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Fact, you dun even need to be handsome. Have a good personality, be fun and engaging, and spend a little $ on her and that is enough.

Yes, mall girls are not FL, but mall girls are still girls, and girls always looking money. Just some require money ST, LT, or big money for XLT. Fact.
No can do. I am fugly my smile rate ONLY 50%

Agreed girls are girls and filipina more friendly so easy to chat up.
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 21-08-2017, 03:28 AM
ImmatureBoy ImmatureBoy is offline
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
No can do. I am fugly my smile rate ONLY 50%

Agreed girls are girls and filipina more friendly so easy to chat up.
i have ever try 2 talk 2 a pinoy carpark attendant (23 yrs old) n ask her out.
problem is she stays quite far from makati n she has no spare clothes 2 change when stay over so we had starbucks n thats it
no sex, doesn't have 2 b sex all the time or free bonks

but i build contact like these so in case if i go there i can sound them out way in advance
Old 21-08-2017, 09:18 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by ImmatureBoy View Post
i have ever try 2 talk 2 a pinoy carpark attendant (23 yrs old) n ask her out.
problem is she stays quite far from makati n she has no spare clothes 2 change when stay over so we had starbucks n thats it
no sex, doesn't have 2 b sex all the time or free bonks
But if you had gone to the nearest Mini Stop, or 7/11, you may have found some spare clothes

but i build contact like these so in case if i go there i can sound them out way in advance
Same here.


5 out of 10 hello gets me nowhere or give me funny looks, or even worse, give me the look like "you creep .. " (used to it anyway, unless the men are white, the who the fuck are you look comes out very easily .. )

2 out of 10 hello gets me message to help for this or that (Ignore list)

2 out of 10 hello gets me action

1 out of 10 hello gets me action + referrals for friends of the girl who needs 'help'

As long as there is lot of free time to entertain the crowd, it works ..

Though I do get a lot of disappointed notes, like Í was dying to meet you, you disappointed me .. ' (meaning, she was hoping to get some cash ... )
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 22-08-2017, 04:54 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
I avoid changing money in open areas. P Burgos, walk up to A Venue mall, there's money changer there.. Safe.
Makati or MOA is safe
Old 22-08-2017, 06:09 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Been working in Makati for the past 2 years. And will be here for many years more.

Most of the people available on wechat, are ladyboys. I would say up around 70% and 80% of them. Even if they advertise as 100% real girl.

Unfortunately our Asian gene and face can't do much here.

Normal rate is around 2000p for 1 hour so called 'massage and bonk'.
Some nicer quality will charge for 3000p.
Some model quality ones will charge 4000p.
If you pay more than 4000p means you get chopped.
If you manage to find less than 2000p, it is really fishy too, be careful

Massage only start from 400p onwards, mostly 500p.

Security wise, best to do it from your apartment/hotel, if shit happens, call the front desk/security (get the number ready). If you ever order any girl back to your hotel, do not go down to bring them up unless you know their background very clearly. Get them to register at the hotel frontdesk and go up to your room by themselves.

If they ask for more money in the middle of action, just abort mission. Stop everything. Ask them to leave. If they dont leave/stubborn, just pickup the phone and call the front desk/security.

If you feel paiseh to order girls back to room, then just head over to AF1.
And per my experience, no SPA in Greenbelt / Legazpi / Bel Air area will have extra service.
You need to to head further like Pasay/Paranaque/Quezon City.
Old 23-08-2017, 08:40 PM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Dear Brothers

I am currently at holiday inn ortigas .any recommendation there ?
Old 24-08-2017, 11:44 PM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

This is true. Most filipinas in general loves funny guy eventhough average looking. Be a bit more generous as well and they really appreciates it and can somehow make them "paiseh" to reject you immediately.

If you're angmoh, almost always you can get any normal girl out there. As they see angmoh as generally higher class. If you have a good command in english, you can use that as well, sorry singlish doesn't count.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Fact, you dun even need to be handsome. Have a good personality, be fun and engaging, and spend a little $ on her and that is enough.

Yes, mall girls are not FL, but mall girls are still girls, and girls always looking money. Just some require money ST, LT, or big money for XLT. Fact.
Old 24-08-2017, 11:46 PM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Originally Posted by ZUNBO96 View Post
Dear Brothers

I am currently at holiday inn ortigas .any recommendation there ?
There's some resto bars near ortigas, if my memory serves me right, there's metrowalk nearby
Old 25-08-2017, 11:16 PM
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Was in Makati area recently, and spent a little time looking for fun

Pinoy Girls are very friendly, and easy to approach. At Robinson's mall was able to chat up a few girls and pickup a few numbers. Most Pinoy girls are easy to talk to, and will give you her number if you lead and sincere (being foreign also helps). One girl i was able to take for a date, have a few drink, and back to my hotel room to finish off the night happy

Also visited the famous LA Cafe which is a freelance pickup spot. Conveniently opened 24 hrs. They have 2 levels and i paid the extra charge to go upstairs and listen to the live music. I was able to pickup a girl, mid-20s, nice big C-cups. She started at 5000peso, but i was able to get it to 3500 after some chit chat and a drink, and a nice smile. Overall, the quality of the girls in this place is maybe 4-6/10, many old hens, but i believe you can find gems if you come at the right time and be patient.
Old 26-08-2017, 07:33 AM
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings

Any sifus here can advise the on-goings rates at Bottoms (bar fine & ST / LT)?
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