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Old 10-04-2006, 10:41 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by MoonBlaze
Peng You! Dun suddenly come in and jab me leh...tot u overseas working hard?
Just stepped into SG yesterday.

Originally Posted by MoonBlaze
Every case of man and WL is an unique case individually but they just share the very common direction....false illusion of love and heartache in the end.
A lot of guys reason out his ger is special leh. Different from the rest of the WL.

Originally Posted by MoonBlaze
Find love at these entertainment spots from WL is a mistake right at the beginning.
Not mistake, it is putting your 1 leg into coffin
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 10-04-2006, 01:41 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

(It's the "little head" speaking)

Looks like it's time to hear another side of the story??

Bro axcel, think it's kind of obvious the gal the does not truly like you and it's time for you to move on BUT if you want to get into this "game" you must be prepared for this kind of things. What I mean is even if the gal really likes you, she will still be hugging some other guy...going to hotel with some other guy. It's their "job" unless you can afford to pay her the same kind of money, this is something you must be able to accept or else you shouldn't start at all.

Back to main topic, let me start by telling you a little story. There is a guy who went into this relationship with this SG gal for like 5 yrs. The guy was devoted to her, buy her expensive gifts during her birthday, valentine's day, christmas, take her on holidays, wine her...dine her...and in the end. The gal got tired of taking the bus with him and dumped him for a guy who drives a nice BMW. He is a human, of course he will be sad initially but after that, how should he feel?? Should he feel cheated and curse the gal for wasting 5 yrs of his time and money?? Or forget about it and think back on all the nice time he had with the gal for the past 5 yrs??

Someone once said in the chatroom, "there are a lot of bro here who got cheated by WL and got nothing in return". My qns to him was, what are you expecting in return in the first place?? You see, it's up to you whether if you feel cheated or not. e.g you want a cup of coke, you pay $1 expecting to get a cup of coke only to get shortchanged and find the cup is 3/4 filled with ice. Some ppl might argue with the seller...some might just accept the fact that this is how business is done now...

So I want to ask the bros here, when you go into a "relationship" with a WL, what are you expecting in return?? Do you want to get married to her?? Do you want her to love you unconditionally devote herself to you?? Or do you just want something slightly more then what you can get in the KTVs...pubs?? Once you know what you are expecting, then you can decide whether you have been cheated or not. Yes you might not find the special gal, but do you actually need a special gal?? How do you win a man who has nothing to lose??

Now...the controversy. Can "true love" be found in such relationships. When I argue with the bros here over this, it's like me going against Singapore Pools, I'm at a distinct disadvantage because the chances of me losing is VERY high BUT I'm sure somebody does strike 4-D once in while?? So when the bros here keep saying, why get yourself into this kind of things?? Don't be stupid!! Think with your big head!! It's all just a big mistake. It's like telling someone....don't waste your money buying 4D every week, I buy 10 yrs already also never win anything...give me the money will never strike. True enough, but can anyone be sure that he will never strike for the rest of his life??

So what I will say to bros who want to try their luck with WL and 4D is this. You don't want to buy also want to buy I also wouldn't scold you for being stupid. Just do it in moderation and within your limit, don't spend insane amounts just buying 4D, continue working...don't just sit at home everyday pinning all your hopes on 4D cause you might never strike but who might get lucky 1 of these days. Don't worry, you are not alone and if you are's not as bad as you think and I have seen grown men being manipulated in even worse ways around this forum. These kinds of things can happen it with a PRC...Viet...SG gals WL or no WL.

I know I'm fighting a losing battle here, but I must still say that there are still some humanity left in these gals. NOT ALL OF them are oscar winning actresses who has nothing on their mind except for money. If there was a thread here for these PRC...viet gals to post, you are going to hear a lot of stories of how they were cheated by SG men. How they hope to get a better life by devoting themselves to these men and in the end found out that he is already married with 2 children...that kind of things.

I know...I know...ppl like me should be left to die...should get my head hit by a wall a few times before I learn...I'm blinded by LOVE....thinking with my small head...."no medicine to cure" but we are humans with feelings after all...something feelings are hard to control. Just make sure you grow smarter from every mistake you make and never repeat the same dumb mistake and you will do just fine. Look at what neamlo did??

Anyway there is always more then 1 side to every story. I can't say what the rest said is totally wrong and I hope the rest don't say that about me. We can argue till the end of time and still not come to an agreement. So everybody just take it easy, there are millions of 4D..TOTO bets placed every week but with maybe only 50 winners?? Don't scold the thousands of ppl for being's up to you whether you want to take the chance or not and if you can afford to lose. Don't worry, you won't die...maybe can lose a bit to a lot of money but IF you learnt a valuable lesson I say you still gain something and is not a total loser. Good luck!! Cause you will be needing lots of it!!

To all the seniors's no use...remember how our parents used to nag everyday telling us to study hard?? How many of us actually listened?? It's only when we come out...hit the wall...then we will regret for not listening...let's just hope that it's not too late!!

I have said all I have wanted to say. There are sure to be some replies either disagreeing or agreeing to what I have said. I think I would rather not reply anymore as like I said...we can argue forever. So I will let you...the readers be the judge. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment and criticise!!

Don't hate the players!! Hate the game!!!
Old 10-04-2006, 02:39 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by Osama

What I mean is even if the gal really likes you, she will still be hugging some other guy...going to hotel with some other guy. It's their "job" unless you can afford to pay her the same kind of money, this is something you must be able to accept or else you shouldn't start at all.
Hmmm finally u understand this point...

Originally Posted by Osama
e.g you want a cup of coke, you pay $1 expecting to get a cup of coke only to get shortchanged and find the cup is 3/4 filled with ice. Some ppl might argue with the seller...some might just accept the fact that this is how business is done now...
This I have to say something, if u pay for the coke then u have the right to complain or suffer in silence. But if the coke is free n u still complain then u deserve to be lectured.

Same as WL, if u pay for sex n she dun perform, it is either u complain or u can walk away after the sex session n never f her again, or if u pay her exclusively monthly allowance, u saw her f with another guy then u have the right to kpkb but if the ger is free for u to f n she let another guy to f her, then u better lan lan n not come kpkb.

Originally Posted by Osama
True enough, but can anyone be sure that he will never strike for the rest of his life??
How many setbacks can u take to strike a real truly love with WL?

Originally Posted by Osama
I know...I know...ppl like me should be left to die...should get my head hit by a wall a few times before I learn...I'm blinded by LOVE....thinking with my small head...."no medicine to cure" but we are humans with feelings after all...something feelings are hard to control.
This sound familiar, did I f u with this??

Originally Posted by Osama
Just make sure you grow smarter from every mistake you make and never repeat the same dumb mistake and you will do just fine. Look at what neamlo did??
Wat did I do??

Originally Posted by Osama
How many of us actually listened?? It's only when we come out...hit the wall...then we will regret for not listening...let's just hope that it's not too late!!
So u heed my words??? Did u bang the wall?
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 10-04-2006, 02:50 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by Osama
(It's the "little head" speaking)

Looks like it's time to hear another side of the story??
CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP.....extremly well said........totally agree with you.....

Old 10-04-2006, 03:21 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Well part of this comes from some newbies meeting the "seasoned chiongsters" and hearing all about their success stories and "achievements" such as free bonk, GF feeling, CB juice flow like river, etc etc.

They hear the stories and their eyes light up. They may reason: This guy who claims to have so much success... he is fatter and uglier and older than me. If he can do it, why can't I?

That's when the trouble starts. They have their eyes on the prize at the end of the road, not on the road itself. They never wondered about all the many other failures that "seasoned chiongster" had to endure before each success. Seriously, one does not become "seasoned" unless there are failures to gain experience from, right?

Like I always say... DON'T COMPARE. Just because your friend got a HJ for $10 while you have to pay $50, does not mean your friend never had to pay $50 for a HJ before.

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Old 10-04-2006, 05:56 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

didn't know my simple sharing of experience spark up so much things


noted all bros
Old 11-04-2006, 12:36 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by loner80
any bro help translate this for me lol im a noob at vietnam >.< thx alot~!

anh yeu chuc anh ngu ngon nha. hen gap lai anh vao ngay nao anh ranh nho dien thoai cho em nha anh

Honey/Darling wish you good night...see you whenever you are me when you are free...
Old 12-04-2006, 01:27 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program


she gave me a call from vietnam...

say she miss me....

oMg how to end this story
Old 12-04-2006, 10:10 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by axcel69

she gave me a call from vietnam...

say she miss me....

oMg how to end this story

Hhahahahah wat a crap... if I'm u, I will say this to her "Nho em du ma".
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 12-04-2006, 11:13 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by axcel69

she gave me a call from vietnam...

say she miss me....

oMg how to end this story
This is disgusting. Now I know why Singapore men have a reputation for being weak-willed, wimpy and sentimental. Because we fucking deserve it.

My friend, if you don't know how to say "no", you're not going to get very far in your chionging lifespan. You don't need to be fancy or use long words. All you need to do is say "goodbye" firmly. No second thoughts, no hesitation.

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Old 12-04-2006, 02:54 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by axcel69
she gave me a call from vietnam...say she miss me....
oMg how to end this story
If she speaks to you in Viet, say... "no speak Viet"
If she speaks to you in English say..."Kg hiue ting an"
Even better still...dont answer the phone........
Simple enuff?????

Do you really want to end the problem or just here to garner sympathy from Samsters....alot has been olny u can make the decision....once you make with it....

Old 12-04-2006, 07:30 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

please la...

why keep got people saw i playing for symphathy

this was suppse to be a discussion thread and

i am just sharing my experience must you all

like this condemn me ?
Old 13-04-2006, 03:01 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by Reaper
say..."Kg hiue ting an"
Think you write wrong.....hiue....ting an....both wrong....

Originally Posted by Reaper
or just here to garner sympathy from Samsters....alot has been said.
Dont think so he do that.,....
Old 13-04-2006, 03:06 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by newbadass
They hear the stories and their eyes light up. They may reason: This guy who claims to have so much success... he is fatter and uglier and older than me. If he can do it, why can't I?
Like I always say... DON'T COMPARE. Just because your friend got a HJ for $10 while you have to pay $50, does not mean your friend never had to pay $50 for a HJ before.

Nice Saying
Old 13-04-2006, 04:40 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by Reaper
If she speaks to you in English say..."Kg hiue ting an"
Should be `Khong Hieu Tieng Anh'
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