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Old 30-04-2012, 07:58 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Near the train station. . Walked into a spa/massage near the hotel- turned out clean - will try again in the evening - tx for help bro
Old 01-05-2012, 04:48 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Din knw got tis thread. Dun mind I re post my encounter.

Jus to share a place I visited when i was in BKK earlier tis mth.

Long beach massage, prev known as Honolulu Love Boat. E outside very easy to notice. Cos of a boat there. Lol. It's actually opp RCA!! Hahaha.

Initially went in n it's very grand in there. Nice place n nice ladiessssss. One glance all looks good!! I find e gals there prettier than Emmanulelle.
But din go ahead as its stil early so look look see see only.

Went back n e nite @ 2200hrs. To our horror!! NOT A SINGLE GAL AVAIL!!! Noon time stil see e gals r so packed!!
So, LL, got to wait. Their prices ranged frm 2.5k, 3.something till 5k oso have. Anything more than tat got anot I duno la. Haha.
E 5k ones e captain mentioned r MODELS. Anyway did saw a 5k calibre, IT'S EXCELLENT!! Not all thou. E 1st one I saw ok only. It's e second one tat I saw den I knw y she's 5k?!! Haha. My fren got e 5k Chio one. Very pretty face n good body.

Overall, e Place quite class. Got live band somemore. Heard frm captain, same management as The Lord.

Otw to here, passed by Ultohpia. Never went thou. Tis Long Beach is nearby Ultophia. Wrong spelling I knw. Haha.

Frens commented theirs not bad. Quite nice. 1 say is good. I had a 3k plus one, as it's late. Not much choices left. 11pm already. Some gals heading home. My gal works Very Normal sop thingy. Nothing special. Abit boring.

Name: Forgot. Lol.
Size: petite. Sweet.
Boobs: Small ba.

Will definitely return if I'm there AGAIN!!! Cos, I'm sure there got more to EXPLORE!!!

Awwwww. I missed BKK!!!! Wooooot!!!


The Long Beach Massage Parlor is an upscale place. The frontside of the building looks like a boat.
They have a fishbowl with 40 - 50 thai girls. Additionally they have a restaurant, karaoke club & lounge bar.

555 Soonwijai
10320 Bangkok
Rama IX (next door to Radison Hotel, now known as Golden Tulip Sovereign Hotel) Thailand
Phone: 0-2274-4040, 0-2274-4118
Openening Hours: 3 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Old 04-05-2012, 06:01 PM
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Where can I buy Nuru Nuru massage lotion in Bangkok?

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Old 05-05-2012, 06:25 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Any brothers here ever visit ten entertainment center close to the Lao Embassy off of Ratchada?

It seems like a pretty busy place full of cars every night. I am staying close to there right now and it's very active and has massage brightly advertised. I can't find any references to it online so I haven't dropped in for this reason.

Btw, i'm living very close to Ratchada right now. Any of you old farts want to join up with me sometime ? I am available just about anytime except Saturdays and Sundays when my girlfriend is at home. So let me know =).
Old 05-05-2012, 06:33 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Went to Naratree yesterday at around 5pm and wow, it's crowded with hungry customers. Quick hand quick leg choose a 20yr girl from Changrai before they run out of girls. Pay at the counter, took a lift to 3rd floor and guess what? No rooms and have to go to the holding room where there are about 6 bros, mostly japs waiting for rooms lol. Have a nice chat w my puiying and dont know why, the puiying always think I am jap and was surprised I can speak thai Ask about the new joint open by Naratree near Robinsons and she say the rooms are very nice but the girls there are older and a lot of customers who went there will return back to Naratree where the young gilrs are plentiful. Hmm, the Naratree mangement not very smart leh, should put all the young girls at the new joint confirm business will explode. Well, the rest is SOP, good bonk in the rundown room Came down and the place was even more packed w girls and customers:O
Old 05-05-2012, 06:40 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by Ultraone View Post
Went to Naratree yesterday at around 5pm and wow, it's crowded with hungry customers.
This is what mystifies me about Nataree. Back in 2005 you used to be able to go there and see a ratio of at least 6:1 girls to customers. Then sometime after 2007 or so it started getting flooded with customers. It was great having girls beckon to you and even do BBBJ SOP. Goddamn, what the hell happened to those days?
Old 05-05-2012, 07:30 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
This is what mystifies me about Nataree. Back in 2005 you used to be able to go there and see a ratio of at least 6:1 girls to customers. Then sometime after 2007 or so it started getting flooded with customers. It was great having girls beckon to you and even do BBBJ SOP. Goddamn, what the hell happened to those days?
Well last time most ppl are not as educated and being in this field command good money...

I miss bkk cant wait to go der
semi retired or almost
Old 05-05-2012, 08:38 PM
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It's actually 10 Spa and Entertaintment Center. You should go there to experience sauna, steam sauna, cold pool and whirl pool and if you want female company lots of attractive Thai girls will entertain you with erotic happy ending.

You can also play snookers, gamble and receive traditional Thai massage without happy ending.
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Old 05-05-2012, 08:41 PM
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Too bad you have a girlfriend on weekends, what's his name, your girlfriend?
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Old 06-05-2012, 02:58 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by norice View Post

Too bad you have a girlfriend on weekends, what's his name, your girlfriend?
I do have a long term g/f that has nothing to do with the hobby and is certainly not a "he".

Norice aren't you a Ratchada local? Why haven't we hung out yet??
Old 06-05-2012, 04:10 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
......It was great having girls beckon to you and even do BBBJ SOP. Goddamn, what the hell happened to those days?
Bro M.O.,

It is as simple as supply and demand. When the demand is strong, the suppliers can call the shot

Nataree is popular because:

1) it's got plenty of girls,
2) prices are still reasonable and
3) papasans can speak English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, etc.

The rooms are a little bit run down, and the services might not be top notch, but if I don't have time to shop, Nataree will be the first place I hit
Old 06-05-2012, 05:08 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by Soopafly View Post
Bro M.O.,

It is as simple as supply and demand. When the demand is strong, the suppliers can call the shot

Nataree is popular because:

1) it's got plenty of girls,
2) prices are still reasonable and
3) papasans can speak English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, etc.

The rooms are a little bit run down, and the services might not be top notch, but if I don't have time to shop, Nataree will be the first place I hit
True, but why wasn't demand so strong back in '05-06 especially when the baht was weak? it's really strange to me that customers seems to have tripled when the relative strength of the baht and during times of global recession.
Old 06-05-2012, 05:35 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
True, but why wasn't demand so strong back in '05-06 especially when the baht was weak? it's really strange to me that customers seems to have tripled when the relative strength of the baht and during times of global recession.
Well, there is one possible reason - more horny men are discoverying (or re-discoverying) Thailand as their favorite sex-dination
Old 06-05-2012, 10:43 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
True, but why wasn't demand so strong back in '05-06 especially when the baht was weak? it's really strange to me that customers seems to have tripled when the relative strength of the baht and during times of global recession.
Those days we are poorer and thus less horny.

Originally Posted by Soopafly View Post
Well, there is one possible reason - more horny men are discoverying (or re-discoverying) Thailand as their favorite sex-dination
True, also our Asian currency gaining strenght and like the Budget Airlines slogan "Everyone can fly".
Old 06-05-2012, 02:51 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

donch think the baht strength has anything do with the demand for p4p ba.
consumers will always need it, demand is quite inelastic.
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