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Old 24-10-2018, 05:30 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Min ::: 09 points.
Thanks very much to these Bros.
Pending my 2nd-UpZ to them ::: SailSingapore; Apollo; SBY1; CockShock; Jay Chou; Prince7, Hurricane88, Goalie, ah rat, TwinTowers, Passerbyer, meatvegelove, Arse-nal.
Min ::: 09 points.
2nd-Round to Return ::: SailSingapore; Apollo; SBY1; CockShock; Jay Chou; Prince7, Hurricane88, Goalie, ah rat, TwinTowers, Passerbyer, meatvegelove, Arse-nal.
Old 24-10-2018, 05:39 PM
grey82 grey82 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

any 3 pointers & above wanna exchange points?

i up the following people on these dates.
kindly return me when ready.

(2018/10/24) upped cheesepotato
(2018/10/24) upped fanks
(2018/10/23) upped jenoroth
(2018/10/23) upped Levis

(2018/10/22) upped blakxtik
(2018/10/22) upped StealthBomber
(2018/10/21) upped Califuse (returned me on 22nd Oct)
(2018/10/20) upped Ghost24
(2018/10/20) upped dogchicken (returned me on 24th Oct)
(2018/10/19) upped kristie009
(2018/10/19) upped protocol
(2018/10/18) upped bokinhvan876 (returned me on 20th Oct)
(2018/10/18) upped phony
(2018/10/16) upped ray_lee
(2018/10/16) upped staminadick
(2018/10/15) upped ahseng00
(2018/10/15) upped (@^@) (returned me on 16th Oct)
2018/10/14 upped ShanJi (returned me on 17th Oct)
2018/10/14 upped soupandsalad
(2018/10/13) upped cpython88
2018/10/13 upped xiaolibiantai
2018/10/12 upped ExcaliburSG (returned me on 15th Oct)
2018/10/12 upped evoralliart (returned me on 12th Oct)
2018/10/11 upped iloveboom
2018/10/11 upped KarmaCafe (returned me on 11th Oct)
2018/10/10 upped smbf (returned me on 18th Oct)
(2018/10/10) upped OnlyLiveOnce
2018/10/09 upped Suwy(returned me on 9th Oct)
2018/10/09 upped 3MOQ(returned me on 9th Oct)
2018/10/07 upped Violet
2018/10/07 upped Ah Jet
2018/10/06 upped Violet (returned me on 6th Oct)
2018/10/06 upped Ah Jet
2018/10/05 upped nishikado (returned me on 8th Oct)
2018/10/05 upped Chicken-King (returned me on 6th Oct)
2018/10/02 upped betaparticle (returned me on 15th Oct)
2018/10/02 upped secretlyinlove (returned me on 10th Oct)
2018/10/01 upped FoodLover (returned me on 6th Oct)
2018/09/30 upped Mr_Oreh
2018/09/29 upped guyplatinum (returned me on 16th Oct)
2018/09/28 upped mr101
2018/09/26 upped runningman (returned me on 12th Oct)
2018/09/26 upped Hestia
2018/09/25 upped TangoNovember
2018/09/24 upped defir
2018/09/24 upped prin (returned me on 21st Oct)
2018/09/23 upped draven78eric (returned me on 8th Oct)
2018/09/20 upped Arcon (returned me on 19th Oct)
2018/09/19 upped howeas
2018/09/19 upped seabass
2018/09/18 upped studdyme (returned me on 10th Oct)
2018/09/13 upped jotan
2018/09/12 upped LouisVuiitton
2018/09/11 upped cosyman
2018/09/09 upped sleepy80
2018/09/07 upped hannibald
2018/09/05 upped hcg_explorer
2018/09/05 upped fenwick
2018/09/04 upped lam30 (returned me on 20th Oct)
2018/09/02 upped qualia
2018/08/30 upped deadchief (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/29 upped kass (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/22 upped furyviper (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/22 upped s3nt0sa (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/20 upped Kimskull (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/18 upped luvbuttery (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/13 upped jayroxy (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/12 upped weareyoungblood (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/11 upped miloluv (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/09 upped hoobastalib (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/06 upped sammyboss (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/06 upped ailestriker (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/04 upped ttgger (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/04 upped owen1 (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/02 upped maddog_mlvn (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/07/31 upped lepak32 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/30 upped sponge05 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/27 upped sub51 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/26 upped Bizsta (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/26 upped coolberg (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/25 upped masam (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/21 upped i^Xi0n (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/20 upped ReelSchnick (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/19 upped sean_j (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/14 upped BalletGal (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/14 upped otur (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/09 upped pippo2002 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/09 upped redwolf (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/06 upped basfreak (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/05 upped hotindboi (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/03 upped cuckoobirdee (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/30 upped shakatak (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/30 upped Presto6969 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/22 upped diputs1269 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/20 upped darky (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/17 upped ddog (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/14 upped `destinY (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/13 upped jbjumbo (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/11 upped thaigers (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/05/30 upped canonboy1234 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/05/21 upped stephenL (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/05/17 upped kopigaogao (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
i owe the following people, will try every month to see if able to return.

83ig (i returned on 21st oct)
Anitamui (i returned on 30th Sep)
hongkongdoggy (i returned on 21st sep)
Vivianchow (i returned on 13th sep)
Rasta Marley
CoCk shoCk
me siam bu
wu song jr
not interested in exchange points.
Old 24-10-2018, 06:04 PM
zl1983 zl1983 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

+15 points for exchange. minimum 5 pointers. PM for faster return.

+15 points for exchange. minimum 5 pointers. PM for faster return.

+15 points for exchange. minimum 5 pointers. PM for faster return.
Old 24-10-2018, 06:12 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Shouted out to bros who had upped points for me.

Brothers:arsenal,supervert,fansees,tingtonglove,el bistro,pink2577,cafu,Merlin,Owl888,Hungten,passerb y,Kavl,hornykingkong,rastamarley,crackpod,koiz,clo wnteaser,peacekris,vampiredevil,taizi21,danny888,m ilfelladad,meatveglove,SG10,Marloboroken,Andrew101 ,simplyunperfect,sailsingapore,shiofukis,4Dguru,ow en10,cloudy80,woot,oxeso,sex1314,super00,acegik,Ma ttjb,love6969,love2paint,QT169,devilreds,szczesny, swagelock,Apollo,wankjanice,HRHorniness, hurricane88,surescore,goalie,ly1968,ipay4six,ah rat,CumExplorer,ejectjoy,izaaat,esssinine,hamsapkw ai,smoky7,slicker69,the Old nite,enjoy life,nitecrawller,steventan,jay chou,havanna Slicks,kyc2110,diputs1269,Nitro trans,35cents,dyelook,candle2000,linkus,3MOQ,silve r5surfer,wally888,

Generosity returned to brothers silverug,TheBanzai,Rickey,HC NEWBIRD ,ZL1983,foodlover,oreoman,powerkid,prince7,loneyhe art.... more to return daily.

Will return each and every generosity daily. Domo.

Last edited by RI 1; 25-10-2018 at 02:55 PM.
Old 24-10-2018, 06:29 PM
3MOQ 3MOQ is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Up you bro ! TQVM

Originally Posted by RI 1 View Post
Shouted out to bros who had upped points for me.

Brothers:arsenal,supervert,fansees,tingtonglove,el bistro,pink2577,cafu,Merlin,Owl888,Hungten,passerb y,Kavl,hornykingkong,rastamarley,crackpod,koiz,clo wnteaser,peacekris,vampiredevil,taizi21,danny888,m ilfelladad,meatveglove,SG10,Marloboroken,Andrew101 ,simplyunperfect,sailsingapore,shiofukis,4Dguru,ow en10,cloudy80,woot,oxeso,sex1314,super00,acegik,Ma ttjb,love6969,love2paint,QT169,devilreds,szczesny, swagelock,Apollo,wankjanice,HRHorniness, hurricane88,surescore,goalie,ly1968,ipay4six,ah rat,CumExplorer,ejectjoy,izaaat,esssinine,hamsapkw ai,smoky7,slicker69,the Old nite,enjoy life,nitecrawller,steventan,jay chou,havanna Slicks,kyc2110,diputs1269,Nitro trans,35cents,dyelook,candle2000,linkus

Generosity returned to brothers silverug,TheBanzai,Rickey,HC NEWBIRD ,ZL1983,foodlover,oreoman,powerkid,prince7,loneyhe art.... more to return daily.

Will return each and every generosity daily. Domo.
Q list second round SimplyUnperfect, loneyheart, izaaat, havanna slicks, ejectjoy, smoky7, owen10, ah rat, kopigaogao, Imogen, darkmania, steventan, unfit, Apollo, ShaTauKokDog, ly1968, Vampiredevil, Powerman881, diputs1269
Old 24-10-2018, 06:31 PM
hehehahaa hehehahaa is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

All with rep power are welcome to exchange.

No Queue currently

Waiting for Return:

DXO88, XiaoChun77, Kugan168, Doomzie, lerikol, miumiu6464, zeef, nishikado, lt0l0tl, iamzombie, zendra, Manofisle, Chrisfuryz, mrballzlim, drag28nick,


Last edited by hehehahaa; 26-10-2018 at 06:21 AM.
Old 24-10-2018, 06:38 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by diputs1269 View Post
Interesting start, camping here for more updates please.
12 points up
Welcome 7 points and higher trade with my 14 points

2nd re-up = hamsapkwai, esssinine, szczesny,Linkus, arse-nal, Tai_zi21, ejectjoy, TwinTowers, loneyheart, SG10, hungten, 69sex, Surescore, solopop, powerman881, owen10, bigbirdbird, Gladboy, madog, owl888, botakhead, 222nge, SimplyUnperfect
Old 24-10-2018, 06:47 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by 1sly View Post
thanks all for power up

+21 pts given...Min 4 pts to exchange...
<a href= target=_blank></a>

Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread
Please do not post when you PM somebody
Please Do Not reply long post, always edit...
may zap and remove post

Old 24-10-2018, 07:02 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Min. 3 Points.

Thank You.

For 2nd Ups :
Prince7, devilchan78, SimplyUnperfect, lonebonker, CoCK ShoCk, Smoky7, TingTongLove, Jay Chou, Supervert, sailsingapore, Cafu, Goalie, Cloudy80.


For 2nd Ups :
Prince7, devilchan78, SimplyUnperfect, lonebonker, CoCK ShoCk, Smoky7, TingTongLove, Jay Chou, Supervert, sailsingapore, Cafu, Goalie, Cloudy80, ah rat, Passerbyer, Rasta Marley, lookingaround.

Exchange : Min. 3 pts

Last edited by HornyKingKong; 24-10-2018 at 09:42 PM.
Old 24-10-2018, 07:03 PM
danny888 danny888 is offline
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Smile Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by vaxva View Post
+ 10 from vaxva, Return
Sorry I’m late
Hi bro,
Have upped your points, for exchange, please.
Old 24-10-2018, 07:12 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by 99balloons View Post
1 point for exchange
Humble 7 points up
Rd 2 - apollo, 222nge, hurricane88, kingkungfu, kumantong369, zl1983, Arse-nal, ejectjoy, Passerbyer, tai_zi21, kim-seng-heng, danny888, steventan, hungten, SG10, hanster, Linkus, kopigaogao, esssinine, randily, sgoh, Vampirdevil, havanna slicks, topcook1, Jackbl, owen10
Old 24-10-2018, 07:23 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Dear bros, please stop upping my points as I have a long list to clear. Thanks !

Up list :
Hanster - done 16/09
Madpig - done 16/09
Koiz - done 17/09
ClownTeaser - done 17/09
PeaceKris - done 18/09
kopigaogao - done 18/09
meatvegelove - done 19/09
hungten - done 19/09
ly1968 - done 20/09
Goalie - done 20/09
S.B.Y.1 - done 21/09
randily - done 21/09
TwinTowers - done 22/09
reading - done 22/09
ejectjoy - done 23/09
love2paint - done 23/09
QT169 - 24/09
Linkus - 24/09
ipay4six - 25/09
guest68 - 25/09
zl1983 - 26/09
Gilacow - 26/09
owen10 - 27/09
HayDay - 27/09
imogen - 28/09
Jay Chou - 28/09

wally888 - 30/09
Smoky7 - 30/09
Passerbyer - 01/10
Launua2 - 01/10
jay.lay - 02/10
Alpha001 - 02/10
Swagelock - 03/10
NewJiewAP - 03/10
woooot - 04/10
Botakhead2 - 04/10
Arse-nal - 05/10
slicker69 - 05/10
Icypryce - 06/10
achieve - 06/10
Havanna Slicks - 07/10
doubledutch - 07/10
nitecrawllerr - 08/10
gasscut - 08/10
esssinine - 09/10
hamsapkwai - 09/10
hccheonger - 10/10
Rasta Marley - 10/10

crackpod - 12/10
SSTing - 12/10
izaaat - 13/10
Nixjrr -13/10
Tingtonglove - 14/10
Furby85 - 14/10
3MOQ - 15/10
lonebonker - 15/10
MerlinW - 16/10
Lemon2 - 16/10
Steventan - 17/10
Wankjanice - 17/10

Devil Reds - 19/10
Violet - 19/10
EnjoyLife99 - 20/10
El bistro -20/10
grey82 - 21/10
Super00 - 21/10
BigBird123 - 22/10
silverug - 22/10
tuyet - 23/10
Shiofukis - 23/10
Power666 - 24/10
the old nite
Anel King
me siam bu
Black Page

Expired Post - Pls Pm with new post :

Up list 2nd Round ( I have pm you ) :
CoCk shoCk
Sex crusader
ah rat
Love 6969
Old 24-10-2018, 07:30 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Pinpongball View Post
Pinpongball upped you
Sent 11 dinings
Jio lim kopi at El Bistro

Minimum 10 points needed

Havanna Slicks
Old 24-10-2018, 08:29 PM
Pinpongball Pinpongball is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Cafu View Post
Give 13 balls
Pinpongball returned
Old 24-10-2018, 08:47 PM
Love 6969 Love 6969 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

+8 and above to exchange
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