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Old 16-11-2013, 11:38 PM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by siam66 View Post
I cannot date u huh? Give me this face
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Old 16-11-2013, 11:53 PM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by guess67 View Post
I cannot date u huh? Give me this face
Aiyo, of course can lar....dun say until liddat lei.......I tot we met 2 times oreadi mah.....tio bo ???.......hehee........
Old 17-11-2013, 12:14 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by siam66 View Post
Hahahaha.......have shadow lar ......hokkien say " bo shadow " means si kwee leow lor........hehee.......
Hiax sad la ... u 4get bout me liao la ...
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Old 17-11-2013, 01:51 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by siam66 View Post
Thanks for the story bro!

More to come?
Old 17-11-2013, 09:18 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by guess67 View Post
I cannot date u huh? Give me this face
Originally Posted by TaTTooBaBy View Post
Hiax sad la ... u 4get bout me liao la ...
Aiyo 2 are always on my mind lei &.......Within You Remain.......hehee.......

Old 17-11-2013, 09:32 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Thanks for the story bro!

More to come?
You are welcum Bro !

Yup.....cumming about......

A Mystical 3 Legged Tortoise

This incident happened in the eighties when I was still staying with my parents. One day while returning home from work, I decided to go open the letterbox first before going up. I saw a group of young boys crowding along a small drain. Out of curiosity. I approached them and realized they were using a stick to poke at a small tortoise in the drain. The tortoise had already withdrawn into the shell and I asked the boys whose tortoise was that. No one claimed to be the owner so I asked them whether I could have the tortoise and I am willing to pay $10 for it. I then took out $10 from my wallet and offered it to one of them, telling him to share it with the rest. He took the money quickly and ran off with the rest of the boys chasing & cursing after him. I then took the tortoise out from the drain and went home.

When I reached home, I placed it in a small plastic pail and try to wash it up and that was when I realized it was a 3 legged tortoise!!! I have never seen a 3 legged tortoise before and upon closer look it seem to be born with this defect. The tortoise look very scared and sad and did not eat anything the first day.

The second day, I went to the wet market fish shop and get a plastic tortoise cage and also bought some prawns. Minced it and try to feed T but T only started eating later in the afternoon. As the days passed, T started to open up and crawl around the cage. Its appetite also improved. All these went well until the third week when T started to change again. T no longer crawl around the cage. Spent most of the time in the shell and also dun eat much.I was getting worried and thought maybe the best way is to let T go.....meaning giving it freedom.

Saturday came and it happened to be my off day. So I told T ( yes I really talked to a tortoise !!!!....hehee.....) that I will let bring it to a nice place and there are also a lot of tortoise there ( Toa Payoh Garden ). I also asked T for some " pian chai " and started writing ten digits on small tiny papers. After getting the numbers, we took a cab to Toa Payoh garden.

When we reached the garden, I chose a large pond for T. I then took T out from the cage and stroke it gently and then thank T for all the wonderful times we had together. When I released T into the water, I expected T to dive straight into the pond just like that but it was not so. After disappearing into the water for a while T appear again !!!! I was very shocked by what I seen later. T was by this time floating in the water staring at me !!!! It was only when I waved at T asking it to go and make some friends there and I am also leaving, T then dive into the pond and disapppeared. That night the number I asked from T open starter. I bought $3 big because T is 3 legged and won $750.

Sunday morning I went back there with some minced prawn for T. Despite spending almost a hour there, there was no sight of T. Even subsequent trips and searching other ponds all turned up futile. Me strucking 4D is just a mere coincidence or izzit something to do with saving T, like the common phrase people always say " ren chai zhuo, tian chai kan ".......end of story......thanks for reading

A Mystical Incident In A Thai Village

A Thai story about a mysterious incident which happened 21 years ago and till today have never seen or heard such incident happened again.........

I was in this village in northern thailand visiting my teerak. It was my first trip there. I was at home having a small party with my teerak and her 2 brothers. Suddenly we heard from a neighbour that a mysterious thing happened at 1 of the nearby mountains. It turned out that a villager went to the jungle to look for wild mushrooms & vegetables saw something very mysterious when he reached the top of the mountain. In a dry ravine nearby,he saw water, yes water actually sputting out from the ground in the ravine. He was very excited and quickly went back to the village with the news. Soon the news spread like wild fire and even the village temple monks knew about it. We then quickly hopped onto our bikes and make our way there. As it was on top of a mountain (small one), we parked our bikes at the foot of the mountain and make our way up. By this time many villagers also arrived.

When we reached the top of the mountain, true enough there was a ravine nearby. We saw a hole ( size of a football ) in the ravine and water was sputting out but in a very slow manner. At this time, the village monks arrived. Take a look and went down to the ravine. They then sealed up the area with a yellow cloth and start chanting prayers. As it was getting dark already, we decided to go home first and wait for further news.

The next morning, we heard that some villagers went to collect the water and after drinking it ,their reumatism, knee / elbows / backache pains all felt so much better !!! We were very excited and quickly made our way there but this time with as many empty plastic bottles we can find.

When we arrived there this time, we noticed there was a long queue above the ravine. Some of the villagers in the queue were not even from our village !!! We quickly joined in the queue and waited for about an hour before going down into the ravine. Women are not allowed to go down ( PMS reason?) and I also saw a thai budda statue nearby the spot where the water was sputting. There were some monks chanting nearby and we were told to swoop up slowly to prevent the water from being cloudy as the bottom was sandy. As I was having these painful knee problems for some time, I realized after drinking the water (it taste a bit salty) the first day, the pain subsided though it was still there. The next few days of continous drinking, the pain was gone, not 100% but almost 90% !!!!!

Unfortunately heard from 1 of the villager that the village chief monk predicted the water will only be sputting for 7 days. True enough the water really stopped sputting on the 8th day and there goes our miracle water.......haiz........but luckily I have already stocked enough to carry on drinking and cure the remaining 10% pain on my knees......hehee.....end of story......thanks for reading
Old 17-11-2013, 10:34 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Old 17-11-2013, 09:40 PM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by siam66 View Post
Aiyo 2 are always on my mind lei &.......
Wa..bro, both also u sup kar that I bo chance liao. hehe

Just finished reading..the tortoise story nice, u strike 4D due to good karma.

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Old 17-11-2013, 09:50 PM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

crap after reading the tortoise story while studying for exam.... everything that goes into my brain is tortoise,tortoise,tortoise =(
Old 18-11-2013, 12:08 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by siam66 View Post
Aiyo 2 are always on my mind lei &.......Within You Remain.......hehee.......

Dun gei gei ... T.T
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Old 18-11-2013, 12:24 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Hehe ... seriously m really engross in ghost stories , god stories n 跳神story ... ^^
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Old 18-11-2013, 11:32 PM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by TaTTooBaBy View Post
Hehe ... seriously m really engross in ghost stories , god stories n 跳神story ... ^^
Yup yup...nice stories.

Calling for bro Siam.........
Old 19-11-2013, 12:23 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Yup yup...nice stories.

Calling for bro Siam.........
He missing in action liao ... T.T
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Old 19-11-2013, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by kyxeros View Post
crap after reading the tortoise story while studying for exam.... everything that goes into my brain is tortoise,tortoise,tortoise =(
Tortoise retired liao... turtle can? Keke
Note:- If you up my points, pls see my nick. Prepare to wait .....
Old 19-11-2013, 02:07 AM
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Re: Tcss / Gatherings / Info sharing thread

Originally Posted by TaTTooBaBy View Post
He missing in action liao ... T.T
Hope he is not feeling under the weather.. camp for his return with more stories.
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