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Old 05-10-2016, 03:32 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by gazette05 View Post
Hey ilock bro,

If you ever read this, please remember that you owe no one, absolutely no one, an update for your story, much less timely/regular updates. I am just grateful whenever there is an update to your story (and they have proper endings). Besides, I am reading it for free, so why should I complain if there is no update?

Please take care of yourself and all the best for your work/career. Your creative juices will flow best when you feel settled.

Can't agree more. Take care bro ilock
Old 05-10-2016, 03:48 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Bro ilock

You owe no one anything, except the responsibility to provide the best for your family with no compromise or what so ever. What you have done here is a privilege for our reading pleasure and for some like me a fxxking gd time shaking my lan chiao silly. I am thankful to you from my bottom of my heart. I am sure your loyal readers feel the same.
Bro, like our dad said when we are still young delinquents 'work hard first and then play later.'
Bro , all the well wishes to your family and career and may you be Generous Blessed in all your endeavours.
From an old taxi driver joe
Old 05-10-2016, 03:50 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by fishhunterii View Post
These days business owners don't trust themselves and with so much smart asses around giving shit as advice terming themselves as Consultant.

The actual meaning of a consultant CON & INSULT - they come for a brief moment thinking that they know the operations like the back of their fingertips, Con their way into getting the job secured and then Insult everybody that is in the path.

Then earn the money, move on to the next CON job.
Very well said ..... fcuk the consultants
Old 05-10-2016, 03:53 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by sennheiser View Post
From the blog..

I'm getting quite a few angry mails from readers about the lack of updates and i honestly don't have anything to say.

One particular mail spoke in depth of the agony of the wait and he cursed me for making him refresh this page time and again. He even asked if i get a kick out of making people come to a blog that is not updated.

There are zero ads on this blog, so clicking it a hundred or a thousand times don't make a difference.

I don't get paid nor do i get a kick out of it either.

I understand the anguish of the wait but believe me, none would feel the anguish more than i do.

I don't like to leave things hanging and especially not when i'm excited to get it out as well but i'm just overloaded with sh*t.

Alright. I have a joke for you.

You see, after my boss decides to get rid of so many staff in the office, i was left picking up the pieces. Not only that, i have to also take over some other stuff other colleagues from another team left behind.

Now, after cutting so many headcount, the management decides to hire a consultant to turn the company and business around. Some superman that would save everyone.

Since i was pretty close to HR girl, i found out how much this consultant is getting. Not exact figure but i asked creatively.

I sat and laugh in the pantry when i heard he was getting the combined pay of 3 of my old staff in my old team. Even the HR girl felt unbalance when she prepared the offer letter.

"FUck" ..... That was what she ended the conversation with.

So with a close to 10k pay, this consultant joined us last Monday.

He began to implement cost cutting measures which is just shit.

I can smell it before i see it.

I'm not even going to talk about taxi fares or timesheets for projects, this consultant even went as far to cut travelling cost in a extreme way.

Now when i do fly, it's budget airlines like 80% of the time. Short trips to Malaysia, HK, THailand, even some Mainland cities, i'm very chin chye. Easy going. I'll even fly Malaysian air.

So here comes the joke.

I am supposed to be in Penang this afternoon

And this hero, came to me on Thursday last week, he says we need to think of alternative travel methods.

It went something like this.

James : What alternatives ? It's Penang.... you want me to take a boat ?

Cunt-sultant Consultant : A bus ticket is a lot cheaper. ??

James : You're kidding...

Consultant : Just sleep it through man.... it's nothing...

James : oh fuck you.... i'm not taking a bus.

Consultant : Everyone is stretched man..... I'm taking a bus to KL too..

I thought he meant it as a joke until on Friday, i was given a ticket.

A fucking bus ticket for the 13 hour journey to Penang.

I fucking kid you not.

And i was to take the overnight bus back tonight as well.

He did not even have the courtesy to check with me before making the booking personally.

I laughed at my seat so loud, that those left in the office was staring at me.

I was to leave during the weekend, take a overnight bus and be there this morning for the meeting.

I'm not spending 13 hours on the bus when i can't do shit. Not when i have a few projects running and no one to support me. And you got to be kidding if you expect me to cut short my weekend to take that fucking bus.

Not that i have a weekend, been working 7 day week lately anyway.

I text my client that i would not be there and i told him the reason.

He told me to go fuck that consultant but i told him if it was a hot girl, i might consider.

So this is what happened this morning.

I walked into office at 9am with breakfast.

I ate my breakfast.


I drank my coffee.


I tendered my resignation to HR

A series of interesting events happened after that but i shall not go there. Too much details.

I was to serve a 2 month notice, but after clearing the accumulated leaves that i can't sell back to the office, i'm left with bout a month.

Last day would be in early Nov.

That would give me the rest of the year to really catch up on all the writings before i start my new job in Jan.

Yup, i took a offer from another company. Small one, like 4 people including me. Lower pay, benefits not as good but it's a old stable company with a steady stream of jobs lined up all the way till end of next year and beyond.

The offer has been there for a while but i was trying to hold out for a bit, hopefully things would work out on my end. Partly also because there's a couple of projects that i really liked that i'm doing right now but oh well.

Anyway, i would still be flushed with work this couple of weeks, will update when i can. I want to get the critical work stuff settled asap, can't afford to offend the few good clients i've worked with for so long.

For the updates,

I can save you the agony of the wait.

Come back in end Oct.

My adventure in the office should be completed by then. 8 more updates to go.

You can read it all at a go.

Will try to get Omar's diary out this couple of days. I also bought something interesting from a blog reader . Will give a sneek peek at the end of Omar's diary.

Am already getting the structure up for the next piece after My adventure in the office.

1st draft of the preview is already out, it's going to be something different this time round.

Look forward to a good few weeks of non stop writing soon.


Irony that sometimes our real life encounters are more drama than drama.

Take care for now. Things don't look good till late 2017.
Old 06-10-2016, 03:04 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by fishhunterii View Post
These days business owners don't trust themselves and with so much smart asses around giving shit as advice terming themselves as Consultant.

The actual meaning of a consultant CON & INSULT - they come for a brief moment thinking that they know the operations like the back of their fingertips, Con their way into getting the job secured and then Insult everybody that is in the path.

Then earn the money, move on to the next CON job.
That explains a few things at work.
Old 06-10-2016, 06:59 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Yo Bro Ilock.. i dont really post much and have not much flair in writing stories like you do..

But your recent post struck a chord with me. My cpy also cost cut to the point where it starts being nonsensical. And just like you, I see no logic in hiring a consultant that can pay 3x of others. Everyone has 24hrs in a day. How much more can he contribute that the other 3 can't? Heck anybody can think ways of cutting costs bordering on being ludicrous.

Good that you have a new job now. Am still trawling for one but for the time being just sitting tight.

Get your house in order and ignore those naysayers and negative whatnots.

Take care bro.
Old 06-10-2016, 11:58 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

silent reader here, wishing bro ilock all the best for your remaining month at your current company. Glad that you managed to find another place to work at already.
Ignore the people that are rushing you for your stories. You don't owe anyone anything.
Old 06-10-2016, 02:39 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

To whoever left that nasty message, please stop harassing or verbally assaulting writers. Its their work. They can take 3 years to complete and publish it if they wish to. Stop being stupid and retarded.

Unless u pay for more than 50% ownership rights to the story you should be allowed to feedback constructively at most. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Old 06-10-2016, 03:50 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

I agree with @Ntspannar. ilock bro is not a full time writer, so don't harass him unless you paying him S$10k a month. I guess he will be super happy to flood you with new stories and updates with that kind of pay. Haha.

Cheers ilock bro, stay strong and take good care of your health. Good things will come to those who perserver
Old 06-10-2016, 05:21 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Bro ilock,

Yea, you don't owe anyone anything as you are using your own time to write stories for us to enjoy. Except maybe the F5 buttons of our computer. Quite hard to explain when someone see why the F5 printing gone you know.

Take your time and hope that you will have a better next year!
Old 06-10-2016, 09:19 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

anyone have the link to Bro ilock blog? It is saddening to see people complain about lacks of updates but failed to understand that they aren't paid like books authors are. Maybe they can open a patreon account or something like that for people who feel they are willing to donate a little for coffee or something
Old 06-10-2016, 10:18 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by icymage84 View Post
anyone have the link to Bro ilock blog? It is saddening to see people complain about lacks of updates but failed to understand that they aren't paid like books authors are. Maybe they can open a patreon account or something like that for people who feel they are willing to donate a little for coffee or something

ilock bro blog. Cheers!
Old 06-10-2016, 10:43 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Old 06-10-2016, 10:48 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by icymage84 View Post
anyone have the link to Bro ilock blog? It is saddening to see people complain about lacks of updates but failed to understand that they aren't paid like books authors are. Maybe they can open a patreon account or something like that for people who feel they are willing to donate a little for coffee or something
sensualsingapore dot blogspot dot com
not sure if I can post that here.
to the dude who complained, go to ilock's blog and buy his stories. there are stories that are not posted here so I bet you'll enjoy them.
Old 06-10-2016, 11:02 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by Kooker View Post
sensualsingapore dot blogspot dot com
not sure if I can post that here.
to the dude who complained, go to ilock's blog and buy his stories. there are stories that are not posted here so I bet you'll enjoy them.
Thanks bro kooker for the link. Checked out the blog and might consider getting the optional stories for this story. looks damn good
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