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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
The local vicar is having a bath, and he's a little bored, so he decides to, 'pleasure' himself. He's quite happily tugging away, reaches the old moment of bliss, and opens his eyes only to see, at the window, the window cleaner, jaw agape at what he's just seen.
A couple of minutes later, the doorbell rings - it's the window cleaner. The vicar is understandably embarrassed, and asks the man how much he owes him. "50 quid" comes the reply. "50 quid?!?" says the vicar, startled. "Yep, fifty quid or I tell the whole parish about what I saw, you perv." So the vicar hands over the cash, and the cleaner gets on his way. The following week, the bishop's round for his supper and is having a wander round the vicar's house, admiring his lovely home. He says to the vicar, "Lovely clean windows you've got there vicar, who does them for you?" "Oh, a guy from the village does them for me, he does a great job," replies the vicar. "Oh, yeah. How much does he charge you, then?" "Well," replies the vicar, "fifty quid, actually" "Fifty quid? Blimey!" says the bishop. "He must have seen you coming."
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
A woman made an appointment with her gynecologist. "What seems to be the problem?" asked the doctor.
"Something is terribly wrong. I keep finding postage stamps from Costa Rica in my vagina." The doctor had a look, chuckled and answered, "Those aren't postage stamps my dear, they're the stickers off bananas!"
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
When blue collar workers go out together on a weekend they talk about football.
When middle management are together, they talk about tennis. Top management discusses golf. Conclusion: The higher up you are in management, the smaller your balls.
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
Whether a woman fakes her orgasms or not is something the majority of men would rather not question. This is in case they discovered that she has been faking it all along, and that they are not, in fact, the stud they thought women go wild for. Rather, they are a pathetic creature with a problem, who needs to be patronized.
For those of you who would prefer not to ask her, but would still like to know, there is a simple checklist to help you. 1. In the middle of lovemaking, and just before the moment it sounds as though she is about to have an orgasm, stop and take away the magazine she's been looking at. If she says, "Dammit, I was reading that!" she was faking. 2. If her panting, groaning and screaming are in tune, or sound like a familiar song, she can't be concentrating enough on the "job at hand," and must therefore be faking it. Or else she really likes the song playing on her iPod. 3. A rule of thumb, which is usually very accurate, is: stop at random and record her response. If every time you stop she says, "Mmmmm, you were wonderful, baby," she is faking it. If she says, "Don't stop!" she isn't. However, if she says "Don't stop!" hours after lovemaking has finished, it is possible that she may have fallen asleep, and missed most of the excitement. Remember these guidelines for future reference
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
Two friends, one very wealthy and the other quite poor, were sitting in a bar late one night.
They were talking about different things when the poor man asked the rich man, "So what did you end up giving you wife for her birthday, the Mercedes or the diamond ring?" "I got her the Mercedes *and* the diamond ring," says the rich man. The poor man, a bit puzzled, asked, "Why the hell did you get her both?" The rich man replied, "I got her both so if she doesn't like the ring, she can drive her new car back to the jeweler's to exchange it. So... What did YOU buy for YOUR wife?" The poor man says, "I bought her a pair of flip-flops and a dildo." Obviously confused, the rich man asked why he chose those items. The poor man replied, "Because if she doesn't like the flip-flops, she can go fuck herself!"
https://sbfsg.rocks/showthread.php?t=217359] https://sbfsg.rocks/showthread.php?t=88199 birdie8819 is now reborn as bigbirdbird Only Power 6 And Above Can Exchange Unless You Can Show Me Your Power Post Please PM me if I forgot to return your favour |
Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
Nice share bro bigbirdbird, thanks
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
haha, very nice joke bro.
Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
Nice jokes fr bro bigbirdbird, thanks
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
Thanks for sharing nice joke.
Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
Very good jokes by bro bigbirdbird, thks
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
Thank you for sharing good jokes.
Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
10 ways you know you've had good sex....
1. Your mattress has turned into a giant sponge. 2. It takes five minutes to unknot your bodies. 3. An earthquake of 3.4 on the Richter Scale is recorded in your area. 4. The cat's exhausted from just watching you. 5. A trampoline company has to come to adjust your bed springs. 6 You've both gone down one clothing size. 7. You cancel your chiropractic appointment. There's nothing left to adjust. 8. You have to breathe into a brown paper bag. 9. Boy, are you hungry! 10. You're absolutely satisfied yet uncontrollably horny at the same time.
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Re: Jokes for Relaxing.. [new thread]
10 Things Men Know
1. Men know that Mother Nature's best aphrodisiac is still a naked woman. 2. Men know that PMS is Mother Nature's way of telling you to get out of the house. 3. Men know never to run away from a fight that you know you can win. 4. Men know that cats are evil and cannot be trusted. 5. Men know how to change the toilet paper, but to do so would ruin the game. 6. Men know exactly how much gas is left in the tank and how far that gas will get them. 7. Men know that from time to time, it is absolutely necessary to adjust oneself. 8. Men know that a woman will wear a low-cut dress and expect the man to stare at her cleavage. Men also know that the woman will get pissed off when they do, for reasons not totally clear to them. 9. Men know that it's never a good idea to tell your father-in-law how good his daughter is in bed. 10. Men know that men are from here, and women are from way the hell over there.
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