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Old 28-08-2011, 05:41 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
kana swan
Dun worry. If they find it boring but u still got me to support. Cos I'm the one who know your stories are true experience.
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Old 28-08-2011, 07:05 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

hi lone vivii:

i have the same situation, she can accept you as friend first.
i was the same shoe as u. she is vn and you are in singapore.
i also do stupid thing is to call her 3 day in a week , less than 1 hrs.

Do she speak english or chinese, where did you know her?
Cant you find a better vn girl who can speak better english.
a better communication channel is very important of all.
i hate duck and chickren.
Old 29-08-2011, 09:38 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by lanevoviii View Post
And so she agreed to go out with me this Sunday to the little down down south....just pure outdoor fun with no hanky panky.

Lets see...5 hours for skyride, luge, cable car, 4d matrix, lunch...
any updates and progress?
Old 29-08-2011, 09:43 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Dun worry. If they find it boring but u still got me to support. Cos I'm the one who know your stories are true experience.
lets support each other. lets try to get the vbs we talked to yesterday to the beach tonight.

this morning around 12:30am, the younger vb called me say they walking back to jc after we send them to gl. really bo tay them.

i need to siam the kc sparring vb awhile....
Old 29-08-2011, 12:32 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by kangtuo View Post
dog got eat bun ean huh?

"肉包子打狗有去無回(或一去無回)"意思就是說狗本身就喜歡吃肉,若用肉包去打他,那肉包肯定會被吃掉, 因此用來比喻東西再也回不來了。
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Old 29-08-2011, 10:40 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
any updates and progress?
oh yeah...

fucking hot sunday, was sweating under the afternoon heat literally while waiting for her at balestier area.

And when shes ready, she called me and told me where she is and I thought fuck, we gonna spent quite some time trying to find each other as she did not give me exact address and our communication is say 6/10.

But luckily, less than a min, I saw a small cute petite girl smiling happily at me. For bros who been following my thread should know that she is very different from those normal ktv girls. She don't talk a lot, she don't kiss me, she don't call/text me often (and when she does, she simply ask what i doing, have i eaten lol). I mean if she is those WL, she will do everything to make me happy so that I will give her money or buy her stuff right? She didn't! And when I stupidly asked whether she want go hotel with me even when I no money give her, she said can go out drink coffee.

So I was very surprised to see that she was smiling happily and naturally when I turned back and saw her. ( again) And no, she did not leap onto me, she did not kiss me, she did not even hold me.

Next, we hop onto cab to vivo. Asked her what she want eat, she said anything as long as not much oil and chili. When I gave her choices like jap, western etc she still say anything. So in the end brought her go food republic then she choose ban mian without egg. Of course, having read vietnam wiki, i know their cusine has little oil and a lot of vege, I asked the stallholder to add more vege.

After that, brought her to USS. Though they studied from 3 years old to 17 years old, I realised they are really confined within a country with not much exposure to the world; probably due to the government. Brought her to the various shows, the best was the 4d sheik show. She was really timid; brought her legs up the seat and close eyes.

Also, when I met her initially, I told her im treating her as a friend and told her not to treat me as a customer. As such, we did not hold hand until at USS where once in a while I would hold her. And some of the time she will just place her hand around my arm. No intimate at all. We don't talk dirty; we behave probably like first love (sweet).

It was unfortunate that the day was very hot and we spent like 30min to wait for a cab. Was a bit like ending on a low. She was tired from the heat and walking but I know she enjoy it though she never say.

So in conclusion, I may not gain anything tangible from this trip but I know I have made someone's life slightly better and I definitely feel happy myself too. In a crude way, I am actually building up the relationship in order to have a hot and steamy sex this weekend. One where she have feeling for me and not treating me as customer. And currently, I am thinking of ways to build romance in this coming hotel trip. Wish me luck.
Old 29-08-2011, 10:42 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Just realised I wrote a lot of crap that are not catered for the crowds here.
Old 30-08-2011, 12:58 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by lanevoviii View Post
Just realised I wrote a lot of crap that are not catered for the crowds here.
keep it up bro i think u r doing good!

anyway i got some updates too:
no2 left me finally... i think no more solution this time. it was quite a long story but when cut short... she say she cant stand with me anymore because i keep lying to her (as in go hug other gurls haha...). but fcuk la... when i go to her joint to support she suddenly went off cuz need to go out lam tinh w customer and told me i can go for other gals. and when i go without calling her she got pissed and kpkb... i think my mistake is i treat her like nothing, should at least inform her that im going... and therefore she got pissed off. but really i'm kind of busy and stressful these few days. no mood and time to go kc vb... well... wait for free period and find another one...

and oh yea... the last time i went i got this WL and she happens to be no2's friend cuz no2 so dien thoai is in her phone. i ask her to help me talk back no2. she say ok ok... but in the end never... CB... but i think she like me... knn cuz i think shes quite impressed i can nt in tv and sing mot vong trai dat & vang trang khoc??? she ask for my phone number and put my name as "A yeu *hername*"... wtf! she know me and no2 got something after i show her no2 photo in my phone at which i labeled it as ba xa. i totally no mood liao she still like that... i straight away i told her in her face that i like her but i don't love her at all bcuz i only love no2 mot nguoi... wtf is she thinking... really...

but i think enough of this game... im damn busy recently... thanks...
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Old 30-08-2011, 01:05 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by ilovedoggie View Post
anyway i got some updates too:
no2 left me finally... i think no more solution this time. it was quite a long story but when cut short... she say she cant stand with me anymore because i keep lying to her (as in go hug other gurls haha...). but fcuk la... when i go to her joint to support she suddenly went off cuz need to go out lam tinh w customer. and when i go without calling her she got pissed and kpkb... i think my mistake is i treat her like nothing, should at least inform her that im going... and therefore she got pissed off. but really i'm kind of busy and stressful these few days. no mood and time to go kc vb... well... wait for free period and find another one...
very common long it is WL...take it easy...

old one dun go new one dun cum...
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Old 30-08-2011, 01:10 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
very common long it is WL...take it easy...

old one dun go new one dun cum...
yeah bro... i just feel a bit "bu she de" cuz seriously me and no2 can only communicate quite efficiently by NT bcuz my spoken TV is totally CMI. nobody understand wtf i am saying... but i still feel very very "bu she de" ler even though with language barrier but i think we still enjoy the moment togather... my mission achieved anyway

haiz my no1 coming back soon better dun shit at the same place bcuz i care for my no1...
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Old 30-08-2011, 01:21 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

i really hope that no2 come ask me for money so that i can lose feeling for by cheating myself that she come after me all these while for money... i pray that she will do so...

sorry i'm on some emotional setback...
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Old 30-08-2011, 09:03 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by ilovedoggie View Post
i really hope that no2 come ask me for money so that i can lose feeling for by cheating myself that she come after me all these while for money... i pray that she will do so...

sorry i'm on some emotional setback...
Same sentiments bro..sometimes just wish that she would just ask for money, then we can immediately cut off all ties.

Yesterday we chatted on phone for the longest time 30 min while she was at work, but no customer. We talked about each other family etc. I sort of realize she might not like me at all. She had 3 boyfriends but she only like one. The other 2 is becauseher friends said they are nice guys, so she go with them.

she also said today she go work late, sort of hinting me to go out with her but she just ain't gonna show any feeling or action at all. Still thinking whether want go out with her anot.
Old 30-08-2011, 06:45 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

I think I used the wrong word lol

I msg her "anh dang lam jh vay?". Is "anh" only used by woman to man?

She replied "em dang an" and "toi dang an". What does this means? Im busy?

btw I did not ask her out today.

Last edited by lanevoviii; 30-08-2011 at 06:57 PM.
Old 30-08-2011, 08:43 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by lanevoviii View Post
Same sentiments bro..sometimes just wish that she would just ask for money, then we can immediately cut off all ties.

Yesterday we chatted on phone for the longest time 30 min while she was at work, but no customer. We talked about each other family etc. I sort of realize she might not like me at all. She had 3 boyfriends but she only like one. The other 2 is becauseher friends said they are nice guys, so she go with them.

she also said today she go work late, sort of hinting me to go out with her but she just ain't gonna show any feeling or action at all. Still thinking whether want go out with her anot.
no problem bro... now even she come ask for money i will just give it a pass no matter what. yesterday i was totally exhausted and the emotion i held on for days suddenly all pour out. after one whole day sleeping i feel i'm damn fxcking awesome! goin to score somemore VB later heheheh....

bro dun care so much they like u or not. if can up just up. cannot up just move on and say NEXT!!!
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Old 30-08-2011, 08:48 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by ilovedoggie View Post
no problem bro... now even she come ask for money i will just give it a pass no matter what. yesterday i was totally exhausted and the emotion i held on for days suddenly all pour out. after one whole day sleeping i feel i'm damn fxcking awesome! goin to score somemore VB later heheheh....

bro dun care so much they like u or not. if can up just up. cannot up just move on and say NEXT!!!
haha bro i have no intention of going to your level.

This is my 1st time playing this game, realised i got a weak heart. After this, i'm not gonna go ktv anymore in case my heart gave way again.
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