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Old 23-10-2016, 04:57 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping for updates!
Old 23-10-2016, 08:32 AM
Mikhai Mikhai is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Hope to read more.
Old 23-10-2016, 01:22 PM
Innova Innova is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Wish to read more.
Old 23-10-2016, 02:18 PM
sourhock sourhock is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Great story, camping for more!!
Old 23-10-2016, 11:51 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

My plan is simple

It’s always the simple plans that work.

End of the day, all I need to do is to stop Omar from getting Kate. There is a few ways to do that. The simplest way of all would be to stop her from meeting Omar.

That’s it.

No meeting, no trouble.

As long as he doesn’t sees her, it’s done.

Knowing Kate, she would still press on with whatever she wanted to do especially Mr Liew had given her the go ahead. Sure, I may voice my objection, she gets bothered by it because she has some feelings for me but I’m sure she would not let this stop her from going ahead to host Omar and company.

To her, this is a career opportunity.

I would let her plan all she wants and all I need to do would be to prevent the initial meetup and keep it that way until the visit is over.

Kate can go MIA for a couple of days, Mr Liew would get pissed and if he gets rid of her, all the better. In fact with Mr Liew’s anal views towards accountability, he would sure fire Kate if she goes missing and uncontactable.

Not to worry, I can take over as host, I doubt Belinda would even want to see Omar again anyway. I can bring Omar and his dad around and fuck as many whores as they want for a few days.

We can do this in 2 ways but either way, Kate must not know about this until it was too late for her to do anything.

She will stay in a comfortable place provided by Andy, she can grumble, and protest but end of the day, she’s safe and not going to get raped by Omar.

Even if she hates me for it, it’s for her own good.

She will not die without a phone and internet connection for a couple of days.

If she doesn’t cooperate, we will still grab her, lock her up, take away her phone. She can scream and kick up a fuss all she wants but it would be nothing compared to her cries if she gets taken by the Arabs.

Either way, i’m not letting Kate go near Omar.

1st June 2012


The first thing I did was to grab Belinda aside in the pantry and talked to her about Kate and what happened the day before, telling her in detail about Kate’s uncle and brother.

Belinda : Are you serious ? You are kidding right ?

James : No I’m not… I’m serious… it’s like some fucking Hong kong drama unfolding in front of me.

Belinda’s eyes lit up immediately and she floated the idea of paying the men to wack Omar up.

James : What ? Are you mad ? Am I hearing you correctly ?

Belinda : They’re businessmen right ? that’s what you said. We’ll pay them. !

I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away but Belinda held me back.

Belinda : James ! …. If….. if this is a chance for me to get back at him…. I will take it.

I calmed her down and dispelled the idea immediately.

James : Don’t be silly…. It’s not going to happen. As you said they are businessmen, they are out to make money, not to find trouble….

Belinda : But you said they beat up that PRC guy and made him drink spit right ??

James : Ya but….. it’s complicated…

Belinda : Why is it complicated ? I’ll go ask Kate for help…. She would surely agree…. If I tell her what Omar did to me…. I’m sure she could get her brother or uncle or whoever it is to help us…

James : Dear…. Please…. Don’t blow things up…. Let’s not think along that line…. Nothing good will come out of it… besides, those people hit that PRC guy because of Kate…. They will not stir trouble unnecessarily….

Belinda : But…but… you don’t understand… i..

I look around the office and made sure we’re alone.

James : Dear… I love you…. I still do…despite everything that happened..….. I just want you to know that I love you…

Belinda smiled and she gave my hand a squeeze before walking away.

Belinda : I know James… I know….

We left it at that and I walked away too.

Kate was busy at her desk, checking out the sites to bring Omar and his dad, researching about where to eat. I saw what was on her screen and from the reflection, I could tell she saw me looking at her from behind.

A couple of seconds later, she swivelled her chair around but I quickly looked away.

Kate was about to speak when I heard Sharon calling out to me from a distance away. I immediately head towards her, eager to get away from Kate as least for now. I’m still thinking about the details of how to get her away before she meets Omar.

As I walked towards Sharon, I saw Belinda bringing some folders over to Kate, distracting her attention away from me.

Sharon pretended to ask me some questions about timesheets for projects before dragging me to a corner. From her body language I could tell she was about to feed me the latest gossips in the office.

Sharon : James… James…!... I tell you ah…. But you don’t say you heard it from me…. Promise ??

James : Yah.. yah… of course… when did I ever say anything to anyone ?? What is it ?

Sharon lowered her voice a notch and told me that Terry had just informed her that he would be taking a break.

James : What do you mean ?

Sharon : Aiyah… he got no new project…. No face la… say take a break is just nice to hear only… I think he that side closing shop liao….

James : Is it ?

Sharon : His people leaving he also never replace, left a few do nothing one surfing net… aiyah… anway, he will be away for a month for now.

I asked if she knew where he was going and she said something about Malaysia.

My ears immediately perked up as Sandy was in Malaysia. At least that was what I knew.

James : Oh ok…. Then that side of the office how ??

Sharon said Mr Liew would temporarily be in charge and I nodded.

Sharon said she’s going to get back to her work and left after reminding me not to tell anyone.

I thought about the implications for a bit before I locked eyes with Kate.

She got up and walked towards me, I knew there was no hiding then as she looked determined to get me.

Kate : James !...

James : Yes ?

Kate : We need to talk.. !

James : Sure… I have so many questions… I want to ask.

Kate and I went to the pantry and she folded her arms and leaned against the counter.

Kate : I’m not sharing anything about my family if that’s what you wanted to ask.

James : Ermm.. that is exactly what I wanted to ask but if it’s like this, then I have nothing to ask you already.

Kate : What is your problem ?? !

James : What do you mean ?

Kate : Can you tell me why you don’t agree to me taking this up ? The whole Omar thing… at least tell me…

I kept quiet for a moment as I thought about how much to say.

James : It’s ermm… complicated…

Kate : Go ahead… I’m listening…

I looked around the pantry and decided to test the water depth and see how Kate would react if I told her a portion of the truth.

James : Omar…. Is a… womaniser… he…. He would surely make a move on you ….. if you do this…. He will…

Kate’s eyes widened for a bit and unfolded her arms.

Old 23-10-2016, 11:53 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

I had her attention.

I guess all girls are afraid of perverts.

I quickly continued seeing how positively she reacted.

James : He’s, he’s very sleazy, he will anyhow touch you when given the chance….. he’s very touchy…. Don’t believe you ask Belinda…. he got body odour, very hairy…

Kate’s mouth opened a little, and I saw her bite her lips.

Good, good, this is easier than I thought.

James : And he’s very despicable… he’ll… he’ll offer you money…. Ask you to sleep with him…. Imagine doing that to….. a ugly hairy arab…. Isn’t that insulting ?....

I was about to continue when Kate stopped me.

Kate : James… stop…

James : Kate…. It’s for your own good…. Really… from the bottom of my heart…. I don’t want you to get hurt… you’re a nice girl…. You don’t deserve to….

Kate suddenly took my hand and it was my turn to get a shock. I quickly looked around the pantry to make sure no one is heading our way.

Kate : James…

James : What ? !

My eyes widened when I finally realised what Kate was thinking.

Kate : I… I didn’t know you cared so much about me…

James : wait… wait.. wait…. … I think you…

Kate : It’s ok… don’t need to say anything….

She looked at me with a smile before taking a deep breath.

Kate : You…. You should… control your feelings James…. Sis is the one for you….it’s impossible between us…

James : Kate you misunderstood… I meant…

Kate held up her hand and brushed me off.

Kate : It’s ok James… I understand…. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine… I know how to take care of myself…. I’ll just say no firmly…. He can’t force me….

She spoke with such confidence that for a moment I almost believed her.

I sighed as she walked by me.

I heard her heels click twice before she turned around.

Kate : Well, if it weren’t for Sis, …. We… hahaha…. Nevermind…

She laughed and went back to her seat.

That short talk strengthened my resolve to make sure Kate was out of Omar’s way.

The following week saw a flurry of emails and exchanges. After a couple of changes, the dates were finally firmed up.

Omar and his dad would be arriving on the 25th of June, Monday at 11am.

8th June 2012

Friday .

By the end of that week, Kate updated everyone the plan she had worked out and Mr Liew was impressed with her organising skills. Transport vehicles were booked, so were restaurants and tickets to some sightseeing places.

It’s been a while since Omar’s dad stepped into this country and Kate wanted to make sure he was impressed with how far the country has come along this couple of decade. She had even made plans for a private tour guide to join her for one of the days.

Belinda had already applied for leave during the period when Omar would be here and she would largely be away from the office except for 1 afternoon when she needed to present and update Omar about the project together with me.

Belinda : Sorry James… I really don’t feel like seeing him….

James : Don’t worry about it… I can do the presentation too if you like… just call in sick and fill me in on the details ….

Belinda just smiled.

Mr Liew had only minor comments about the schedule and did a brief allocation of our responsibilities over a meeting.

Mr Liew : Ok…. To summarise, the cake is already right by out mouth already, we just need to reach out and take a bite. …

He updated us about projects and ongoing discussion with Omar, he says he’s confident there would be jobs lined up for the team for the next 5 years.

Mr Liew : We will be expanding, slowly of course but I want to let everyone know that exciting times are coming…….

He hinted on a sizable bonus and increment for the team at the end of the year before saying that the trip is more of a formality.

Mr Liew : Let’s just play our part as a gracious host and wrap this up….. any questions ? good…. Good….

9th June 2012



I made plans to meet up with Andy at the coffee shop and over a cup of coffee, I told him the dates I needed his help.

Andy : 25th June? …… it’s errr…… Monday…. Yes Monday….

James: Yes… The client is arriving at 11am…. Base on the plans, Kate was supposed to be at the airport to pick him up with the transport and send them to their hotel.

Andy : Ermm… ok… but if you think we’re going to grab her at the airport, I would say you are out of your mind….

James : No of course not…. Not at the airport…. I would make sure she’s back in the office in the morning, we’ll do it when she’s enroute to the airport.

Andy : Wah ? Brother… this is Singapore leh… not Hollywood….. how to grab people along expressway ?

I told him what I have in mind and he thought about it for a while before nodding.

Kate had booked 2 toyota Alphard from a transport company, the vehicles would be waiting at our office at 10.00am sharp.

Kate would be hopping on one of them to head to the airport to pick Omar up. For the journey to the airport, it would only be her and the drivers.

Her task for Monday is simple, just an introduction, bring them to the hotel and let them have a rest after their flight.

She would also inform Omar and his father that Mr Liew would be hosting dinner at a hotel in town. Our entire team would be joining for dinner that evening.

James : We will switch the vehicles…. Kate would get into the vehicles you prepared instead of the one that goes to the airport.. that way, we can whisk her away without much trouble.

Andy : I need to know the colours of the vehicles.

James : No need. The transport company could not confirm which one they are giving us till that day itself, just as long as similar model will do.

Andy : Ok.

James : I’ll be taking the vehicle to the airport to pick the client up while your guys can send Kate to the safe house and keep her there for a few days.

Andy : Don’t mind me asking…. Who the fuck is this Omar ?

James : Some rich Arab, he’s a fucking pervert…. I tell you he will rape Kate if he has a chance.

Andy’s eyes narrowed before looking back down at the piece of paper we were both scribbling on.

I will take care of Omar for the rest of the trip.

All Andy had to do was to make sure Kate stays safe and uncontactable.

We went through the plan twice even though it was plain and simple.

Get Kate into the car, take her phone, make her comfortable for a few days.

That’s it.

I would take care of the rest, maybe book a few escorts for Omar to fuck if he wants.

Andy : Sounds straight forward…. What if she doesn’t get into the car ?

James : She has too… she can’t possibly take a cab to the airport when there’s 2 empty vehicles waiting for her right ?

Just to be sure, I would ask to meet her in the office for a quick briefing before she departs. I can also send her down to the lobby and make sure she enters the right vehicles.
Old 23-10-2016, 11:55 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

The transport company was one I had dealt with before. In fact it was I who gave Kate the contact.

I will call up the boss and make a request on the change in pick up location and timing and he was not to say a word about it.

13th June 2012



I had lunch alone again. For the past few days it seemed it’s quite hard to find anyone to lunch with. Both Kate and Belinda seemed to disappear well before lunch time.

Alex was stuck to his girlfriend like glue and Hakim had his own lunch khakis from another company.

Even Mr Liew was not available.


Belinda bumped into me in the pantry and she casually asked me what was the plan.

Belinda : Omar would surely go for Kate if he sees her.

James : Don’t worry, I got it under control.

Belinda : How ?

I was about to let slip some details but I quickly held my tongue. I don’t want to risk Belinda doing something stupid.

James : Don’t worry… Kate will not meet Omar…. I will make sure of that…

Belinda smiled and gave me a light squeeze on my arm.

Belinda : Be careful ok ?

I nodded and we parted ways.

As the day drew closer and closer, I could feel myself getting more and more nervous.

Would Kate throw a fit ?

Would she be so mad that she would never talk to me again ?

Or can Andy keep her away and uncontactable for a few days ?

16th June 2012



I met up with Andy again at the coffee shop and ironed out the outstanding details.

Andy : Peter and Ah Fong will be the driver. These are their numbers… The cars are prepared. ….

James : Does Kate know them ?

Andy shook his head.

Andy : I will be following behind in my own car with Ah Keong … We will drive her back here eventually.…

James : Here ! ?

Andy : upper then ?? You think suka suka you can find a short term rental for a few days ar ?? … There’s no place safer than upstairs…. She used to stay here anyway…

James : Oh… ok..

Andy : We’ll pull over before we get up the expressway at the HDB estate here….

He gestured to the blocks along cantonment road. At that point, Keong would take over Andy’s car while he would get into the same vehicle with Kate to grab her phone and stop her from calling anyone.

The convoy would then proceed back to the coffee shop in Joo chiat where they can easily get Kate up to her place.

Sounds about right.

As long as Kate gets in the car, everything would be fine.

I had a few sleepless nights thereafter thinking about what I was about to do.

The 25th drew closer and closer.

And everyday Kate would fill the team in on more information and updates to the schedule. Even the dress code for dinner was sent out.

22nd June 2012


Kate sent out a mail to inform the team that Omar would be arriving an hour later at 12pm.

I text Andy about the change.


I called the boss of the transport company and he told me his pickup timing for Kate has been shift back too to reflect the change.


I saw Kate with a self made banner of Omar’s name with glitter pen and cute drawings as she put on the finishing touches to it.

James : Are you a 15 year old waiting for your Korean Idol ?

Kate : No… I’m going to pick up the man who’s going to pay my salary and bonus for the next few years…

She ignored my jibe and gave me the cold shoulder.


I gave the boss of the transport company a call to remind him on our arrangements and he reassured me everything would be fine.

25th June 2012


I was in office at 7.30am with my coffee and breakfast.

I reminded Kate that I wanted to meet her at 8.30am to brief her on some of the details and project information in case Omar asked. Some simple figures that would not be hard to remember.


I was still the only one in office.

Omar would arrive at 12 noon, Kate was to leave the office at 11am for the airport, it would give her plenty of time to get there.


Kate walked into office at 8.30am sharp and I heaved a sigh of relief.

She looked beautifully dressed in a black skirt that reaches up to her knees. Her long sleeve silk blouse a shimmering pale grey that seemed to shimmer silver when the light catches it. It’s not figure hugging, it hung a bit loose for her frame and she had on a pair of simple black heels.

Her hair was tied up into a bun with a striking orange band.

Kate : Morning…

James : Morning.

I spent 20 minutes with her and it was over. She got back to her work.


Kate : Where’s Sis ?

James : Belinda’s on leave for a couple of days…

Kate : Oh… ok..


Andy text me to inform me that they were already in place. Their 3 vehicle convoy formed up at the HDB estate 5 minutes away.


My heart thumped as I watched Kate got about her own stuff before heading to the toilet.

I looked at the time and it was almost there.

She should be leaving soon after she’s back.

I called the transport company and the boss himself was driving one of the vehicle. He told me not to worry, he will tell Kate he’s waiting at the lobby when in fact he was parked at carpark beside Tanjong pagar plaza.


I got up and took a deep breath and made my way downstairs. I text Andy to tell him to come over to the lobby and get ready.

I found a position which gave me a good vantage view of the drop off point.
Old 23-10-2016, 11:57 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office


2 black Toyota alphards pulled up to the waiting area before Andy’s Volvo stopped a distance behind it.


The boss of the transport company confirmed with me that Kate had just contacted them to ask them if they were ready as she’s heading down soon.

I informed Andy and his guys.

10.51 am

I would feel myself perspiring as I shifted the weight on my feet.

I kept my eyes at the building exit, waiting for Kate.

Suddenly there was a glimmer of words as the glitter markers caught the late morning sun.

I saw a group of people existing the building and even though Kate was blocked by a few men, I could see the large signboard she made.

My eyes immediately followed it as I my heart started thumping faster.

The sun was a little glaring at the angle I was standing at but I did not want to risk exposing myself to Kate.

It happened fast. I saw the flash of Kate’s orange headband as she stepped into the vehicle, I stepped out in time to see the cardboard sign slowly disappearing into the vehicle as the door closed.

I could feel as if a weight equivalent to an elephant was taken off my shoulder.

As the 3 vehicles pulled away, I went back up to my office. Mr Liew called me into his office to confirm some details as Belinda was not around to fill him in. My phone was buzzing away in my pants but I ignored it.


I left My Liew’s office and saw that I had 8 miss calls from Andy . I wanted to chuckle.

He probably had trouble handling Kate.

I dialled his phone and Andy picked it up immediately.


James : Why ? What happened… ?

Andy : Get down her now !!.. lobby..!

He hung up on me and I immediately flew down to the drop off point.

The same 3 car convoy waited at the same spot.

I dashed towards the 1st car and the door opened even before I got there.

As the car door slid opened, my heart stopped beating.

Staring right back at me was Andy and Belinda. She was dressed in the same clothes Kate was wearing moments earlier.

James : What… what is this !!

Belinda : I’m sorry James…. Kate…. Kate agreed to help me after I told her about Omar …

James : WHAT!!! NO!.. NO!!... NO!!!

I immediately hopped into the vehicle and all 3 cars headed for the airport.

James : HOW could you !!!

Belinda : I didn’t want to either…Kate… Kate said she can deal with it….she insisted !...

I sighed as I felt myself getting pushed back onto the seat as the driver sped up, tearing down the expressway on the extreme right lane.

James : There’s still time… still go time… we’ll grab Kate at the airport..

Belinda tried to talk to me but I was too angry to reply her.

Andy just looked on without a word.


I jumped out of the car alone at the arrival drop off and ran into the terminal.

There’s still time. Plane landed still need to taxi, to park, to unload.

They still need to clear immigration.

I dashed towards the belt and my heart literally dropped out of my ribcage.

Passengers were streaming out of the gate. I pushed my way through, trying to find Kate in the sea of faces.

I looked around, even standing on a chair to get a better look. I looked at the information panel and I cursed at myself for not checking the flight details on my own. The arrival time was still 11am. Not 12pm as informed by Kate.

There was a slight delay but it still landed at 11.20am

My heart started slamming hard, squeezing blood and oxygen around my body as I scanned the faces around me.

I felt the hard tap on my shoulder followed by a squeeze.

Before I turned around, I heard the familiar laugh.


That unique familiar laugh.

Rasid : As salam aleykum !! James !.. my brother.. !... wahahahaha….

A breathe escaped from my mouth as I turned around and came face to face with Rasid, Omar and a elderly man with a cane. A few of Omar's aide was a few steps away

James : Wa aleykum as salam..

I exchanged greetings with them as I quickly scanned for Kate.

She was nowhere to be seen.

Omar : How are you James ?

I was about to reply when Omar continued his sentence.

Omar : You have……. A lovely colleague… …

Rasid : Very lovely……. Wahahahahah… wahahaha….

Kate stepped out from behind as I watch her talk to Aliya with a smile.

Kate looked up and locked eyes at me before flashing me a brief smile, as if asking me not to be angry.

Kate : If you would please follow me, I’ll show you to your transport….

Rasid : Of course we would follow you… whahahah.. whahaha…. I’ll follow you where ever you go ..!! whahaha….

Kate covered her mouth shyly with a laugh and I saw that glimmer in Omars eyes as he traced her body with her penetrating glare.

Kate : I apologise in advance if I’m not a gracious host… heee hee…

Omar : don’t worry about it Kate….. I look forward to get to know you better.. haha…

Kate flashed a really charming smile and replied.

Kate : Looking forward to it.. ..

Old 24-10-2016, 12:17 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Excellent story!!
Old 24-10-2016, 12:23 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

updates on sunday night haha
Old 24-10-2016, 12:53 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks Bro ilock!

Waiting faithfully for more.
Old 24-10-2016, 02:03 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping for more!!
Old 24-10-2016, 05:24 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Lookin forward today it too.... Thanks bro
Old 24-10-2016, 09:18 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Nice story.. support.
Old 24-10-2016, 02:21 PM
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