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Old 06-04-2013, 07:59 AM
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Re: Events In CP

No lah friend (who have been to CP b4) back in Sg. Wow really shag after my 6am flight fr SG after one round away sleepy Liao.
Originally Posted by draken View Post
hahhaah.. travel alone so fast got fren liao ah ... MF FS really like fish market ...
Old 06-04-2013, 09:39 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by johnnylomas View Post
notice that it's the same thing all over again. thought half the point of going new place like hmtl is to support own countryman ... ~ edit for length ~ ......
bro sheridan have hit the nail on why html ktv is being scrutinized and "target" becoz of the hype and the expectation from the run-up to the opening ..
when expectations r high and it failed to deliver ... the fall will be painful ...
and not forgetting this ktv raises the gal rates for business competition at the expense of the customers ... such action will only worsen the relationship ...
and it didn't get any better when the same ktv gals from other joints conveniently upgraded their pay grade when they jump ship to this ktv .... same gal, same service but higher rate ...
it's imperative for customers to feel negative ...
Old 06-04-2013, 09:51 AM
alexboy21 alexboy21 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Went 汇美天倫 yesterday , I find the place not half as bad as some bros said, didn't have so much fun in a while.

I find the rooms newer , and the girls more wild and fun and no worse in looks than other ktv girls, you just have to go at the right time and right place to pick. Maybe it is just our luck in picking girls yesterday thou. All of us picked from the 300-400 collection.

Got quite a few cats, 3/8/12 , 4/10/16 , 5/?/? , 6/?/? .
Old 06-04-2013, 11:03 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by johnnylomas View Post
notice that it's the same thing all over again. thought half the point of going new place like hmtl is to support own countryman.
we damn like to criticise man, and give some crap comments.
many years back i remember writing with some old forumers, on how taiwanese will always back each other, hong kongers at least share info with each other. Only we like to treat own countrymen like the worst enemies.

which ktv don't have cheap deco somewhere, other than, i don't know... tian shang ren jian? or closer to cp? even song si ge chao in dongcheng, rooms in the non-vip area are normal.

the better ktvs in cp? oy deco fantastic? carpet not smelly? president room strangely big with little deco? or yihao deco very good?

i think the hmtl is just another normal ktv along the lines of yh, or oy.
Girls just normal. No better or worse than YH or OY. Considering the girls from all over. Even DJs from all the other ktvs.

Better I presume service in the beginning would not be as smooth, or structure or process not as smooth. Other than that, what would the big differences be?
All the ktvs uses the same ideas, same systems, same designers, roughly the same raw materials, then they upgrade and renovate, after make cash-flow.

But if you say personal feel, then everyone has their own likings and dislikes, some just totally for no obvious reason. Some may like Ouya, and hate YH.
Some opposite. May be due to experiences etc. Some hate both and love Amazon or Jin Lang......

So come on, the hmtl ktv is normal la, like OY or YH, girls also normal la.
If you want good deco, go dihao vip floor or dongcheng ssgc member area.
I don't think the girls damn ugly. that's really a comment by someone with some unreasonable grudge or just suay bad experience that day. For quantity upwards of 300+, all the girls ugly and damn ugly? wah lao.

I presume deco can always improve. service can always be more excellent. over time more organized e.g. flower street...
girls will always be like that, cannot really go make all of them go cosmetic surgery.
And we are all like that la, we picky and du lan when we see 300-600 girls and cannot choose, but when we go some crappy tiny ktv or dodgy bar in singapore, malaysia or hong kong where there are only 20 girls that day, we can choose 2 each.....
Originally Posted by sheridan View Post
When I was at 18 years can cum even with old aunty but puke like hell when I was with one at 38 so perhaps those who had written the FR are old birds or old cows

Maybe the expectation from the run-up to the opening was high so a real crash when it fell? Maybe hmtl owners and their managements' eyes were stamped?I'd say take it as a lesson learnt to improve. At least when comes to the recruitment of gals - the screening process must be done by themselves cos kelong is common at every level! Even at oy, any gal also can go in, very kelong
All this liking or not ? Up to standard or not ? Nice Deco ? Clean Carpet ? Is totally up to individual . HMTL are having all new deco suppose to be done by a HK company , standard will not be that bad afterall .

I strongly believe that HMTL will not be that bad in all .... maybe partial are still under touching up , rectifying and so on that why some bro don't feel good .

On the service wise , which or who can start a business with zero error , than what's the point for OY , YH to have meeting for DJ everyday , training for mms every week ....

Just give them some time for all this and I believe ,HMTL will be another KTV will good service too.
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Old 06-04-2013, 11:19 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
All this liking or not ? Up to standard or not ? Nice Deco ? Clean Carpet ? Is totally up to individual . HMTL are having all new deco suppose to be done by a HK company , standard will not be that bad afterall .

I strongly believe that HMTL will not be that bad in all .... maybe partial are still under touching up , rectifying and so on that why some bro don't feel good .

On the service wise , which or who can start a business with zero error , than what's the point for OY , YH to have meeting for DJ everyday , training for mms every week ....

Just give them some time for all this and I believe ,HMTL will be another KTV will good service too.
Just like any projects... when there were complaints, then the review process will come and improvement thereafter
with their pricing, I am sure the quality of the stock will improve over the time
Old 06-04-2013, 11:56 AM
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Just a note.

I would like to say that all comment posted by bros regarding HMTL, no matter good or bad is all recieve by me.

I been reading and all bad comment is been noted and discuss with my co worker in order to change for the better and improve on the good.

Some of the "problem" is really cannot be help... for example smell of the room, we can only try to improve the condi by putting some pineapple and some of the natural odour removel things... we can't put perfume or other non natural odour removal things, those will only make it worse.

We can't read the mind of the gals are they going to fly airplane or not... we can only deter them from doing it by impose heavy fine, but some gals still have the thinking of here don't do go next door... But as i told my mangt, losing a problematic gal is a good thing if not we will lose more customers thru her.

All in all, as i have told all my bros who wish come to HMTL, please come later when we are more ready to recieve you, but if you want to come during these peroid, I am more than welcome, but please forgive all the problem.. we are still work in progress.
Old 06-04-2013, 12:13 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by alexboy21 View Post

I find the rooms newer , and the girls more wild and fun and no worse in looks than other ktv girls, you just have to go at the right time and right place to pick. Maybe it is just our luck in picking girls yesterday thou. All of us picked from the 300-400 collection.
It's a new joint , of course the room is new ma. So can enlighten me when is the rite time and place to pick? HMTL got so many FS meh?
? .

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
Just a note.

I would like to say that all comment posted by bros regarding HMTL, no matter good or bad is all recieve by me.

I been reading and all bad comment is been noted and discuss with my co worker in order to change for the better and improve on the good.

Some of the "problem" is really cannot be help... for example smell of the room, we can only try to improve the condi by putting some pineapple and some of the natural odour removel things... we can't put perfume or other non natural odour removal things, those will only make it worse.

We can't read the mind of the gals are they going to fly airplane or not... we can only deter them from doing it by impose heavy fine, but some gals still have the thinking of here don't do go next door... But as i told my mangt, losing a problematic gal is a good thing if not we will lose more customers thru her.

All in all, as i have told all my bros who wish come to HMTL, please come later when we are more ready to recieve you, but if you want to come during these peroid, I am more than welcome, but please forgive all the problem.. we are still work in progress.
Haiz....I wish to support u but pocket just not deep enough.只好努力挣钱呗!


7 pointers and above
Old 06-04-2013, 12:20 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
Haiz....I wish to support u but pocket just not deep enough.只好努力挣钱呗!

No worry bro, we have raise the problem of the pricing of the drinks, we are in the progress of reviewing the pricing...
Old 06-04-2013, 02:33 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
All this liking or not ? Up to standard or not ? Nice Deco ? Clean Carpet ? Is totally up to individual . HMTL are having all new deco suppose to be done by a HK company , standard will not be that bad afterall .

I strongly believe that HMTL will not be that bad in all .... maybe partial are still under touching up , rectifying and so on that why some bro don't feel good .

On the service wise , which or who can start a business with zero error , than what's the point for OY , YH to have meeting for DJ everyday , training for mms every week ....

Just give them some time for all this and I believe ,HMTL will be another KTV will good service too.
The question I have after reading your and a few other posts here about HMTL is: "Why as the customers doing the paying, should we SUBSIDIZE HMTL's efforts to build up their business??"

Please give it a bit of a more careful think; they've basically ratcheted up the girl price structure in CP by raising the girl rates - just so that they can attract girls to jump ship to them. These are the very same girls with rates 100 or 200 less in their old KTV - but HMTL's strategy of attracting girls to come over is so that we as clients will also come over - the same method used by OY and YH when they first came on the scene, with quite a bit of success.

But all we as customers accomplish in going along with this strategy is to further drive rates up. And girls who are primarily attracted by higher rates are usually totally mercenary and are those who will give the worst service accompanied by a crap attitude - in effect we'd all end up paying more for worse service/attitude.

I don't care how much training, how much fines they threaten the girls with - the fact of the matter is that all these KTV's nowadays depends more on retaining the girls rather than the girls just desperate to hold on to a job like in days past. And the fact of the matter is that CP girls are more and more regularly getting away with just fleecing us.

As per my previous heartfelt appeal to all of you, please consider NOT to just continue being taken advantage by everybody when coming over to CP. Yes, you may ask how much your individual effort could contribute to slowing down this mad increase of prices coupled with a corresponding lowering of standards in CP - but if the whole "thinking process and thoughts" about CP could sober-up more of us on this board to do the correct thing, then I do believe that we collectively could have an impact.

Please I appeal to you to do your part to top this fleecing; yeah CP remains one of the last few places in southern China which is a Man's paradise - but it doesn't mean that we should allow these sharks to keep on taking advantage of us all.

Plus do note that I have nothing against HMTL per se or that I am singling them out; it is just this pervasive atmosphere of greed in CP nowadays which unless we all do our part to do something about, will result in things getting worse still. If HMTL's present strategy works (like it had with OY and YH), then the next thing to happen is that the other KTV's will also adopt the strategy and counter with their own even higher girl rates - and the only ones who will lose out are us who are actually subsidizing these predatory tactics.

Thank you and of course just my own POV.


Ps - And please note that what is happening is just another example of China Economics 101!
At other places, when someone wants to build up a business, they will offer cheaper prices, promises of better things etc.
HMTL is trying to build their business by forcing us to pay MORE or else to go to hell - as if they are the only game in town. Sigh....!

Last edited by SEAJ; 06-04-2013 at 03:10 PM. Reason: To correct HTML to HMTL
Old 06-04-2013, 02:58 PM
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Re: Events In CP

All this criticism from me and so where's my solution?

Well, I do believe that if HMTL and/or other KTV's in CP really want to do the right thing, then they need to do a bit of re-think as to strategy.

I would suggest that they NOT always be concentrating on short term profits and positive income from the very first day of operations and like businesses elsewhere, sacrifice short term profits in order to build up a real long term profit strategy.

- Why can't HMTL's operators set each girls' rates at exactly the same as what she was charging at her old place....but that the company/Mommy cut be lowered, and thus allowing the girl to make a bit more for doing the same thing.
- And instead of just fining the girls for even the most innocent of mistakes, that they should also have a system of pay incentives for achievement, favorable assessment from actual client's comments/recommendations, repeat customer requests for her to sit with him (instead of right now when most girls will NOT report back to their mommies when getting such repeat clients/would just report sick or code red or whatever; this should be an incentive for the girl to get the client to come back to the KTV and spend money there instead of elsewhere).
- Institute a system to reward repeat clients (frequency card, points card etc) instead of the way it is most times right now, when mommies will instead take advantage of their clients as they have this stupid smug attitude that if one is a repeat client, that she's more important to him than he is to her.
- Have special offers by email or text messages etc for these clients instead of only offering such to new clients.

And the list goes on and on as to how business SHOULD be done to build up long term patronage and custom instead of just this tactic to totally fleece us consumers in order for them to make money. YH is right now building another wing on their premises as they had been so successful in their strategy - but do we as consumers want to keep on encouraging their ways?


Last edited by SEAJ; 06-04-2013 at 03:11 PM. Reason: To correct HTML to HMTL
Old 06-04-2013, 04:21 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
All this criticism from me and so where's my solution?

Well, I do believe that if HMTL and/or other KTV's in CP really want to do the right thing, then they need to do a bit of re-think as to strategy.

-edited for length

While I do like ur suggestions as to how the ktvs can improve on their services, I also like how u keep asking us not to support these ktvs whilst u still go there with ur friends. Maybe u shld start with ur own friends first?


P.s. just to quote an example, there is a wanton noodle stall in sg that serves very nice wanton mee... Over the years, their service level has dropped and price has gone up also double. The queue is still nv ending till now. While u may choose to boycott, others will still carry on as it is still within their means. U can go eat at other stalls while others continue to have it as long as its within their means. It's a matter of time before the stall will close for good and by then even if u wanna eat there u won't be able to anymore.

My point is, enjoy it while it last. Some things are really out of our control and its best to enjoy it while it last. Just as some ppl perceive HKers and Taiwanese in some stereotypical ways, aren't u stereotyping us as well? Not all of us cheong without thinking with the right head.


next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 06-04-2013, 09:27 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Who will be around next week?

let's go spoil the market haha
Old 06-04-2013, 09:30 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
While I do like ur suggestions as to how the ktvs can improve on their services, I also like how u keep asking us not to support these ktvs whilst u still go there with ur friends. Maybe u shld start with ur own friends first?

I nowadays do NOT go to KTV's regularly - perhaps once every 3 weeks or so (versus my being in CP just about every week for 3 days or so and versus several times a week in the distant past) and only when friends insists on going. And during those times I do take it upon myself to exert a bit of pressure on the proceedings - things like asking my friends if really necessary to sit more than one girl, be the one who usually gets asked to give hell to girls and mommies if a girl starts acting up.

Also, amongst my usual friends we always make sure that only one guy is going to do all the ordering for the room for the night (and such orders to be initialed by him), the wait staff do not waste liquor (clearing up half full glasses and bottles), food orders practically banned, vendors of anything, manager/mommies etc coming in and supposedly giving us face (whilst all they're doing is padding the bill whilst drinking up our liquor)all to stay away with a posted sign on our door.

And no, I've not been to HMTL and have no intentions of going there!

Look-it Krone, of course its your own business on what you do or not do and that I really don't even have the right to ask you or anybody else to vary your habits/preferences - and I AM only putting up my posts for anybody who do want to want to take up my suggestion. I again apologize if such posting may cause offense to anybody who thinks that the way they spend is none of my or anybody else's business.

P.s. just to quote an example, there is a wanton noodle stall in sg that serves very nice wanton mee... Over the years, their service level has dropped and price has gone up also double. The queue is still nv ending till now. While u may choose to boycott, others will still carry on as it is still within their means. U can go eat at other stalls while others continue to have it as long as its within their means. It's a matter of time before the stall will close for good and by then even if u wanna eat there u won't be able to anymore.

My point is, enjoy it while it last. Some things are really out of our control and its best to enjoy it while it last. Just as some ppl perceive HKers and Taiwanese in some stereotypical ways, aren't u stereotyping us as well? Not all of us cheong without thinking with the right head.

The point is that your wanton noodle stall have raised their prices over the years whilst sharp price increases have happened each time a new place opens up. And we ALL (not just Singaporean or Malaysians or Hongkongers or Taiwanese etc) just UNTHINKINGLY go along with these KTV's method to build up their business whilst taking full advantage of ALL OF US to finance such.

Enjoying whilst it lasts - isn't that akin to Nero fiddling whilst Rome is burning? How much longer can we "enjoy it" when prices and the lack of service/bad attitude are to the point where there is the danger of an exodus away from CP? Just like the eventual demise of your wanton stall?

Yeah, again none of my business and its the problem of the KTV;s and Chang Ping - sigh....!

Like I said, a purely heartfelt appeal and I apologize AGAIN if it is causing offense to ANYBODY.


Ps - And I do note Lookingaround2's message to us as follows
I would like to say that all comment posted by bros regarding HMTL, no matter good or bad is all recieve by me.

I been reading and all bad comment is been noted and discuss with my co worker in order to change for the better and improve on the good.

Last edited by SEAJ; 06-04-2013 at 10:20 PM. Reason: To add Lookingaround2's message to us
Old 06-04-2013, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Who will be around next week?

let's go spoil the market haha
Me and eleven tuko will be there, 18 arrive in guangzhou thanproceed CP. my group will be screwing only Pzl girls. We save money going ktv for locals without girls(kbox style)
Old 07-04-2013, 12:15 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Totally agree. I will not be going HMTL anymore unless they reduce their girl's rate. Will support YH, Mayflower instead.
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