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Old 18-07-2007, 12:00 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Hi hi hi!!! I am so happy to give my first thread in sammyboy forum! Let me make a short intro of myself here. I am a M'sian guy at age late 20s. Stationed in Shanghai and have been Cheong-ing around in SH since the first night I reached! Me and my gang in SH prefer KTVs girls rather than BBS. Get closer relationship then only bonk, will have better feelings mar! agree?

OK... I haven't been to ChangPing yet, the paradise for the men like you and me. But we will be going there very often after our first trip in Sept. I've read a threads by bro 3dee, talking about the trip on 12-15 Sept, right? Is that confirmed? Erm... newbies like us in CP will like to join!

We plan to stay in Miraton Hotel. I've learned from the forum that there are one most hottiest ktv in that hotel? worth to go? I really like to know from all "old horse" here which is the hottiest ktv in CP now? still JiaYi? Which provide plenty of gals, reasonable price and importantly quality of gals? Yea... still alot to learn.
Old 18-07-2007, 12:21 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

huh, where is my threads? testing one two three...
Old 18-07-2007, 12:50 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
was looking at MP3 suddenly out of the cornor of my eye, caught a mm who is selling bra/underwear... wow!!!!! tall and pretty and fair... wah lau... look damn good... those model model kind you see in those supermodel of korea kind... wah....
actually, this trip i also found a SYT at CA one of the gift shop...

she is pretty to me, so i was in the shop for 2 consecutive days... chatted with her and sian her a bit... total conversation last about half hour...

2 minus points, she is similar height as me (is consider tall for guangdong girl), and she is from guangdong, so not fair... but her sweet smile and the slim body shape... can compensate that!

the shop is selling the gifts and ladies items, so i cannot visit the shop everyday (otherwise that will be too obvious); for the bros who are coming to CA this week, we can go together, so that i have reason to go again... hahaha...

but don't fight with me ya, i plan to sian her for sure!
Old 18-07-2007, 01:28 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

the shop is selling the gifts and ladies items, so i cannot visit the shop everyday (otherwise that will be too obvious); for the bros who are coming to CA this week, we can go together, so that i have reason to go again... hahaha...
hehe, sure! I will like to see how's the standard of bro 3dee. I don't know you well as I am new to this tread. Are you based in CP?
Old 18-07-2007, 02:12 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post
Surport. Thanks lookingarpound2 for the FR
of course support .........cheeers
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Old 19-07-2007, 07:28 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
Yo Bro, tell me the shop name, i will bring my girl to buy bra there next week, before my return to SG!

(i bet the shop is either inside HuaRun shopping centre or at KangLe NanLu? )
don't know what the shopping centre call... but it just opp sherton.

sorry... i shall say that it not a shop... but it is a kind of push cart style, just right in front of the entrance of the shopping centre.

got 2 mm there... but you will know which one i talking about.. no doubt about it.
Old 19-07-2007, 08:04 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

ok... where was i... ohhh.. ok second night KTV....

reach there about 7:30 this time round... anyway.. reserve room liao.. and also got mm from last night... so no worry...

reach there.. same things... chat chat... mm come in group by group.. just for my 2 other friends with no mm... (decided that after tonight must ditch all the mm liao... or else cannot do anythings...) anyway.. a few group come in... and goes... saw quite a few that i didn't manage to get to see yeasterday.. wah.. like more pretty ler...

same things... drink drink drink... dance dance dance... sing sing sing... damage is lower that yesterday... about 2 bottle only...

so after that whole things... goes up again...

Honestly speaking... too much cheong also got nothing much new...

but there is a different with my gal, tonight...

reach room.. start calling me honey... say she prepare bath for both of us...

go into the bathtub together... start to scrab my back... then using her breast to rub me.... hey.. wait a min... i thought mm unless those from spa... normally don't do serving????

Just to let bro here know... i not too sure if i'm right.. but beside spa gals... most of the mm don't do servicing... HJ, BJ, rubbing.. and etc... but someone correct me if i'm wrong... (compare note with friends)

anyway.. back to the bathtub... quite shiok... one thing about sherton is that the toliet is big... so is the bathtub.... anyway.. after bathtub.. go to shower.. as she was showering my... she start to bj me... wah... with warm water falling down on me.. and mm blowing me... damn shoik...

wah.. cannot take it... put she up to the table and want to bonk her... nb... where the rubber... back into the room.. got to rush out to get the rubber... and run back to bonk her... (a note to myself.. must put rubber in every part of the room...) anyway... bonk bonk... wah... this time round.. she moan and moan... wah.. damn wet also... (or is it the water from the shower just now.)
anyway... the feeling is really very good... didn't last long... fire... (combine sound effect, with sulty look and a pretty mm, get you fire off damn fast.. or is it the mirror in front.. make you look like you are the actor in the porn movie... )

finish the wash up... and head back to the room.. start to kiss me all over the place... and bonk bonk... wah she really very responsive ler... grab bed sheet... moan... grab me... calling out honey... nb... how can i leave her tomorrow..... wah lau.. left hand friends... right hand mm.... NB!!!!!!!! anyway.. that tomorrow lar... tonight... BONK!!!!!!

bonk bonk bonk..... tell her i tired liao.... she ask me want her to bj for me.. i say no need... tired... so she just lay by my side... naked.. and telling me stories of herself... nb spend the whole 2 hours.. talking.... back into the room 3:30am... shower bonk and etc... about 5am liao,.... talking untill sun raise... NB no need to sleep liao....

suppose to meet friends at 3pm later... better grab some sleep... (shit forgot to tell her to go off) but fall asleep liao...

wake up about 1:30 pm.... nb... really not enough sleep... looking at her... suddenly remember need to ditch her today... have not tell her yet... wah... how to ditch... me heart very good one ler... (esp after last night performace lagi hard) anyway... decided not to go kangdi.... friend will say give up whole forest because of a tree that sort of rubbish... but no choice...) call my friends up... HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.. found out that they have not ditch their mm also... damn funny... but decided to meet later for lunch...

turn around wake up my mm... no didn't bonk her, she go shower... i get ready.... here come the interesting part... yesterday, i give her 1500 RMB, for the night... so as she come out,.. i wanted to pass her another 1000 RMB, she say don't want!!!! huh!!!! hear correctly or not!!!! don't want...

ask her if it too little... wanted to add more.. she say don't want.. she just happy with me.. don't want my money.... wah lau... a bit worry ler... wait she come out don't know what pattern ler... but never play by the ear lor... so.... after changing.. go down meet my friends.....

Old 19-07-2007, 08:49 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by JustSomeFun View Post
Hi hi hi!!! I am so happy to give my first thread in sammyboy forum! Let me make a short intro of myself here. I am a M'sian guy at age late 20s. Stationed in Shanghai and have been Cheong-ing around in SH since the first night I reached! Me and my gang in SH prefer KTVs girls rather than BBS. Get closer relationship then only bonk, will have better feelings mar! agree?

OK... I haven't been to ChangPing yet, the paradise for the men like you and me. But we will be going there very often after our first trip in Sept. I've read a threads by bro 3dee, talking about the trip on 12-15 Sept, right? Is that confirmed? Erm... newbies like us in CP will like to join!

We plan to stay in Miraton Hotel. I've learned from the forum that there are one most hottiest ktv in that hotel? worth to go? I really like to know from all "old horse" here which is the hottiest ktv in CP now? still JiaYi? Which provide plenty of gals, reasonable price and importantly quality of gals? Yea... still alot to learn.

Yo bro, welcome to the thread!

Few bros have confirmed to join the september trip, so we can go ahead. hopefully that u can join too.

I have done the posting of CP KTV before, feel free to take a look:

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
For the top 3 ktv in CP, the daily average of the girls are about 300. As at today, the ranking still remain unchanged as my last posting, where Jiayi remains the hottest, follow by Huihua and Bandao. Arguably, the next one on the ranking is either Huatai, Lion or Amazon. Then follow by the smaller KTV like HuiMei, Virgin, PP Club, New Century, Kang Cheng, which the MM is less than 200 in the daily average.
for the hotel booking, you may refer here:
Old 19-07-2007, 08:51 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by JustSomeFun View Post
hehe, sure! I will like to see how's the standard of bro 3dee. I don't know you well as I am new to this tread. Are you based in CP?
I still consider myself based in SG, although i seldom there, hahahahaha...

but i will spend one or two weeks in dongguan a month, which mainly roaming between CP, CA, HJ and HM.
Old 19-07-2007, 08:53 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen


My taste

Old 19-07-2007, 09:08 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
don't know what the shopping centre call... but it just opp sherton.

Yo Bro, fyi, the name of the building is HuaRun shopping centre, here is the photo of the main entrance...

Old 19-07-2007, 09:11 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

While searching of the shopping centre photo, dick dick dick, see see see, i recalled quite a lot of my momories...

she was one of the girl that i like in my early day of cheong, previously from WenYi (the hotel/ktv that opposite sheraton right hand side), but without makeup she does not really look pretty...

Last edited by 3dee; 19-07-2007 at 09:38 AM. Reason: ...
Old 19-07-2007, 09:14 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Another one


Old 19-07-2007, 09:35 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Thanks for another excellent FR... u make me gian and wanted to bonk the girl too!!
fortunately i m now in CP, so no worries!!

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
go into the bathtub together... start to scrab my back... then using her breast to rub me.... hey.. wait a min... i thought mm unless those from spa... normally don't do serving????
this depends on the girl's attitude and services, there is not fix answer...
but i would say, in general, your case is not common.

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
Just to let bro here know... i not too sure if i'm right.. but beside spa gals... most of the mm don't do servicing... HJ, BJ, rubbing.. and etc... but someone correct me if i'm wrong... (compare note with friends)
yo bro, i can't agree on this point, usually i will not take the girl out if she does not want to do BJ...
unless her appearance is very attractive to me... (but this happens very rare)

i classified myself as a "senior technician", got high standard on "technical requirements", one of the condition for me to rank the mm as "good" is, she must be able to perform BBBJ 10mins...

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
.... here come the interesting part... yesterday, i give her 1500 RMB, for the night... so as she come out,.. i wanted to pass her another 1000 RMB, she say don't want!!!! huh!!!! hear correctly or not!!!! don't want...
wow, bro, you are the marker spoiler, tips 50% extra to the girl!!

i did have few experience that the girl didn't want to take the money, who treated my like her bf; but to some of my experiences, the final return was even worse... called me up few months later said all the grandmother stories, father sick at home and need money to go operation, asked me for few K... the kind hearted young boy like me, how can i reject the sweet voices, so ended up paying even more...

but, there are still the cases with the nice girl... that we treated each other like semi-friend. for example, when the girl is having period, she does not mind to come out to have drink and sing song without any charge.
(i said semi-friend but not friend as whole, because personally i think it is difficult to have the real friendship in such environment)
Old 19-07-2007, 09:40 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post


My taste

haha bro, i really keen to see what is your standard, since u r the picky appearance club member...
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