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Old 09-05-2021, 03:26 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Quite a newbie in this section, asking all the shifus out here. how do you guys usually ask if they do extra service? Isit just startight up ask in the face? Or isit usually the ML will offer?

Have been visiting this ML twice a week, mainly to check clear and tcss. Not sure how to drop the question for extra service.
Old 09-05-2021, 04:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Life6666 View Post
ic, during my visit she’s SN with pants on, so I was wondering hahah..
She was FN when I visited. That was when she just came in this stint.
Old 09-05-2021, 04:16 AM
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Originally Posted by cosmex View Post
Quite a newbie in this section, asking all the shifus out here. how do you guys usually ask if they do extra service? Isit just startight up ask in the face? Or isit usually the ML will offer?

Have been visiting this ML twice a week, mainly to check clear and tcss. Not sure how to drop the question for extra service.
I think depends on your chemistry with her. I would say, base on experience, you can feel it one. I'll usually wait for her to initiate. Usually if I go the extra mile for the ML, if she appreciates, she will do something for you for free. If she doesn't, then move on to the next one if the "extra" is your objective.

But bro, it's a thin line of wanting that extra, and getting your feelings involved. Gotta manage it careful.
Old 09-05-2021, 06:19 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by hiongsterscv View Post
She was FN when I visited. That was when she just came in this stint.
Maybe I’m not Andy Lau, so she didn’t remove her pants hahah...

I visited her a month ago..
Old 09-05-2021, 08:50 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anybody know if Lin Xue (formerly Xia Xue, LN housemate) in slg is really her? Because i see some bro said she already went rtc after getting caught.
Don't want to kena bait and switch since she is operationg from famous hotel in geylang.
Old 09-05-2021, 09:08 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Life6666 View Post
Maybe I’m not Andy Lau, so she didn’t remove her pants hahah...

I visited her a month ago..
Bro, u dun need to be Andy Lau. U need to be like Ng yat chung, ie not a gentleman. She dun strip, u strip for her, lol..
Old 09-05-2021, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by cosmex View Post
Quite a newbie in this section, asking all the shifus out here. how do you guys usually ask if they do extra service? Isit just startight up ask in the face? Or isit usually the ML will offer?

Have been visiting this ML twice a week, mainly to check clear and tcss. Not sure how to drop the question for extra service.
Honestly, practically all MLs deal with such questions daily. So don't believe the myth that asking on the first session is "wrong" or have less success rate. MLs who tell you need to know you better through more visits are just playing the dangling carrot game. So long as the ML don't find you repulsive and is prepared to offer FJ kind, just ask and she'll surely quote you or suggest you quote. Whether or not it's worthwhile is up to you to decide. Generally speaking if a bonk is what you seek, still better to just pick a FL. Unless you like the game of making ML offer FJ la.

You can ask while she massage you or when sensual commence. Just be mindful of time though, cos some ML see not much time left and worry you will overrun if FJ so end up decline even if she is ok with the idea. Give yourself at least 25 to 30 mins balance time when you ask. Just respect her if she reject outright..coz she din list FJ after all. But if she give vague reply or start flirting..bite on it and coax her into agreeing. Imho, you need not be a regular nor a tipper nor do favors for the ML to improve your chances. Maybe it helps, but reality is these are not critical to get FJ offered. Good luck.
Old 09-05-2021, 09:46 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Life6666 View Post
Maybe I’m not Andy Lau, so she didn’t remove her pants hahah...
I visited her a month ago..
If she is listed as FN, during sensual she should be already FN.
If she is not, then request her to be FN.

She is a chicken, not your wife or gf
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Old 09-05-2021, 09:52 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cosmex View Post
Quite a newbie in this section, asking all the shifus out here. how do you guys usually ask if they do extra service? Isit just startight up ask in the face? Or isit usually the ML will offer?
Have been visiting this ML twice a week, mainly to check clear and tcss. Not sure how to drop the question for extra service.
Just ask upfront. Since not first time meeting.
Again, she is a chicken. Not your wife nor gf.
If she declined, then accept the answer and dun push on further.
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Old 09-05-2021, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by lacoruna69 View Post
If she is listed as FN, during sensual she should be already FN.
If she is not, then request her to be FN.

She is a chicken, not your wife or gf
Realise this is a recurring issue here for some bros..not asking for what you want!!

I understand some don't want to come across as demanding but honestly it is nothing wrong to ask. At most you get rejected, then either you persuade a bit else just respect the reply. To NOT ask and hope the ML to deliver what you want is just.. fairytale. They have so many services listed, it is impossible to cover ALL in an hour. JUST ASK FOR WHAT YOU DESIRE. Period.

Nice guys finish last. Not saying we should be rude or bastard type of customer but fact is trying to be too gentleman or scared to offend, likelihood of missing out or feel shortchanged is high. Many a times is not the ML not willing to please the customer, but is bros don't even dare to ask! Man up or you'll miss all the fun
Old 09-05-2021, 10:34 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Appointment with tingting got cancelled so decided to try xiaoxi instead:

Location decent for foot soldiers. Looks pretty accurate to photos, especially 3rd and 4th with the polka dot bra. Would classify her as a petite pre-milf. Boobs are a very nice shapely natural Bs.

Her strength is her massage hands down. Granted I haven't try the massage queen's like 7P, I can still safely say she packs a punch + she knows the diff moves to loosen your joints.

Sensual was good, a few variations to HJ that I never experienced before. SN as advertised, will position away from you so it's tougher to get access to South.
Old 09-05-2021, 10:40 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cosmex View Post
Quite a newbie in this section, asking all the shifus out here. how do you guys usually ask if they do extra service? Isit just startight up ask in the face? Or isit usually the ML will offer?

Have been visiting this ML twice a week, mainly to check clear and tcss. Not sure how to drop the question for extra service.
Unless you are one of those that's into making a game out of it, spending more money and more visits to gaming her for extras... then just ask the ML straight up.

Many others has also repeatedly advised to just be forward and assertive to what we want as a customer. Remember this is always a business transaction. Snap out of the fantasy that what the lady do for you is special. "She can do for you also mean she can do for others".

Imagine how many customers she get per day, per month, per year asking for special requests that we can't even imagine i think it'd be appreciated to them also for us to not beat around the bush and just get to the point.

We're not there to choose a girlfriend or wife.
Old 09-05-2021, 10:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sgflyman View Post
Hi bro. I think experienced bros here will know who you’re referring to haha.

Basically you’re putting your 2ic near this lady’s pussy and rubbing against it, while she moans like she’s getting fucked. Of course, if you feel unsafe, bring your own caps.

Tried it and I enjoyed it. Helps that the lady is good too
Wah kao new style.... which ML now provides this??? Made me gianzz
Old 09-05-2021, 10:57 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cosmex View Post
Quite a newbie in this section, asking all the shifus out here. how do you guys usually ask if they do extra service? Isit just startight up ask in the face? Or isit usually the ML will offer?

Have been visiting this ML twice a week, mainly to check clear and tcss. Not sure how to drop the question for extra service.
just to exchange pointers . normally if have they will ask or they ask you qns that hint to that.

if u already rtm then no need to be shy. just ask. after that you wont feel shy anymore.

let us know if have 😁
min points for exchange: 5
please PM me. 😇
Old 09-05-2021, 11:26 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Just to chip in. Normally those that are FN and provide BBBJ higher chance got offer FJ.

I feel its better to ask on the 2nd visit. See first visit how is the attitude of the ML, if cmi you still want FJ meh.
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