Re: Buay Steady Cheongster
a chinaman chatted with me he is han chinese and native of henan he had worked in xinjiang for 2 years as a cargo truck driver he said'' prostitution is alive and well in xinjiang area. every nite behind the urumqi train station in xinjiang a row of shophouses come alive with han chinese women, the going rate for st for milfs there is 30 rmb and 50 rmb for syts'' he had enjoyed his time in xinjiang |
Nice to eat Lan Zhou La Mian once in a while. Always no chemistry with Guizhou girls. Don't know why. |
Re: Xinjiang
i think hor... nowadays the biggest action is watching two dogs do it on the streets... lol...
tat one police cannot catch.. haha |
Re: Weather
U still got my number or wechat? |
Re: Weather
go for another round la ........ Superman in the haus !!!!
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Check your PM. |
Re: Events in CP 2
last time at 2-5-8, they can't really earn money doing 平台 and had strict rules on accompany the customer until the end thus not much stunts at all. [QUOTE=wolfman2012;12319703] Quote:
but I only gave them extra if I deem their services is good. Just came in to take a look at the last 10 pages. seems like no go anymore. Apart from the skyhigh prices (yes I'm cheapskate), the attitude of the girls seems going downhill. I've move on to my own playground in other regions where I can still get cheap fun by not spoiling the market there.
Luvs the kway and their chup |
Re: Events in CP 2
sad to say the way fl prices are going up and the singapore dollar to china rmb conversion getting low at 4.7 , i think after winter north china will be a better alternative |
Re: Events in CP 2
Lol! Changed place Liao ! Me HCM Liao! No more cina! Some ppl said I stealth agent then I am lor! why waste yr breath arguing with old fart?
Drink...Drank...Drunk! Inline: 7 pointers and above |
Re: Events in CP 2
各地新闻新华网张璐瑶2014-12-29 14:43我要分享 2442 12月23日中午,香港警方联同入境处在油尖旺区展开代号为“烽火”及“激流”的大规模打击卖淫活 动,其中 一名被捕的性工作者年龄达65岁。来源:羊城晚报 截至昨日,粤港澳三地警方联合打击跨境有组织犯罪、港澳黑社会组织入境渗透等犯罪活动的“雷霆 14”行动, 连续破获1000多宗有组织跨境案件,抓获500多名有组织跨境犯罪嫌疑人,其中包括17名境 外黑社会组织 成员。 记者昨日从广东省公安厅了解到,今年的“雷霆14”对准了黑社会组织入境违法犯罪、境内黑社会 性质组织违法 犯罪、跨境潜逃等10类犯罪。 专项行动从11月1日开始,截至12月28日,两个月的行动期间,广东珠三角公安机关共出动警 力40436 人次,打掉有组织跨境犯罪团伙42个,破获有组织跨境犯罪案件1130起,抓获有组织跨境犯罪 嫌疑人546 名(其中境外黑社会组织成员17名),抓获台湾通缉犯10名,清查涉及有境外人员经营背景、有 违法嫌疑的重 点场所1161处,缴获各类枪支217支、子弹69833发、车辆155辆、各类毒品1263 公斤,扣押赃 款1000多万元。 据悉,广东省公安机关先后于12月1日、16日两次组织广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、惠州、中山、 东莞、江门、 肇庆等珠三角9市及顺德区公安机关联合开展大规模统一清查行动。 广东省副省长、公安厅长李春生亲自组织部署,明确了清查行动重点目标、场所和重点人员,并于1 2月1日和1 6日分别赶赴珠三角等市清查一线,实地参与指挥、督导。 【案例】 卖淫女在口岸物色港客 根据广东省公安厅“雷霆14”第二次统一清查行动的部署,深圳市公安机关近期对多个涉嫌跨境违 法犯罪的场所 进行了突击清查。 清查行动中,深圳警方在深圳市罗湖区春风路鸿丰大酒店和凯悦豪庭查获一跨境卖淫嫖娼违法团伙, 抓获甘某强等 违法嫌疑人5人。被抓获的嫌疑人中,甘某强、梁某志两名男子为香港籍,另3名则都是内地女性, 包括四川籍女 子杨某、江西籍女子聂某英、湖北籍女子张某。 经审查,警方了解到,团伙中的3名内地女子专门做香港人“生意”。他们物色从罗湖口岸入境的香 港籍男子,伺 机搭讪,寻求目标,进行卖淫行为。 5名违法嫌疑人均对其卖淫嫖娼行为供认不讳。目前,公安机关已依法对5名违法人员进行处理。 台湾要犯潜逃17年后被抓 11月19日,台湾通缉犯利某永被东莞市公安机关抓获。利某永是台湾十大通缉要犯之一,潜逃17年 后,最终 在东莞市桥头镇一居民小区地下停车场被警方抓获。 据介绍,利某永早年间在台涉嫌“杀人及伤害”等罪,分别于1995年3月31日、1997年5 月28日被台 湾司法部门通缉。 今年上半年,台湾警方请求广东警方协助缉捕遣返利某永,东莞警方随之成立专案组。根据台湾警方 提供的线索, 专案组发现他经常在桥头、常平、厚街、虎门等地活动,并与桥头镇某小区一名女业主关系密切。专 案组调阅大量 监控视频确定,利某永常与该女业主进出小区。11月19日,专案组在小区停车场将准备外出的利 某永抓获归案 。 目前,广东公安机关已将犯罪嫌疑人利某永移交给台湾警方处理。记者张璐瑶 通讯员黄康灵、罗宁妮返回腾讯网首页>> Edit/Delete Message Don't quote WHOLE POST unnecessarily Multi-Quote This Message Quick reply to this message Reply Page 29 of 29 « First < 19 27 28 29 « Previous Thread | Next Thread » Edit/Delete Message Don't quote WHOLE POST unnecessarily Multi-Quote This Message Quick reply to this message Reply Page 339 of 339 « First < 239 289 329 337 338 339 « Previous Thread | Next Thread » |
Re: Events in CP 2
Should drop by and go 88 bar, better than Coco bar.... |
Re: Events in CP 2
never bring me go, what's the prices there in HCM?
Luvs the kway and their chup |
Zhuhai KTV
Haha now you go Zhuhai KTV more often?
Re: Events in CP 2
Heard that Prata king is the orguniser!
min 8 to exchange 排队中: 清空中 |
Re: Events in CP 2
happy new year
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
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