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Old 11-12-2007, 11:58 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post
can a student pass holder marry to a sg citizen?
i know work permit holder need MOM approve.
but student pass holder leh?
For the issue of a Student’s Pass (STP), the applicant or his/her local sponsor will have to undertake to ensure that the applicant shall not marry a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR) while he/she is in Singapore on STP. The condition “not to marry a SC/PR while in Singapore” stated in condition 9 of the security bond. If there is a breach of conditions in the security bong, the security deposit may be forfeited.

F the STP holders wish to marry SC/PR, they may do so after the expiry / cancellation of their STP. How ever, if they wish to get marry and study in Singapore, it is preferable that they submit a STP application for our consideration after they have married,

In a case when a foreign student was exempted from furnishing security deposit for the issuance of his/her current Student’s Pass, he/she does not need to seek our permission to grant approval to file for a marriage. However, he/she may wish to inform us in writing if he is registering her marriage with a Singapore Citizen/PR, at the following address:

Senior Manager
Visitor Service Centre
Student’s Pass Unit
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
10 Kallang Road
#08-00 ICA Building
Singapore 208718

If u wish to know if your gf was exempted from furnishing security deposit then you need to check if her school have SQC. SQC details as below:

The Singapore Quality Class (SQC) for Private Education Organizations (PEO), SQC-PEO is a scheme administered by SPRING Singapore to recognize PEO that have attained a commendable level of performance in their journey to business excellence and to assist them to reach world-class standards of business excellence based on the Singapore Quality Award (SQA) framework and requirements in the private education sector.

Students of institutions who received this SQC-PEO award enjoys the following 'green lane' benefits:

* Reduced processing time from 4 weeks to 2 weeks.
* Student's pass valid for full duration of student's study.
* Waiver of security deposit (all levels).
* For PRC students (all levels): waiver of interview at Singapore 's Beijing Embassy and direct submission of applications to Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
* Granting of 1-month Social Visit Pass , upon completion of studies, for foreign students to wind down their activities in Singapore and make arrangements to leave

I think these informations will help u alot
Old 11-12-2007, 12:56 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Thanks bro ShaGua75 for sharing with us.....I'm sure cleared many doubts the bros have
Old 11-12-2007, 03:39 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Joeblackcat88 View Post
Does any brothers here familiar wth the myammar rules? I wanted to bring my future wife here to marry,however, i only just realise that myammar people need to apply for a visa to gain entry. Only diplomatic/official/service passport gain exemption of visa, now my question is can my future wife apply for these passport or are they only for high ranking officials and people working for the myammar government? She is currently holding only a social visit passport which is only valid for a year. Brothers who have the answers, pls help me, thanks in advance
Now anybody in Myanmar can apply for the PP. My wife got her PP for about US100 for 3 year. The only issue is that the waiting time for the PP is very long. I have waited 2 months for the PP but heard that now it only need 1 week.

Just need to apply Visa at the Singapore Embassy in Yangon but it will be best if you are there to apply for her. Sure approve wan.
Old 11-12-2007, 11:55 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Sha_Gua75 View Post
For the issue of a Student’s Pass (STP), the applicant or his/her local sponsor will have to undertake to ensure that the applicant shall not marry a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR) while he/she is in Singapore on STP. The condition “not to marry a SC/PR while in Singapore” stated in condition 9 of the security bond. If there is a breach of conditions in the security bong, the security deposit may be forfeited.

F the STP holders wish to marry SC/PR, they may do so after the expiry / cancellation of their STP. How ever, if they wish to get marry and study in Singapore, it is preferable that they submit a STP application for our consideration after they have married,

In a case when a foreign student was exempted from furnishing security deposit for the issuance of his/her current Student’s Pass, he/she does not need to seek our permission to grant approval to file for a marriage. However, he/she may wish to inform us in writing if he is registering her marriage with a Singapore Citizen/PR, at the following address:

Senior Manager
Visitor Service Centre
Student’s Pass Unit
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
10 Kallang Road
#08-00 ICA Building
Singapore 208718

If u wish to know if your gf was exempted from furnishing security deposit then you need to check if her school have SQC. SQC details as below:

The Singapore Quality Class (SQC) for Private Education Organizations (PEO), SQC-PEO is a scheme administered by SPRING Singapore to recognize PEO that have attained a commendable level of performance in their journey to business excellence and to assist them to reach world-class standards of business excellence based on the Singapore Quality Award (SQA) framework and requirements in the private education sector.

Students of institutions who received this SQC-PEO award enjoys the following 'green lane' benefits:

* Reduced processing time from 4 weeks to 2 weeks.
* Student's pass valid for full duration of student's study.
* Waiver of security deposit (all levels).
* For PRC students (all levels): waiver of interview at Singapore 's Beijing Embassy and direct submission of applications to Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
* Granting of 1-month Social Visit Pass , upon completion of studies, for foreign students to wind down their activities in Singapore and make arrangements to leave

I think these informations will help u alot
hi. thanks for the informations. but sorry that my eng is no gd. lol...
to make it simple.
if i marry her and wan her to study in sg, i need to apply for her a STP as well? if got LTSVP, can use it for her to study as well?

i had advice one SQC school
althouh, dun need to put the $5k security deposit
but need to show that i/she had 30k in bank or etc. to show that she had the $$$$ to study in sg.
hushand is sg also need to show?
Old 11-12-2007, 11:58 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post
hi. thanks for the informations. but sorry that my eng is no gd. lol...
to make it simple.
if i marry her and wan her to study in sg, i need to apply for her a STP as well? if got LTSVP, can use it for her to study as well?

i had advice one SQC school
althouh, dun need to put the $5k security deposit
but need to show that i/she had 30k in bank or etc. to show that she had the $$$$ to study in sg.
hushand is sg also need to show?
Once she got LTSVP that means she can stay in Singapore legally liao the period as allowed by ICA.....can do anything but cannot work w/o permission nia nia....of course cannot do illegal things la.......actually can do but dont get caught lor
Old 12-12-2007, 09:22 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Red_Tirak1099 View Post
Once she got LTSVP that means she can stay in Singapore legally liao the period as allowed by ICA.....can do anything but cannot work w/o permission nia nia....of course cannot do illegal things la.......actually can do but dont get caught lor
if she wan to study leh.
still need ica approve?
i read from the site say need to inform them.
then she will be holding STP as well?
if caught = send back imed right even she work like cloths sales?
Old 12-12-2007, 09:31 AM
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Re: Foreign Wife Others

Originally Posted by diesel View Post
Sorry to bring this ‘foreign wife’ thread aside for discussion.

I agree cereal-killer! It is VERY true. Chinese mainlanders are alot like this.

NUS, NTU, SMU pay tuition fees, scholarship and even subsidize for these foreign students, once got their PR and say bye-bye. Nowadays, lots of foreign students (especially mainlander Chinese) coming to Singapore for studies.

I have met and talked with many Chinese mainlanders working in local shipyards and those Chinese mainlanders managed to secure scholarships from shipping companies (e.g. shipyard). These shipping companies are so kind and offer them to pay fees for them. Once they completed their bond for two years and after getting PR, they are saying goodbye to Singapore! Worst, some already got their PR before they graduate!

Long ago, I interviewed three chaps from SAFTI OCS at different occasion. They were grumbling to me that Chinese mainlanders commissioned in SAF as officer and they have no intention of staying in Singapore at all!

I have traveling around the world. Singapore PR is the most easy to get. Free-flow like water! Most difficult PR to obtain should be Malaysia’s. And I doubt not many Singaporeans want a Malaysia’s PR. Even if yes, believe me or not, it is "super hard" tough to apply Malysia's PR! Surprisingly, United States’ PR is much easy to obtain than Malaysia’s!

I think ICA is the one to be blamed. I suggest PR can be placed in separate categories (e.g. long and short term). The short term can be treated like a VISA and can be extended on conditional basis. For a long term PR (also with 10 years expiry date) can be issued to foreign wife marrying to S’pore man.

I fully agree with cereal-killer! ICA knows how to handle MP’s request. In fact, it is no use at all. The only benefit is, ICA thanking the MP to bring this issue into attention and that’s all.

I think we can resume discussion relating to this topic.

alot of PRC who is in sg shipyard hold SG citizenship leh.
a number of my colleages are SG now (PRC previously)
they are bond with the company to study in poly
after that go tto the company for the bond/work 2-3yrs
and normally after that(bond), sg will offer them citizenships liao.
wow... that is damn gd lor..
for sg males...... sad sad sad.... go to NS for 2 yr as slaves. but the prc male can use the 2 yr as work experience. see the different?
yet sg male wan to marry prc gf so "ma fan" and let her stay in sg like LTSVP.
but they wan to marry prc in sg is so easy, can easily apply dependent pass.
SG citizenship so gd meh? how i wish i was from PRC also.

too bad, my prc gf dun have the min requirements that the shipyard is looking for. she dun even koe simple english.
so intend to get her long term in sg. study in eng 1st. then study higher education.
Old 12-12-2007, 05:14 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by GLHunter View Post
i am currently sourcing for (FT)English course for my gf.

Below is my findings;
1. Spring Language School
2. Evander
3. SIM
4. PSB Academy
6. British Council

The fees is almost as how i arrange them, cheapest on top.
Any bros sent their wife / gf there? need some testimony as
i dun wanna pick the cheapest school but end up its a big
wayang. bros please comment on their teaching standards.
wat the sch fees like?
Old 12-12-2007, 07:07 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

any1 know wat the procedure to marry in china?

how long will it normally process. as like singapore,
go ROM 1st then have to wait for another 1-2 months for signature.
how about china?
Old 12-12-2007, 07:21 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by OneNight View Post
Moving your first step to China is the most difficult. I faced similar but more complicated situation with my PRC wife 3 years ago. After struggle for initial period, i am now more settle down. Brought my 70 yr old mum over this year, sold my HDB flat and now expecting a child mid next year.

The key issue is how much you treasure your relationship and how much determination you have. Down here, i achieve more than what i can get in Sillypore, more $$$ more, career advancement and most important.... HAPPINESS...
did i hear more $$$ and more career advancement.
do they wan to hire me?
will be having BEng by june next yr.
Old 12-12-2007, 10:06 PM
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Red face Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post
if i marry her and wan her to study in sg, i need to apply for her a STP as well? if got LTSVP, can use it for her to study as well?
Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post
can a student pass holder marry to a sg citizen?
i know work permit holder need MOM approve.
but student pass holder leh?
u joking or making fun of us....first ask student pass become STP/LSSVP holder.....

From ICA Website:

What are the types of courses that I can attend without applying for a Student's Pass?

You are exempted from applying for a Student's Pass to take up a short course as long as:

(i) It is conducted and completed within the validity of the initial Social Visit Pass granted at the Singapore checkpoint or 30 days, whichever is shorter;

(ii) It is a complete and stand-alone module on its own; and

(iii) It does not involve hands-on practical occupational training and/or industrial attachment, which has interaction with walk-in customers, or is not conducted at premises that are also the places of business, e.g. hair salons and beauty salons.

Last edited by Sha_Gua75; 12-12-2007 at 10:29 PM.
Old 12-12-2007, 10:13 PM
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Re: Foreign Wife Others

Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post

a number of my colleages are SG now (PRC previously)
they are bond with the company to study in poly
after that go tto the company for the bond/work 2-3yrs
and normally after that(bond), sg will offer them citizenships liao.
I know SG passport is cheap n easy but in this case, PR or citizenship??? Pink or blue IC???
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 12-12-2007, 10:53 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Sha_Gua75 View Post
u joking or making fun of us....first ask student pass become STP/LSSVP holder.....

From ICA Website:

What are the types of courses that I can attend without applying for a Student's Pass?

You are exempted from applying for a Student's Pass to take up a short course as long as:

(i) It is conducted and completed within the validity of the initial Social Visit Pass granted at the Singapore checkpoint or 30 days, whichever is shorter;

(ii) It is a complete and stand-alone module on its own; and

(iii) It does not involve hands-on practical occupational training and/or industrial attachment, which has interaction with walk-in customers, or is not conducted at premises that are also the places of business, e.g. hair salons and beauty salons.
student pass is STP right?
so i asking. if ROM and apply LTSVP, do i need to apply for STP again for her to study in sg?
hmm... ask in this way. is it more clearer?
Old 12-12-2007, 10:56 PM
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Re: Foreign Wife Others

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
I know SG passport is cheap n easy but in this case, PR or citizenship??? Pink or blue IC???
refer to the pple working in shipyard who are of PRC when born:
75% are holding PR (blue IC)
and 25% are holding citizenship (Pink IC)

and about 5% of the 75% ( 5 of out 75) are waiting for pink IC to come, which they had applied.

especially keppel shipyard.. many PRC...
Old 12-12-2007, 11:03 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post
student pass is STP right?
so i asking. if ROM and apply LTSVP, do i need to apply for STP again for her to study in sg?
hmm... ask in this way. is it more clearer?
from what is written in the website....the course must be within the period of social visit pass or under 30 days....since they never mention if it is short term social visit pass or long term social visit pass...i presume that they are talking about short term social visit pass...

you can go down to ica or email them about studying during holding on to LTSVP....but i think i can roughly guess their reply...they will ask u to apply for student pass but note that student pass is subject for approval...that the crap u will get from their reply...

btw...since u marrying her...then i think nothing to worry much...just rom and go down to ica to ask...apply student pass if they said so...if cant get then wait till get PR then study....
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