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Old 28-03-2013, 10:03 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

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Old 28-03-2013, 10:26 AM
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"Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by bestbest View Post
Hi bros and sis,

this may not be anything new. But do you have any spooky experience to share concering your hotel stay in Hatyai? I remember that there was some sharing a few years ago in this thread and with Bro Pussyman72 who shared his goosebump experience in Merlin Hotel..something floating towards him at the lobby..
I heard that alot of hotel rooms in Hatyai hotels are "haunted" because of the high suicide cases

Why you want to know which hotels ??? Wanna stay there and get "raped" by the "lady ghosts" ???? ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, .......
Old 28-03-2013, 11:24 AM
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Re: "Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

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Old 28-03-2013, 01:37 PM
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Re: "Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 View Post
[COLOR="DarkRed"]I heard that alot of hotel rooms in Hatyai hotels are "haunted" because of the high suicide cases
Not all the deaths are "suicide" cases..... drug overdose was a common occurrence there in the 70s n 80s. It got so bad that the Thai government begged our government to do something about the Singaporeans drug abusers creating havoc there. That was how the CNB started to have covert satellite bases operating in LOS...... and at one stage they even had "escorts" riding on the tour buses from Golden Mile to Hatyai & back.
Old 28-03-2013, 03:17 PM
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"Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by bestbest View Post
Dun get angry bro. It is just sharing of experience and I did not explictly ask which hotels..dun want to get sued Anyway, better to get raped by a beautiful lady ghost than a katoey pii hahaha just kidding
I do hope that you get your "wish" granted to be "raped" by a beautiful lady ghost the next time you stay in a hotel room in Hatyai ........ he,he,he,he,he,he,he, ..........
Old 28-03-2013, 03:59 PM
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Re: "Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 View Post
I do hope that you get your "wish" granted to be "raped" by a beautiful lady ghost the next time you stay in a hotel room in Hatyai ........ he,he,he,he,he,he,he, ..........
Thank least better than a possibly HIV laden katoey pii
Old 29-03-2013, 12:33 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by K99125 View Post
thank you for sharing. i go by coach leh, where to buy sim card leh?? from the tour agency where i purchase the hotel voucher??
another stupid question, do they hav nano sim?? or only micro sim n regular sim??
If I go with coach from JB or SG (Sri Maju, Konsortium, etc) just wondering where to change the money to Thai baht for highest rates? Last time I know got place change money at Bukit Kayu Hitam before crossing the border. Is it still the same place there? Thanks
Old 29-03-2013, 12:42 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

change money in singapore normally better rate lah. otherwise in hatyai town u can shop around coz the travel agencies all can change money for you.
Old 29-03-2013, 01:05 AM
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Re: "Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 View Post
I do hope that you get your "wish" granted to be "raped" by a beautiful lady ghost the next time you stay in a hotel room in Hatyai ........ he,he,he,he,he,he,he, ..........
Wah..better don't play play wor.
During my stay at kosit hotel, one of my friend got "ghost" follow him back to room.

you know lah, all of us try to be "night owl" at hatyai.
strolling along the quiet cool hatyai street.
It seem my friends pass a cremation temple located somewhere near kosit hotel.

immediately he can feel uneasy since then and even right up to his room.
everytime he try to sleep, he will keep seeing an old man near the toilet room.
ended up he on the room light and didn't sleep until morning.

Just imagine...raped by old man instead.!
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Last edited by KonKam; 29-03-2013 at 09:00 AM. Reason: spelling check
Old 29-03-2013, 04:05 AM
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Re: "Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by KonKam View Post
Wah..better don't play play wor.
During my stay at kosit hotel, one of my friend got "ghost" follow him back to room.

you know lah, all of us try to be "night owl" at hatyai.
strolling along the quiet cool hatyai street.
It seem my friends pass a cremation temple located somewhere near kosit hotel.

immediately he can feel uneasy since then and even right up to his room.
everytime he try to sleep, he will keep seeing an old man near the toilet room.
ended up he on the room light and didn't sleep until morning.

Just imagine...raped by ld man instead.!
How come hatyai have many ghosts? I thought since they have many temples so the ghosts should not be roaming around.
Old 29-03-2013, 05:21 PM
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Re: "Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by Zamri View Post
How come hatyai have many ghosts? I thought since they have many temples so the ghosts should not be roaming around.
Bro Zamri.every country have Ghosts.depend on the religious country.
My first trip to HatYai with Bro Thai31 and two more Bros.On last weeks ago.
We stayed in Lee Garden plaza.and also went to hunting girls back to our hotel
Sorry to make it short cut.after i and my girl frinsh doing up and down.
i go for a smoke at the window and looking outside.she also stand beside me to tcss simple english.i can't speak Thai.
She ask me that when i come again?i answer her will RTN her again if i have times.She told me if you come again,Do Not stay in Siam City Hotel.

Believe in ghosts? or just a up to you

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Old 29-03-2013, 11:39 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

wah kao... dun fright dc didi leh!!! wat hotel ... lidat die die must find someone to sleep w me liao lor... still tot of looking for ST enough liao...
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Old 30-03-2013, 12:07 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by dc7176 View Post
wah kao... dun fright dc didi leh!!! wat hotel ... lidat die die must find someone to sleep w me liao lor... still tot of looking for ST enough liao...
No need be scared bro ....unless you hurt or killed someone....the ghost (phi) are usually there because they died in the room by suicide, murder or even natural death and when their spirits cannot rest in peace, they start haunting the guest staying in the same room. And usually the hotel management will not rent out this kind of room for the guest to stay.
Old 30-03-2013, 07:46 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by jnudes View Post
No need be scared bro ....unless you hurt or killed someone....the ghost (phi) are usually there because they died in the room by suicide, murder or even natural death and when their spirits cannot rest in peace, they start haunting the guest staying in the same room. And usually the hotel management will not rent out this kind of room for the guest to stay.
it is still scary coz ghost does not discriminate anyone, if your "fate" is low, you sure a goner.
Better bring amulet along if you a believer.

Hotel Management also another thing, if peak season...they just rent out the "ghostly" room hoping that the guests don't notice anything.
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Old 30-03-2013, 09:35 AM
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Re: "Haunted" Hatyai hotels .....

Originally Posted by Zamri View Post
How come hatyai have many ghosts? I thought since they have many temples so the ghosts should not be roaming around.
bro Zamri, why Hdy have many police and army check here and there?
And they thais ppl/police still frightening when and where the bomb is coming?
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