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Old 13-04-2006, 11:01 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

hi bro taurus75, sorry for a bit out of topic here, i have follow the Hat yai thread and know that u are very famaliar with Hat Yai. Do u know of any place in hat yai where i can rent the traditional thai costume with photo taking services in Hat yai or dannok?
Feel like taking those for memorable experience cos im a thai siao
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Old 13-04-2006, 11:29 PM
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Re: STill Ciblover's special!!!

Originally Posted by taurus75
The left gal (wearing light blue) look familarity. I knew her since Year 2001. Getting more and more chio. Maybe I'm wrong. paiseh kor. kekeke....
Old 13-04-2006, 11:41 PM
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Re: Bonking the Tigress from Hatyai 'Tiger Show'

Originally Posted by DeKuip
Bro, even we haven't each other but hor... see ur nick i oredi kek sim liao. How can u always mantain 99 tiraks?? After this trip my nick is tirak0.
KNN...nothing to kek sim lah. I'm not that handsome like bro Thai75. The no "99" come about is because "99" in cantonese meaning "jiu jiu". I want girl to be with me "tian chang di jiu". kekeke...
Old 14-04-2006, 06:19 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by nanog69
Hi shiok1968,
Let me also share with samsters here an incident related by my friend while having coffee with him two days ago. He is not a member of this forum, but goes to hdy once in a while.
His bad experience is with this joint called Andrew in SKY. OKT push one gal to him call ah nam (or something like dat)saying that she is good in service. Book for 2 days, but on second day say claim got Tai Yee Ma come, so cannot make love. My friend went back to the joint but the boss refuse saying that my friend should physically check the girl whether got blood or not. So he went back to the hotel, but then the girl has oredi disappear. Went back to the joint, but the boss is not there and cannot be contacted. OKT refuse to refund. Since he is leaving Hdy on the next morning, he just forget it and treat it as a lesson learnt. Lucky his personal belongings were not stolen. Hope this info will help brothers to be wary when patronising certain "questionable" joints.
OK, Why not we all ban Andrew in SKY? Let's all join hands together and ban Andrew.

Nanog has given us reasons to ban Andrew even if it is from his friend's experience.

Firstly the girls especially ah nam, are liars. (She lied right?)
Secondly, the girls are thieves. (You said luckily his belongings were not stolen, which implies that it would have been if she gets the chance).

Bravo nanog, Bravo for highlighting such an unbias view!!!

Old 14-04-2006, 09:36 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

CP4, Pink Lady and Kiss Lounge 1 week ago....

Since i said i discovered taken many ST has it fun i went with bros (especially CBM and YSH) to these places many times.

CP4 has better looking gers but our timing are wrong everytime we went... saw the nice gers always taken by others just minute b4 we arrived. The so call model gers are not that pretty but they got the bodyship, for the price i sense they are not worth it, they price tag is 2500 baths... ofcoz plus tip will be 3000 bath ST. So no action for me in CP4 during this trip.

Pink Lady, stock are worse than CP4 everytime i went.... till 1 evening when Liverpool leads Bolton 1-0 2nd half i saw a ger i like. I went there with CBM and TSH (ma hai, this 2 top farkers came with excuses to let they gers behind in hotel u wont believe!), after i choosed the ger they went in the ktv for a drink.. more than a drink, hahaha. Inside the room i told the ger i need good service and she did gave me the best service so far i have enjoyed from Pink Lady. Found out oso she just started work in PL 3 weeks ago... nice ger but din have to intention to make her become my tirak. After our session tip her 500 baths and promised her if i am in hatyai again i will call her.

One hour later i went to Kiss Lounge with CBM (who else?) and Master. It was oredi late so the ger selection only limited to 4 gers. I choosed 1 ger for ST and told her i wanna drink something 1st b4 we go back hotel. When drinking she asked me can stay overnite with me.. i said up to u lah. In hotel screwed her for 1 hour but i cant release... so end of session. She sked i will screw her another long session so she decided to leave.. for me was it a good idea too coz i wanna sleep alone.

All and all i think Pink Lady still has the best service although the gers aren't that great.

Hope YSH and bro Shiok can write something abt CP4 coz they are the 2 who screwed in CP4.
Old 14-04-2006, 10:53 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by DeKuip
Hope YSH and bro Shiok can write something abt CP4 coz they are the 2 who screwed in CP4.
Since my GTM request, I die die also must come out with a short FR.

Went down to CP4 on Fri aft with all the bros. There were a two sections in CP4. One is the 1800B and below section and the other is the 2500B and above section. The 2500B and above girls definitely look better. However my YSH and myself decided to try two SYT from the 1800B section. After choosing, both girls will come out to chit-chat with you first. I noticed that YSH's girl was wearing braces. OMG.... must be really shiok later bcos will be like alot of metal studs running up and down your little bro.

After paying, we then proceeded upstairs to our rooms. A waiter will then come and ask if you would like any drinks. Please note that the drinks are payable unlike KL HCs where drinks and food are included in the cost. My girl then started running the long bath and while waiting started to give me a soft massage.Quite enjoyable. Once the water is ready, we removed our clothes and went into the long bath. Will not describe too much here bcos dun really know how to write. All I can say is that alot of attention is concentrated on your little bro using her hands and mouth. Rather sextifying.

From the long bath to the bed and the normal catbath and bj. Yup, I was surprised that no bbbj but did not ask as I thought that this is the normal practice here. However she has a very hardworking and active tongue so it makes up for everything. I then requested that she rides me first and then proceeded to missionary, followed by doggie and ending with missionary again bcos I always love to watch the girl's expression at the end.

After the bonk, wash up again, had a smoke, a bit more chit-chat and then went down to wait for my YSH. Exchange notes and realised that with or w/o braces not much different. kekekeke....

Damage - 1800B + 200B (tips). Wanted to give more but no more small change.The girl's name I forgotten but her working number is 35.

Rooms at CP4 definitely nicer and bigger than PL but IMHO, PL girls service is better than those at CP4.
Old 14-04-2006, 11:10 AM
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Re: Bonking the Tigress from Hatyai 'Tiger Show'

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Bro TD0620G is absolutely right. Cannot disagree. Generally, the girls in BKK are much prettier than Hatyai that's why have higher price too. KNN, if you go Poseidon MP, you'll never want to go into another MP in Hatyai, be it PL of CP4.

You see FL in CM2, you'll know why the FL in Hatyai will only approach you in the dark and when you have lots of beer. No fight at all.

Tee Vee
Teevee... if u ask me... I prefer Chiangmai to the busy streets of Bangkok... even Sayuri MP have more chio babes than CP4... but of coz... lose to Poseidon lorr... but the gers not as commercial.. so settle for less looks... more luvin... cheers
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 14-04-2006, 11:16 AM
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Re: Bonking the Tigress from Hatyai 'Tiger Show'

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
Teevee... if u ask me... I prefer Chiangmai to the busy streets of Bangkok... even Sayuri MP have more chio babes than CP4... but of coz... lose to Poseidon lorr... but the gers not as commercial.. so settle for less looks... more luvin... cheers
Now i know when i was a kid ppls always said i learn things fast.

Just learn yest:

Chiang Mai things in Chiang Mai thread please!
Old 14-04-2006, 11:20 AM
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Re: Bonking the Tigress from Hatyai 'Tiger Show'

Originally Posted by DeKuip
Now i know when i was a kid ppls always said i learn things fast.

Just learn yest:

Chiang Mai things in Chiang Mai thread please!
MA HAI.... Kena my own medicine liao... kekekeke
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 14-04-2006, 11:29 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies


Old 14-04-2006, 12:12 PM
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Re: Bonking the Tigress from Hatyai 'Tiger Show'

Originally Posted by DeKuip
Now i know when i was a kid ppls always said i learn things fast.

Just learn yest:

Chiang Mai things in Chiang Mai thread please!
Wahh you sleep a lot ah lastnight? tcss you look half dead.
Old 14-04-2006, 12:14 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies


Something i haven't told u guys during our trip in hatyai... Do u remember next to Sakura GV hotel got 1 ktv? Yup Volvo KTV. Ther gers use to sit outside the ktv right? All syt's leh, quality looks better than Kiss Lounge stock.. remember?

One evening CBM and me walked out SGV hotel when CBM saw the Volvo syt's he went opposite the raod rent a motorcycle... U know what CBM did? I was impressed too... he did a few wheelies infront of the gers. B4 CBM left he point to 1 syt and told her:

See ya tomolo... hurururuhurur.

I never knew our CBM can be so KOOL 1! hurururhurur..

What we dont have the chance to explore Volvo KTV, i'm quite curious abt this club... maybe other bros have info's abt Volvo Club?

Old 14-04-2006, 01:03 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Tnnhhhaannlkkll Yyyuuuu bro Tthhhhaaaauurrrhhmuuss,

Oppss...sorry, have to take out these tissues from my nose first....kekeke.

Thank you bro Taurus,
Thanks for those nose bleeding, liao...
Err....I wanna join in for the threesome coffees, loh. Where, ah??
BTW, thanks for pointing out the sistas in my signature. Corrected, liao.

GTM, will post my CP4 Fr after they repair my broadband connection first. Me now using normal modem line...damn slow and always cut off.
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Old 14-04-2006, 01:27 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

I hope this is the right place to ask this question as I know there are many great friendly SIFUs here, need a bit advice lah.

I am very unfortunate that i never met a gal who can reach multiple orgasm, ai.... maybe my kungfu cha siew lah. But i have met a gal...... when she cum earlier than me, when i keep pumping her, she bei-tahan and said 'gili'....until i also no mood to cont sometimes.

We guys ( for me at least), after we cum...i immediately lost interest on touching. I wonder this applies to gals as well???? Really salute those SIFUs who can make gals cum & cum & cum & cum.

Old 14-04-2006, 02:15 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by CibLover

GTM, will post my CP4 Fr after they repair my broadband connection first. Me now using normal modem line...damn slow and always cut off.
me too no broadband from the day came back till now. sigh..
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