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Old 02-12-2023, 09:07 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by blitzace View Post
I think what they meant or felt is, bros are supposed to be paying to be serviced, not to sit down and stay to chat for the remaining 20-30 mins.
Ha, I am different, normally I am the one who services them. But only for chio bu hor.


Old 02-12-2023, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by ladyassasinato View Post
Ha, I am different, normally I am the one who services them. But only for chio bu hor.
I also service chio bu ML.

But if the ML just lie down there like a dead fish for you to service, I also not interested.
Old 02-12-2023, 09:22 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by beebeeboy View Post
Amei really ORD mood. I go in bath 5 min, HJ 10 min, clean up 5 min. Left at 20-25min mark. Easy money for her.
Wow, that is really too much!
Technically you still have 35-40 min service time which is enough for a 2nd HJ...
My one and only visit to Amei was done around 55 min, that was after I requested her to massage my shoulders for 10 min after shower.
Maybe because I uncle type so she is not so enthusiastic lor...

Originally Posted by ladyassasinato View Post
Actually, I dun noe why you guys landed in such situation. You are the pay master; you should be in control. For me, I normally foreplay with her for more than half an hours before her HJ. Sometime played too much and forgot about the HJ but left as a happy man.
And the funny thing is - if you think you have so much time left, why you leave? Why cun you ask her to give you a massage since you still got the time. Easy money for her or you are too easy with your money? If you are the one who took the initiative to leave, what can she do? Or you mean she chase you out?

I do agree with you that we must play the game by not letting ML to decide the whole process.
Having said that, it also kind of uneasiness if ML show no interest and you still want her to continue especially with 35 - 40 minutes left !
Old 02-12-2023, 09:33 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by lacoruna69 View Post
Maybe some smear campaign going on to boycott Amei.
There is no smoke without fire!Will wait further to get more reviews from other Bros.

There is no smoke without fire!

But not to boycott her, just no RTM for some, those who got good services from her should continue to support her lor....
Old 02-12-2023, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by beebeeboy View Post
Amei really ORD mood. I go in bath 5 min, HJ 10 min, clean up 5 min. Left at 20-25min mark. Easy money for her.
Wow i never been in and out so fast after covid reopen. The ones i visit always hit the 50 or the 55 mark. Would suggest dont do hj so fast la... go in cuddle and chat first or massage legs/hands. Why do hj straight? Once released u no mood, she finished her job already.
Old 02-12-2023, 10:21 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

As long the ML don’t chase you out, I think it’s not consider as short charge of time

Last time I met a few who really ask you to leave after the deed is done

玲珑 aka Sugar, 笑笑, 小鱼, they will just offer head & shoulder massage to fill up the remaining time

龙女, naughty girl who will tease & cuddle you on bed

Last edited by Life6666; 02-12-2023 at 10:38 AM.
Old 02-12-2023, 10:32 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Seems that I am always jinxed when I wanna try your highly recommended MLs...

OMW liao then she tell me she double-booked. Well at least she was honest about double-booking. Too hot liao cannot handle appointments
AQ put a curse on you
Bcos you didn’t bring enuf beer for her to serve me

Got bro feedback she on code red, so I am back to cotton candy this week, lotsa work to do here. But those legs are real killer.

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Old 02-12-2023, 11:50 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by aaazzz View Post
trust me bro, although we are speaking here and all, her biz wont lack de. confirm have other bros not reading this and or not wary about this, will still go find her one...
Thxs for info bro
Is different level not for me I will not pay 130 for 30 min

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Old 02-12-2023, 11:52 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Laowang View Post
Even if the ML never chase me out, it be really uncomfortable if she is not willing to serve. If the ML is cold, I will rather leave early than stay on.

I will remember not to visit her again.

On the other hand, I don’t mind chatting with the ML for the remaining 30min if she is warm.
yes, i'll do the same if i was in the same situation.
happened to me with another too. left 30 mins early and nvr rtm
Old 02-12-2023, 11:56 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Life6666 View Post
玲珑 aka Sugar, 笑笑, 小鱼, they will just offer head & shoulder massage to fill up the remaining time

龙女, naughty girl who will tease & cuddle you on bed
Here, this is what 60 mins means. Then there are the special few who will ask you to stay after the deed to chat/cuddle cos they are bored or have chemistry with you.
Old 02-12-2023, 12:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Laowang View Post
I also service chio bu ML.

But if the ML just lie down there like a dead fish for you to service, I also not interested.
Hmm, you need to improve your skill. That wun happened to me.


Old 02-12-2023, 12:11 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SALTYPR View Post
To be fair to amei:

1. She didn't chase me out after the deed or show black face
2. I sense she want me to go, so I just go, after chiong for so many years, I more or less can tell,

To me, in service industry, if the service provided not keen to serve, I won't force cause both party not happy so no point

Just like if I see my steak under/over cook, either I eat or I leave it, I won't return to kitchen. Just me ok
Looks like start to display old ginseng traits liao.

But not sure what happened to her, too much biz until start to heck care?

The starting was full of excellent reviews and I can attest to that as I too also cannot book her as she always reply fully book.
But the fact she was fully book means she is giving good service as such Bros keeps going back to her.

I was quite her regular last time (her first stint). And I can see she started to hiam me as her attitude start to change. Got one time, she just jitao say she was busy cooking and keeps run in and out of the room.
Naturally, I feel upset.
No time to re confirm as she left quite abruptly after that.

Not trying to smear her but just recounting my own experience,

This time round, I really want to look for her for old times sake.
Those Bros that visited her at the hotel at 120 reported good reviews.
Unfortunately, she move to area far from me and up price to 130.

So, I KIV lor.
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Old 02-12-2023, 12:12 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
More towards 3rd or 4th photo.
Anyway all are heavily ps.

But irl she’s not bad looking, probably a sub 7.
I visited twice in a week.
Luv her bbbj, slowly and 1 breath.
Hmm, great bbbj and ass rim. But 120 guys need to top up a bit.


Old 02-12-2023, 12:27 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Actually is their accomodation cheaper given that they share the house. Will it be divided by 2 or still remain the same charges if they were to stay alone? If same charges why not move out alone since it have more privacy.
Old 02-12-2023, 12:27 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Life6666 View Post
As long the ML don’t chase you out, I think it’s not consider as short charge of time

Last time I met a few who really ask you to leave after the deed is done

玲珑 aka Sugar, 笑笑, 小鱼, they will just offer head & shoulder massage to fill up the remaining time

龙女, naughty girl who will tease & cuddle you on bed
You are right bro. To make our money well spent, first of all, we must make ourselves interesting for the ml to serve you well. If you just lie down on the bed like a 臭大爷, waiting to be served, then you have yourselves to be blame.

Nowadays, service is a two-way traffic. You have to do your part - be more cheerful next time when you approach a service counter, you will have a good time there.


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