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Old 08-10-2024, 07:33 PM
markbryant272 markbryant272 is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by Bilibiliboi View Post
I would say Covid did me justice but after that it went way down.

I updated and maintained my profile picture like how i did in Covid year.

Long story short. Period of 2020-2022
Tind** Tan*** Mo** CM*

I used them all, average hit rate is Super Low. But what i landed are gold mine for myself.

1. Malay Nurse from Yishun (she was engaged and went wild before marriage. Stopped entirely after marriage)
2. Office admin from Hougang (she was sad when her bf cheated. She get on revenge action with me lol)
3. PRC childhood teacher (great bonk for once sadly she looked for serious rls)
4. Uni xmm in the west (went for courses but stay for the views)
5. Another nurse in Sengkang (was so hot until she went steady with her colleague doctor… gosh great for her future husband)

Since then… i kana the good old dating app trap / scammer/ PS/ promoter/ kind of shit…. Fall back to ml fl scene. Wallet pain
For number 2
My experience is most of the time they already wanted to go out eat, but they either no dare or no chance. So they tolerate. Who knows the partner cheat first which give them the golden excuse to let go herself , cos now they are rightfully go wild. It's all partner fault.
I don't think a cheating can change a girl overnight in term of openness to partner on bed.

Anyway I only have limited data point to support my belief
Old 08-10-2024, 09:49 PM
sbwow sbwow is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by Seven7up View Post
Unless u marry a virgin, everybody's wife got fucked big time by 1 or many guys
Their wife gets fucked by some other dudes while the husband simps away at his wife waiting for non-existential sex. HAHAHA.
What better way to describe this?
Self-delusion at its finest. HAHAHA.
Old 08-10-2024, 11:05 PM
secretlurker88 secretlurker88 is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by Bilibiliboi View Post
I would say Covid did me justice but after that it went way down.

I updated and maintained my profile picture like how i did in Covid year.

Long story short. Period of 2020-2022
Tind** Tan*** Mo** CM*

I used them all, average hit rate is Super Low. But what i landed are gold mine for myself.

1. Malay Nurse from Yishun (she was engaged and went wild before marriage. Stopped entirely after marriage)
2. Office admin from Hougang (she was sad when her bf cheated. She get on revenge action with me lol)
3. PRC childhood teacher (great bonk for once sadly she looked for serious rls)
4. Uni xmm in the west (went for courses but stay for the views)
5. Another nurse in Sengkang (was so hot until she went steady with her colleague doctor… gosh great for her future husband)

Since then… i kana the good old dating app trap / scammer/ PS/ promoter/ kind of shit…. Fall back to ml fl scene. Wallet pain
bro can share the story about the nurse?
Old 09-10-2024, 10:36 AM
Seven7up Seven7up is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by Bilibiliboi View Post
I would say Covid did me justice but after that it went way down.

I updated and maintained my profile picture like how i did in Covid year.

Long story short. Period of 2020-2022
Tind** Tan*** Mo** CM*

I used them all, average hit rate is Super Low. But what i landed are gold mine for myself.

1. Malay Nurse from Yishun (she was engaged and went wild before marriage. Stopped entirely after marriage)
2. Office admin from Hougang (she was sad when her bf cheated. She get on revenge action with me lol)
3. PRC childhood teacher (great bonk for once sadly she looked for serious rls)
4. Uni xmm in the west (went for courses but stay for the views)
5. Another nurse in Sengkang (was so hot until she went steady with her colleague doctor… gosh great for her future husband)

Since then… i kana the good old dating app trap / scammer/ PS/ promoter/ kind of shit…. Fall back to ml fl scene. Wallet pain
2 nurses, 1 admin, 1 pre sch teacher.
Validation yet again of the profile for easy fucks
Old 09-10-2024, 10:38 AM
RhianBrewster RhianBrewster is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by markbryant272 View Post
For number 2
My experience is most of the time they already wanted to go out eat, but they either no dare or no chance. So they tolerate. Who knows the partner cheat first which give them the golden excuse to let go herself , cos now they are rightfully go wild. It's all partner fault.
I don't think a cheating can change a girl overnight in term of openness to partner on bed.

Anyway I only have limited data point to support my belief
Thanks for sharing.
Old 09-10-2024, 10:39 AM
sluggish sluggish is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by s4fun View Post
Tried with one of my ex gf . She got a black and pink . Dam shiok
Agree with you shiok!
Old 09-10-2024, 10:44 AM
Seven7up Seven7up is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by spawnic View Post
POV Before and After

Why her face like not much emotion one
Old 09-10-2024, 12:42 PM
Bilibiliboi Bilibiliboi is offline
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Originally Posted by Seven7up View Post
2 nurses, 1 admin, 1 pre sch teacher.
Validation yet again of the profile for easy fucks
Sadly its only one of many samples.

Not to offend, my brutha with cars and willing to go extra cost can land on different kind of ladies. Such as sales managers, intellectuals kind of milf ard 35-40 but keep fit until ages doesnt matter.
Old 09-10-2024, 12:49 PM
Bilibiliboi Bilibiliboi is offline
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Old 09-10-2024, 12:51 PM
Bilibiliboi Bilibiliboi is offline
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Originally Posted by Bilibiliboi View Post
I would say Covid did me justice but after that it went way down.

I updated and maintained my profile picture like how i did in Covid year.

Long story short. Period of 2020-2022
Tind** Tan*** Mo** CM*

I used them all, average hit rate is Super Low. But what i landed are gold mine for myself.

1. Malay Nurse from Yishun (she was engaged and went wild before marriage. Stopped entirely after marriage)
2. Office admin from Hougang (she was sad when her bf cheated. She get on revenge action with me lol)
3. PRC childhood teacher (great bonk for once sadly she looked for serious rls)
4. Uni xmm in the west (went for courses but stay for the views)
5. Another nurse in Sengkang (was so hot until she went steady with her colleague doctor… gosh great for her future husband)

Since then… i kana the good old dating app trap / scammer/ PS/ promoter/ kind of shit…. Fall back to ml fl scene. Wallet pain
Some bros asked. ;p

More stories behind Nurses.

1. malay nurse from yishun (Aq*****)
25s / 155-40kg / slim and petite / Firm B
Matched on TT. Initial just chat casually, within a week towards weekend. Asked for a dinner bite near Yishun. She complied saying she finally have a day off from long shift.

(01/04) - How I Met Your Fiancée
Friday dinner - saw her in casual outfits black T and slim tight jeans. (she slept whole day after shift). I didnt planned towards a proper date, just to make things more casual and settled at NP City.

Obviously it didnt lead to fun night, but we were able to speak up more, like how pent up since C19 time, how there was never a break in a long long week. I tried to be funny asking some intimate stuff, she said yeah she hope to have some, but not tonight. She has Early shift tmr.

Went home, as a gentleman i continued to initiate the chat, but this time via whatsapp. Topic was casual and occasionally naughty, but not until phone sx kind of things. She went to work on Sat and comm was silence. To my surprise, she called me on Sunday Night.

Aq - hey thanks for answering. I wished to apologize as i lied.
Me - lied? Bout what? ( i was not surprised that we all wore a facade, but im curious)

Aq - im not single and available.
Me - grins* oh, and why is that?

Aq - im actually engaged, we are having the actual day 2 months later.
Me - grins again* i see, and you are here on the app, we met. Its sad for me as I thought we certainly have something in between.

Aq - awww, the way you said it makes me feel more worse. I lied to you, and you seems so nice, i wasnt going to meet anyone. But you seems so nice and clean, so i decided to meet you. I was attracted to you, thats why i called you to confess, worst come to worst we never met. And i will missed that.
Me - i cant really process that* but i said its fine, i understand and will agree to meet her again if she like.

Aq - she said thank you for understanding and we cut the call short. And continue to chat via text.

(02/04) How I Tasted Your Fiancée
another week passed…
Aq - i was thinking, that im on leave next Wednesday.
Me - anything on your mind?
Aq - im good with anything so long its with you, i felt comfortable and i liked the way you smiled.
Me - thanks again, you not only caught my eyeballs but also the other balls. She laughed* anyway let me plan it through and call you again.

Another day passed…
Me - how would you like for a spa? But it will be further down to CBD.
Aq - im so down for spa! But whats the program?

Me - the usual, we can go for a couple massage, then head for a spa to relax. It will be great for you after working so hard.
Aq - i would love that. I will be available after lunch that day:

Me - sensed something and asked, too early to meet?
Aq - Ahhh, its not that, my fiance is going oversea for business, leaving after breakfast to airport.
Me - trying not to hurt her pride. I said its cool, as she definitely deserves a good relaxing day-out without hinting anything of her relationship.

On Spa-Day….
We both met at the spa i booked, she wore a very cute dark blue with white petals dress, revealing her smooth shoulders and exposing the curve at the waist and butt. The over knee length didnt stopped me from fantasizing whats beneath the dress.

The receptionist assumed we are a couple, we comply and was lead to a private room with attached bathroom. We were told to strip down and changed up the bath rugs. After the ML left. I began to strip down my pants, Aq was shy and turn her head away. Even wanted to rush into the bathroom.

Me - hey Aq, i promised not to look, we can get changed her.
Aq - she naughtily said that she doesnt believe me. I quickly turnt around, backing facing her. she then back-facing me and strip her dress down.

Hearing the sound, I peeked sideways… and oh my god what a fine piece of work. She wore black - laced bra and panty. Semi transparent when wore on her bod. I was having an erection but chose not to face her; as today is a Spa day. But i have a gut feeling its also a Good day, for both of us.

After changing to bath rugs, we both lied on the bed waiting for the ML. They came in after a knock and we responded OK.
The massage was great and relaxing for 60mins. But im having hard on due to the Oil massage and fantasizing of Aq. The ML told us the Spa tub has been filled up and will remind us again in the next session.

Immediately after the ML left and door locked. Our eyes met, she looked so stoned after the massage. I went over to hug Aq, looked her into the eyes and close up. She Did Not turn away and we kissed.

While kissing. Left hand on her waist slowly going down to grab her right butt cheek. Right hand on her waist Up, stroking her back. She moaned occasionally, and definitely felt that i was pressing my hard rod on her tummy.

After roughly 10mins of hug, deep French-ing and caressing. Just when i tried to go south into forbidden area, she gently pushed me away saying she is not ready. It was a turn down* but i told her its ok, its just that i felt the urge to kiss her and she looked so warmed up and pretty.

Awkward. But I laughed and said we still have a Spa-mission to complete. We both sat into the tub side by side and closely, we chatted and kissed, and occasionally caressed each other. This time i put her hand on top of my crotch, thus time she never siam, stroke me and then i stood up to face her. She looked at me and give bj.


Writer’s note:
Im rather occupied now irl but the details will need wait for other times….
Old 09-10-2024, 03:19 PM
secretlurker88 secretlurker88 is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by Seven7up View Post
2 nurses, 1 admin, 1 pre sch teacher.
Validation yet again of the profile for easy fucks
its true sia. I also did nurses, admin, pre school teacher.

Property agent, financial agent..

but the other bro is correct, actually you can land all sorts of profiles if you're good.

FX trader, models, IG models, stewardess..list goes on
Old 10-10-2024, 03:46 PM
Seven7up Seven7up is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by Bilibiliboi View Post
Sadly its only one of many samples.

Not to offend, my brutha with cars and willing to go extra cost can land on different kind of ladies. Such as sales managers, intellectuals kind of milf ard 35-40 but keep fit until ages doesnt matter.
I just wanna a good fuck. Dont care their job title or IQ level. Pussy... boob size is not linked to career ability la.
Spend $ to impress and fuck a private banker means u using money to buy ego boost.

But! The big desire to be your cum slut and to serve you sexually, that one is because she rate you higher than herself eg she 7 and you 9. She is using her body to impress you

Last edited by Seven7up; 11-10-2024 at 10:41 AM.
Old 11-10-2024, 04:39 AM
freakymuthaz freakymuthaz is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by markbryant272 View Post
For number 2
My experience is most of the time they already wanted to go out eat, but they either no dare or no chance. So they tolerate. Who knows the partner cheat first which give them the golden excuse to let go herself , cos now they are rightfully go wild. It's all partner fault.
I don't think a cheating can change a girl overnight in term of openness to partner on bed.

Anyway I only have limited data point to support my belief

Can share more of number 2? thats wild bro!
Old 11-10-2024, 09:23 AM
markbryant272 markbryant272 is offline
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Originally Posted by freakymuthaz View Post
Can share more of number 2? thats wild bro!
Short hijack

Use to have a " better than colleagues" relationship with a young married woman in my ex company. We chat all topics from work to life belief to relationship to aspirations.

Knowing she had an unplanned absence for longer than usual, I try to leave her some times and some space for herself when she returns with her condition doesn't look like usual. Till one day an opportunity came and I offered my ear as usual ( not knowing this time include my shoulder and more ) . Found out that her hubby was having some affairs outside. She breakdown and dunno what to do and she needs some space to heal. Skip the story and weeks , we end up healing her wound in the heart by creating more wounds on her body
The healing process was rough and she was wild. The intense of the action broke my knowledge of her, even though I thought I knew her enough. She was saying that she can't swallow the fact that her husband did that to her and felt like making him taste the same pain, So she swallowed mine
But a few months down the road she commented that she did have some imagination with me even before anything happened. The daily routine of life after marriage makes her wonder what the meaning and value of marriage is and she was feeling empty yet desperate for some thing to spark her life. So I take it as the husband's affair is just a trigger gap and I thank him for that.
She used that to fulfil some of her desire that she couldn't do, bounded by the ethics lock.

According to her, she is not alone in that office but she couldn't release who was the other member on the same boat (so I could render my shoulder again)

We carried on that healing physiotherapy a few more months.
The enjoyment and fulfilling sense that I see from her face after each session, I don't feel like there was any wound required of this physiotherapy anymore. But she continues it. I let her take the lead till I eventually leave for a better offer. I don't want to end up being her tasteless routine but wanted to retain this as a better memory.
Old 11-10-2024, 05:32 PM
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Re: Local girls you bedded from bumble/cmb/tinder dating apps

Anyone fucked her before? Dm me

Thanks for all the support, rep points appreciated
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