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Old 06-07-2016, 07:47 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

9 points for exchange, all are welcome

2nd round KIV return list: hungten, hayday, bonker guy, len75, lookingaround, ah rat, GladBoy, Sanuuk, MatthewC, 69sex, slicker69, Jay Chou, w00f, Apollo, swagelock, ejectjoy, essinine, zl1983, wohaha96, hccheonger, biostar, bigbirdbird

Old 06-07-2016, 08:09 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Good morning. Wishing all a great holiday.

"Peace Be With You"

The best fighter is never angry.” Lao Tzu

Exchange for 3 pts minimum

Nick for take over (highest bid secure)

Old 06-07-2016, 08:32 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

up list cleared, all welcome for exchange
Old 06-07-2016, 08:46 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by QT169 View Post
Welcome to exchange points

Min. 4 points for trade
Sent 8 dinings
Jio lim kopi at El Bistro

Minimum 10 points needed

Havanna Slicks
Old 06-07-2016, 08:59 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Upzlist empty. Anyone want to exchange?
If you upz me, don't forget to include your nick so I can return the favour. Note, must have 2 points or more.

Upz list:

Need to post / Send me PM: gooey 12, blackmumba 2, johnkim2 2
Old 06-07-2016, 09:05 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Do u guys go other thread to get points as well ?
Old 06-07-2016, 09:08 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

I support Skyleon... You did nothing wrong!

Doremius is wrong. His posts indicate clearly for bros to up him & send him reminder PM.
Yet when bros spend time & efforts to PM him, Doremius circulate the poor guy's PM everywhere in this forum.

Originally Posted by skyleon View Post
Upped points to Doremius 6.04.16

1st June 18 sent reminder . ( No reply )

18/6/16 2nd reminder ( No reply )

Tell me what did I do wrong ? Normally people would respond after 1st pm sent . You no reply .

If people don’t pm you so you can don’t return points ?
With great rep power comes great responsibility to up my bros back!

Exchange Points Welcome! (Minimum 8 Power)
Old 06-07-2016, 09:37 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by sexy_lion View Post
I support Skyleon... You did nothing wrong!

Doremius is wrong. His posts indicate clearly for bros to up him & send him reminder PM.
Yet when bros spend time & efforts to PM him, Doremius circulate the poor guy's PM everywhere in this forum.
I back to differ. I think Skyleon is too desperate for points. There are many reason why Doriemus didn't return and in his case he was away.

We give or want to exchange points out of our own free will, if the other people return, that's fine. If they don't, we just don't up them in future. Not necessarily need to PM reminders la. Cant be hard up for points to this extent meh?
UpList: Empty

Min 7 to exchange. Thks

Pls CHECK properly before PMing to say nvr rtn etc etc.
Old 06-07-2016, 10:22 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by manu_no7 View Post
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

Bro, thanks for your upz.
There are bros ahead of you whereby their postings had already expired, hence you got the returned slot instead.
Returning to you +14.

Good day.
Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil & See No Evil
Old 06-07-2016, 10:26 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by sexy_lion View Post
I support Skyleon... You did nothing wrong!

Doremius is wrong. His posts indicate clearly for bros to up him & send him reminder PM.
Yet when bros spend time & efforts to PM him, Doremius circulate the poor guy's PM everywhere in this forum.
Thank you for your kind support and understanding .

Originally Posted by paul55ho
I back to differ. I think Skyleon is too desperate for points. There are many reason why Doriemus didn't return and in his case he was away.

We give or want to exchange points out of our own free will, if the other people return, that's fine. If they don't, we just don't up them in future. Not necessarily need to PM reminders la. Cant be hard up for points to this extent meh?
I respect your views and you spoke like a true gentleman . Sending a PM is just a gentle reminder to that the user may have overlooked me . Is that wrong ? The thing is it so difficult to reply to my first pm ? If the person had replied to my first pm he would not have received my 2nd pm. I can accept even if the user told me that I am not in his uplist I the first pm . How would I know if the user is out of town ??? So if you look at his last reply to me it seems that he has does not intent to return favour to those who up him. So why ask for people to up him when he have no intention to return ?

This will be my last post on this matter . Lets move on . Thank you for reading .
A good government strives to make its citizens' lives better and not make it harder .

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rocket_boy is a COWARD

rocket_boy is now Zapzaplah aka zaplamparlarzap



Blacklist bros who I up but never return

Old 06-07-2016, 10:40 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Doriemus View Post
Many thanks! Returned u 6.

Pls send me reminders if you didn't receive my return. Thks!
Up 9 points
Welcome 7 points and higher trade with my 14 points

2nd re-up = hamsapkwai, esssinine, szczesny,Linkus, arse-nal, Tai_zi21, ejectjoy, TwinTowers, loneyheart, SG10, hungten, 69sex, Surescore, solopop, powerman881, owen10, bigbirdbird, Gladboy, madog, owl888, botakhead, 222nge, SimplyUnperfect
Old 06-07-2016, 10:42 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by MerlinW View Post
Bro up you.
returned thx. uplist empty
Old 06-07-2016, 10:58 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Rickey View Post
Post for the convenience of bro Sunrayys
Same same,

as I am next, after you.

Old 06-07-2016, 11:09 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Priority up list (premium): Botakhead;

To up list: g-unit; Inceptor; sean99;

Up list: Rickey; Passerbyer; kyc2110; needsing38; vaxvms; lone_dog69; Me Siam Bu; Shoot To Target; lglg666; KohOnly21; kthan10; lobowolf; lonebonker; cyberkoh88; Mito; Hanster; w00f; sex crusader; sc slayer; clinton; lookingaround; ktmakmak; Linkus; Brunt; Smoky7; SureScore; sponge05; Goalie; jerrystockton; gilaxes; Ho-Lee; Froster; vampangel; Hurricane88; Tho66; owen10; justl00king; qizai; i^Xi0n; tinalam; smartke; dyelook; naemlo; basfreak; Arse-nal; VoltaRedonda; crackpod; Sexy_lion; bk81665; manu_no7; aloius; 胡's your daddy!; Binbin81; Apollo; Swagelock; waikeekee; Cumexplorer; Kalv; owl888; wohaha96; Cafu; HonestCrook; ShaolinHamster; meatvegelove; Tingtonglove; powerkid; hamsapkwai; badboys; hairy_abalone; Wu Song Jr; Prince7; Rasta Marley; sailsingapore; Steventan; Greenfrog; bunty; Slyer; El Bistro; Supervert; loneyheart; S.B.Y.1; Clownteaser; VIETLONER; SSSS69SG; Koiz; kristoa7; SimplyUnperfect; simple2kee; PeaceKris; siam66; wally888; bbbjkim;

Up list (premium): wu ti; user123456; ShittyAss; menshealths; Thundergod967; hugs; NorthEast; ken6890; Mr_Oreh; DreamMaster1985; terminator33; skunki; WithoutEuu; groo; infinitiumus; georgemagnum; marlboroken; Yakuza;

28 points for exchange for premium acc, up me and leave your user name then pm me for more details.

14 points for exchange for normal acc, up me and leave your user name.

Min power of 9 to exchange
19 points for exchange

Min power of 9 to exchange points

Waiting for return up: burzum;

Blacklisted: ultraman070; ray2003; wpns; jon2000sg;

Need new post: cuteboy12345208; g-unit; tsuna7; SMGG;

Last edited by avboys; 06-07-2016 at 11:53 PM.
Old 06-07-2016, 11:14 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by devilchan78 View Post
8 Devils to your reputation account.
Exchanged bro - thanks!

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