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Old 19-02-2014, 02:19 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Really bad news for me. Share with all Bros first. Play safe is the most important thing for everyone. Will revise the news once I get new info. For many Bros booking from now to Canton fair can cancel anytime but just let me know beforehand will be very appreciate.


2014年02月19日 07:20 來源:東莞時間網-東莞時報

東莞時間網訊 從2月18日至5月18日,東莞將用3個月的時間,對全市桑拿、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足經營場所等三個行業,實 施全面停業整頓治理。

  昨日下午,我市召開娛樂服務行業專項整治工作會議,研究部署全市娛樂服務行業專項整治及規範審批管理工 作。會議公布了市公安、工商、衛生、文化四個部門聯合印發的《東莞市娛樂服務行業專項整治工作 方案》。

  方案明確,此輪全面停業整頓重點整治“涉黃”違法違規經營行為,並實行逐一整改驗收。整治期間未經驗收 擅自開門營業的、拒不整改的,一律從嚴依法予以查處。

  副市長喻麗君出席會議並講話,市委政法委、市公安局、文廣新局、衛生局、工商局主要領導,各鎮街分管領 導,公安分局、工商分局等主要負責人約220余人參加了會議。


  方案提出,市“掃黃”專項行動工作小組辦公室負責整體統籌、行業主管部門負責統籌協調本行業整治,各鎮 (街)具體執行落實。

  從2月18日至5月18日,用3個月的時間,對全市桑拿、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足經營場所等三個行業,實施 全面停業整頓。依法查處各類違法違規行為,建立健全打擊整治和規範管理的長效機制,堅決遏制“涉黃”等違法 犯罪活動回潮反復的勢頭,鏟除其滋生蔓延的土壤和條件,有效促進我市娛樂服務行業健康有序發展,維護社會和 諧穩定。

  此輪停業整頓,將重點整治“涉黃”違法違規經營。包括違反行業管理規定、不符合行業標準規範的行為;“ 涉黃”等違法違規經營行為;無證照經營、超範圍經營等行為。



  方案提出,市公安和各行業主管部門分別公布舉報電話(公安22222107、文廣新12318、衛生1 2320、工商12315),各鎮(街)也將要相應明確和公布舉報電話,全面暢通投訴舉報渠道,引導和鼓勵 群眾舉報各類違法違規行為。

  記者特別註意到,對於群眾的投訴舉報,相關部門將接投訴舉報後,屬地鎮(街)、公安和行業主管部門要立 即統籌出動執法力量,1個小時以內到達現場,認真、迅速、細致做好各類線索的排查、核實。

  “對舉報情況屬實的,要堅決按照相關法律法規進行查處,確保件件有落實、事事有結果。”會 議如是強調。



  會議指出,將建立工作督導制度,市“掃黃”專項行動工作小組辦公室將組織市公安、文廣新、衛生、工商等 部門,組成督導小組到各鎮(街)進行檢查督導,及時發現存在問題、及時給予指導、幫助解決問題 。

  各鎮(街)要組織工作組,檢查轄區娛樂服務場所整治落實情況,防止走過場,確保無死角,堅決杜絕違法違 規經營行為死灰復燃的現象,鞏固整治成果。

  同時,各鎮街要按照屬地管理原則,落實管理責任,加強組織領導。要充分發揮基層部門立足本地的優勢,組 織、調動屬地基層部門力量,形成合力,確保整治責任落實、措施落實、取得成效工作落到實處。

  喻麗君強調,各級各部門務必充分認清當前形勢,放下思想包袱,拋開私心雜念,把思想認識迅速統一到市委 、市政府的決策部署上來。要統一思想,齊抓共管,認認真真、紮紮實實地把整治行動的每一項工作任務落到實處 ,用實際行動維護東莞的城市形象和社會穩定,既要確保整治順利推進,又要確保社會和諧穩定。

  喻麗君要求,要全力以赴推動實現我市娛樂服務行業管理制度化、常態化、規範化,全面提高我市娛樂服務行 業的管理能力和水平促進我市娛樂服務行業健康有序發展。


  1 全面停業整頓


  2 逐一整改驗收


  3 從嚴查處整治


  4 暫停證照受理審批業務

  整治期間,一律暫停核發新的桑拿、歌舞娛樂、沐足行業的經營許可證和營業執照以及暫停辦理相關變更、註 銷登記。

  會議強調,相關部門要建立聯合檢查驗收機制,提高驗收效率,提供一站式驗收,盡量縮短驗收時間,對符合 行業管理規定和標準規範的娛樂服務場所,當天經驗收合格後可當天盡快批準復業。

  5 加強跟蹤移送

  建立聯動執法和案件線索移交機制,行業主管部門發現“涉黃”違法行為線索馬上移送公安部門並積極配合公 安部門查處。

  6 完善長效機制

  強化“黑名單”制度,健全行業協會,完善企業信用檔案,規範日常巡查監管,探索負面清單管理,強化行業 自律。  東莞時報記者 吳碧華 趙浛銳
Old 19-02-2014, 02:36 PM
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Re: Events In CP

sad news ... was planning to go cp after quite some time ... now this... meantime can go elsewhere first...

hope cp recovers...
Old 19-02-2014, 04:02 PM
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Re: Events In CP

We got a group of 7 persons already brought the air tickets to HK then process to CA or CP.

Since this raid happens, we really had to work out another backup plan.

Really hate such things happen.
Daily pick to give 13 points away for exchange.

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +7

Need u to post something that i can return u the points.
Old 19-02-2014, 04:20 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by jc_wtc View Post
We got a group of 7 persons already brought the air tickets to HK then process to CA or CP.

Since this raid happens, we really had to work out another backup plan.

Really hate such things happen.
If u heading back up plan is zhuhai i can pm u...
HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics
Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping:
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Old 19-02-2014, 05:24 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Maybe. Need to check with the group members.

Can PM me if u got any info to share.


Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
If u heading back up plan is zhuhai i can pm u...
Daily pick to give 13 points away for exchange.

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +7

Need u to post something that i can return u the points.
Old 19-02-2014, 06:37 PM
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Re: Events In CP

any bro can translate eng for us ?

Originally Posted by freeken View Post

Really bad news for me. Share with all Bros first. Play safe is the most important thing for everyone. Will revise the news once I get new info. For many Bros booking from now to Canton fair can cancel anytime but just let me know beforehand will be very appreciate.


2014年02月19日 07:20 來源:東莞時間網-東莞時報

東莞時間網訊 從2月18日至5月18日,東莞將用3個月的時間,對全市桑拿、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足經營場所等三個行業,實 施全面停業整頓治理。

  昨日下午,我市召開娛樂服務行業專項整治工作會議,研究部署全市娛樂服務行業專項整治及規範審批管理工 作。會議公布了市公安、工商、衛生、文化四個部門聯合印發的《東莞市娛樂服務行業專項整治工作 方案》。

  方案明確,此輪全面停業整頓重點整治“涉黃”違法違規經營行為,並實行逐一整改驗收。整治期間未經驗收 擅自開門營業的、拒不整改的,一律從嚴依法予以查處。

  副市長喻麗君出席會議並講話,市委政法委、市公安局、文廣新局、衛生局、工商局主要領導,各鎮街分管領 導,公安分局、工商分局等主要負責人約220余人參加了會議。


  方案提出,市“掃黃”專項行動工作小組辦公室負責整體統籌、行業主管部門負責統籌協調本行業整治,各鎮 (街)具體執行落實。

  從2月18日至5月18日,用3個月的時間,對全市桑拿、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足經營場所等三個行業,實施 全面停業整頓。依法查處各類違法違規行為,建立健全打擊整治和規範管理的長效機制,堅決遏制“涉黃”等違法 犯罪活動回潮反復的勢頭,鏟除其滋生蔓延的土壤和條件,有效促進我市娛樂服務行業健康有序發展,維護社會和 諧穩定。

  此輪停業整頓,將重點整治“涉黃”違法違規經營。包括違反行業管理規定、不符合行業標準規範的行為;“ 涉黃”等違法違規經營行為;無證照經營、超範圍經營等行為。



  方案提出,市公安和各行業主管部門分別公布舉報電話(公安22222107、文廣新12318、衛生1 2320、工商12315),各鎮(街)也將要相應明確和公布舉報電話,全面暢通投訴舉報渠道,引導和鼓勵 群眾舉報各類違法違規行為。

  記者特別註意到,對於群眾的投訴舉報,相關部門將接投訴舉報後,屬地鎮(街)、公安和行業主管部門要立 即統籌出動執法力量,1個小時以內到達現場,認真、迅速、細致做好各類線索的排查、核實。

  “對舉報情況屬實的,要堅決按照相關法律法規進行查處,確保件件有落實、事事有結果。”會 議如是強調。



  會議指出,將建立工作督導制度,市“掃黃”專項行動工作小組辦公室將組織市公安、文廣新、衛生、工商等 部門,組成督導小組到各鎮(街)進行檢查督導,及時發現存在問題、及時給予指導、幫助解決問題 。

  各鎮(街)要組織工作組,檢查轄區娛樂服務場所整治落實情況,防止走過場,確保無死角,堅決杜絕違法違 規經營行為死灰復燃的現象,鞏固整治成果。

  同時,各鎮街要按照屬地管理原則,落實管理責任,加強組織領導。要充分發揮基層部門立足本地的優勢,組 織、調動屬地基層部門力量,形成合力,確保整治責任落實、措施落實、取得成效工作落到實處。

  喻麗君強調,各級各部門務必充分認清當前形勢,放下思想包袱,拋開私心雜念,把思想認識迅速統一到市委 、市政府的決策部署上來。要統一思想,齊抓共管,認認真真、紮紮實實地把整治行動的每一項工作任務落到實處 ,用實際行動維護東莞的城市形象和社會穩定,既要確保整治順利推進,又要確保社會和諧穩定。

  喻麗君要求,要全力以赴推動實現我市娛樂服務行業管理制度化、常態化、規範化,全面提高我市娛樂服務行 業的管理能力和水平促進我市娛樂服務行業健康有序發展。


  1 全面停業整頓


  2 逐一整改驗收


  3 從嚴查處整治


  4 暫停證照受理審批業務

  整治期間,一律暫停核發新的桑拿、歌舞娛樂、沐足行業的經營許可證和營業執照以及暫停辦理相關變更、註 銷登記。

  會議強調,相關部門要建立聯合檢查驗收機制,提高驗收效率,提供一站式驗收,盡量縮短驗收時間,對符合 行業管理規定和標準規範的娛樂服務場所,當天經驗收合格後可當天盡快批準復業。

  5 加強跟蹤移送

  建立聯動執法和案件線索移交機制,行業主管部門發現“涉黃”違法行為線索馬上移送公安部門並積極配合公 安部門查處。

  6 完善長效機制

  強化“黑名單”制度,健全行業協會,完善企業信用檔案,規範日常巡查監管,探索負面清單管理,強化行業 自律。  東莞時報記者 吳碧華 趙浛銳
Old 19-02-2014, 06:48 PM
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Re: Events In CP

In summary, all sauna,ktv, disco and foot massage joints shall be closed till 18may. Thereafter, each joint shall be subjected to individual inspection before approval is given to reopen.
Old 19-02-2014, 06:50 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Bro google translate

At 07:20 on February 19, 2014 Source: Dongguan time network - Dongguan Times Reuters Dongguan time from February 18 to May 18, Dongguan will use three-month period, the city sauna, dance, entertainment, Mu Foot operates three venues and other industries, to implement a comprehensive ordered to stop treatment. Yesterday afternoon, the city held a special work entertainment industry conference, the deployment of the city's entertainment industry research rectification and regulatory approvals management. Conference announced the city public security, industry and commerce, health, culture four departments jointly issued the "Dongguan entertainment industry special rectification program." Program clear, comprehensive round ordered to stop focusing on remediation "Jurisprudence" illegal business activities, and the implementation of each corrective acceptance. During the renovation without the acceptance of unauthorized open for business, refused to rectification, shall be severely punished according to law. Vice Mayor Yu Lijun attended the meeting, Municipal Committee, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Media Bureau, Health Bureau, the Trade and Industry Bureau principal leaders, leaders in charge of towns Street, Public Security Bureau, Trade and Industry Bureau and other main person in charge of about 220 people attended the meeting . Ordered to stop the implementation of a comprehensive program proposed City "anti-vice" special action working group responsible for the overall co-ordination office, the industry department responsible for coordinating the remediation industry, towns (street) to implement specific implementation. From February 18 to May 18, with the three-month period, the city sauna, dance, entertainment, foot premises the three sectors, the implementation of a comprehensive business for rectification. Investigate and punish all violations of laws, establish a sound mechanism to combat long-term improvement and standardized management, and resolutely curb "Jurisprudence" and other illegal and criminal activities resurgence repeatedly momentum eradicate the soil and conditions of their growth and spread, effectively promote the city's entertainment healthy and orderly development, maintaining social harmony and stability. Round business for rectification, will focus on remediation, "Jurisprudence" illegal business. Including violations of industry regulations do not meet industry standards of conduct; "Jurisprudence" and other illegal business practices; or the document management, range management and other acts. Then report to the scene within one hour if you find all kinds of illegal behavior, please call the following complaint calls promptly. Proposed scheme, city police departments and industry executives were released report telephone (public security 22222107, new SMG 12318, 12320 Health, Trade and Industry 12315), towns (street) will also be reported to the appropriate phone clear and published a comprehensive report complaints smooth channels guide and encourage people to report all types of illegal activities. Reporter noted, in particular for people to report complaints, followed by the relevant departments will report complaints, possessions town (street), police and industry authorities should immediately dispatched to co-ordinate law enforcement forces, arrived at the scene within one hour, carefully, quickly and carefully to make Good all kinds of clues investigation and verification. "For reporting is the case, we must resolutely punished according to relevant laws and regulations to ensure that each piece is implemented, the outcome of everything." Case conference emphasized. Inspection and supervision, to prevent the current round of concentration and control regulation through the motions, how will prevent regulation through the motions, ensuring no dead yet? The meeting noted that the establishment of working steering system, the City "anti-vice" special action working group will organize city police office, the new SMG, health, business and other departments to form a steering group to towns (street) conduct inspection and supervision, to detect problems , timely guidance to help solve the problem. Towns (street) to organize working groups, check the area of ​​entertainment establishments implementation of remediation to prevent going through the motions, ensuring no dead ends, and resolutely put an end to illegal business activities resurgence of the phenomenon, consolidate remediation results. Meanwhile, towns Street accordance with the principle of territorial management, implementation of management responsibilities, strengthen organization and leadership. We should give full play to the primary sector based on local strengths, organization, mobilization of territorial primary sector strength, and concerted efforts to ensure that the responsibility to implement remediation measures implemented, achieve results implemented. Yu Lijun stressed that all departments at all levels must fully understand the current situation and to lay down the burden of thinking, aside selfishness, quick thinking and understanding of the unity of the municipal government's decision to deploy up. To unify their thinking, and make concerted efforts in earnest, solidly put each task implement remediation actions, maintaining the city's image and social stability in Dongguan with real action, both to ensure the smooth progress of remediation, while ensuring social harmony and stability. Yu Lijun requirements, to go all out to promote the realization of the city's entertainment industry management institutionalized, normalized, standardized, and comprehensively improve the level of city management and the promotion of the city's entertainment industry, entertainment industry healthy and orderly development. Focus 6 a comprehensive remediation measures ordered to stop from now on, the city's all documented licensed sauna, dance and entertainment, foot premises shall be fully suspend business for rectification. 2 each rectification acceptance entertainment business for rectification after acceptance by rectification and sign an undertaking before engaging in business activities. 3 severely punished during remediation remediation open for business without being authorized, refused rectification, shall be severely punished according to law. 4 suspended during remediation acceptance and approval of business licenses, will be suspended the issuance of new sauna, dance and entertainment, foot industry business license and business license and Closure-related changes, cancellation of registration. The meeting stressed that relevant departments should establish a joint inspection and acceptance mechanism to improve the efficiency and acceptance, providing one-stop inspection, try to shorten the inspection time for entertainment establishments comply with industry regulations and standards of the day can be the day after the acceptance of the approval to resume business as soon as possible . 5 Strengthening the collaboration of law enforcement to track the transfer and the transfer mechanism clues, industry authorities found that "Jurisprudence" illegal trail immediately transferred to public security departments and actively cooperate with public security departments for investigation. 6 perfect long-term mechanism to strengthen the "blacklist" system, a sound industry associations, improve corporate credit files, standardize routine inspections supervision, exploring the negative inventory management, strengthen self-discipline. Dongguan Times reporter Wubi Hua Zhao Rui __________________ yue

I hope is not 100% correct
Old 19-02-2014, 07:07 PM
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Got news from my guy in cp
Zhuhai also up lorry
Clean joints also not opened yet
Old 19-02-2014, 07:16 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Got news from my guy in cp
Zhuhai also up lorry
Clean joints also not opened yet
Dun understand what u means zhuhai also up the lorry clean joints also not opened ...? What are clean joints in zhuhai?
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Old 19-02-2014, 09:37 PM
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Re: Events In CP

This is bad news.... I'll be in CP March 1 - 4. Looks like I might need to change plans and maybe head to SZ instead. Haiz. Flight tickets already booked
Old 19-02-2014, 09:38 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Got news from my guy in cp
Zhuhai also up lorry
Clean joints also not opened yet
sure onot bro, just back from there
Old 19-02-2014, 09:43 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by dogstar View Post
sure onot bro, just back from there
I'm sure he not sure ... As after i see what he posted verify wid a few zhuhai KTVs managers they said dun have leh... Normal operating ...
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Old 19-02-2014, 10:06 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
I'm sure he not sure ... As after i see what he posted verify wid a few zhuhai KTVs managers they said dun have leh... Normal operating ...
Will any Managers inform customer there will be raid...please don't come?
I believe there is effect, but to a certain extend..not like CP
Old 19-02-2014, 10:11 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Igotthefeeling View Post
Tks for sharing the article. My years of cheonging, such as places like CP, most of the gals forced themselves to CP due to poor job opportunity in their home town. If they were given a chance of a proper and sufficiently paid job, they will never step foot into CP. I pity their plight in fact. They just want a better life like any of us. They are not "cheap" in nature. Hence, I've never shouted or vented anger at any gals just becos I have a few bucks. If I don't like, I just reject the gal politely.

But of course, I always paid market price and a tip for any extra miles.

That said, I really hope this bigger storm is yet another show..... although my heart is telling me that this time is Armageddon (all demons will be rid off, including us)!!!
Ya I agreed...unlike S'pore, gals in china, small town aren't given equal study opportunities. Most Gals jus wan to see the world before they married, wish to make more money while she still can (easiest way & fastest way through "Service Oriented" jobs
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