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Old 30-08-2015, 02:29 AM
roadpeople roadpeople is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by matong36 View Post
I just got back from batam day trip.

Stumbled across bunga massage while visiting the massage joints nearby Utama hotel. At least 20 girls available on a Friday afternoon 5pm, spotted at least 4 good ones. Mamasan Irene was very good at recommending her girls for 1.25m for the pretty and sexy ones. Discount are available if me and my friend took one girl each. Short time is also available at 400k upstairs and 600k back at hotel. Prices quoted not yet bargain as I had no intention for an overnight stay.

Shall share my experience on one of the massage joint soon..
Where exactly is bunga massage?
Old 30-08-2015, 03:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Opposite DC Mall Door No. 6, iirc, which is the backdoor of DC Mall. So, can say Bunga Massage is behind DC Mall.


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Old 30-08-2015, 03:49 AM
kingkong3r kingkong3r is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Has any been to M1 ktv on a Saturday recently and in a small group (1-3pax)? How is the quality and quantity of the girls like?
Old 30-08-2015, 09:35 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Itinerary for my Sept 2015 Batam Trip

Date : 8th to 10th Sept 2015 (Tue - Thu) - 3D2N

This will be my 20th trip to Batam and NOT a request to ask newbie bros or anyone in this thread to join me in my coming trip but ONLY those who wish to join me to go Batam to learn together. This coming trip,i planned to to have the same number slots (me + 7 slots) like my 18th group trip.

But before you PM me,do spend some time to read the terms and conditions (click on it to view) 1st and if you are agreeable with it, together with the stated date of this trip written above,THEN you send me a PM with an intro of yourself.

What i wish to know were mainly:

1. You age group (20s,30s,40s,50s,60s,70s,80s)
2. Your experience in Batam (if any)
3. What will you be expecting from Batam if you join me in this trip
4. Your race and spoken language
5. Etc etc if there is anything you wish to help me know you better.


1. Your HP number (unless i confirmed you got a slot or i asked from you)
2. You passport/NRIC/Fin number (i dont need it)
3. You wechat/watapp or any mobile communication app number (i dont use them)
4. Any personal particulars from your birth cert,passport,NRIC,work permit number or bankbook

Even as there are more slots in this coming group trip,there are still limit,so not all will be able to join me due to limited car seats. I apologize in advance for not being able to take in everyone. The main difference this time as compare to my 18th newbie group trip is,i am confident enough to get 2 taxis both priced at 300k/day so now i am able to gauge the taxi sharing expenses better.

You may PM me now. And do note that those who PM me before this itinerary were out for my Sept Newbie Learning group trip will not be consider in my coming trip unless you resend your PM to me again. Very sorry about this. i have repeatedly been telling every interest party who PMed me to READ my trip's terms and conditions (click on it to view) and in it says to send me an intro ONLY AFTER my trip itinerary are out but apparently not everyone is listening (or reading) it right. It would deem unfair to those who listen and follow proper instruction. I am a regimental person,there are many out there who are sincerely interested to join. If everyone during a trip shows sign of being ill-discipline on the most basic,it is going to be difficult get things done. And that, i considered it as an OBVIOUS sign of "different frequency" as a group. I hope for your understanding in this issue and my most sincere apologize if i sound too strong.

Now,back to the itinerary :

Itinerary :

As always,its a learning group trip so it will again be very basic and simple :

Meet up everyone somewhere,grab our ferry ticket from Horizon ferry to Harbour Bay which we were all suppose to book online from ,a little intro with one another and some briefing and off we go.

Changing of money will be at Batam (Harbour Bay),head to Kaha to pay for the room voucher and after that go Formosa Hotel to check in. We change a bit of rupiah at Harbour bay 1st ,just enough to pay for the hotel room voucher in Kaha and the rest of your other S$ opposite Formosa Hotel.This is also the time where you can see the difference in exchange rate comparing Harbour Front vs Harbour Bay and then with those opposite Formosa Hotel.

Check in hotel,settle down,meet up for brunch and head to booking joints.Its a Tuesday,so brunch will either be at Instar Hotel Coffeeshop :

..or Meximo Pub :

No need to worry about being chop,i do not foresee yourself getting chop from a bowl of want tan mee that supposingly cost about S$2.00 from either stall.

After brunch,we can then head to booking joints stated in the little outdated Batam Cheong List.(dont worry,its only been outdated for one month only)

This is where you choose your companion for the night. I cannot be responsible for your girl. You may wish to read the Batam Info thread how each bro choose their girls.And if you are lazy,i have myself the most lousiest ways to choose a girl as in the below link for your reference :

One man's meat can be another man's poison,my ways may not suit you. Once you have picked your girls,you have 3 choices :

a. Choice 1 : you get your girl at around 3pm+,she keeps you company in your room until we meet up for dinner later

b. Choice 2 : be like me,get my girl/s around 530pm as i am heading for a massage before action.

c. Choice 3 : Free and easy on your own

My responsibly to YOU in this trip is only up to when you picked your girl. The rest from here onward is entirely up to you.

By dinner time,everyone should have at least 1 shot either at the massage parlor or with your female companion or both,hehehe.. If your girl join us for dinner,you will need to pay for her share of food,if she dont,remember to leave some money behind for her to order hotel room service food. I rarely bring my girl/s for dinner when in big group. Places for dinner would likely be in somewhere rare and inexpensive. No obligation to join me for dinner tho.

After dinner and back to hotel : This will be another non-obliged free and easy time.You may wish to visit Alishan KTV at the 4th floor of the hotel. But as stated in my Terms and Conditions,please count me out of it. I will be of no help to you in KTV and for billing,you may wish to relook into my last 17th Batam Trip summary to know how the Alishan KTV billing structure is like. Unless you do something REALLY stupid,otherwise you are unlikely to get chop.

Next morning,we meet up at lobby again to go for Breakfast.Your girl you book yesterday will likely go off before breakfast time. No obligation to follow me for breakfast,you may either take the hotel's FREE breakfast (which most says were good) that starts between 6am till 10am or you may join me for my breakfast.

After breakfast,we will gather in one of the room to have some TCSS and some trip planning for the day before stepping out to repeat the same process as yesterday, to visit the booking joints,grab another girl for the night (or just grab the same girl) and then late lunch and/or vice versa.

Free and easy time on your own like the day before after picking your girls or try out some other "stuffs" with me.

Nearly everything will be similar as yesterday until we meet up during dinner time if you are coming along. There are the previous evening's dinner venue and the one tonight which i shall leave it as "undecided".

My plans for the dinner lies with other bro/s who are linking up with me. You may drop out of it but i can be almost sure that any newbie/s who drop out from this group trip's dinner will likely live to regret it becos my dinners are usually at places where you wont be able to come if you are on your own or within other groups who are no so familiar with Batam.

After dinner will be OTOT (own time own target) till next morning. If you have other plans,eg movies,KTV,shopping etc...count me out.

Morning meet up for FREE breakfast at Formosa Hotel,i may take the free breakfast during the last morning of the 3D2N trip.

After breakfast is massage for me,follow by lunch (or brunch). Back to room,pack up and then home sweet home.

~~~End of Sept 2015 Batam Trip Itinerary~~~

Side Note : Everything will be on Dutch.And your girl will be your responsibility,from eating to "playing". You read the Terms and Conditions of my group trip,you read my Batam Beginner's Walk-Through Guide and you read most of my summaries. You will know what to expect and what NOT to do.Further briefing will be updated upon meet up.

Hotel stay stated in this itinerary may be changed within a short notice or at the time when we reach Batam and you wont get to know the time and place to meet up until the very last min even after your slot in the group trip are confirmed.

My budget for this coming trip for your reference ,so you wish to know how much i will bring to spend. Excluding the S$48 ferry ticket from Horizon :

Overnight booking girl : about 800k
Tipping for the girl (next morning) : 150k
Meals and toiletries etc : 500k (inclusive my girl's meal)
Taxi and massage : 300k (taxi fare is between 100k to 150k,massage price here do not include special)
Hotel Room : 475k/night
Total : 2 225k/night stay

Expected exchange rate = 9900/SGD
(targeted exchange rate = 10050/SGD,hopeful for 10000/SGD)

Grand Total : About S$225.00/night stay base on 9900/SGD
(i do bring spare S$50/night stay which i may not use at all)

This group trip is make simple for the purpose of learning together. If you got a confirmed slot from me,please be online in SBF and watch your PM from 06/09 to 07/09 for any last min update.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Last edited by nono1973; 30-08-2015 at 09:00 PM.
Old 30-08-2015, 09:50 AM
shiokshiokrelax shiokshiokrelax is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Itinerary for my Sept 2015 Batam Trip

Date : 8th to 10th July 2015 (Tue - Thu) - 3D2N

This group trip is make simple for the purpose of learning together. If you got a confirmed slot from me,please be online in SBF and watch your PM from 06/08 to 07/08 for any last min update.
bro, sorry, kepo abit, but I think your month wrong.
Old 30-08-2015, 10:09 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by shiokshiokrelax View Post
bro, sorry, kepo abit, but I think your month wrong.
Thank you,bro. Error corrected.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 30-08-2015, 11:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Any review on the Massage center - The Hills? What is the rates for massages...etc
Old 30-08-2015, 12:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread


Wish you a blessed trip this time, after your very "eventful" 19th trip.

Too bad can't join this time. It's school holidays, manpower are short. Haizz..
Old 30-08-2015, 04:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Any Bros planning to go on 11Sept Polling Day? Pls PM Thx!
Old 30-08-2015, 07:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Itinerary for my Sept 2015 Batam Trip

What i wish to know were mainly:

1. You age group (20s,30s,40s,50s,60s,70s,80s)
2. Your experience in Batam (if any)
3. What will you be expecting from Batam if you join me in this trip
4. Your race and spoken language
5. Etc etc if there is anything you wish to help me know you better.
Hi bro nono not sure u still got slot to slot me in
1) 30s
2) newbie
3) Learning (from gal to moving around in batam)
4) Chinese (English/Chinese/dialect)
5) easy going personality
Old 30-08-2015, 07:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thank you for your understanding. Otherwise next group trip i will need to put on a mask,hehehe...

i have seen quite a handful of familiar faces in my last trip too. In future, i shall try to stay further away from Nagoya area, myself minimum chance to see people i know,hehehe...
Hahaha... I didn't know you became a celebrity now in Batam!!!

Maybe, some bros here are just happy to see u & would just like to thank u for your excellent guidance u offered.

Have fun & be well.
Old 30-08-2015, 08:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Axia View Post
Hi bro nono not sure u still got slot to slot me in
Bro Axia,

He said to pm him on your details.

Dont post your information openly here.

You can edit the post.

*share the info and make the world a better place*
Old 30-08-2015, 08:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Did you try the money changers on Jalan Bonjol (the big 2-way trafficked road in front of Nagoya Hill) I wrote about a few times already in the past?
Facing NH, walking left (same side of Indo Rasa, opposite the mosque), skip the first ones, say 1-2 blocks away.
I second this recommendation. There's a FX outlet (1st one when facing the row) with a local "muslim" guy who could speak Hokkien too and likes to joke.
Old 31-08-2015, 12:04 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post

Wish you a blessed trip this time, after your very "eventful" 19th trip.

Too bad can't join this time. It's school holidays, manpower are short. Haizz..
After his blessed trip, he can always count on us to 'exorcise' any cursed trip thereafter hahaha
Old 31-08-2015, 08:05 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Last Sat I had the urge and "exit permit for 160 mins" to visit massage.

Therefore, thought of delta to enjoy their facilities and 2+1 massage but calculated that I might over shot the given 160 mins.. so I gave it a pass.

2nd, went over to Indorasa and was informed that the earliest availability slot was at 7pm, it was only 4 pm when I was there.

3rd, went over to nagoya spa and massage and was told to come back at 9pm !!!! It was only 4.10pm when I was there.

Lastly, went over to keyza to find this particular SYT that was quite well known Definitely 1 of the best looking out there that I had seen. Too bad she has these 2 ugly tattoo on her back and arm, probably followed her friends/bf to do it. Took package O at 305k, ordered a drink for her as requested for 20k. Below average massage skill, and rushing b2b massage. Took her ST offer but was disappointed that until today she still don't do bj . Those who like very tight pussy, she's the one.

After the massage , went for dinner at marine live seafood with 14 others
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
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