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Old 22-12-2006, 05:00 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by vkoolboi View Post
Who are you? Why you always talk back to the story?
TD say I am TV. so u wan to bet I am Tv or I am not?I give u hint. TD is super good guy. anyone who speaks against him must be send by the devil TV or TV hiself. if not no logic for ppl to dislike him. everyone should only support him and praise him for him noble acts.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 22-12-2006, 05:02 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Cyber@id View Post
Incident 3. Breach of trust.
. tat u also can lun. salute u. if i were u , i will send my maesai cowboy down and let him eat bullet. I got no policeman to send though.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 22-12-2006, 05:04 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Hup Seng View Post
thanks for the added information. it came as no surprise that the facts is twisted and he emerged as the good guy and everybody else is the bad guy. happened too many times already.
u like tat say is kill 4 birds with 1 stone. birdly TV, birdly TD, birdly klkool and birdly psyberegg.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 22-12-2006, 06:57 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant View Post
u like tat say is kill 4 birds with 1 stone. birdly TV, birdly TD, birdly klkool and birdly psyberegg.
no.u read too much in my statement liao. no suppose to mean this way
Old 22-12-2006, 07:31 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Incident 4 - Breach of trust again

My gf Y that I mentioned in incident 2 has a terrible accident some time back. As this issue is very personal, I told TV specificially not to tell anyone. If I feel that who need to know about it, I'll tell that person myself.

Last trip, when I went back to s'pore, guess what? All the samsters in s'pore who I went dinner with (4 of them) had already knew about Y accident (but slightly twisted version). They send their regards to Y and told me that TV had told them about it.

Talking about big-mouth, TV came second to none. Best part is he always tell ppl "I tell you hor, but don't let XXX know I tell you this." Fuck his cheebye mouth.

This is the last straw, when I come back to hty, I posted TV is no longer my friend.
Old 22-12-2006, 07:39 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Raak View Post
Think enough said on the net.
Since tv is here in Singapore, perhaps his blogsters friends could inform him through his blog and ask him to meet up.
preferably on the 27th or 28th Dec,Cyber@id is back in Singapore too. I can always get Bro N to standby as neutral party.

And I am sure Cyber@id would very much like to meet up.
The question is does tv willing to take it up or simply zharbok again? Getting him in GM would be hard la, think he should be staying low again after no blogging from him since yesterday.

How? Meet up and talk is always better than hiding behind PC.

1. Investors
2. Samsters conned.
3. Tirak issues with tv.
4. Other personal issues with tv. eg. :
Romance Vs TV
Cyber@id Vs TV
Romance Vs Mr. Romantic

just to name a few......

5. Miscellaneous issues.
No problem with me, anyway this trip I'm going to meet up with the investors to discuss about HYAD issue. But maybe by the time I reached S'pore, TV will be back in hty already.

BTW, I would like to pay SC a visit, please PM me his work address. I have a few things about TV that I need to clarify with him. Thank you.
Old 22-12-2006, 09:36 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Cyber@id View Post
No problem with me, anyway this trip I'm going to meet up with the investors to discuss about HYAD issue. But maybe by the time I reached S'pore, TV will be back in hty already.

BTW, I would like to pay SC a visit, please PM me his work address. I have a few things about TV that I need to clarify with him. Thank you.
If you want, I can also give you tv's singapore address.
Old 22-12-2006, 09:53 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Some correction to make in my previous posting. I meant it to be this way, I forgot to quote bro Cummings's post.

Originally Posted by Raak
Think enough said on the net.
Since tv is here in Singapore, perhaps his blogsters friends could inform him through his blog and ask him to meet up.
preferably on the 27th or 28th Dec,Cyber@id is back in Singapore too.
I can always get Bro N to standby as neutral party.

And I am sure Cyber@id would very much like to meet up.
The question is does tv willing to take it up or simply zharbok again?
Getting him in GM would be hard la, think he should be staying low again after no blogging from him since yesterday.

How? Meet up and talk is always better than hiding behind PC.

1. Investors
2. Samsters conned.
3. Tirak issues with tv.
4. Other personal issues with tv. eg. :
Romance Vs TV
Cyber@id Vs TV
Romance Vs Mr. Romantic

just to name a few......

5. Miscellaneous issues.
No problem with me, anyway this trip I'm going to meet up with the investors to discuss about HYAD issue. But maybe by the time I reached S'pore, TV will be back in hty already.

Originally Posted by Cummings
No matter what u do there will be a kaypo cheeby kia saying u defending Loman one. So why wastetime talking honestly to this people in the forum? All along they only dare to say they chuah sai or too scared in the forum. U want to make them chuah sai just post their photos or real names in the forum PM u and ask why u do these and that liao.

I am sure u know who I am talking abt. If u need to meet them personally in Sing let me know lah. I know where chuah sai work, u can go see whether he really chuah sai or not.
BTW, I would like to pay SC a visit, please PM me his work address. I have a few things about TV that I need to clarify with him. Thank you.
Old 22-12-2006, 10:11 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

this is taken from tv's blog

Mr.Romance is such a truthful samster which is why periodically, the samsters that were “brudder brudder” with him have all fallen out probably because they are the problem, not him?

bro romance

from what i look at it, tv actually mean himself when he posted this out. we already saw how many samsters who are once his friend and had fell out with him.

tv has the cheek to say you marry a WL when he himself had married a WL as well. i think he say that base on his marriage is a buy 1 get 1 free scenario.
Old 22-12-2006, 11:01 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

I had received an unconfirmed news that TV has already returned to hty yesterday. Well, not that difficult to find out whether he is in hty or not.
Old 23-12-2006, 01:10 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Cyber@id View Post
I had received an unconfirmed news that TV has already returned to hty yesterday. Well, not that difficult to find out whether he is in hty or not.
So TV is back in Heartyai, so what? The question is what can you do? Just talk and talk and talk, TV son also can talk too. So you have Dagger to borrow, or just talk only?

From you incidents report, many here do not know what are you really pissed? From what was told here only incident 2, which is direct affecting you and serious enough to cause your marriage. The rest does not directly affected you personally, may be incident 3-4 you really think it is that important. What is this trust you are talking about, you mean others can trust you for the words you say. That is not wat we see over here, and many over here had seen you delivering what you say.

More Over, incident 2 you had no prove and you can put the blame on someone, anyone and now lump up and make it into TV problems. Your marriage had been damage not by others but you yourself, and you had also say yourself here in incident 3 and 4. Having gal friends while you are married, I would respect you if you post this incident 2 when you confirmed it is TV who did it. So you mean you are Justice Bao, you say or you think it could be TV so it will be TV. Please don't TVed us over here.

From your excuses, it proved that you are very self-centred. You think the world revolved around you, or you are the Sun? Wake up and stop wasting time being busybody, better used your time to save your own marriage.



Old 23-12-2006, 01:57 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Amazing the amount of Clones TV can generate here to try and confuse people
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 23-12-2006, 05:03 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by powergel View Post
On my last trip to Hatyai some time back, i had this wonderful experience that i would like to share.

I stayed in Merlin Hotel, as this is my final day there, waiting for flight to return home in the evening. Was feeling restless, so went to a hair saloon nearby hotel for a hair wash. there were 3 of them working there, one wash my hair, second one help me blow dry n style, third one do nothing. later found out she does not work there, should have realised that as she was in shorts n T. finish blowing(the hair), paid n left.

walk to nearby shop to get some beer back to hotel, walk pass the saloon on the way back. decided to try my luck by asking the gals if they care to joint me for a drink in the room, the gal in short actually responded. gave her room number blar blar...did not expect her to turn up anyway.

finished 1st can of beer, ding dong... open door, standing b4 was the gal in shorts, but she is wearing low cut jeans n tight fit top, only very light make up, maybe only lipstick. she roam the room, ask me the usual Q, never go bath? massage? gals?...then she found this CD cover in the dustbin n gave me that LOOK...keke

we chat for a long time n told me she cant drink much, she actually mix beer with soft drink. later found out that she work in KISS, so you can guess that she must be of certain quality. waited patiently to make my move, she love frenching, painted she proper till she grab my hair. she gave the best BBBJ i ever had n the rest was history...VERY SEXTIFIED indeed.

in the end have to pay hotel xtra half day for late check out, both of us were still drunk, we exchange contacts n gave she some pocket $ as she told me that she will not be working for the night.
very good story.... finally something new

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Old 23-12-2006, 05:53 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Cyber@id View Post
No problem with me, anyway this trip I'm going to meet up with the investors to discuss about HYAD issue. But maybe by the time I reached S'pore, TV will be back in hty already.

BTW, I would like to pay SC a visit, please PM me his work address. I have a few things about TV that I need to clarify with him. Thank you.
So many people want to borrow knife and kill. hahaha. Cummings said got my work address, he should come and look for me himself lor. Why don't Cummings come and look for me instead still need to tell you to come and look for me? That is why I say this forum, some people talk big and add oil to fire to ask others do the dirty job. Tio Boh Cummings?

Why didn't this people who want find me come and find me themselves rather than use others??

BTW, if you want to clarify with me things about TV hor, no need to look for me. If you really wu sim want to find TV, I believed you can find him anytime. But don't get me involved in your disputes with TV, because I don't know him.

However, if want to clarify with me things on Mr Romance hor, then come pay me a visit. But you earlier said that don't get you involved with Mr Romance so then I don't think you will pay me a visit because of this reason. And also please come alone, because if I see "other people" come with you, I scared the place will turn smelly due to the fact I chua sai. (Serious....)

Since a lot of people like to show on forum how sart they are, then I have to admit with the opposite. I show everyone how I cowardice I am. 1 word only, my sai all flow out.


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Old 23-12-2006, 09:24 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Bro Cyber@id, i am a newbie and wish to give my perspective here based on the recent posting you made. Seem like a lot of pple have high respect for you and i think you must be quite a positive personality here.

You said that you going thru divorce and you blame TV of WB for the cause of it and for leaking out your secrets. I am a bit shocked and would like to clarify a few pts, hope your friends won't zap me. If possible, up me can?

According to you, TV of WB betray you again and again but you keep trusting this friend betrayer until the last time when you share secret with him and he tell other pple your secret. Why you want to trust him so many times even as he betray you so many times?

If I am you, I will not trust him and keep my secret from him.

Your gf Y had a terrible accident and TV knew about it and tell the rest of the samsters with a slightly twisted version. Did you ask him why he so CB mouth tell the rest of the samsters? Did you ask the samsters for the reason why TV of WB so CB mouth tell them about it? By telling them, does TV of WB earn commission or benefit in some way?

It look like you have a lot of gfs, N, Y and maybe some more. Did your wife want a divorce from you becos she know that you have many gfs? Who tell your wife? Is it your own action or is it the people whom you share your secrets? As long as you share your secret with anyone, anyone who know can be a suspect. Of course, some may be more suspicious but you never know who betrayed you and it could be yourself. I learnt this myself in one incident that happened to me. The person whom I trusted most is the person who betrayed me. After posting, I got zapped 2 pts straight. Sigh...

If you feel my posting is useless, please don't zap me but tell me you don't like my thinking. I will not post anyting to response to your revelations of incidents.

Originally Posted by Cyber@id View Post
Incident 4 - Breach of trust again

My gf Y that I mentioned in incident 2 has a terrible accident some time back. As this issue is very personal, I told TV specificially not to tell anyone. If I feel that who need to know about it, I'll tell that person myself.

Last trip, when I went back to s'pore, guess what? All the samsters in s'pore who I went dinner with (4 of them) had already knew about Y accident (but slightly twisted version). They send their regards to Y and told me that TV had told them about it.

Talking about big-mouth, TV came second to none. Best part is he always tell ppl "I tell you hor, but don't let XXX know I tell you this." Fuck his cheebye mouth.

This is the last straw, when I come back to hty, I posted TV is no longer my friend.
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