Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌
STOP Suffering & Start Living!!!
Originally Posted by leong26z
Just got a bot from the seller ben earlier this evening , had been following this thread for quite some time but had not been very keen or felt confident enough on trying these pills.
Considering these are not the average pills which are dispensed through the counter or prescribe by a gp , especially more so when it comes to medication to help solve erectile dysfunction problems , we had seen many cases about backlane seller selling fake and deadly medicate products which had cause serious problems for ppl whom had taken , therefore for these reason i had always refain myself from using pills which had been source from 3rd party or through untraditional methods .
But i guess those concerns are just my own overly concerned or too much negative imagination about the pills without really using common sense to see the whole picture .
First of all this thread had been around for close to 4 years and had generated over 400pages .
First thing first ro consider is if this is a bad or not functional product , will it able to survive till this long , or if this is a ineffective and useless product there sure would be plenty of complaints make to the product and its seller in this forum , so after so long and finally come to my sense and considering those points i finally contact the seller on sunday , from there onwards it's kinda straight forward answer/reply from the seller , everything is easy to understand and fuss free communication through wechat .
After confirming the time and place met with the seller small talk a bit pay and left , everything so easy , msg the girl will meet her at 9pm then buy a bot of water and pop 1 pill down the throat , during the hr+ bus trip to the girl , didn't feel anything strange or any prominent side effect , just feel a bit of warm on the face nothing more , penis is normal throughout the hr long journey to the girl place , naturally comes to mind is whether this mens+ is working or will it works for me .
My reason for wanting these pills is i had experiencing on and off inconsistent erection during intercourse , which at times led to the brother go south without recovering.
Lost quite a number of session from the past 2 years because of the erection / and not hard enough problem .
Sometimes is hard like a rock , sometimes can't even wants to lift its head , very inconsistent .
So after reaching there , go to her room then i realise the magic of mens+ . i won't go into details but what i had experiencing with this pill is something which in my case felt like it's controllable hardened , not uncontrollable senseless hard standing , uncontrollable hard standing is what my initially worrying concerns is when i drop a pill in .
But then am very pleased with the outcome and the power from the pills . 1 pill down 9 more left to go , today is just my first time using it , will monitoring the effect of a single pill can last me how many days .
Once again thanks for the pills and really appreciate what you had introduced here. I wish the decision made today should had made 2 years back !
I may be late on this , but there's a Chinese saying 迟到好过没到 , better late than never !
Thank you Ben , appreciated ����
Originally Posted by leong26z
Yes was very satisfied with the product , this my best purchase of the year so far . Top notch quality with superb performance , had not experience any bad side effect till now , can feel bit of warm on the face after taking the pill , other than that everything is normal .
Frankly speaking no exaggerate here , after taking a pill and ended the session last night , went home continue to watch AV and got to creampie my favorite fleshlight straight 2 times , after the first ejection the dick was still hard standing so for the sake of test things out went straight on to continue 2nd round on the fleshlight without stopping , duration for both session was good which lasted both the session close to 2hrs on the masturbator . sometimes i feel that fucking the fleshlight is more shiok than fucking a girl .
That sensational feel on the fleshlight is pretty awesome , at least i can raw with it and creampie on it without worries . good stroking .
Today wants to test things further , book a prc for a session at 12.30pm , just finished the session not long ago , just like yesterday it was normal throughout the journey , penis was well behaved record nothing senseless hardening for no reason .
Reach the place and once that prc hold on to my dick that's when he wakes up from the sleep , it's just mere secs from soft to transform itself into a hot hard rod .
Not joking it's hard like a iron rod , straight away she proceed with a bbbj deep throat all the way in , she play auite long with it more than 10mins i est , still hard standing all without feeling the urge of releasing the hot sperm , go to missionary then doggy then back to missionary all the while remain hard like a rod without even got that urge to cum anytime sooner , now i feel the problem , the feel and the power is there , but my age is catching up and my body couldn't catch up with all the action pack moves , the back and waist down was so tiring and is starting to take away the joy out from it , so i was like breathless gasping for air like i had just finished the ippt 2.4km , laid down and she handjob on that hot rod while my right hand grab her pussy on the front and the other hand working right down from her behind and digging from below all the while she is stroking till my sperm erupts on her body .
So this ends my budget $100 quicky FJ for today .
No more FJ for me until next month ..
Because of the erection problem , for the past 2 years i had been skipping freelancing not all times but most of the time .
As the thought of the happenings of going soft during the session puts me off . so for the past years i had already develop a passion and been depending on various of hip size , hand size japs masturbator , and fleshlight when the needs arise and does not have the confidence to rock the girl .
As now that i had experiencing first hand on the mens+ , with the help from this pills , things is definitely going good for me as it brings back that lost confidence of bonking a girl straight on with a iron rod without worrying it would go soft halfway during the activity , so now I'm a happy man , with the pills i can affort to engage FL more so even now without that worrying thoughts about not standing .
Now with the mens+pills at hand , it's like having the best experiences on 2 worlds , 1 with the masturbator while watching Av and 1 with the girls bonking real pussy confidently .
In all , i strongly urge those whom are still having second thoughts or still having that skeptical about all this to put those concerns aside and buy it , use it with confidence .
I was once like that skeptical about it , but common sense prevails and led me to a decision . and just 1 pills i never look back .
This is the genuine stuff to invest for those whom had difficulty of maintaining and prolonging the hardness of the erection or hard to understand non sense go soft during intercourse .
One of the good is that it's not a to be taken on a daily basics medication , it's mainly a use it when you need it.
It's controllable not uncontrollable giving you non sense standing all the time , for me after taking the pills it did almost nothing , did not give me non sense unnecessary hard standing or making me horny like wants to fuck every girl had met on the streets .
It's like more and act like a form of booster energy travelling in your bloodstream standing by there in case you need the power to fuck then it will make sure you get the maximum hardnesss you need to fuck , simply said even if you take a pill but never engage any sexual activity it will just act normal never will give you embarrassing moments whatsoever like hardened for no apparently reason or give you that urge to wants to fuck here and there , it mainly act like a supporting role to your sexual activity giving you that hardness needed engaging those moments . it's a auto mode thing but it's definitely not uncontrollable . it you doesn't feel likes to fuck after you had finish 2 round 3 rounds , just stop and relax , your hardened dick will get that signal and goes back to normal , that's what i feel and been experiencing all the while after taking a whole pill last evening 7pm+ till now .
2 shot last night with a girl + 2 session afterwards back home on the fleshlight masturbator while watching porn Av till 4am , 1 budget $100 60 min session bonking with a prc in the noon earlier .
Later I'm going home to creampie those masturbator that's for sure which i can foresee .. But will the whole pill power from last evening still give me that extra hardness ( which the pills effectiveness can last 2 days ) remains to be seen later tonight .
Lastly , for those brothers here still skeptical about the mens+ , buy and use it with confidence .
Originally Posted by BlueDemonz
Bro Leong26, seems like you have ED for few years. I totally feel you and agreed on the furstration. I had ED few years ago and the sex life is terrible. Even though my spouse said "Never Mind", I do feel helpless unable to perform what a normal guy supposed to be doing. Changing my lifestyle is something I am doing hoping to regain my normal sex life. The journey is tough with many self discipline and the result is slow. Luckily bro's mensplus helps me alot in my sex life. Although I do not take them often but it is there to help if I really need a push.
Originally Posted by paul55hoz
Bro, no man should ever go thru what u had to endure. Im very happy for you.
I have been purchasing from the boss directly since day 1 n know him personally. He is a cheongster like us and he only brings in the best of the best stuff for our kuku to work the best. Now that u manage to try MP, try the booster as supplement also.
Im in my early 50s. Few years ago before I started taking it, sex was all time low, just normal servicing of wife. After few weeks of taking the supplement, every night before I sleep n morning when I wake up, my kuku will be erected. I find my sexual urge getting stronger n strong till a point when I can have sex at leat 2 times a day everyday. Everyday I feel a need to sex. Amazing.
Now we at this stage in life, our sexlives time also limited. So I feel just enjoy what remaining time we have.
All the best to you Bro Leong.
Originally Posted by leong26z
Had a taste of that erecting power yesterday and the day before , really is the satisfying. For 2 years never felt so complete and super confident, in the past 2 years every booking is like a tikam lottery to me , if cock stand can lasted till cum then money well spent, if cock no reaction or behave like jelly then count myself suay .
Quite stress and because the erection it's a on and off thing i never know until the session start .
I guess for most is not about willing or unwilling to spend a small amount of money , i say it's all about if the person is confidence enough to give it a shot, if the person lack the confidence you offer him free he also don't want ,
Imo , maybe bro Ben should offer a one off type of deal for new buyers / ppl whom are interested , let's say offer a 2 pill for a XX amount to potential buyers / user to let them experience the power first for a small sum , if it's work for them , for sure they will come back to you for more,
Actually it's a confidence thing, there are ppl whom are not comfortable on spending over hundreds of dollars for something which they're unsure of , ppl might needs to build up a certain amount of confidence before they invest , i was like that before i put my money on mens+ , for me it's not with the cost of the bottle but my concern is if it will works on me , will i had bad side effect after taking it and will the effectiveness works for me like the same way it works on the many user here which had been said in these 400pages testimony .
Imo ben can help to do by offering a downsize reduced pack for that group of ppl whom still have doubts, skeptical about these .
Example A 2 pill $XX test water package ONLY for new user to clear any of the doubts .
I'm count myself fortunate a member here , to have come across this thread few years back and never did i thought that today it is this thread which had helps me to get back to where i was once before , i really feel like a man now .
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