Originally Posted by PeroPero
There are a few types of people who goes KTV. Let me list a few types here
1) Those that go to viet joints for playability and hum sup. No need waste time. Goes straight for the action
2) Those that go for gathering with bros and drink beer/hard liquor + sing songs (Sitting inside a cozy room with sofa and singing to your heart content rather than go KTV pub and need wait for your turn to sing. At KTV pub, each table entitled to 2 songs per table and need wait a long time for it to reach your table if the KTV pub is damn crowded.
3) Go there see football matches on weekends. Some people go there see ball and play "ball" at the same time
4) Go KTV chit-chat with the viet gals. Some people no like action but prefer to take it slowly to warm up with the gals. They prefer emotional and conversation as compared to action straight away.
5) Go there play handphone games. I have seen people go KTVs and playing games on their handphone. 
nice summary!
But believe it or not bro, I'm really all 5 types, depending on mood and company.
Sometimes I have mood to sing, other times I just want to chill drink or try to drink until I wasted. Then there are the days when I have a small window so I'll go in and tell the girl I will want to drink a bit then shoot within 1.5hrs then zao.
Then once in a long while I would go and stone there alone. Its usually when I have some problems I cant figure out and its making me so stressed I just want to be alone, smoke drink a bit and have my own me-time playing the phone. Ah then I might have it all worked out before the end of the session then go back to Type 1 again and ask the girl to work on me until I shoot.