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Old 01-12-2008, 07:56 PM
jiafre jiafre is offline
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Fling with a married young women

Hi bros, this is my first time to start a thread. pardon my english.

It happens last year with my secondary school junior that i never met before during my school days, here it goes...


I was in a car with one of my sec school (guy) fren one night, we were waiting for another fren and nothing to do. so this buddy of mine ask me to do him a favor to give his ex gal( think its his first love) a call...

Me: WTF? why?
Fren: just to check her out whether she fine..
Me: siao ah? i dunno her lar.
Fren: just say you're alan's fren, and u met her before when you're still together in sec school time. she wouldnt remember, and check her up how's things..
Me: chun boh? like that can ah?
Fren: try lar, nothin to do oso... but use your phone, she knows my no.
Me:Knnbcb... hammi no.?

Gal: Hello?
Me: Hi...
Gal: who's this?
Me: Jeffrey remenber?
Gal: which jeffrey?
Me: alan's fren, your ex remember? on our secondary days?
Gal: ermm... anthing?
Me: just to say hi since we didnt met after our sec school, how r u? (bullshiting)
Gal: i'm fine... ermm... but do i really know u? u doesnt sounds like jeffrey...
Me: how many jeffrey do you knw? aiyah, alan got so many frens u can remember all of them meh since its so long.... ( bullshit somemore)
Gal: true oso...
Me: how r u lately? where have u been all these years?
Gal: nothin much...

I was thinkin WTF! she has nothin much to say ah? see beh sian eh... ( i'm actually a smooth talker especially in phone and i hv a glib tongue, most gals cant resist it) hehe...

Me: so ur attached or married?
Gal: Married..
Me: :? any kids yet?
Gal: ya, 2 kids now..
Me: wow, how lucky u are.. nice to hear that you're happily married..
Me: so wat u work as?
Gal: i'm not workin currently, taking care of my kids...
Me: wow, you're so Xin Fu.... your husband must be filthy rich, so young no need to work liao... your're 26 rite?
Gal: ya.....

So we tcss for a while till my other fren arrived, and i told her that we'll keep in touch later... she say ok....

after the conversation i update my fren about her, thoughout our journey my fren keep telling me his steamy stories with this gal, how he bed her and where she bed her... and even told me that she has a chio sister that he always fantasized of... make me cannot tahan.

All this while i was thinking to myself this gal isnt very happy with her married life, so maybe i give her a few calls then who knows maybe got chance to bonk her..

End of part 1. to be cont
Apologize to the bros that part 1 is not steamy bcos i wish to make it a complete story of what happen and not just the bonk part.. be patient ya..

Thanks for your support!
Old 01-12-2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Nice start, camp here
Old 01-12-2008, 08:55 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

wow, like that also can! camping here too.
Old 01-12-2008, 09:07 PM
nikjiying nikjiying is offline
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Waiting for more
Old 01-12-2008, 09:12 PM
jiafre jiafre is offline
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Part 2:

when i reached home, i kept thinkin of Ling ( lets call her ling )...

1) how to bonk her asap.
2) is she pretty? although my buddy told me she's average looking but quite tall. if she is wat my buddy told me, how come i didnt notice her back in sec school time? jialat... is she a 漏网之鱼?
3)hmm.... she's married, never tried married lady before. very challenging
4) i was thinking of the steamy stories that my told, how good is she in bed, how loud is she... damm!

before i went to bed i smsed her.
sms: < nice talking to you, hope to catch up with you soon. u hv a good rest ya>.
within minutes she replied:
< no prob, u hv a good rest too.. >
Me: < y arent u sleep yet? its late u now? >
Ling: < cant sleep, lots of things in mind >
Me: < wanna share? can talk? >
Ling: < ok, 5mins late u call me..>

In my mind i was thinking, its almost 2am and she's still not asleep yet? and willing to talk to me... chance lai liao

Me: hey, why arent u asleep yet? wats on your mind?
Ling: nothin, i usually sleep late.
Me: no need to jaga your kids?
Ling: their asleep..
Me: so late how come u can talk? where's your husband?
Ling: he just came back from drinking.
Me: you're not scared if he hears you're talking in the phone late at nite ah?
Ling: he sleeps in the other room.
Me: y like tat? he cant satisfy u ah? how old is he?
Ling: no, he's normal... we argue alot.. we sleep seperate room almost half a year already...
Me: : walao..half a year dy? you have no needs meh?
Ling: yes i do, but wat to do? that bastard doesnt understands me.. he think's every month just gimme some pocket money and allowance enough already... he doesnt even know what im thinking.. sometimes i think that am i too young to get married?
Me: wow, you have alot of issues in your relationship.. how old is he? he doesnt touch u for half a year dy?
Ling: not really, he's 34. he just touch me last nite.. he just came to my room and ask me out to his room because our kids sleeps with me... so after we finished i just go back to my room...
Me: WTF? its not a healthy relationship leh...
Ling: wat to do? sometimes i think of divorcing him but for the sake of our kids i just stay calm.. even my parents told me to be patient..
Me: your parents knew bout it?
Ling: yes i've told them...
Me: wow... so what's your solution?
Ling: what can i do? wanna divorce and get a job also no workin experience, after school get married so stupid.
Me: calm down... i'm sure things will get better, just try to talk to him and explain to him what u think.
Ling: i did, many times.. but he doesnt listen. he's to ego... what do you think if after i file a divorce how much money i can earn to sustain the kids?
Me: to be frank, i dont think its a good idea becos u're not financially stable to take care of your kids. therefore you'll not have the custody of your kids.
Ling: what if i can find a job?
Me: u think its easy to find a job ah? anytime can get a high pay job ah?
Ling: then how?
Me: my advice to you is try harder to talk to your hubby... tell him wat u think n wat u need...
Me: dont think too much dear, get some sleep. its gettin late 1 need to work tomorrow... call me if you need any thing ya...
Ling: ok... nite nite...
Me: make sure u go to bed right away ya, dont think so much.
Ling: Try lor...

I was thinking, big chance to up her liao..

End of part 2..
.................................................. .................................................

Up me if u like my story...
Old 01-12-2008, 10:09 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Hmmm, 26 married with 2 kids is quite young. Write faster to let us know

Vauxhall Vectra
Old 01-12-2008, 10:34 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Bring in GS table and bench please. Setting up tentage.
Old 01-12-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women


she admitted she was STUPID to get married right after finishing school....

and I think she is still STUPID to have to confide her problems in a total stranger who probly gets to up her judging from the title
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Old 01-12-2008, 11:15 PM
jiafre jiafre is offline
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Re: Fling with a married young women

The following days we talked and sms alot, got to know more about her stories and we became more close. on one ocasion i confess to her that i'm not the guy that she meant. just her senior back in sec school that like to know her. after that we get closer n exchange mms of our pics. My chances of upping her is gettin higher day by day. we started to flirt via phone and sms...

She's a kind of gal that wants you to be with her all the time, think tats y her hubby cannot tahan her and quarrel all the time. all these while we still havent met each other and i'm like her boy fren, checking where i am who am i with and wat time reach home. she'll wait till late nite for me to call her.. every nite we chat sky and land.. and i'm proud to say i'm the one who teaches her phone sex....

Will fast fwd to the day we met in her house during the day and guess wat happens??
Old 01-12-2008, 11:23 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Originally Posted by jiafre View Post
Will fast fwd to the day we met in her house during the day and guess wat happens??
let me guess, both of you were playing chess?

camping here for more.

Pls post one more for tonite
Old 01-12-2008, 11:28 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Originally Posted by jiafre View Post
.. and i'm proud to say i'm the one who teaches her phone sex....

Will fast fwd to the day we met in her house during the day and guess wat happens?? both had phone sex at her house?
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Old 01-12-2008, 11:29 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

Nice Start, pitching tent liao.......
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Thanks to all the Bros who has upped me....
Pls pm me if I have forgotten to return favour...
Old 01-12-2008, 11:30 PM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

your cokc was sliced off by her husband?

have the decency to get a place outside to fcuk her..
Old 02-12-2008, 01:12 AM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

hope to hear fr u soon.
Old 02-12-2008, 01:16 AM
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Re: Fling with a married young women

nice start, hope to hear from u soon
Bros who have upped my points, please PM me where your thread is. I will return the favour.
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