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Old 04-06-2010, 07:02 PM
erkianpeng erkianpeng is offline
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My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!


Laugh if you will. This just happened two hours ago!

Decided today to look up a FB of mine who gives superb head! She is a Boyanese and loves to eat and let you CIM.

I went to her place where she gave me a good body massage. Then she grabbed my dick and worked her magic. She is very good at making your super hard and on the verge of cumming and then letting you go soft again before starting all over again. Sometimes you will beg her to just finish you off so as not to "suffer" anymore.

After 20 minutes of sucking, I made the fatal mistake of wanting to do some penetration. Most of the times, I just let her suck me off and I CIM because of one simple reason - my this FB's CB is very very smelly. A whiff of the smell can make you puke. If you finger her, the smell (like the terrible BO of the Bangla workers you smell in the MRT mixed with rotting fish) will stay on your fingers for at least 2-3 days. And if you penetrate her, the smell will stay on your dick too! Only thing is that I cannot bend down to smell my dick but I can certainly smell my own fingers.

So, I normally don't do penetration. And she does not seem to yearn for it. She just loves to eat. To continue again, I decided to enter her. I pushed her down and spreaded her legs. I could smell a whiff of the terrible smell. I grabbed my dickie, placed it at the very wet reddish hole, and started to insert it. As I did, I felt a sharp pain on the right underside of my glan. OUCH!!! I stopped, and tried again, and felt the pain again. The pain was so intense my dickie immediately started to shrink. I knew what had happened as this had happened to me, with her, long ago. I asked her whether she had just shaved herself and she said YES, two days ago. WTF! Her stubble had sliced my dick head! She has thick pussy hair and when shaved, the stubble can be deadly.

I immediately went to the bathroom to wash my dickie, running cold water over it. The smarting pain as the wound touches water made me want to scream out loud but I just grunted out a silent curse. Just my Fking luck! And I didn't even get to cum!

So now I have a cut on my glan, and BLUE BALLS as the unreleased army of billions of soldiers don't know where to go and thus they just roam around!
Old 04-06-2010, 07:42 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

Smelly cb plus cut on your better quick quick go for medical checkup for STD. Don't play play!

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Old 04-06-2010, 07:44 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

This is new. I'd imagine it would take some very stiff hairs to be able to do that. And you went raw too. The both of you should consult a doctor.
Old 04-06-2010, 07:47 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

RIP. The hearts of ur sammybros here will remember you for your venture into the tough land. Your bravery shall never be forgotten in the histroy of SBF.

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Old 04-06-2010, 08:01 PM
bennywalker bennywalker is offline
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

lols. this is such a " u leave me high and dry" day.
Old 04-06-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

smelly CB can be a sign of bacterial infection of the CB. That bacteria, if spread to yr dickie, can cause prostate infection!

A bad enuf prostate infection can cause yr balls to hurt for several weeks. The pain is maciam like u kena kicked or punched in yr balls! Espescially when you tried the penetration w/o cd, if u experience this kinda pain in yr balls in the coming days, u better go see doctor. U may get the infection by the bacteria entering yr dickie thru yr urinal opening (if u were not capped when u tried penetrating). If no other complications or infections, normally antibiotics treatment can cure it.

In fact, the common swearing "chao chee bye", actually comes from farking a smelly CB and then kena infected with prostate infection.

I kinda salute u, u can still tahan despite smelling the stench from the smelly CB? For me, my dick will immediately soften upon smelling tat stench, mood turned-off. I encountered 2 smelly CBs b4 from WLs. 1 of them not so smelly, the other, the stench is quite noticeable. Both cases, mood turned-off, and somehow, I remembered reading about the bacterial infection in Sexual Health section / thread, so told the WLs to wear back their panties, wank me off while I rabba their tits. I'll still pay them the agreed price of a bonk.

For the WL with the stronger stench, after she left, the stench still remained for some time (I was staying in a hotel in China) in the hotel room! Luckily, I am checking out the next day to travel to another place.
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:48 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

Tomorrow you'll wake up with a "real" Mushroom head.
Old 05-06-2010, 01:41 AM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

oops...hope bro u r alrite..=)
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Old 05-06-2010, 04:51 AM
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Cool Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

lol ... wat an unforgetable experience ...
better go n c doc b4 kana any virus ...
Old 05-06-2010, 10:03 AM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

TS must have been very horny to brave his dick into a smelly dark cave.
Old 05-06-2010, 03:16 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

wow deadly trap
Old 05-06-2010, 03:36 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

why anyone would want a FB with a smelly CB that puts him off penetrating is beyond me.
Old 05-06-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

Just to be on the safe side, why don't you go to DSC clinic and ask for PEP treatment. Going to be expensive but just in case she maybe a HIV carrier, you will need all the odds you can get. No guarantees but better than nothing.
Old 05-06-2010, 08:49 PM
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

I grimace while reading this thread... TS, sincerely hope you will get well soon....

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Old 06-06-2010, 01:31 AM
Urbane Urbane is offline
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Re: My sensitive glan is sliced by FB's shaved pussy stubble!

Some girls have the smells come out only when having sex but your fb very powerful. And you still can get yourself to do it. Sounds like you got a whole lot more than you bargained for
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