FR for MP at Gelang Patah
Decided to write an FR on this MP at gelang patah. Honestly speaking this NL is the best mp girl i had.
If not mistaken there is only 1 mp at gelang patah. It's above a coffee shop. The signboard got flower photos. It's been about a yr since i went there amd that was my only visit to that area(been avoiding it cus tuas toll is crazily high, so visited that joint when i was there on business trip)
There r only 2 NL. I forgot what the name of the NL was assigned yo me buy she has got super huge tits. She said she is from pasir gudang. her face not bad la. Damagr was 70 + 80(hj,took out breasts and suck on it). Man this is the only mp girl that allowed me to suck their tits and it was heaven cumming while sucking on her gigantic tits.
My friemd gotten the other NL but he said 80 and only allowed to put hands in to roam.
If anyome going/gone there, pls prpvide fr to see if it's still the same like last time. The recept said only these 2 NL, the rest r from prc and older(>30). our NL were < 30