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Old 26-02-2012, 09:02 PM
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Ode To RealEstateGuy

Characters are plenty here in SBF, however few come to be as notorious as REG. Who can forget his talk of High Class, and morals of singapore society, so on and so forth, just so much one can go on and on about and shake your head in amusement.

There's something delusional about him, I suspect maybe a mental disorder. There's trolling, and there's utter fail trolling, and I suspect its all a manisfestation of who he really is. While he prances around like a dainty daisy working hard at being the moral compass of SG Society, taking minute perverted pleasure at those who rage at him, its bewildering for me to try to understand why ?

Somethings are not meant to be understood I guess.

Ok, I came across this song and this time when I listened to it carefully again, I was Oh My Gosh !!! REG has a song about him !!! Totally awesome

Lyrics As Follows in Red. My musings about him in blue.

Look inside, Look inside your tiny mind (When God gave out minds, he probably missed the queue)
Now look a bit harder (A 5 micron filter was used, and your mind slipped through, need to use an even finer filter to find it, or you probably lost it)
Cause we're so uninspired,so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor ( Right on the dot for me, anyone else ?)
So you say It's not okay to be gay (Gays are good, leaves more babes for the rest of us non gays. Or maybe REG is a self hating CMI gay ?)
Well I think you're just evil (I disgree, he is not evil. Just stupid, idiotic, delusional, failure, incompetent, probably impotent, despicable, shameless, wannabe, ignorant, pretentious, oh fuck, saying he's evil is easier)
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces (He can't if he wanted to, he wears shoes with velcro laces)
Your point of view is medieval (Could be they hated him so much then they invented a time machine and threw him into our time ?)

Fuck you (fuck you) Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do (But laugh at you anyway)
And we hate your whole crew (Meaning you and your clones)
So please don't stay in touch (Just keep touching yourself like you have always done)
Fuck you (fuck you) Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate (Do they ever ?)
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Do you get, Do you get a little kick out of being small minded ? (Mind located in ass if in existence, needs a kick to use it every 2 secs)
You want to be like your father
It's approval your after (Awww, poor boy, its ok, you fail. Better that, cause the alternative is that its genetic)
Well that's not how you find it (Can't ever find it, not since your dad caught you wanking to some old dude's soiled underwear)
Do you, Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful ? (Better that than facing the truth ?)
Cause there's a hole where your soul should be (Hole in soul upgraded to imginary High Class Maid Hole)
Your losing control of it and it's really distasteful (Can't lose control of it when you never had it)

Fuck you (fuck you) Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you (fuck you) Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you Fuck you

You say,You think we need to go to war (Its the toy soldiers he still plays with, he uses them to war everyday. He sticks the soldiers from the losing side up his ass, helps him to think of new tactics)
Well, you're already in one
Cause it's people like you
That need to get slew (Your only positive pt of being, Aliens found out about you and decided that Earth is not a worthwhile place to conquer)
No one wants your opinion (Your existence drags down the entire human race IQ by 50%)

Fuck you (fuck you)Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you (fuck you)Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you (repeat)

Do she know him or what ?? Also a member of SBF ?

I had a good laugh doing this, hope to spread the joy around

REG, I don't hate you or have any intense negative opinion of you, you are not worth the effort, prefer to spend the effort taking a dump. But as you troll others, others troll you. Wakakakakakaka

Now all that is said, yeah, you can zap me, its cool. Had and still having fun at your expense, price to pay is cyberpoints. Damn, there goes the much worked for points I can use to exchange for free air.
Old 26-02-2012, 09:15 PM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Thats why i said REG is the best of the worst
Old 26-02-2012, 09:27 PM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

My around appulase to u !!! 👏👏👏
Old 26-02-2012, 09:45 PM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
Characters are plenty here in SBF, however few come to be as notorious as REG.
Damn, there goes the much worked for points I can use to exchange for free air.
I just upz u, nuff said

Old 26-02-2012, 11:02 PM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

wahahaha thats a masterpiece bro. this is wat i called a positive contribution, unlike REG's shit which are totally worthless anywhere and in any worlds. his retarded gay dog is still busy tailing me and zapping me -3. poor doggy, gotta work so hard everyday to please his gay master. Awwwwww.
Old 26-02-2012, 11:58 PM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

haahaa ..
well done bro.
it about time we 'K' this REG gay!!
upz you with my humble point
Old 27-02-2012, 12:12 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Originally Posted by jj583 View Post
haahaa ..
well done bro.
it about time we 'K' this REG gay!!
upz you with my humble point
Yes 0 points is humble indeed TS no worries since REG is 0 power too
Old 27-02-2012, 12:19 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Originally Posted by jj583 View Post
it about time we 'K' this REG gay!!
Since we're on this topic, let's discuss why REG seems to have immunity to being zapped to negativity, where his points always hover around 20 no matter how we all gang up to mass zap him?

Anyone got any theory?

If it's because he has an army of clones, there can only be so many of them only right?
Or izit really some bros here support him and upz him out of fun?
My take is that he got the backing of the forum moderator or even boss, for being in-line with their "mission" in the betterment of SG Society here
... no not mission, I think the most likely reason is becoz the moderator/boss recognize the importance of having a CLOWN in this forum to spice things up

There is a possibility that REG is really just a clone of one of the moderator or even boss, acting as this clown to stir up the forum. His threads seldom get [TAGGED] as OT... and he often posts at weird hours and appear almost everywhere!

Last edited by goodpartner; 27-02-2012 at 12:33 AM.
Old 27-02-2012, 12:25 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

You must bear him no small amount of affection to put in so much effort in composing the Ode.
Old 27-02-2012, 01:21 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

REG...where are u? Come here and defend your sorry arse....
You say....I say...we all say Hor Say!
Old 27-02-2012, 01:26 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Since we're on this topic, let's discuss why REG seems to have immunity to being zapped to negativity, where his points always hover around 20 no matter how we all gang up to mass zap him?

Anyone got any theory?

If it's because he has an army of clones, there can only be so many of them only right?
Or izit really some bros here support him and upz him out of fun?
My take is that he got the backing of the forum moderator or even boss, for being in-line with their "mission" in the betterment of SG Society here
... no not mission, I think the most likely reason is becoz the moderator/boss recognize the importance of having a CLOWN in this forum to spice things up

There is a possibility that REG is really just a clone of one of the moderator or even boss, acting as this clown to stir up the forum. His threads seldom get [TAGGED] as OT... and he often posts at weird hours and appear almost everywhere!
Ya, actually I did think he could be an alter-ego of some other bro in here, just to have some random trolling fun. Can see the evolution of his trolling. Used to type normally, only more recently all the Braddah come out solely because it is effective in annoying people.
Old 27-02-2012, 01:56 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Very impressive act, i admire your guts and action.

Old 27-02-2012, 01:57 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Since we're on this topic, let's discuss why REG seems to have immunity to being zapped to negativity, where his points always hover around 20 no matter how we all gang up to mass zap him?

Anyone got any theory?

If it's because he has an army of clones, there can only be so many of them only right?
Or izit really some bros here support him and upz him out of fun?
My take is that he got the backing of the forum moderator or even boss, for being in-line with their "mission" in the betterment of SG Society here
... no not mission, I think the most likely reason is becoz the moderator/boss recognize the importance of having a CLOWN in this forum to spice things up

There is a possibility that REG is really just a clone of one of the moderator or even boss, acting as this clown to stir up the forum. His threads seldom get [TAGGED] as OT... and he often posts at weird hours and appear almost everywhere!
bro till present i was zapped more than 30 pts by REG's gay lover and every zap was a 3 pts deduction. its confirmed the zapper has an army of clones and is also the real culprit who has been upping REG pts all the while to keep him out of moderation.

my theory is, the zapping and upping were all done by none other than REG himself. let's take a look at some of the recent zap remarks left behind by the retarded gay boy,

what do u guys do b4... 26-02-2012 03:34 AM i think you are the gay lover yourself since you love to follow REG

Jokes for Relaxing..... 26-02-2012 03:02 AM hahaha clap clap people will know you are the retard one

Jokes for Relaxing..... 25-02-2012 09:49 PM wasted my time reading your jokes

Jokes for Relaxing..... 25-02-2012 07:33 PM It seemed that you like to give REG a lot of free publicity .

If in ONS situation & u... 25-02-2012 05:12 PM Braddah has mental issue with animosity due to low standing in SG society

Jokes for Relaxing..... 25-02-2012 04:11 PM complain so what , you are one sick gay hahaha

as we all knw frm REG's shit postings both his grammar and vocab sucks like hell so it's little wonder he has written 'the retard one' instead of 'the retarded one' . even primary school student wont make such low class error.

also, most of the zappings occured in the same Jokes for Relaxing thread at very close timing. very hardworking of him to keep switching clone accounts to perform useless zaps the whole day. he's indeed a no life keyboard warrior.

well of cos REG and his retarded gay lover/high class maid will continue to -3 frm my pts for this post but my only question in mind is why cant he just leave behind one of his clone nicks when zap since he has so many of them. really got no balls at all. sigh.
Old 27-02-2012, 02:48 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
There's something delusional about him, I suspect maybe a mental disorder. There's trolling, and there's utter fail trolling, and I suspect its all a manisfestation of who he really is.
Since you have bothered to start a thread dedicated to him, it shows his trolling has succeeded spectacularly.

A failed troll is one which gets ignored.
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Old 27-02-2012, 03:08 AM
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Re: Ode To RealEstateGuy

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Since you have bothered to start a thread dedicated to him, it shows his trolling has succeeded spectacularly.

A failed troll is one which gets ignored.
Originally Posted by Phantom View Post

I had a good laugh doing this, hope to spread the joy around

But as you troll others, others troll you. Wakakakakakaka
Maybe his trolling succeeded spectacularly with this thread. And in the same manner, if he replies to this thread, then my trolling would have succeeded too ? And if he don't reply to this thread, then the rest of everyone can just have fun and joy trolling him here. Nice.

Makes it a win win

Come on REG, you have zapped me 7 pts with 2 accounts so far. You can do better than that I know. Look through my past postings, I have stated before this is a clone account. So a clone account trolls another clone account, and one zaps the other.

Heh, feeling helpless yet ?
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