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Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
Got this from another forum,its a very touching mtv by guang liang.Pls dont flame me,just hope to used this thread to let every brother get to write their most touching story in their whole life.
![]() http://www.mtv4.net/mtv/player1.asp?id=14834 Even if u really want to flame me pls look at the MTV first k... |
Re: Touching Love story??(Wat is yr most touching story)
Hey how about this which I came across? Showed it to some gals and they were very touched.
A Jaunt Down the Memory Lane-The Incredible Journey Date:17 November 2002 Place: Somewhere on the North American Eastern Seaboard Time:Eastern Standard Time 2330 Atmospheric Conditions: Snowstorm, -8 degrees Celsius Constitution:Transcendental Joy EYES ONLY Dear Diary, I just got back from doing the most incredible thing I ever did for a girl before.Thinking of what transpired during the past seven hours gives me this nice and warm feeling inside...Whenever I think of it,the snow inside my heart melts... Shu Min wanted to make use of my library card to borrow books for her research essay as her card was temporarily suspended.She told me that she was in dire straits as her paper was due in two days time and yet she had not starting doing anything for it.As it turned out,the two books considered indispensible for the writing of her essay were loaned out.I could feel that Shu Min's heart sank when she looked at the words "Checked Out-Due 01122002". She walked away forlonly. But there was something that caught my eye-there were copies of the books available in the uptown campus.I started to ponder... Shu Min said that she would find some way to solve the quagmire.She seemed resigned to her fate. Shu Min,I could feel your disappointment. I really could. I pondered. The uptown campus? That is quite a distance by public transport.Is it possible? But in this weather? I recalled CBC's weather report this morning.The snowstorm that started yesterday would continue till at least next Wednesday.The temperature was in the subzero scale.Yesterday,my ears became crimson red a la Randolph The Red Nosed Reindeer's nose after been outside for only five minutes. Is it possible? Should I...? A jet of adrendaline rushed inside me. Go do it! I embarked on The Most Incredible Journey Of My Life. Before setting off,I went to the library workstations to gather intelligence first.I noted down the frequency of the bus service,the routes,the fares etc etc. "This is gonna be one helluva journey,man!"; I thought. I took the subway-to the last station.55 minutes down. "This is so exciting-exploring the unexplored." Next waypoint-a bus to Erindale Station Road bus stop.That took 45 minutes. At the bus stop,I realised that I had forgotten to bring my gloves! "Why didnt I realise it before setting off? Oh man,this gonna be one long,hard and cold night." The merciless wind pounded on me.It was chilling to the bones.I reminisced about the times in junior college when I froze in an air-conditioned room with a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius. Hahaha..."What is that to compare with what I am feeling now." It was getting unbearable.My palms were virtually numb now.I could feel the acute pain overcoming my eyes.Ouch! A voice inside me echoed "Why did I want to make myself feel so uncomfortable? Maybe I should go back.There it is,the bus on the other side of the road back to civilization and a warm coffee at home." "Hell no,since you come so far,might as well go all the way now.Please don't be weak.Please do it for Shu Min's sake." The image of Shu Min's countenance at the library-one of abject disappointment- strengthened my resolve. Something is not right,I'vee been waiting for 30 minutes now,when is the bus gonna come??I checked the bus schedule. Dammit, 19A does not operate on Sundays! best liao lor! What am I gonna do now? Why am I so blurred?I guessed I overlooked that in the midst of the excitement before I left home. Nevermind,I'll hail a cab.The problem was I did not see any taxis on the road.This was hardly surprising as it was a suburban area,not downtown. Things are different here.? The situation looked really bleak. But Fate was on my side. The taxi to me was like an oasis to a dying man in the middle of the Sahara. HELL YEAH! The taxi ride cost me $10 . Expensive compared to here,but heck it! I was so excited when I alighted. The sight of the Erindale Campus Library never looked so beautiful...Finally,this is it. It has not been in vain.I found the books I wanted and checked them out. The feeling of satisfaction was surreal. When I think of it now,my heart feels so light.It is such a wonderful feeling. On the train,I was so excited that I could not keep still and kept fidgeting.I also realized that my palms were not numb and my ears didn't feel the pain. The warmth in my heart had melted the snow. I was surprised when Shu Min called me on my cellular phone. She asked me where I was. I was elusive and said I am somewhere out there! Hehe. Finally,when I reached Shu Min's place,I knew that the Incredible Journey was over.I asked her to come down. By then, the Excitement Bug had overcome the whole of me and I kept pacing to and forth. She was shocked,as expected. She sure was touched too. I reveled in the look of gratitude,the look of satisfaction, the look of relief on her face. I told myself Nothing beats the feeling of helping another fellow human being. The warmth in my heart had transcended the arduous journey and the subzero temperatures. My Joy was Transcendental. Dear Diary,it has been a good day's work.I will retire to bed now. http://www.cbc.ca/storyview/CBC/2002/11/18/storm021118 Postscript: This is one for my kids next time.When I am on my death bed,I know I will look back on my life and reminisce about the surreal night of 17 November 2002. I still have the bus and rail tickets obtained as a result of that Incredible Journey. ![]() Last edited by Doenitz79; 18-03-2005 at 09:54 PM. |
Re: Touching Love story??(Wat is yr most touching story)
Thks for contributing... ![]() |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
anyway to download it..? or any or source ???? HELP lEH |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
Very nice MTV..wish I cld increase ur pt but I am not senior enuf..still u hv my thks...
To up => dannywee75, chikobai, besarhuge2, @GIN@, msdn, jetaime, Virginhell, coolblack, EatPussyToo, xilverzap (pls pm me ur latest post ![]() |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
In the movie Kung Fu Hustle, one of the last scence.
Stephen Chow finally find the childhood sweetheart in a lolly pop shop. She came out of the store, she look at him, he look at her, they stare intensively at each other, HERE COME THE WONDERFUL PART...............the camera take a 360 degree spin, Stephen Chow become a young boy again and the women become a young gals, the boy walks toward the gal, hold her hand and they moved/run away. My eyes get wet as I write this. ![]()
Geyland good, Geyland Best, Geyland Geyland give me Zest. Lor 14 PRC, Lor 16 got Tommy. |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
Theres a korean mtv talking abt a photograher with the gf.
Cause a incident the gf bcome blind n the bf went for the ops to give her back the eyesight. The bf left without saying a word. Very touching mtv if some1 here can recall n retrieve it. ![]() |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
MTV : http://www.xaut.net/music/mv/guangliang/tonghua.wmv Song : http://www.5home.cn/5homemusic/music...ng/tonghua.mp3 Hope the above link works. Can use right click or Flashget to download. I have downloaded liao. Takecare Achiever |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
i saw that mtv too exceptionally beautiful. esp the last part ... when only then u realize the reason he "disappeared", and that he was blind.. arghs I had it on my harddisk.. but deleted away when formatting....
Work, like you don't need the money; Dance, like no one is watching; Sing, like no one is listening; Love, like you've never been hurt; and Live Life every day as if it were your last. |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
goot work! ![]()
江湖险,风波恶 人在江湖,身不由己。 不入江湖, 何来“身不由己”?
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Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
![]() http://www.geocities.com/jingbulingkiss Kiss - Because I'm a Girl Lyrics and Translation Dodeche ar suga obso namjadurui maum wonhar ten onjego da juni ije tonande ironjog choumirago nonun thugbyorhadanun gu marur midosso negen hengbogiosso I just cant understand the hearts of men they tell you they want you and then they leave you this is the first time, you're special I believed those words and I was so happy marur haji guresso nega shirhojyoda go nunchiga obnun nan nur bochegiman hesso norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika you should have told me you didn't like me any more but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me although I will curse you I'll still miss you since I am a girl, to whom love is everything modungor swibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya i heard that if you give up things too easily to a man, he will get bored with you i don't think this is wrong a girl says that she will never be fooled again but she will fall in love again marur haji guresso nega shirhojyodago nunchiga obnun nan nur boche giman hesso norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika you should have told me you didn't like me any more but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me although I will curse you I'll still miss you since I am a girl, to whom love is everything [narration] Onur urin heojyosso budi hengbogharago noboda johun sarammannagir barandago nodo darun namjarang togathe nar saranghanda go marhanten onjego sorjighi na nega jar doenungo shirho naboda yepun yoja manna hengboghage jar sarmyon otohge guroda nar jongmar ijoborimyon otohge nan irohge himdunde himduro juggenunde ajigdo nor nomu saranghanunde [narration] Hey babe the pain it's not enough to describe how i feel we were so happy together but I know now I've been blind you told me that you'd never let me down whenever I needed you you'd always be here I can forgive but I cant forget even though you hurt me I still love you I still love you sarangur wihesoramyon modun da har su inun yojaui chaghan bonnungur iyong hajinun marajwo hanyojaro theona sarangbadgo sanunge irohge himdurgo oryourjur mollasso don't take advantage of a girl's willingness to do anything for love and her caring instinct i didn't know that to be born as a girl and to be loved was so hard although i will curse you i'll still miss you since i am a girl, to whom love is everything although i will curse you i'll still miss you since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
A member of the BOSS group. Would deeply appreciate it if u can up me if u think i have help u in any ways.Your kind gesture will be reciprocated as soon as possible.Thank you...Have a nice day! ![]() |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
Glad to see so many of the brothers here 都是多情男儿.Hope to see more brothers contributing.....
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Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
here's the mtv link,is my favourite also.comes in different languages too,but korean still the best. enjoy bros.
http://www.geocities.com/jingbulingkiss Yo brother the link dun work or maybe i dun know how it works can tell me...thks |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
oh,its yahoo webhosting,so the bandwith allocated exceeds easily,u have to wait,but i dunno when.if u want the mtv also,i can PM to u,but i must upload 1st.any other bros want too?
A member of the BOSS group. Would deeply appreciate it if u can up me if u think i have help u in any ways.Your kind gesture will be reciprocated as soon as possible.Thank you...Have a nice day! ![]() |
Re: Touching Love story童话(Wat is yr most touching story)
Here Is The Link For The Tong Hua MTV! It a 7 mins MTV
http://s32.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3...E3UNNBGSBVD7Y0 And Of Cos I Dun Wish To See It Get Blocked! ![]()
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls) Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers |
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