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Old 12-03-2013, 10:10 PM
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Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Lately I have been seeing many ads for pretty WLs with big boobs etc and I am kinda tempted.

But I m sure that many bros would have bonked her and did all kinds of things. The WL would probably have sucked many cocks raw and licked many bro's asses.

My question is this:
When u visit this WL, how far do u go with her? Do u let her suck yr dick raw? Do u kiss her on the mouth? Do u dare to lick her cunt?

I admit I am the kiasi type when it comes to hygiene. Would like to hear yr opinion.
Old 12-03-2013, 10:35 PM
sakai88 sakai88 is offline
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Hello, personally for me, i always do things with cap be it bj or fj.. kissing just kiss but make sure u dont have any sores/ulcers, and i dont do painting.. just my 2 cent
Old 12-03-2013, 10:58 PM
likashing likashing is offline
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

The things is, if she is in demand, she would have sucked like 5-10 cocks a day. In 1 mth, she would have sucked 150-300 cocks. If one of those cocks have VD, herpes or genital warts, and she kisses u, she would spread to u, right? Even worse if she has licked that many assholes.

Originally Posted by sakai88 View Post
Hello, personally for me, i always do things with cap be it bj or fj.. kissing just kiss but make sure u dont have any sores/ulcers, and i dont do painting.. just my 2 cent
Old 13-03-2013, 03:31 PM
Ah_tang Ah_tang is offline
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Bro, I am also the Kiasi type, hence I never try bj/FJ with WL yet.

However, as bro Sakai88 has said, please ensure you put on condom for both bj and FJ.

Frenching should be fine if you have no ulcer.
Old 13-03-2013, 04:23 PM
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Originally Posted by likashing View Post

I admit I am the kiasi type when it comes to hygiene. Would like to hear yr opinion.
If you're concerned about hygiene, stay well away from whores. They could potentially harbor all sorts of nasty diseases.

However, if you're the sort who likes to live life to the fullest and believes that risk is part and parcel of life, then by all means go forth and enjoy yourself to the max.
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Old 13-03-2013, 06:59 PM
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Thanks for all the helpful advices. (did I spell it right?)

I guess, whoring, like gambling, has its risks. The higher the stakes, the greater the risks.


On a side note, is there really a need to have the whore lick one's asshole? It is filled with E coli and I cannot imagine getting turned on by getting someone to lick my shit. Just a noob question.
Old 13-03-2013, 07:03 PM
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Originally Posted by likashing View Post
Thanks for all the helpful advices. (did I spell it right?)

"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.

"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "Advice", is a non countable noun.

There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J) and take the test.

On a side note, is there really a need to have the whore lick one's asshole? It is filled with E coli and I cannot imagine getting turned on by getting someone to lick my shit. Just a noob question.
The person I feel sorry for is the guy who frenches her after she was slurping your e-coli infested brown eye 30 minutes prior.
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 13-03-2013, 08:20 PM
Ghostshade Ghostshade is offline
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

I think bonking any lady that you met for the first time regardless of whether she is a WL or someone you met on the club do post serious risk.

Come think of it, I think gaylang ladies are safer. I heard they have to go for check up every months or something like that.

But anywayz is up to you to decide. I think if you want hygiene might as well masturbate with a flashlight masturbator... safest that way...
Old 18-03-2013, 01:34 AM
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Originally Posted by likashing View Post
Lately I have been seeing many ads for pretty WLs with big boobs etc and I am kinda tempted.

But I m sure that many bros would have bonked her and did all kinds of things. The WL would probably have sucked many cocks raw and licked many bro's asses.

My question is this:
When u visit this WL, how far do u go with her? Do u let her suck yr dick raw? Do u kiss her on the mouth? Do u dare to lick her cunt?

I admit I am the kiasi type when it comes to hygiene. Would like to hear yr opinion.
My answers to your questions are yes, yes, no.

BBBJ and kissing is the furthest I'll go. Licking of cunt is not for me
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Old 19-03-2013, 02:31 PM
johntan69 johntan69 is offline
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Hi likashing and interested bros,

1. Kissing is generally thought to be a very low risk route of transmission, unless in the presence of open wounds within the mouth cavity.

2. RECEIVING fellatio (you sponsoring the penis) is also thought to be low risk in terms of HIV transmission. You can still receive other STDs, though generally this is less risky than other methods of sex.

2b. Giving cunnilingus is also less risky than unprotected intercourse. Whilst HIV transmission is rare (considered negligible by some), you can still receive herpes and gonorrhea amongst other horrors.

3. As many senior bros have stated, if you are scared, don't chiong. While it is not possible to completely negate STD transmission, it is possible to significantly reduce transmission risk with adequate protection. For example, barrier protection methods such as condoms for fellatio and dental dams for cunnilingus will help reduce the risk of you catching something nasty. NO PROTECTION WILL COMPLETELY REDUCE THE RISK OF STD TRANSMISSION TO ZERO
Old 20-03-2013, 05:05 PM
tiikokia tiikokia is offline
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Originally Posted by likashing View Post
My question is this:
When u visit this WL, how far do u go with her? Do u let her suck yr dick raw? Do u kiss her on the mouth? Do u dare to lick her cunt?
it depends on how tiiko you are !
i have friends who have been cheonging and licking and till now they are fine.
what is important is to go for your check ups once in a while or a year. most of these are curable if detected early, except for herpes, is not, as what the nurse at dsc told me.
condom is a must. otherwise the mental anguish and fear of contracting std is really torturous. i had a frightening experience once with bbbj. i thought i was dead, my future - gone.
but fortunately it went away after some cream from a pharmacy. i read up a lot and thought it was just an infection.
i went to dsc and was cleared.

Last edited by tiikokia; 21-03-2013 at 10:00 AM.
Old 07-04-2013, 01:27 PM
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

There is no such thing as totally safe...

Kissing can pass on cold sores...and any sexual act will bring with it some risk...

Sex is only as safe as the partner(s) you have it with.

Who is to say a girlfriend won't have a fling with someone while you are not looking?? And if that someone has a disease...there is a chance it will be passed on.

Of course, the risk increases exponentially when dealing with WL simply because of the numbers they go through.

I have been with one girl who only has had only one bf in her life...yet she has genital I calmly put my pants back on and declined being the second man in her life...

If it wasn't warts and it's something I couldn't see...then who knows what I would have gotten, even with condom and all...

Life is a bit of a risk anyway...mitigate those you can see and know about...and accept those you cannot see of know about...pushing the boundaries brings about higher risk and it is the individual who must decide if it is a risk worth taking...

Best of luck...

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
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Old 11-04-2013, 12:58 PM
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

How to have fun if BBBJ, painting, french kissing, etc all dare not to do ?

Might as well DIY yourself or only do it to your wife...........................
Old 27-04-2013, 10:04 PM
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

Originally Posted by Wizrd View Post
There is no such thing as totally safe...
Very well said
Old 16-05-2013, 12:43 AM
devil_jeff devil_jeff is offline
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Re: Bonking pretty WLs & the consequences

in a way i feel its more or less a "heng" or "suay" matter. there's plenty of us going for WL capped or not and still "surviving strong since our small head are always taking the lead. but nevertheless all it take is just a "suay" moment of a slipped condom / broken condom and DSC might just be the next place we end up. If you feel that you do not want to take the risk then jolly well stay faithful. there's no such thing as 100% safe.
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