An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Just to let you guys know that the govt is internally divided. lots of name calling and what not. What was thought to be a well conceived plan to target Yahoo and curtail views of readers but throwing 9 govt linked websites have badly misfired. To make matters worse is that the MDA CEO has a mum and brother buying $10 million apartments each, developed by a GLC and given discounts of 10%+10%+3%, not available to buyers in the open market has been a massive boo boo.
We not talking about $1 or $2M, it is whopping $20 million doled out by a family of a civil servant. And developed by a Govt linked company. How does an individual who believes in high capital of the American style end up banning free speech and an American website that reports local news in a clear objective and neutral manner.
Within a month, Chief of Govt Communication and the son of former disgraced President has screwed up.
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