An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Transmodified from hxxp://
PEASANTPORE: Communications and Propoganda Minion Yakult crowed it is a great comfort to know that many pro-regime lackeys, disguised as peasants have taken a stand against those who threaten the regime's outsourced computer systems and websites.
He urged lackeys to continue to misled peasants and rap on those who want to use the Cyberspace to balk the regime.
Posting on his Facebook page on Wednesday, Yakult, lambasted for his 'Once in a Century Flood' said any forms of cyber threats are actually threats if they target Ruler Loong or Familee.
He added some clever peasants have used a cunning 'I Try Only Defense', claiming their 'hacking' is done by curious peasants who simply followed instructions found online. He hinted as long as it slimes Ruler Loong or Familee, then it qualifies as 'irresponsible' and punitive measures will be rewarded by the Kangaroo Court presiding over the cases.
"KNNCCB, in Hokkien, such acts akin to peeing on the Big Boss head, you think Ruler Loong allows you to pee on his head in Peasantpore huh? Never go back to school and study the 'Big Balls Theorem' is it? In Peasantpore, you want to challenge Ruler Loong, might as well go jump into the toilet bow lor!" Yakult sneered.
He noted that many agencies have worked hard in the past weeks after realising their cheap outsourced IT operations cut corners and have not patched their systems for many full moons. IDA's Cybersecurity Fiasco is now in shambles after school boy crackers took down a few sites with the top prize going to GDC for slapping their own faces and fumbling their patching regime.
To placate Ruler Loong, wise old peasants realized the Poodles have rounded up a few netizens, demoonised them as top hackers to warn peasants while the Ang Moh Anonymous remained Untouchable, the regime will not hesitate to slam and bash local peasants who dare to make fun of Ruler Loong.
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