An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
74397.1Jurong West Secondary vice-principal takes issue with ‘every school is a good school’ ideal
Chiu Peace | Yahoo Newsroom – 1 hour 1 minute ago

Yahoo Newsroom - Jurong West Secondary vice-principal takes issue with ‘every school is a good school’ ideal. (Screengrab of Google Maps)
"How many of our leaders and top officers who say that every school is a good school put their children in ordinary schools near their home? (Only) until they actually do so are parents going to buy (it)."
Those were the exact words of
Jurong West Secondary School (JWSS) vice-principal Pushparani Nadarajah, who was responding to speakers and teachers’ discussions of making every school a good one at the inaugural
AsiaEducationExpo (AEX) 2013, according to a report by
The Straits Times.
During the first panel discussion, which was attended by about 200 participants, several educators expressed hope that parents would recognise the efforts of all schools to bring out the best in students.
The neighbourhood school’s vice principal’s startling remark drew applause from those who attended the event.
Meanwhile, on social media, netizens are hailing her as a hero.
Memes are also being generated and some of them are going viral.
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