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Old 17-09-2005, 11:54 PM
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Why do i cheong?

I guess ppl cheong this colorful world of commercial sex for a variety of reasons. Beside the obvious one to release urge, some do it out of loneliness, for warmth & company of a woman, some out of pure fun & thrill seeking & some are looking for the elusive GF feelin...

Aft cheong for slightly more than 3 yrs, I reflect that i usually do it whenever I am depressed &/or stressed... think it all started one evening 3 years bac when i tried my 1st paid sex partner--- a beautiful PRC streetwalker. I realised how all my worries & unhappiness wld evaporated during the 30 min when i am indulging in such carnal pleasure

Slowly i explored many other channels & tried everythk frm HC, Cat 150 to local FL... Now it's like becomming a habit, a way of temporary escapism..

I dun know if i'm considered a sex addict... but lately i've been contemplating to quit. I realized too that when life is goin well, it's easy to resist the urge. It's only when i am feelin down, feelin abandoned that i'll have the "Fuck it... i'm gona enjoy myself tonite since life is so unhappy" feeling...

I wonder if anyone out there shares the same sentiments? Also, i wld be appreciative if any bro who has successfully retire can share some advices on how to quit..

Sorry for this long, depressive part... think i'm sufferin frm some kinda of mood disorder haha..
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Old 18-09-2005, 12:17 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

guess the pressure of Singapore life get us down to relief in comm. sex
however one must control for it may obssessed your life.
Old 18-09-2005, 12:30 AM
lidna lidna is offline
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Re: Why do i cheong?

I share your views. My first chionging experience happened when I'm feeling down and out but also to fulfill my curiosity of commercial sex. But I'm not a regular of commercial sex though. In fact, abstained from it for about 1 yr already... recently read a view of one of the samsters here and it further reinforce my decision... he said that chionging only satisfy the urge initially. After it, don't you feel kinda lost? I do. Worse, you worry for days and weeks and even months abt stds and all kind of nonsense - all for that half an hour of sex? Now, I'm in some sort of depression. But no... no more commercial sex... its not a solution
Old 18-09-2005, 12:33 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

You are not the onlu one feeling this way. In fact I also feel this way. Cheers up bro.
Old 18-09-2005, 01:13 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

GL probably is for heartlanders

and they mentioned Social Escorts are for highlanders!

and there can only be one ???
Old 18-09-2005, 01:22 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

Originally Posted by lidna
I share your views. My first chionging experience happened when I'm feeling down and out but also to fulfill my curiosity of commercial sex. But I'm not a regular of commercial sex though. In fact, abstained from it for about 1 yr already... recently read a view of one of the samsters here and it further reinforce my decision... he said that chionging only satisfy the urge initially. After it, don't you feel kinda lost? I do. Worse, you worry for days and weeks and even months abt stds and all kind of nonsense - all for that half an hour of sex? Now, I'm in some sort of depression. But no... no more commercial sex... its not a solution
Yes, cheonging always leave u with that EMPTY aftermath feeling... if there is some emotional void in ur life in the 1st plc

i guess commercial sex, as it name states, is only to satisfy ur sexual urge. If u are heart-broken aft a failed relationship or feelin depressed, aft that 45 min of pleasure, u wld stil the same way..

Not to mention all the worries & uncertaintly aft the session... some of my frens also paranoid of HIV & STD.. remembered how i will worry when i have a small cold haha... relief only aft the test; and the money spent cld be down payment for a car or some long term investment...

Afterall, u can't buy love or affection... but i guess most bros here are matured enuff to know that & cheonging is fine.
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Old 18-09-2005, 01:58 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

We cheong for different reasons and causes.
To each of its own.
But whatever the reason it may be, just remember you are who you are.
The world of cheonging is a just a temporary relief realm where you can forget abt your problems for a while.
But then again, if there is no action, where is the reaction?
Old 18-09-2005, 06:24 PM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

Just to relate my experience. It all started when i visited a strip club on a solo working trip to the States. After that, I experience some sort of sexual awakening, and once back in Singapore, i revisit Sammyboy (after a break of many years) on a regular basis. i juz grew bolder with each visit to this forum and eventually, a visit to a GL CAT40 house.

Initially, dun want to betray my future wife cos i know if i start commercial sex, it will be a blemish on my 'character' and a dark secret i have to keep to myself forever. It might be a path of no return since it can be addictive. juz like taking drugs. But then, i thought, i might not eventually meet the 'right' girl to get married (and have sex)

Didn't quite expect that comm'l sex can be momentary cure-all for my mood swings, depression,etc. to think i have been missing out the fun for so many years. With comm'l sex as part of my lifestyle choices, living on seems more bearable. True enough, at times, i do feel 'empty' after each sexual escapade, but that is life. no matter what we do, happiness is only fleeting.

To me, life essentially sux no matter how much we have in terms of love, money etc. Cheonging is juz a way of making life less dreadful.Just enjoy that fleeting moment of ecstasy.
Life sucks; but less with more fucks
Old 19-09-2005, 01:46 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

Hi Bros,

Yah sighz, me too man. Started chionging 3 yrs ago too. Yah, got many reasons to go chiong. For me... I'm gf no nothing...Sometimes need a gal to cuddle to...bopian haf to go gl to look for a 'gf'. Yah true, sometimes after chionging...very worried about STDs...But y...think i need to control man, refrain from going gl...but every now n then is like thinking of going there...sometimes see other people wif gf so lovely...feel darn lonely...

I keep telling myself to find a companion but hard lehz. I just dun haf the looks and 'style' or even cash...

Maybe it's not horniness...its due to loneliness and boredom...
"No man, against my fate, sends me to Hades'.
And as for fate, I'm sure no man escapes it,
Neither a good nor bad man, once he's born."
Old 19-09-2005, 09:26 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

There are many reason why we cheong. Firstly we are human beings with needs(or iszit lust?). Some goes to KTV for the company, the drinks and the gals to grab and a momentary period, we are treated like kings and the gal is at our whimp to our every beastly act...

The other one is engaging in commerical sex...some do it for pure lust...the lust for the flesh, the perky breast, the great butt...the smooth skin, G-string..the gals are professional and more likely or not, their love making skill wins our own gf or we are lost in a world of lust and fantasy...for a moment that is and then it is back to reality...and of course the money we have to payout...

It's all part of life, going through the different will come to a stage whereby you start to want to settle down and stop all this commerical activity...the WL can only offer us a temporary escapade and not our emotional needs.

But in the midst of all this, there is always risk, risk of contracting STDs, risk of sexual addiction. I have seen some friends who borrows to patronise commerical sex or some who throw away all their savings to go KTV 4, 5 times a month.

So end of the day, you are your own can chose to stop.
Old 19-09-2005, 10:16 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

cheong! cheong! cheong!
shoot! shoot! shoot!
bonk! bonk! bonk!
Old 19-09-2005, 11:34 AM
knn03 knn03 is offline
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Re: Why do i cheong?

Hi Bro,

Agreed with what you said...i cheong only when i am depressed or feeling low...I also know that cheong is not going to resolve whatever issues that we are facing, but the temporary reprieve is addictive. For that 30 mins - 1 hour, you dont think of your troubles, you just concentrate on the physical high from the sex. Have been controlling myself recently, just go down to GL and see see look look...however, there are times that you still feel tempted to travel down the dark path....
Like the signoff of one bro, life sux, but it is more bearable with more fuck..
Old 19-09-2005, 11:40 AM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

Originally Posted by Herich
Didn't quite expect that comm'l sex can be momentary cure-all for my mood swings, depression,etc. to think i have been missing out the fun for so many years. With comm'l sex as part of my lifestyle choices, living on seems more bearable. True enough, at times, i do feel 'empty' after each sexual escapade, but that is life. no matter what we do, happiness is only fleeting.

To me, life essentially sux no matter how much we have in terms of love, money etc. Cheonging is juz a way of making life less dreadful.Just enjoy that fleeting moment of ecstasy.
Yeah bro, u share my sentiments. Didn't quite expect cheonging cld provide such relife against all my mood swing & depresssion. It's like a anti-depressant haha
I've a fren who used to see a Psychiatrist for his depression & pays ard $200-$300 every month. I told him i felt better each session with the GL gal & slightly cheaper haha.... if the net effect of both case (Seeing a shrink & visiting a prostitute) is to make urself "feel" better, i guess it doesn't matter so much which one u choose to visit?

Originally Posted by dt3305
There are many reason why we cheong. Firstly we are human beings with needs(or iszit lust?). Some goes to KTV for the company, the drinks and the gals to grab and a momentary period, we are treated like kings and the gal is at our whimp to our every beastly act...

But in the midst of all this, there is always risk, risk of contracting STDs, risk of sexual addiction. I have seen some friends who borrows to patronise commerical sex or some who throw away all their savings to go KTV 4, 5 times a month.

So end of the day, you are your own can chose to stop.
I dun engage in beastly act... i'm always gentlemanly & friendly

But the amount we spt on commercial sex can indeed be frightening & addictive... i've nv indulge in so expensive "hobby" b4. I remembered how it wiped out my savings of $3000 in one year..

Yup... we are master of our own destiny.... hopefully i can quit successfully in the near future
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Old 19-09-2005, 09:05 PM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

Guess I have some to share too. Frankly, each time after I cheong(especially in those "B" southern island), I felt shiok. The kind of surperb service those WLs provide. But at the same time guilt...cos I am married. At times I wonder if only my wife keep slim and sexy..maybe, just maybe, I wont cheong with those WLs. Shes too busy with her career and here I am fooling around without her knowledge. I been telling myself, all good things/times have to come to an end and there will come the time where I'll throw my towel. Question is when...sigh...
Old 20-09-2005, 07:51 PM
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Re: Why do i cheong?

Bro I agree...
I have the same feeling, i have stopped for like a year already and i intend to keep it that way till i die. Reason being if you spend a day thinking about have your life ahead of you and one little virus is all it takes to bring that all down with disgrace and death. .... think about your family friends and what you could have achieve....for those even more irresponsible if they do it when they are married with kids...people know immoral, sinful, barbaric but generally through the feeling of "everyone is doing it" attitude they just proceed ...and thus depend on a piece of 0.03mm latex to decide whether they live or die horribly...what do you think ...i suggest whenever you have the urge just log into this forum and come to this thread will lose the urge...i had a close friend died due to full blown AIDS and he went for commercial sex 6 times....that was all it took
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