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Old 13-12-2005, 11:56 AM
hubber26 hubber26 is offline
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Remember when you lost your Virgin?

I have read some threads regarding how exciting you lost your virgin to my mum's friend etc. But now, I would like to write a story in memory of my true experience on how I lost mine and till today after 6yrs, I still searching and couldnt forget her. My name aka Don and my gal aka Fyn. This event took place while during me and fyn poly time.

Samster, this for reading pleasure of my true experience. PLease pardon my english.


During enrolment of 1st yr polytechnic in 1998, I was the chao ah beng in the course whereby my course mates are all studious type. I was in the optimetry guess well that only SP have this course. I was a simply bo-chap, smoker (the only one in the course) feel kinda boring. Life was kinda of meaningless for me thou since I was 18, virgin and single, never had any Gf before.

During Orientation, i simply pon-ten the entire session. Before the school start, it was my birthday. All my outside friends (abit lau chiao) organise a party for me at the very very last minute. He call some of his old gal school mate (sec school) to come to his house for a party. Well, this guy Ray was kinda of rich kid with a detach bungalow. Ray and I was outside frens and we were all riding bicycle then as both of us are taking class 2B. Anyway, we had a party with 4 gals and 2 of us only. Only a gal caught my eyes, Mary. The fact that my fren organise this party was to put me and mary together. I wasn't really fancy of mary at the first sight but the Man's side of me told me" die die must up this gal, she is a virgin (confirm) and me too"

After the party, the gals and Ray chatted alot with me on the phone for the next few days. I was working in a office showroom as Sale Executive. My school starts in 2 weeks time, I must make more sales" I told myself".

3 days later, I was surprise that Mary called me (HP) saying that her frens force her to but being a nice ah beng, I reply gently ok and everything was smooth sailing. 1st BGR, hold hands to Mc and always finding places at playgrounds or carpark for petting. Me and mary never had any real sex cos she believe she wants to save it for marriage.

School start (poly), all my classmates wearing glasses (optimetry) but me. I like to wearing brand jeans and shirts and having long long hair plus ear stud. (Come to think of it, I dress like Syvestre during the 2nd day of school). I could not make it for the 1st day of school becos I have to report to police station (some stupid I did)..

Continue after lunch...
Old 13-12-2005, 01:48 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

Sad to say I did remember.............. Oh noooooooo noooooo I refuse to register the event ever again, worst memory I had...... But I love the second time though...

I was not rape for your information and I am a guy, cause the first time is always the worst exprience for myself....

Old 13-12-2005, 03:24 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

While in school, everyone took me as an outcast, stylo-milo kind of guy. Anyway, Mary has been my gf for 4 yrs and me did not really make love to her.

Cut the story short. On the 3rd year of my course, I kept noticing a gal, sort of ah lian look but b cupper just next to my class. I was in A class and she was in B class, often, we had both class having the same tutor and same lecture. That was when I always look at her. Fyn was like a kitty, ht 165, 60kg, some baby fat, Dye yellow/brown hair and Big B cup.

Althought I spend all my time with my gf Mary petting only. During the last semster on the last year. I dun know why but then Fyn offer to buy me a drink for no reason. I reply to her that I wan milk, fresh soya milk? She went to buy me a vitasoy... We seldom speak to each other for the pass 3 yrs but suddenly she get kinda friendly with me. I ask for he Hp personally during before lecture start where no one around. She give me without asking me why. I was using a Ericsson 388 why she is using a 768.

Remember those early days, you using dot matrix symbol to make bears and roses via sms? I did however used all my special sms to send to her. During class discussion time, I would sit with me group and her with her group and we would sms each other. Complaining this guy very indian chief, i reply that this purposely Zao Geng to me now. We had so much fun then.

Very soon, we begin to chat more often. Meanwhile, I still involve with my gf Mary, she join SP as my junior one yr. I just bought a class 2A bike without 2A licence and was waiting for Class 2A tp. I was getting with Mary, this cannot, that cannot, oh man, I'm a 21yr old virgin!!!

As me and Fyn began to chat, I was taking my 2A practical without Mary knowing it. I skidded on the riding track, having the E brake too hard. I had bruises on my knees and elbows. I was taken to bandage up my wound. Waiting at the office for my 2A log book, I decided to call up Fyn instead of Mary.
Old 13-12-2005, 03:46 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

I was in BBDC, south western while Fyn was staying in Hougang. I call Fyn and told her what happened. In less than 30min, Fyn was at BBDC with me. She took a cab all the way from home to BBDC, cost about $15 buck just to see me I'm ok or not. I had bandage up my both knees and the next day happened to be my TP test! Nabei, suay man! tomorrow tp, today bwang.

It was 8pm wednesday night, I had torn jeans, dirtied T shirt, bandage knees and I was so sad before Fyn came. Fyn was like my angel that came before christmas. Christmas was around the corner. Dispite my injury, I stubbornly wanted to send her home from BBDC to Hougang. Fyn suggest we took bus instead of cab. I'm alright with it but having abit of problem getting up the double deck bus. Fyn was wearing short and T shirt, i guess she must have rush out to see me. I was so touch and then I decided to change bus to another bus whereby it took a longer route, passing by Orchard road to hougang. Fyn happily agreed.

She help me walk down the stair and and up another double deck bus towards Orchard. Since it was nearly christmas, the christmas lighting at Orchard was so nice she said. To me, I never have such a romantic feeling as my gf was a homely gal, like to stay at home type.

Me and Fyn chatted all the way till hougang but she decided to alight a few stopped before her house. There at around 9.30pm, she brought me to a park near hougang. (I cant remember what park is it?) We decide to stroll down the park together, she mention how her bf Joe keep treating her like a sex slave. Like to do raw and almost 5-6 time per week. OMG! I am still a virgin, but I act macho abit saying "it common for guys at my age to have high sex drive". Our chit chat gets more intimate and somehow i begin to have more sexual desire for Fyn.
Old 13-12-2005, 04:05 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

We stroll the hougang park till 10.30pm and the aprk is getting more deserted. I make an excuse that my knees is pain, i need to rest. I purposely chose a spot dark and deserted with a bench. Fyn was sitting real close to me and I was getting hard on... I duno what came over me, I just begin to put my hand behind her back, blow air onto her ear, my lip really close to her chin and my another hand on her knee slowly up to the tummy. She turn and kiss me and breathing heavily. I was abit shock but was expecting this to happened.

This wasnt the 1st time that I had kiss a gal in a park, but she was rather uneasy about this. I starting massaging her tummy and getting to the lower adominal. I can feel her body was heating up and Fyn got more response than Mary. But the ice water came flushing down, Fyn push me away. I said sorry but she dun seem to be unhappy but just shy.

She told me she needs to go home now, I wanted to send her to her doorstep (Hoping to fuck her at her house) but then she was going to home alone and unconvenience for me to take also. We walk to the bus stop and there, waited for me to board my bus before she leaves. On the way, home I wasnt thinking any at all, I was damn tired from the riding practical and school, plus tomorrow I have a class 2A TP. I was getting tp skipped tomorrow its school.

I got home and sms her, she reply shortly saying she is in bed, alone now. I sms her that Can I call you? she reply ok! Fyn talk to me in sleepy voice and slowly we chatted to more intimate stuff like petting, masturbating and sex etc... She ask me to have phone sex with her.... I was stunned again. I never had anything such stupid thing like "PHONE SEX?!". I reply ok and she begin to groan on the phone.

Nabei, 1st time a gal told me she is really wet and groaning for sex while I Gong Gong listen to it at home. My mind was wondering to heaven liao, thinking I could cheong down to hougang with my 2A bike, super4! She says she wouldnt want me to go out now as I was injured and I have no licence yet. Sian 1/2!!!
Old 13-12-2005, 04:21 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

Next day, wake up early at 6am to proceed to take my 2A Tp. Damn early sia, had to force myself to wake up and take TP. My bandage since yesterday was still on, no time liao, rush out to BBDC without bath and ride my 2A bike to BBDC. Kinda of daring, dare to ride without licence to driving centre somemore!!

Yappee, I pass 2A and had to attend a short talk by the instructor, saying "I know alot of you burgers out here, ride your bike here to take licence huh? I know your face and better pray that you pass!" Was he +++ing about me? Instructor continue asking "whoes skipper and TZR at the Bt Gombak station belong to?" Phew!!! Wasnt me... I pass my 2A and proceed to update my licence, there at level 2, I saw Fyn in bermudas and T Shirt. I was so happy to see her and told I pass the test. I ask her, why wasnt you in school, I know you have class. She came to support me she says. I begining to fall in love with fyn more than ever.

We happily chat and now... we are holding hands cause we know we like each other even thou she got Bf and I got Gf. Anyway, when we reach my bike, Alamak! I forgot to bring extra helmet. I told her to wait for me at BBDC while I rush home to take. NABEI!! That time while riding home, the feeling was damn damn high lor! Pass my licence and got this gal come support me!

She told she been a pillon b4 and sure enough, she was very steady and climb up the my bike. Sweet, she was even more experience than I +++ (as a pillon). But I cant really concentrate well enough during riding my bike, her breast was huge! compare to my Gf (AA size). Siong arh! I suggest we go have lunch at King Albert Mcdonald. Wha lan erh, really romantic when I'm with her, she dun care other seeing us, tickling my leg then OUCH!!! you touch my wound at the knees.

After lunch, I suggest to go to her house (my house all the while got my mum who is not working) and see see. Ok lah. Lucky I still know the way to hougang as I have memorise the route the bus took.
Old 13-12-2005, 04:44 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

Good post bro....humble points to support you.
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Old 13-12-2005, 04:48 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

When I reach her house, she invite me in and told quietly go to the 1st room on my right. I was wondering why so sneaky. Quickly, she came in and lock the door, saying her younger sister is having tuition in another room. Ok then.

Mai Tu liao! I grab her and kiss her and frenching like "Hua Shan Lun Jian". I press her against the wall and begin to went under neat the T shirt and hunt for the hilll and peaks. She push me back abit and she unhook her bra! She really got a nice pair of perky big breast! B-C cup... I took off her T shirt and begin slurping on the peaks. My hands start to venture in to black holeo f the unknown while I was mouthfull of peaks!

Fyn was 1/2 naked and stopped me pulling down the her bermudas. She is having her period. Nabei! I was thinking "I dun care less about period or what, I most no eating of pussy lor?" (True enough she disappear before I can eat her pussy). She begin to reach for my little brother. Wah! Damn it, such a nice feeling to be touch i by another gal.

As I was still on bandage in my knees I cant really move much due to the bruise. I began to finger her CB with her panty on, frenching her, and she grabing my little brother, fyn was quite experience. She was going to cum, I say so fast? Of course my fingering petting experience wasnt lousy too. Touch by me was electrifying she says. She completely undress herself naked and I was naked too standing up with my little brother point at her. She wanted me to get into her and so she lay a big towel on the floor and lay down wanting me to do missionary. I tried... but I cant!!! My bruises and bandages on both my knee are really painful!!!

Sensing her disappointment, I continue to french her and finger her like petting my gf. My mind was racing against time, how to fuck her without staining bed and bending my knees? I pull her towards me as I lay on my back on her bed. She was like, amaze with my idea... of course I have some RA tape at home mah. Slowly She insert my little brother into her pussy. I groan more louder than her!! Shhh! she say, my sister is just next door. okok!! She sat on me and starting pump my little bro, up down up down then OUCH!! Her movement was too fast and my little bro was hurt.
Old 13-12-2005, 05:06 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

I must "su lang mai su say"... Endure the pain! Ask her to follow my lead, she nodded, I know she was having fun and enjoying it. I was still lying on my back and while she is on top of me, insert my little bro, I pulll her arm towards me and she lying flat on me press her b cup on me. Shiok! I start to pump her from below with the momentum she wants, Quick/slow... She like to talk alot about sex and also talk alot during sex.

I guess that was the only position I can think of with my injuries. I pump her hard and fast until she was biting my neck as she orgasms, trying to keep quiet as her sister was still having tuition. she totally weak and shivering and I told her I was going to cum, she say "Quick cum inside".

I was doing her raw and 1st time to Cum In CB (CICB). My gf was afraid of getting pregnent and never allow me to go in at all even with CD. Anyway back to Fyn, I had my 1st orgasms with her's and CICB and RAW and DOING WHILE CHEONG RED (PERIOD!!!) ! We proceed to wipe ourselve with towel (Remember the big towel she lay on the floor) and she rest and speak softly beside me.

All along, my gf +++ that I was in school and yet I am in the bed of another gal whom is attached. Fyn to me that she is having period, little of getting pregnant and also due to her period, her bf feels its unhygenic and wouldnt want to fuck her. That's way she feel so horny. She dropped a ton of weight on me when she said I know you still a virgin, not bad for a virgin too... OMG!! my image as a ah beng burst!

To be continue tomorrow, stay tune! Thanks the brother who up me...

Btw, I was writing this experience hoping to get in contact with her again. I really dun mind if she see this, I know she dun mind too. I miss her so much till now. OFF WORK!! Bye...
Old 13-12-2005, 05:27 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

I must "su lang mai su say"... Endure the pain! Ask her to follow my lead, she nodded, I know she was having fun and enjoying it. I was still lying on my back and while she is on top of me, insert my little bro, I pulll her arm towards me and she lying flat on me press her b cup on me. Shiok! I start to pump her from below with the momentum she wants, Quick/slow... She likes to talk alot about sex and also talk alot during sex.

I guess that was the only position I can think of with my injuries. I pump her hard and fast until she was biting my neck as she orgasms, trying to keep quiet as her sister was still having tuition. she totally weak and shivering and I told her I was going to cum, she say "Quick cum inside".

I was doing her raw and 1st time to Cum In CB (CICB). My gf was afraid of getting pregnent and never allow me to go in at all even with CD. Anyway back to Fyn, I had my 1st orgasms with her's and CICB and RAW and DOING WHILE CHEONG RED (PERIOD!!!) ! We proceed to wipe ourselve with towel (Remember the big towel she lay on the floor) and she rest and speak softly beside me.

All along, my gf thought that I was in school and yet I am in the bed of another gal whom is attached. Fyn told to me that she is having period, little of getting pregnant and also due to her period, her bf feels its unhygenic and wouldnt want to fuck her. That's way she feel so horny. She dropped a ton of weight on me when she said I know you still a virgin, not bad for a virgin too... OMG!! my image as a ah beng burst! I ask her, I know you not virgin, then how many guys you have sex with before me. She was counting 1,2,3,4....8 guys before..

To be continue tomorrow, stay tune! Thanks the brother who up me...

Btw, I was writing this experience hoping to get in contact with her again. I really dun mind if she see this, I know she dun mind too. I miss her so much till now. OFF WORK!! Bye...
Old 13-12-2005, 08:57 PM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

Originally Posted by hubber26
OMG!! my image as a ah beng burst!
hahahah, hubber26, you very funny lah, ah beng cannot be virgin huh, ha ha ha, but good story bro
Old 16-12-2005, 09:58 AM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

Paiseh, Paiseh, Yesterday, chiao Keng abit, MC... Now back to work.

Where did I stopped? Oh yeah... She was counting...

She was telling me that the 1st time she had sex with a older man of 9 yrs older! when she was 17 and the 26 year old guy (btw, I saw his picture, a 26yrs old fat ass, could be one of the samster, I must worshipped him) and she said he teach everything. Damn shit, this guy must have enjoy it very MUCH! I was such a newbie to sex while she act like big sister, console me, telling me how great I am on bed which makes me fell macho. Heehee... Our fucking session was very sexitifying but she wanted me to work on my rythm. wtf, what is it??? 4yrs later then I know.

Her sister was still having tuition while we proceed to the kitchen to get drinks and we were fully clothed except she wasnt wearing any bra! We chatted, saying how his Bf do this and that, I was also kinda of curious, was her bf better me or what? She complain that her bf wasnt good enough to sastify her. She say Joe (her bf) alway cum before her and only do once a day. I was different, she says, I make her cum before I cum... Sweet!!! Then I ask her, you wanna cum again now, right here? (Kitchen) She give me the smiling stunned slut look!! Mai tu liao...

I starting to kiss her neck and start frenching. I tried to remove her top, but she resist saying that someone could see her from the kitchen window and her sister might come out from tuition anytime. So I just used my hand creep inside her t shirt and grab her boobie. I began tunning her nipples while my right hand goes down under. When I start reaching (Reaching only) down under, she was going wild. YeeeHaaa... I pull down her short and again she resisted, I told I only wanna pull down abit, easily for me to make you cum. She agreed. As I start fingering her, I then found the different between the virgin CB (Mary) and a Lao Chiao CB (Fyn). Fyn's clintoris was deep and hairy and her CB juicy was thicker, I think due to her period. Thank god, her period was alot less then when I fuck her early on. But I still remember I got blood stain on my middle finger leh.

Anyway, I give her my best fingering skill (3yrs experiences, hee...) she keep asking me, harder... oh... faster... oh...yes!! I have to used extra strength then normal (my gf) and extra speed... I put hyper drive and fingering her till she tipped and began shaking... I now it when she cum, exactly like my gf Mary. Fyn was panting and shaking, telling me stopped it, cannot tahan liao. Her lower limbs was like jelly and I help her to the sofas. I tried teasing by touching her nipples and kissing her neck... SHe say buay tahan lah, cannot lah, very sensitive...
Old 16-12-2005, 10:29 AM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

While on sofa, She began to tell me that Joe seldom finger her and make her cum because Joe feels that IT IS DISGUSTING!! Oh man! That guy was an idiot or what? I told Fyn by making a gal cum also sexitifying after man cum mah. Joe never understand that by making a gal cum or reach climax, she will be head or heed for the man!!! My gf does that, now I know Fyn will do that too. She also said Joe also like her to do BJ but Fyn dun like it. She said got smell and sometime not clean. Hmmm... I was thinking, I got mine little brother clean and unsmelly this morning right? I joking told her I wanna show her mine little brother and check whether mine is clean and smell or not? She readily excited and want to see now..

1st time, brother, 1st time exposing my little brother in broad daylight(Normally I will do my petting with Mary in dark place at night) to a gal. But wtf, I already fuck her and maybe she will say mine is better then her bf Joe. (You all know lah, It is a kinda of guys thing that we all wanna compare). She inspect my little bro carefully and slowly move down inbetween my legs. She start kissing my little bro head and my little brother salute back. She look up to me and says, its cleaner and smell nicer than I thought. Muahahaha... Plus point for my little brother, morales was high and then....

She start giving me BBBJ, my 1st time too. Sweet!!! I tried to grab her boobs but she push my hand away. I guess she was still sensitive. Oh my god, BJ was so wonderful, I never feel so great before, come on baby... after 15 min of BJ, I still couldnt cum and I know that she is tired. I told her to stop and and I carried her to her room and lock the door.

I stripped her naked and i auto stripped myself naked too. THEN, she told me she just learn a new style recently, I said HUH? She walk to the dressing table and bend down. She took my little brother and guide him to the pussy slowly, damn it! she is already wet. Oh man, I start doing doggie and it feels great. Man! you know, I was facing the mirror of her dressing table and I could see she is enjoy every bit of my fucking and I feel damn macho. With the morale ever higher, I pump her from the back quick and steady deep thrust... She was biting her own arm and try not to make any noise. She was amazed by how I could be so quiet and stealthy. I just keep quiet (aiyah, petting in public places for 3yrs experience leh, have to be quiet and stealthy) continue thrusting her deep and fast. Oh man, she got a really nice butt and ass. I saw her asset thru the mirror! (I still cannot forget the best "Just nice" boobs I saw bouncing to and fro against the mirror.

I pump and pump, I know it hard for me to cum but I never give up!! I cumming, I said. She said cum inside... What the heck? I cum everything inside of her CB. I was beat and so she was. We proceed to lie naked on her single bed and holding tight to each other. She whisper in my ear "you know? that is the best fuck I had since the 1st one. Cum 4 times in one day..." I was thinking, are you sure 4 times? I only counted 3 times? What the heck! I'm beat and rested for awhile.
Old 16-12-2005, 10:41 AM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

Hi Brothers, you all like my story. True story hor btw. Please post your comment leh. I typing alone very sian... going for a smoke, ciao... be back in awhile.
Old 16-12-2005, 10:46 AM
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Re: Remember when you lost your Virgin?

Originally Posted by who_represents
hahahah, hubber26, you very funny lah, ah beng cannot be virgin huh, ha ha ha, but good story bro
B4 i go, i like comment that. In my school image (Poly), I was the stylo milo type among all the nerdy professor to be. I just had a slight intelligent and smart way to memorise all formulas and equation and that gets me to a good course of optmetry. I tell you all, I was the big brother of my course even thought I was shorter and smaller then most of of guy classmates. Some of my female classmates actually fancies me one hor, I reject them. You know why? Bo Nei! Small breast except Fyn was the bigger ones around...
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